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September 25, 2013 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2013-09-25

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Ann Arbor, Michigan

Wednesday, September 25, 2013


CSG reps
upset with

LSA senior Antoyrie Green gets ready to read from "To Kill a Mockingbird" during the University Library's Read Out in honor of Banned Book Week. Participants
read a two to three minute excerpt of some of their favorited banned books in order to raise awareness about literary censorship.
Bannedb spotlight

Despite allegations,
Keeney appointed
as general counsel
Daily StaffReporter
Party politics took a toll on
the Central Student Govern-
ment agenda on Tuesday night as
assembly representatives made
accusations against Law stu-
dent Jeremy Keeney, who was
nominated to be student general
counsel, of being ethically com-
The University Election Com-
mission is a five-member body
responsible for settling election-
related disputes in CSG. A mem-
ber of the assembly is required to
serve on UEC each year. Keeney,
who served as an independent
assembly representative for the
2012-13 academic year, was nom-
inated for the position.

The assembly members voted
to appoint Keeney as SGC with
20 yes votes, six no votes and 12
During the last CSG election
cycle in late March, LSA senior
Chris Osborn - political party
forUM's presidential candidate
- was disqualified from the CSG
elections on grounds of election
code violations despite garner-
ing a plurality of the popular
vote. Candidates of opposition
party youMICH, Business senior
Michael Proppe was instated in
his place.
Rumors that Jeremy Keeney
had been promised a position
in the executive branch of CSG
in return for ousting forUM
through the UEC from the elec-
tion circulated, along with an
e-mail that allegedly proved Kee-
ney's prior affiliation with you-
In April of last year, Univer-
sity alum Shreya Singh, former
See CSG, Page 2A


lead out' held bans on certain literature are
still an issue across the United
n Diag to start States.
Tuesday afternoon, Univer-
sorship dialogue sity Libraries hosted its fourth
annual Read Out on the steps
By SARA YUFA of Hatcher Graduate Library to
For theDaily raise awareness of censorship
during national Banned Books
town like Ann Arbor, it's Week.
o imagine access to books Participants read a few pas-
ever be denied. However, sages from books that have his-

torically been contested and
banned such as "Invisible Man"
by Ralph Ellison, "And Tango
Makes Three" by Peter Parnell
and Justin Richardson, and
"Waterland" by Graham Swift.
Other Banned Books Week
events at the University include
an exhibit at Shapiro Under-
graduate Library that took place
last week and a Virtual Read Out

Associate Librarian Emily
Hamstra, who has planned the
event for four years, said it is an
advocacy week from the Ameri-
can Library Association to spot-
light censorship policies.
"It's mainly to make people
aware that these sorts of things
happen in our community
because people have pushed to
have (books) taken off of the
See BOOKS, Page 2A

In a
hard t

'U' researchers
work on brain
i breakthroughs

u. -Iam

Work focuses on
synapses, has
potential clinical
Daily StaffReporter
The human brain forms syn-
apses - microscopic connections
between neurons in the brain
- to record thoughts, memo-
ries and ideas. When 100-billion
neurons need to find their con-
nections, the biology behind the
process is complex, to say the
Assistant Biochemistry Prof.
Hisashi Umemori said many
debilitating diseases, including
autism, epilepsy and schizo-
phrenia, could be linked to
certain neurodevelopmental
dysfunctions that occur when
brain structures fail to properly
Umemori's research was pub-
lished in the scientific journal,
Nature, on Sept. 15.
At the molecular level, these
dysfunctions are caused by
improper wiring of synapses.
Recently, Umemori's lab identi-
fied an important new molecule,

SIRP-alpha, which is involved in
the process of synapse matura-
tion in the brain, thus opening
the door to possible therapeutic
"These diseases are caused
by defects during synapse for-
mation, so that's why under-
standing the steps of these
molecules - by which the brain
is formed - we hope to con-
tribute to the treatment and
prevention of those diseases,"
Umemori said.
The lab is exploring neuron
connectivity and brain develop-
ment, especially the pathways by
which the brain systems become
wired early in life.
"Neurons are precisely con-
nected to each other, mean-
ing each neuron knows exactly
"We're interested in how such a
precise network is formed."
Neuronal pathways in the
brain are formed in two distinct
steps, Umemori said. The first
step, which begins at birth and
continues until adolescence,
establishes the initial connec-
tions between neurons and forms
a preliminary network.
In the second step, the con-
nections are either reinforced or
eliminated based on the amount
See BRAIN, Page 2A

Ross sophomore Angie Pae works participates in the Great Write Off at Espresso Royale on State Street on Tus-
day. In honor of the upcoming State of the Book literary symposium on Saturday, Espresso's front window area was
decked out with typewriters and free donuts in order to raise money for six local literary organizations.
Lectures focus on minors'
safety on college campuses

lecture to
be aired on
Lecture recorded
in Ann Arbor to
be featured in
history series
Daily StaffReporter
History enthusiasts, mark
your calendars.
C-SPAN, the cable network
known for uninterrupted broad-
casts of congressional hearings,
is set to air a lecture Saturday
that was delivered by History
Prof. Gina Morantz-Sanchez.
The lecture will air at 8 p.m. on
C-SPAN3 - channel 105 in Ann
Arbor. Morantz-Sanchez's lec-
ture will be featured on Ameri-
can History TV, a weekend-long
programming block designed
especially for history buffs. Each
weekend, a college lecture is
featured in the 8 p.m. timeslot,
branded as "Lectures in History."
Morantz-Sanchez's lecture
will cover the backlash toward
the Women's Liberation Move-
See C-SPAN, Page 2A

Presenters a yearlong series on the safety
of minors on colleges cam-
reflct n caes t puses.
Supported by a grant from
University, UPenn the Family Assessment Learn-
ing Laboratory for Education
By RACHEL PREMACK and Research, the series will
Daily StaffReporter consist of eight three-hour dis-
cussions on the maltreatment
In a small School of Social of minors on college campuses.
Work classroom Tuesday, the The series is a response to
school held the first seminar in the child sexual abuse scan-

dal involving Jerry Sandusky,
Pennsylvania State University
assistant football coach, and
the child-pornography case
involving former medical resi-
dent Stephen Jenson, along
with the institutional failures
surrounding these events.
Social Work Prof. Kathleen
Coulborn Faller said these
incidents highlighted flaws in

Dave Brandon's fireworks
A look at the athletic director, businessman
and Michigan man INSIDE

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INDEX NEWS....................2A SUDOKU..................,..2A
Vol. CXXIII, No.138 OPINION .....................4A CLASSIFIEDS...............6A
@201 TheMichiganDaily SPORTS......................7A THE STATEMENT.:........lB

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