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April 19, 2013 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 2013-04-19

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3 -- Friday, April 19, 2013

The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com

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From Page 1
and community spaces would be
terrific in a location that is just
prime," Slottow said.
Currently, the Northwood
Apartments on North Campus
are the only non-staff housing
spaces available for graduate stu-
"Most universities do not take
a community-like approach, and
this project envisions an approach
that makes graduate study less
isolated," Coleman said. "We see
this as a revolutionary concept
and an exciting opportunity for
us to nurture graduate education
within our ecosystem."
Regent Andrea Fischer New-
man (R-Ann Arbor) echoed
Coleman, saying Michigan will
be the only university to have a
residential hall option for gradu-
ate students.
Newman added that one of the
purposes of the regents' January
trip to California was to speak
with Munger.
"This was one of the reasons
we went to Los Angeles," Mung-
er said. "His involvement and
interest is unlike anything I've
ever seen before, and we're just
thrilled. This will set Michigan
apart from every other Univer-
sity inthe countrywith dedicated

graduate housing across disci-
The regents approved the
purchases of four properties in
the area between West Quad
Residence Hall and the Perry
Building to create space for the
residence hall. The $3.16 million
purchase will acquire proper-
ties at 535 and 537 South Division
Street and 401 and 409 East Mad-
ison Street, which are registered
to former Athletic Director Bill
Martin. The funds will also be
used to purchase properties at
541 and 543 South Division Street
through eminent domain, which
allows the University to force to
the owner, Copi Properties, to sell
the property for a fair, market-
value price.
The regents also voted to name
the newly approved residential
hall in honor of Munger. In 2007,
Munger donated $3 million to
the Law School for lighting and
infrastructure improvements in
Hutchins Hall and the William
W. Cook Legal Research Library.
In addition, Munger contributed
$20 million more for renovations
within the Lawyer's Club, which
are currently underway.
While Slottow presented the
naming to the board as the "easi-
est" action to approve, Coleman
said Munger's contribution was a
"monumental act of generosity."
In a statement issued at the

meeting, Munger said the dona-
tion reflects his appreciation for
the University.
"I particularly want to avoid
any perception that I claim large
donative merit," Munger said.
"After all, I waited until my 90th
year before making the gift, then
gained friendship and creative
joy in working with the univer-
sity in a very interesting design
effort likely to have a good out-
come, while I parted with assets
I soon won't need."
The University has contracted
with Integrated Design Solutions
and Hartman-Cox Architects to
design the new residence hall. To
continue the University's efforts
towards sustainability, the build-
ing will be constructed based on
U.S. Green Building Council's
LEED certification system. The
residence hall will also exceed
standard energy efficiency codes
by more than 30 percent.
Slottow added that the addi-
tion of a residence hall could
potentially lead to more students
to apply for graduate programs at
the University.
"I don't think there's any
question that it will transform
our ability to continue to be an
even stronger attractor to stu-
dents because it will be such
an iconic building and trans-
formative living experience for
graduate students."

University President Mary Sue Coleman greets the Michigan men's basketball team at the Board of Regents meeting in the
Union Thursday.

