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April 17, 2013 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 2013-04-17

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The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com

Wednesday, April 17, 2413 - 3A

The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom Wednesday, April 17, 2013 - 3A

Royal Oak residents
to vote to ban
Residents of the Detroit sub-
urb of Royal Oak are expected
to vote in November on a human
rights ordinance that would
make it illegal to discriminate
based on sexual orientation and
a number of other factors.
Monday night's 7-0 vote by
the Royal Oak City Commis-
sion came after a petition drive
blocked the ordinance from
going into effect.
The City Commission
approved the human rights
ordinance on a 6-1 vote March
4. Resident Fred Birchard later
submitted petitions with enough
signatures seeking repeal of the
law, leaving the commission to
decide whether to repeal it or let
voters decide.
American Airlines
grounds flights for
several hours
A computer system used to run
many daily operations at Ameri-
can Airlines failed Tuesday,
forcing the nation's third-larg-
est carrier to ground all flights
across the United States for sev-
eral hours and stranding thou-
sands of frustrated passengers at
airports and on planes.
Flights already in the air were
allowed to continue to their desti-
nations, but planes on the ground
from coast to coast could not take
off. And travelers could do little
to get back in the air until the
computer system was restored.
American blamed its reserva-
tion system, which is used for
much more than booking flights.
Airlines commonly rely on such
systems to track passengers and
bags, update flight schedules
and gate assignments and file
flight plants. The computers also
help determine how much fuel
to put in an aircraft or which
seats should be filled to balance
a plane.
North Dakota
outlaws abortions
after 20 weeks
Republican Gov. Jack Dal-
rymple signed into law a mea-
sure that outlaws abortions
after 20 weeks of pregnancy
based on the disputed premise
that at that point a fetus can feel
The law signed Tuesday is the
latest among a raft of measures
passed in North Dakota this ses-
sion that are meant to challenge
the U.S. Supreme Court's 1973
Roe v. Wade ruling that legal-
ized abortion up until viability,

usually at 22 to 24 weeks.
Abortion-rights advocates
have called the laws blatant-
ly unconstitutional and have
promised a long legal fight that
they say the state can't win.
PESHAWAR, Pakistan
Former Pakistani
ruler ousted from
re-election bid
High court judges disquali-
fied former Pakistani military
ruler Pervez Musharraf on
Tuesday from running in the
parliamentary election, likely
ending any hope of a political
The ruling was the latest blow
for Musharraf, who has faced
paltry public support, a raft of
legal challenges and Taliban
death threats since he returned
to Pakistan last month after
years in self-imposed exile.
Many experts predicted this
would be Musharraf's fate if
he came back and have been
scratching their heads at what
drove his decision. Some have
speculated he misjudged how
much public backing he would
get, while others guessed he was
simply homesick.
-Compiled from
Daily wire reports.

From Page 1A
crew team and ultimate Frisbee
team at the University.
LSA senior Alex Joboulian
was studying political. sci-
ence at the University. He
was an active member of the
Armenian Student Cultural
Association ' and Indepen-
dent Students for Liberty.
Joboulian, who was in his last
semester here, was awarded a
posthumous degree from the
LSA sophomore Colleen
Mitchel passed away on
March 4, eight days before
her 20th birthday. She was
majoring in psychology at the
University, played club field
hockey and was involved in
Best Buddies, a campus orga-
nization that pairs students
with Washtenaw County resi-
dents who have intellectual
or developmental disabilities.
Mitchel aspired to become an
occupational therapist, a field
that often aids individuals
with disabilities.
Engineering sophomore
Maxime Pouokam died on Oct.

2 at the age of 20. He was a resi-
dent of Rochester Hills, Mich.,
but his family is originally
from Cameroon. Pouokam was
known for his participation in
the African Student Associa-
tion and his love of computer
science and music.
Though most families hold
private ceremonies shortly
after the respective passings,
Rev. Reid Hamilton, former
president of the ARC, said the
service is valuable in allowing
the families to remember their
loved ones as part of a larger
"This is a gathering that is
particularly oriented towards
the University as a commu-
nity - towards remembering
the students who have been a
part of our lives and devoted
so much of their own lives and
energies to the work of service
and learning on this campus,"
Hamilton said.
The ceremony included
three readings: one from the
Koran, one from the Bible
and a secular poem. Despite
the participation of the ARC,
Hamilton said the event "was
not intended to be a specifi-
cally religious ceremony."

