2B - Thursday, September 19, 2013
The Michigan Daily - michigandaily. corm
This one goes out to
Khloe Kardashian
in this new series, three daily arts writers
in varying states of mind visit the same
place and write about their experiences.
this week's destination:
St. Jerome's Laneway Music Festival
Daily Gossip Columnist
Here's to you, Khlod Kar-
Lamar Odom's in
rehab. He's not in rehab. He's a
cheater. And a liar. And the biggest
drug addict on the planet - bigger
than Lindsay Lohan. Yup, once
you get caught up in the whirl-
wind of gossip, it's pretty much
impossible to stop it. Too bad
Odom seems to be trapped in that
tornado. But the only thing worse
than being Odom right now?
Being his wife, KhloI.
Based on what the public
knows, Khlod has done abso-
lutely nothing wrong - other than
marry a troubled man, of course.
Yet she must face the constant
stream of gossip, the pestering
of the paparazzi and the news
headlines around the web. Every
day, more rumors come about,
each more ridiculous than the
last (How many girls did Odom
supposedly cheat on Khlo6 with?
Is it up to five now?). And this is
all while her seemingly flawless
sisters enjoy the picture-perfect
family life with their boyfriends
and babies.
But Khlo6 has long been por-
trayed as different from her sis-
ters. Some call her the black sheep
of the Kardashian clan, others call
her the "ugly sister" (how mean!).
But let's call her what she really is:
When Kim books multiple-page
spreads in OK! Magazine, Khloe
gets fired as the host of "X Factor:
U.S." While all of her sisters rock
nearly perfect bodies (I mean,
little sister Kendall is a model, for
goodness sake!), Khlod sticks out
like a sore thumb. And though
her sister Kourtney has one of the
mostrepulsiveboyfriends around
- c'mon, does anyone like Scott
Disick? - even she isn't facing all
this drama.
Khlod has long been the other
Kardashian sister, but I think we
all know a few "Khlods" in our
life. We've all seen that sorority
girl who tries to fit into clothes
two sizes too small just to look like
her sisters or have had that friend
who always seems to get upstaged,
even on her birthday.
success right, she could definitely
end up being a greatrole model
(That means no more DUIs!).
She could reallybe something
to young girls with body image
issues or girls who are having
trouble fitting in. But she needs to
play her cards right.
And Khloe's starting to do just
that. She began with her blogand
used it to open up about her expe-
riences getting bullied. She's since
moved on to bigger platforms, like
her appearances on "E! News" and
her interviews in Cosmopolitan
U.K. -
have to
her sist
most "r
blunt a
be accu
off of K
be hon
she's re
own. A
"X Fact
her mo
sister, a
ugly du
To "E!," she spoke aboutgetting
bullied as young as age 9 for her
le's livingi bigger physique, and in Cosmo,
she proclaimed, "I lost about 30
e shadows of pounds before I did 'Kourtney
And Khlo3 Take Miami.' I was
In, Kourtney feeling so good about myself, and
I was still so critiqued. I thought,
nd Kendall. 'Oh, my gosh, if I'm not good
enough now...' And that's when
something clicked in my brain: I
have to do whatever is good for
being like Khloe K. doesn't me."
be a bad thing. Out of all She may not be the queen
ers, Khlo6 is seemingly the of the anti-bullying campaign
eal" on camera and doesn't yet, but it looks like she's mak-
e to state her opinion. She's ing headway. Let's all just hope
nd bold and has stayed that this Lamar nonsense will
throughout all this Lamar stop soon so she can get back to
And even though she may business!
sed of just piggybacking So, here's to Khlo6 Kar-
im's success (which, let's dashian and all the young girls
est, is true to some extent), out there just like her. Hope-
ally trying to come into her fully she can take advantage of
nd hey, even though that her (unwarranted) time in the
tor" gig didn't pan out, I bet spotlight and actually use her
mager, Kris, still has a few power for some good.