From Page 1
since Robben Fleming's regular
appointment ended in 1979.
After receiving her under-
graduate degree in chemistry
from Grinnell College in Iowa,
she received a doctorate in bio-
chemistry from the University
of North Carolina. Coleman
served as the director of a can-
cer research center at the Uni-
versity of Kentucky for 20 years
before serving as president of
the University of Iowa for seven
"The University of Michigan
deserves the best in a leader,
and I want to give the Board of
Regents ample time to select the
next president," Coleman said in
a statement.
In an interview after the
meeting, Coleman said she has
no plans to decelerate her busy
schedule during the remaining
15 months on the job. She will
continue to engage other donors
throughout the alumni commu-
"I love to listen and I have this
great group of people around me
that helped me create the vision
and I really try to translate the
vision and help people under-
stand when they've given a big
gift, it will be the happiest day of
(their) lives," Coleman said.
In addition, Coleman said she
will focus on completing other
renovations and implementing
.a strategic plan for health-care
"We just have a lot of work to
do, and I'm goingto be excited by
that work and not slowed down
for a second," Coleman said.
University Provost Phil Han-
lon praised Coleman's efforts
during her tenure at the Univer-
sity - citing her work to improve
academic quality, increase inter-
national reputation and rec-
ognition, grow the application
pool, reduce costs for students
with need and oversee the most
successful capital campaign in
University history as evidence
of leaving a legacy with the Uni-
"It's just really amazing what
she's done just as a friend and
a mentor," Hanlon said. "I've
learned so much from her. She's
been a terrific leader."
Regent Andrea 'Fischer
Newman (R) echoed Hanlon's
positive statements, praising,
Coleman's ability to keep the
University thriving and pros-
perous during harsh economic
times with decreased state
appropriation and federal sup-
"This University is doing
phenomenally under her leader-
ship," Newman said. "This is a
huge, huge loss, you know, but
it's her decision."
Her tenure at the University
has faced a number of chal-
lenges - foremost building a
new budget model in the face
of declining state revenues.
State support for the Univer-
sity of Michigan has declined
from around 35 percent of the
University's budget in 2002
to less than 17 percent this
year. Colemanalso was forced
to confront the University of

Michigan Health System's six-
month delay in reporting a

medical resident's possession
of child pornography to Uni-
versity Police and a scandal in
which former basketball team
booster Ed Martin admitted
to running an illegal gambling
operation from which he laun-
dered money to members of
the Michigan men's basketball
In a presentation to the
regents, Martha Pollack, vice
provost for academic and bud-
getary affairs, said tuition
has increased by more than 5
percent per year over the last
decade in order to help make
up for losses in state appropria-
At the same time, the Uni-
versity has also made substan-
tial contributions to centrally
allocated financial aid to help
offset costs for disadvantaged
Early in her presidency, Cole-
man also championed the Uni-
versity's defense of race-based
affirmative action admissions
policies before the U.S. Supreme
Court.,In two separate rulings,
the court decided that the Uni-
versity could use a "holistic"
review process, meaning each
candidate would be judged by
the individual contributions
they might make to the overall
campus environment.
Despite a very public cam-
paign by Coleman, Michigan
voters adopted Proposal 2 in
2006, which outlawed the use of
race-based admissions in higher
education. She has maintained
her stance on affirmative action
and spoken out on more recent
rulings on the controversial pol-
icy as well.
Coleman also spearheaded the
University's largest capital cam-
paign, The Michigan Difference,
which ended in 2008 and raised
$3.2 billion. The campaign
helped finance renovations to
or construction of a number of
campus buildings, including
the Public Policy School's Weill
Hall, the C.S. Mott Children's
Hospital, and the Ross School of
The University is set to
launch its next capital cam-
paign this fall. The total
goal has not yet been set, but
according to a tweet sent by
Regent Mark Bernstein dur-
ing his Twitter Town Hall on
Wednesday, the campaign will
aim to raise at least $1 billion
for financial aid.
Besides the projects funded
through the capital campaign,
Coleman has shepherded the
Residence Life Initiative to ren-
ovate a number of University
Housing facilities. Since 2002,
Alice Lloyd, Mosher-Jordan and
others have been renovated in
the first phase of the program.
Construction of North Quad
Residence Hall was completed
in 2010 and South Quad and
West Quad Residence Halls are
slated for renovations in the next
two years.
As the president of the Uni-
versity, Coleman has also trav-
eled to a number of countries
to establish partnerships and
engage with alumni and educa-
tional leaders around the world.
In her official capacity, she will
have traveled to China, South

Africa, the United Arab Emir-
ates, Brazil, Israel and Ghana.