"We try to incorporate the
religious traditions of the
students themselves - if any
- and be intentional about rec-
ognizing the diversity of the
campus community," Hamil-
ton said.
Assistant Dean of Students
Sarah Daniels, the event's orga-
nizer, said the University holds
the memorial to complement
the private services held by
families, honoring the students
within the context of the Uni-
"I think that the goal is to
recognize that we are a uni-
versity community," Daniels
said. "This was to honor them
as members of the University
community and to recognize
that the community comes
together - acknowledging that
there are others going through
the grief process."
Daniels said families are
notified of the event at the
beginning of the winter term,
but are not in any way obligated
to attend. Families also have
the choice of asking that their
loved one be excluded from
the ceremony, but Daniel said
no family has ever made this

From Page 1A
everyone who sees it, but espe-
cially our students, to always do
what they can."
Brigadier General Scowcroft,
who served as the national
security advisor under Ford and
President George H.W. Bush,
spoke on Ford's achievements
and struggles while in office.
Scowcroft stressed that Ford
was the only president who did
not intentionally seek the office,
as he became president only
after Nixon resigned, emphasiz-
ing Ford's commitment to the
United States.
"His objectives were simple."
Scowcroft said. "The United
States comes first."
Mike Ford recalled the hard-
ships his family faced during
the Vietnam Was and spoke of
how grateful he and his family

were for the statue and the cen-
tennial reception.
"It just gives me goose bumps
to stand in this place, this hall,"
Ford said. "He's looking down
on all of us."
Ford said he was proud.of his
father's in-office accomplish-
"It is that man, the same man
that led this country through
some very challenging times
and he loved our nation passion-
ately," Ford said. "He had tre-
mendous courage, tremendous
compassion and integrity as a
public servant. And he loved the
University of Michigan."
When asked what he would
hope students would think of
when passing his father's stat-
ue, Ford responded: public ser-
"Public service is the thing he
represents in his life," Ford said.
"He's really about serving our
nation for the greater good."

From Page 1A
street" because "there isn't any
reason to wander down there
Businesses that are most suc-
cessful on the block are destina-
tion businesses, which people
seek out for a specific product
or cuisine and have historically
lined the streets and filled the
storefronts. The law of retail
gravitation explains how big
anchor stores draw custom-
ers - like a gravitational pull
- to other shopping locations,
Kinnear said. He explained
that is why shopping centers
and malls always have large
chain retail stores, like Nord-
strom and Macy's.
"Borders was a big loss in
that regard," Kinnear said. "For
the most part, it's fairly minor
disruption that's going on."
Kinnear added that "retail
can be the difference between
massivefoot traffic and very
Though there are some
retail spaces, none of the
storefronts are boarded up,
which indicates that the street
is not devastated, Kinnear
said. Further down the East
Liberty block, toward Main
Street, most of the storefronts
are filled, since those busi-
nesses cater to the reliable
customer base of business
Kinnear compared the situ-

ation on East Liberty to the
nature of business on South
University Avenue. Foot traffic
patterns on South University
have fluctuated over the past
20 years as the street has also
lost main-attraction stores.
However, high-rise, apart-
ment buildings, such as Land-
mark and Zaragon Place, have
increased the foot traffic on
South University as students
walk to classes on Central Cam-
Justin Hana, general man-
ager at Tropical Smoothie Cafe
- which opened on East Liber-
ty near Maynard Street in Sep-
tember 2012 - said foot traffic
in the area is slow.
"Most (students) stay more
towards campus because they
have no reason to come out this
way," Hanna said.
Hanna said customers some-
times stop by his restaurant
on their way to Main Street.
He hopes as the weather gets
warmer, foot traffic in his store
will increase.
He referred to the myth on
the block is that the strip is
"cursed" because not a lot of
students shop in that area.
"They don't want to do the
extra walking, especially when
it's cold out," Hanna said.
"We're here to stay."
Alyssa Tangney, manager
of the Douglas J. Salon on
East Liberty near Thomp-
son Street, said she has not
noticed a decrease in foot
traffic and her business has

been steady.
Tangney added that her
salon attracts a wide customer
base from students to families
to professionals who are not
necessarily from the immedi-
ate area.
Bill McClelland, owner of
Encore Records - located on
East Liberty near Thomp-
son Street - said the past two
businesses that have occupied
the space next to his store
closed within a year of open-
ing. McClelland has been with
Encore Records since it opened
in 1989 and said he has seen
the block transform over the
years. He added that there is
an increase in coffee shops and
restaurants, which sometimes
make the block look like "a mall
food court."
"I'm nostalgic for the time
when there were more book-
stores and more music stores,"
McClelland said. "It had more
character; it seems like it's a
little more sterile than it used
to be. There are not a lot of
mercantile business where
people sell things other than
McClelland said his store
attracts an "alternative crowd,"
whereas Borders attracted
a "loyal" customer base that
extended down the block. He
added that parking has been a
barrier to entry for some cus-
tomers who are reluctant to pay
for it and can't find street spots.
"That, to some people, is a
deal breaker."

