-Friday, April 19, 2013-
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Classified Sales
WHEN: Thursday at 3 p.m.
WHAT: A subject report-
edly exposed himself to a
pedestrian while on the
Diag, University Police
reported. The man was
described as a white male
in his early 40s, short, bald-
ing hair, heavy-set, wearing
a tshirt and light gray shorts.
Diag flasher
WHEN: Thursday at about
4:20 p.m.
WHAT: Two subjects
reported that an man sat
next to them on a bench
on the Diag and exposed
himself to them, University
Police. Officers were not
able to locate the subject.
Ottoman Mobile phone
symposium ensemble
WHAT: University Profes-
sor Kathryn Babayan and
some.graduate students will
discuss issues in the history
of the Ottoman East.
WHO: Armenian Studies
WHEN: Today at 9:30 a.m.
WHERE: School of Social
Work Building
WHAT: The Michigan
Mobile Phone Ensemble will
perform new works by stu-
dents. The concert merges
engineering, mobile phone
programming, and sound
synthesis with music
WHO: Drama Center
WHEN: Today at 8 p.m.
WHERE: Computer Science
and Engineering Division
Two wallabies are on
the loose in Austria after
escaping from a farm
in the countryside, the AP
reported. The search for the
Australia-native animals is
now in its third day. One of
the wallabies has a joey in its
Drones in Michigan?
Not if the Editorial
Board has anything to
do with it.
Paul Kevin Curtis, an
Elvis irtpersonator, has
been accused of sending
letters laced with Ricin
to President Barack Obama,
The Huffington Post report-
ed. He's not the first Elvis
impersonator to be accused of
threatening authorities with
Ricin - the last being arrest-
ed in 2012.
Matthew Slovin Managing Editor mjslovin@michigandaily.com
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Bike stolen Caught green- .i
WHERE: East Ann Street handedF
WHEN: Thursday at about WHAT: The University performancce
4 t.m WHERE: Burslev Hall of Mi'hiOt D ia C
WHAT: A bike reportedly
was taken from a bike rack
near Biomedical Science
Research Center sometime
between April 5 and 15.
There are currently
no suspects.
r rnc "1ny rdi
WHEN: Thursday at about
3:30 p.m.
WHAT: A subject was
arrested, processed and
released for possession of
suspected marijuana.
or ilcnigan ietrot me
ter concludes its Sankofa
Film Series with "Colored
Frames." Following the film,
Marvin Chatman, a profes-
sional artist and professor at
Wayne County Community
College, will respond to.
audience questions.
WHO: Detroit Center
WHEN: Today at 6 p.m.
WHERE: Detroit Center -
South Studio
WHAT: "Crazy for You," is
a musical by George Gersh-
win, Ira Gershwina and Ken
Ludwig about a star-struck
New York City playboy who
finds his dreams - and love -
in small Nevada
mining town.
WHO: School of Music,
Theatre & Dance
WHEN: Tonight at 8 p.m.
WHERE: Power Center
Business showcase promotes
County-led project prepares
social change with competition for shopping complex opening
Student groups
compete for social
responsibility prize
Daily News Reporter
Changing the world needs to
start somewhere. Through their
Social Innovation Showcase,
the entrepreneurial e organiza-
tion optiMize hopes that change
begins with them.
optiMize connects aspiring
entrepreneurs with the resources
and skills needed to build a busi-
ness with a social conscience.
After a semester dedicated to
constructing pitches, analyzing
consumer'markets and develop-
ing products, optiMize members
came together Thursday evening
to present new social innova-
tions to a public audience.
As winter semester com-
menced, so did preparations
for what would become opti-
Mize's first Social Innovation
Challenge. Nineteen teams of
students, representing a range
of schools and colleges, came
under optiMize's umbrella to be
connected with resources that
would help them create sustain-
able business models.
As the process neared an end,
five teams of social entrepre-
neurs were selected out of the
19 to present their pitches at the
Showcase on Thursday evening.
The teams who presented and
competed at the Social Innova-
tion Showcase included Beyond
Bounds, a program helping Uni-
versity underclassman be more
proactive and make better use of
university resources; Volunteer
Buddy, a mobile application con-
necting prospective volunteers
with non-profit organizations;
ReSource Fund, a micro-financ-
ing scheme helping low-income
community members avoid
financial exploitation through
one-on-one coaching; ReGrow
Detroit, a branch of the Michigan
Union.Urban Farming Initiative
that proposes to turn blighted
homes into agricultural hotspots;
and the Detroit Entrepreneur-
ship Network, an organization
revitalizing entrepreneurship
among Detroit youth.