I; a I
I wasn't high when I entered the festival and got the photo pass from the
media booth while holding no camera equipment whatesover on my body,
and I wasn't high when Youth Lagoon, with the mystic-blanket-covered key-
boards and ombrl-haired Trevor Powers, made Paul and Harrison show the
first signs of life in the festival's crowd - bouncing up and down like embodi-
ments of joy outfitted in hip demeanor - but now, now I am high.
Who knew that two puffs of a joint (when held in the lungs for an exagger-
ated span to take in every last particle of THC) could actually get a frequent
smoker a little fucked up. But yeah, here I am now at CHYRCHES jamming
out and falling in love with the cute leadsinger and every semi-attractive hip-
ster girl within a visible range of distance. Later, Kayla and I are jamming the
fuck out to Icona Pop, occupying our own dance stage in one of the pavilion
rows. My body movements are displayingto everyone a nice, Look you hoes, I
can fuckinggrooooove!!! Bet you didn't know I could grooooove!!l, but no one
except Kayla is looking or even dancing.
Another joint, thank God (Emily), comes around as Sigur Ros hits its peak
and I'm not that high, butI nonetheless drift into an apocalyptic vision of ter-
rifyingly vague faces surrounded by devastating strings and nonsense emo-
tion words and I start to feel anxiety creep into my consciousness. Afterward,
when the high starts to wear off, my throat opens up again to allow oxygen
into the system as I float through a set from The National that I would appreci-
ate more if I weren't so goddamn sleepy and hungry or if I weren't just nearly
decapitatedby Matt Berninger's microphone chord.
Detroit is a lotcgreener than I remember. More hipsters, too. But whatever,
I'm here with approximately the entire population of Kerrytown, and I'm
ready to get my festival on. Hold up - $10 for shitty beer? WHY. Oh well, give
me three, please.
ING? I don't want to be dramatic, but I think Warpaint just stole my heart.
But wait, now Alunageorge has my heart. She's wearing DIMEPIECE. And a
sports bra that says "Baby Girl" on it?!! Andrew gives her a 4/10 so I send him
17 knife emojis.
We pause for a brief intermission so Emily can braid my hair whilst we sit
on these hay couches. Who invented hay couches? I want to high-five you.
J.L. and I are the only members of our group going to Icona Pop because
everyone else is a hater, I guess. BUT MAN THEY ARE MISSING OUT. We
are still the only people dancing because Laneway attendees did not get the
memo to go hard today methinks. That's OK! J.L. and I are basically a side-
show during this Icona Pop set which is killer btw. Aino is wearing a metal-
lic silver maxi dress (!!!) and Caroline is in high-waisted leather shorts and a
red+black leather jacket - I need to tell Instagram! Now it's Solange o'clock,
and homegirl is a hundo-percent killin'it. Did she just point at me?SOLANGE
Flume tho.
K.G.R. says no one is allowed to talk about Sigur Ros because Sigur Ros
makes him feel too many feels.
If I were to summarize Laneway in an emoji, it would definitely be the
dancing twins. Or the dancing tango lady. Or the hearts-in-eyes cat.All of the
Your first time is always a little awkward. Things are too big, things
are too small and no one knows where anything is for sure. For its first
go in the United States, St. Jerome's Laneway Music Festival had all
the markings of a first-timer. The music festival started in Melbourne,
Australia and most recently added Detroit as its eighth location.
The inaugural experience, highlighted by performances by Sigur Ros
and the National, was intimate to say the least. With only about 7,500
attendees, the comfort of easily spotting friends was outweighed by
the awkwardness of tiny crowds at many of the acts. Solange and Icona
Pop, two energetic shows by great performers, were made low-key by
the enormous Meadow Brook pavilion dwarfing and spreading out the
Sometimes space is good - but for shows that are about jumping
around and letting your 19-year-old drunk girl out, something is just
off. This is to be expected with the first U.S. attempt, and sobriety
certainly didn't take the edge off the awkward. Note to self: Never see
Sigur Ros sober. Ever.
up her sleeve!
oe's more than the "other"
nd she's more than the
:ckling. And if she uses her
Finkel is becoming a
Kardashian. To stop her,
e-mail ljfinkel@umich.edu.
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