From Page 1A
free clinic.
Fundraising will be a vital
source of income for the clinic,
especially with its new rent,
which is much higher than the
previous location which was
$1 per year. The rent for the
new library space is close to
Goldman, along with his
wife Laura Goldman, said they
hope to find a permanent loca-
tion in the same area. Most of
their patients live within a 10-
to 15-mile radius of Pickney.
The clinic was and will con-
tinue to be completely free for
"We don't take a penny from
any of our patients," Goldman
said. "We don't take forms;
there's no insurance forms;
there's no money changing
hands.'It's basically pure medi-
cine. We come in, we take care
of them and we follow them as
Goldman added that the
greatest advantage of sourc-
ing the clinic out of the library
building is the larger space it
"One of the problems with
the old clinic was that it was so
small. We were bumping into
each other," Goldman said.
New programs are also
being introduced upon the
reopening of the clinic. Uni-
versity Social Work students
will provide social services
and assistance programs for
patients and help increase
patient access to prescrip-
tions, and plans for University

Dental School students to pro-
vide dental care for patients
are also underway.
Medical School student
Eytan Shtull-Leber, a co-
director of the clinic, said he
misses seeing the patients at
the clinic because he formed
strong ties while treating
"It'sbeen tough over the past
couple months mainly because
we just haven't been able to see
patients," Shtull-Leber said.
"It's why we all got into it, why
we all got into medical school
and why we all decided to vol-
unteer with the clinic."
Hari Conjeevaram, an asso-
ciate professor of medicine
and the clinic's medical direc-
tor, said returning to helping
patients is the clinic's top pri-
"Probably the most excit-
ing and important thing for me
and for students is really get-
ting back to providing service
for the patients," Conjeevaram
said. "That's the goal always
and that's the most important
thing. A lot of patients have
chronic diseases ... so we've
been talking to patients, trying
to make sure they aren't out of
He added that the experi-
ence the Free Clinic provides
for aspiring medical students
is beneficial in their learning
"And for the faculty, for us
to be able to provide that to
our students is also really quite
exciting," Conjeevaram said.
The Goldmans and their
team have high hopes for the
clinic and are confident in its
future success in patient care.


program was ideal for bringing
MINOR Aundergraduates to the School of
From Page 1A Social Work, which currently
offers no bachelor's degree. As
laboration between multiple an incentive to pursue careers
schools, departments and in social work, CASC minors
majors. The first graduating may apply for preferred admis-
class in 2011 consisted of about sion into the Master's of Social
30 students. This year, the Work program.
minor has more than 100. Ashley Kryscynski, a CASC
Students representing each program assistant, said the
undergraduate college in the minor involves courses con-
University and more than 50 cerning context and theories
majors currently participate in to use in the field, diversity and
the program. learning through service. The
Withee said she's become minor also requires foundation
more interested in social entre- and capstone courses in the
preneurship as a result of CASC School of Social Work. Nearly
classes she has taken. all courses for the minor are
"We got to interview a found in LSA.
bunch of people who had busi- Richards-Schuster said the
nesses for a social cause or program focuses on teaching
mission," Withee said. "Just students how social change
getting out there, getting to emerges and how to implement
talk to people who have done it with consideration of diverse
something like that and get- social identities.
ting to present about that was A class on context and theory
incredibly helpful and gave us might include studying sociol-
a good idea of what that would ogy of gender or 20th-century
look like." Detroit history, while courses
CASC director Katie Rich- on diversity give students the
ards-Schuster credits the ability to foster community
major's growth to the idea that action. Kryscynski said her ser-
students from a wide range vice-learning course brought
of educational interests can her to Detroit, where she and
implement social change. her colleagues discovered a
"What brings people togeth- neighborhood wracked by pol-
er is having a core commitment lution.
to wanting to be part of creat- "There was a certain spot
ing change in communities and where you knew exactly
working for a more socially just where you were because the
society," Richards-Schuster air was so acidic and sulfuric,"
said. "What's been incredible Kryscynski said. "We knew
is, because people are bring- these kids and these families
ing different experiences and were living in these areas
bringing different perspec- 24/7, and it just makes it real-
tives, that in the classes it ly hard for them to study, for
allows students to really chal- them to live comfortably, just
lenge each other." to grow. They can't go outside
Richards-Schuster said the and play without breathing in

this air."
In Delray - the shrinking, Y EST ER
industrial Detroit neighbor-
hood - Kryscynski worked
with students to write to their
city council to demand action GORG HEQ I
against growing pollution lev- IF YOU HAD R
"They were so proud of
themselves," Kryscynski said. THOUGH I'M S
"It's really empowering for me
to see that we can make a dif- APPS F
ference in this world some- THERE ARE
Richards-Schuster said theS
capstone course allows stu-
dents to critically review their READ TI
experiences and how they can
be integrated into their future
career plans.
"(The School of Social * f
Work) is about recogniz-
ing and also thinking about
what ... skills and experj-
ences are needed to help pre-
pare students who want to
be social-change advocates,", 5 9
Richards-Schuster said.
Kryscynski, who graduated 2 7
with her CASC minor in 2011,
added that the course exhibits
the students' efforts.
"Every time I listen to the -
seniors and their presentations,
all of their incredible work
they've done is just mind-blow-
ing to me," Kryscynski said.
However, she isn't surprised
that students in her genera-
tion are implementing societal
innovation. 4 5
"We're very aware of nega-
tive things going on in the
world, especially with social
media and information being-
so easy to access for us," 3 1
Kryscynski said. "We feel a
sense of, 'We want to make a
change in the world and for the
better.' "


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