The optiMize cash prize was
al selection process but through
the calculation of the volume of the
crowd's cheers. The Detroit Entre-
preneurship Network collected
the loudest audience reaction and
swept the award.
Each of the five finalists were
awarded .$5,000 from optiMize
sponsors. Sponsors included
United WayofWashtenawCoun-
ty, Menlo Innovations and LSA.
In an interview at the event,
E. Royster Harper, vice president
for student affairs, said Universi-
ty administrators would cbntin-
ue to support a growth of social
ventures on campus by "encour-
Arbor Hills "Ann Arbor is a unique mar-
ket, and we definitely want
shopping center to a have a nice combination of
national tenants and local ten-
open in August ants who understand Ann
Arbor," Stegeman said.
ByASHWINI NATARAJAN Project partner Max
Daily News Reporter Reiswerg, principal of Chi-
cago's North Shore Properties
This summer, there is a new Group, said he hopes that the
reason for shoppers all over shopping complex will attract
campus to rejoice. customers with its innovative,
The upscale Arbor Hills architecturally unique layout
shopping center is expected that emphasizes trademark fea-
to open on Aug. 22. It will be tures of each store.
located on Washtenaw Avenue "We're giving the retailers
between Huron Parkway and the freedom to do whatever
Platt Road, directly across they want on their storefront,
from Whole Foods. Twenty- like here in Chicago, Lincoln
three storefronts will open in Park, downtown Birmingham,
the 90,700 square-foot shop- SoHo in New York," Reiswerg
ping center, including clothing said. "We want the retailers to
stores such as Anthropologie, express thpmselves."
Madewell and Lululemon Ath- Instead of having a parking
letica, as well as many local lot in front of the storefronts,
purveyors such as Glassbox the storefronts themselves will
Coffee and Running Fit. Local be along the Washtenaw Ave-
eateries Cafe Zola and Pizzeria nue sidewalk.
Biga, among others, will also Arbor Hills is being con-
join the shopping center. structed in conjunction with
The shopping complex the ReImagine Washtenaw
will consist of a series of four Initiative, a Washtenaw Coun-
buildings, aiming to embody a ty-led project that aims to rein-
"downtown" atmosphere simi- vigorate the avenue, making it
lar to many metropolitan shop- more diverse, more sustainable
ping areas across the United and better for mass transit.
States. Nathan Voght, the ReI-
Tom Stegeman, development magine Washtenaw Initiative
manager for Ann Arbor's Cam- project manager working on
pus Realty and and a partner the project, said making the
in the project, said the shop- shopper center corridor easy to
ping complex strives to appeal navigate on foot is a key prior-
to Ann Arbor locals while also ity.
incorporating larger brand "We want to make a walk-
retailers. able, more attractive, more
functional corridor for all
users," Voght said. "This will
definitely help in setting the
tone for the corridor in terms of
creating a more interesting and
walkable commercial environ-
Although Ann Arbor's Briar-
wood Mall is a popular choice
for shoppers, Reiswerg said
Arbor Hills will not compete
with the mall due to funda-
mental differences in shopper
demographics. He emphasized
that Arbor Hills favors local
Ann Arbor retailers, while Bri-
arwood features large chain
"I don't think it's necessar-
ily competition," Reiswerg said.
"We're just a different type of
LSA senior Emily Schwess-
inger said she is looking for-
ward to having the retailers
Arbor Hills provides close by.
"I think it would be nice
to have those stores locally,"
Schwessinger said. "I think
Madewell is relatively new
on the scene in Michigan, so I
think that would be cool to have
Engineering junior Alec
Elsen said Arbor Hills will
attract a larger demographic
from the greater Ann Arbor
area rather than students from
the University.
"I don'tthink it'll impact stu-
dents a ton," he said. "People
who live and work in Ann Arbor
will visit there more often - not
sure how many students will
shop there."
-aging students to try to think in a
social entrepreneurial way," pro-
viding "skill and infrastructure
"I was extremely impressed
and surprised to see their hearts
and their pission for making a
difference in the world," Harper
2 4 said. "What I want to tryto think
about is, 'How can I help?"'
Vic Strecher, the director for
innovation and social entrepre-
neurship in the School of Public
Health, said his work with opti-
Mize showed how small pitches
could grow and develop to have
"social and meaning and impact."
7 9 2 5 "As a faculty member, I want
to make a real impact," Strecher
said. "Students really want to do
that and it's my role to help facili-
tate that."
1) 7 6 Rishi Moudgil, managing
1 - - director of the University's non-
8 i profit and public management
center, hoped the social entre-
preneurship spirit would spread
over the University.
"We need more students, more
'* faculty and more staff involved,"
he said. "I think we have this
innovative culture here. We just
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