She will take her final official
trip abroad to India in Novem-
While Coleman of the Asso-
ciation of American Universities
for one year - from October 2011
to October 2012 - she served as
spokesperson for the associa-
Primarily focusing on
research, Coleman represented
AAU in meetings with national
policymakers to discuss issues
related to research and gradu-
ate, professional and undergrad-
uate education.
After AAU appointed her,
Coleman said she hoped to rep-
resent the University's work
in research well in her future
"The contributions and dis-
coveries of research universi-
ties are integral to the forward
momentum of our country,"
Coleman said. "I look forward
to giving voice to our impor-
tant work in the upcoming
AAU - a nonprofit associa-
tion of 62 U.S. and two Canadi-
an public and private research
universities - Incuses on
developing and implementing
better national and institution-
al policies related to research
and scholarship, graduate and
professional education, under-
graduate education and public
service in research universi-
Coleman has also been on the
board of directors of Johnson &
Johnson, a pharmaceutical com-
pany based in New Jersey, since
As stated on the company's
website, "Having served as pres-
ident of two of the nation's larg-
est and most prestigious public
universities and having a long
and decorated career in the sci-
ences, Dr. Coleman brings to the
Company's Board a unique point
of view regarding organization-
al management and academic
research vital to a company com-
peting in science-based indus-
In 2010, The New York Times
questioned potential conflicts
of interest pertaining to Cole-
mauls position on the board.
Soon after, the University Medi-
cal School became the first in the
country to refuse drug company
funding in medical education
class, citing the need to elimi-
nate any biases.
Coleman said in a statement
that she intends to remain active
in advocating for higher educa-
tion, scientific research support,
and diversity at the national
level. As part of this involve-
ment, Coleman will serve on the
Board of Directors for the Soci-
ety for Science and the Public
and on the Advisory Committee
to the Director of the National
Institutes of Health.
Coleman also plans to remain
in Ann Arbor.
"We have always lived in col-
lege towns and there's really no
place like Ann Arbor. We did
not think twice about where we
wanted to call home after the
presidency," she said.
While Coleman and her hus-
band have purchased a home in
Ann Arbor, they will split their
time btween Michigan and Col-

orado, where their son and his
family reside.

The Coalition for Tuition Equality holds a "study-in" to protest tuition differences for undocumented students in the
Michigan Union Thursday.

From Page 1
public commentary section of
the meeting.
By the time Alvarez spoke,
most other attendees had already
left and the audience was almost
entirely tuition-equality advocates.
Almost all of the supporters wore
maize shirts with the remainder of
spectators wearing white t-shirts
with the name of the student orga-
nizations they represented written
across the front.
Alvarez, who only a day before
was arrested during the protest,
said tuition equality is part of
larger movement seeking the
inclusion of minorities at the
"Every decision in our his-
tory in which this institution has
allowed a marginalized com-
munity equal access has only
strengthened our power and
broadened our perspectives as
lifetime learners," Alvarez said.
After his speech, the crowd
decided not to chant, but sang
a spirited performance of "The
Victors," instead.
Business junior Michael
Proppe, the incoming Central
Student Government president,
reaffirmed his support of tuition
equality during his speech.
In his final address to the
regents, Business senior Man-
ish Parikh, the outgoing CSG
president, echoed a speech by
former U.S. President John F.
"Here at Michigan we have
never made ,decisions because
they're easy. We made decisions
because no matter what the
hurdles and obstacles, we make
them because they're the right
thing to do," Parikh said.

A student protests for tuition equality at the Board of Regents meeting in the
Michigan Union on Thursday.

From Page 1
"Just the rest of the freshmen
that I'm around, knowing that I
have a chance to come in and be a
leader for this team next year, I've
already experienced it," Robinson
said. "I feel like I haven't really
shown everybody what I can do on
the basketball court."

Robinson was the Wolverines'
silent threat on offense, averaging
11 points per game over the course
of the season. He gained more con-
fidence as the NCAA Tournament
started, posting double figures in
all but one tournament game and
tied a career-high in points (21)
against South Dakota State in the
second round.
Though Robinson wasn't Mich-
igan's most dynamic player on

offense, his size and athleticism
are what made him a likely first-
rounder in many NBA draft pro-
jections. Now that he's returning,
Robinson hopes to move from the
'4' to the '3' position in the offense
as his game continues to improve.
"We've always envisioned him
to be the '3' man," Beilein said.
"And this year was like, 'How do
we get our best five guys on the
floor as much as possible?' Just

like we did with (former guard
Zack) Novak. That was the plan
to try, and he can do it. There's no
question he can do it."
The return of the two freshmen
will most likely put the Wolverines
as a top-15 team in the preseason
- Michigan is returning eight
players on the 15-man roster and
is bringing in three ESPN 100 com-
mits despite the losses of Burke and

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