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April 17, 2013 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 2013-04-17

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2A - Wednesday, April 17, 2013 The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom

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Harvard response criticized


Harvard University stu-
dents were critical of their
administration's slow corn-
munication efforts following
the bombings at the Boston
Marathon, The Harvard
Crimson reported Tuesday.
While the two explo-
sions occurred at 2:50 p.m.,
the administration did not
e-mail the Harvard com-
munity about the incidents
until 5:17 p.m.
Harvard student Chris-
topher Walleck said that the
administration should have
communicated to the stu-
dents earlier.
"I hadn't received so
much as a single message

from Harvard saying, 'Stay
in your dorms,' or 'Be safe,'
or simply whatto be mindful
of,' Walleck said.
University of California,
Los Angeles professor
receives $10-million grant
renewal to study autism
Daniel Geschwind, a
UCLA professor and the
director of the UCLA Cen-
ter for Autism Treatment
and Research, received a
$10-million grant renew-
al to study autism from
the National Institutes of
Health, the Daily Bruin
reported Monday.

Stanford University
English professor'wins
Pulitzer Prize for fiction
Stnford Associate Profes-
sor Adam Johnson won the
Pulitzer for his novel "The
Orphan Master's Son," The
Stanford Daily reported
The novel is set in North
Korea under the reign of
Kim Jong-il and was praised
by the Pulitzer committee as
an "exquisitely crafted novel
thaccarries the reader ... into
the most intimate spaces of
the human heart."

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A young fan admires the accolades won by the Men's Michigan
basketball team at the banquet held in Crisler Center Tuesday.

Swiper swiped Iced out

Thrkish music Puppy love

WHERE: Shapiro Under-
graduate Library
WHEN: Monday at about
12:15 p.m.
WHAT: A card reader was
token from Bert's Cafe,
University Police reported.
The reader is believed to
have been stolen April 12
between 1 a.m. and 7:15 a.m.
There are no suspects.
Money down
the drain
WHERE: Hutchins Hall
WHEN: Monday at about
7:30 p.m.
WHAT: A subject reported
that his wallet hadhbeen sto-
len from a bag in a restroom,
University Police reported.
The wallet was returned to
the subject but was missing

WHERE: Mary Markley
Residence Hall
WHEN: Monday at about
2:30 p.m.
WHAT: Jewelry was
reportedly stolen when it
was left unattended insa
bathroom, University Police
reported. The jewelry was
reportedlyctaken April 14
around 9 p.m.
Sk8tr h8trs
WHERE: 875 North Uni-
versity Ave.
WHEN: Monday at about
1:20 p.m.
WHAT: Two skateboard-
ers were skating at Thomas
Cooley Memorial Pountain
and were given verbal
warnings to stop skating,
University Police reported.

WHAT: The Michigan
Rumi Club and Turk-
ish American Society of
Michigan present "Colors
of Turkish Music II," which
will include musical perfor-
mances of popular classical,
folk, instrumental and reli-
gious pieces.
WHO: Rumi Club
WHEN: Today at 7 p.m.
WHERE: Michigan
League, Hussey room.
Race talk
WHAT: Author Tim
Wise speaks about racism
and racial equality as a
part of the Understand-
ing Race theme semester.
The discussion is entitled
"Colorblind: The Rise of
Post-Racial Politics and the
Retreat from Racial Equity."
WHO: Center for Campus
WHEN: Today at 5 p.m.
WHERE: Michigan League

WHAT: Therapaws of
Michigan is bringing dogs
to the Diag to help students
destress before finals. This
is the fourth annual "Dogs
on the Diag" event with
Therapaws and is the larg-
est student-pet interaction
of the year.
WHO: Pets Are Wonderful
Support of Ann Arbor
WHEN: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
WHERE: The Diag
Yahoo! seminar
WHAT: This seminar will
focus on public libraries as
partners in development
and discuss public informa-
tion access. Cris Coward
from the University of
Washington's Information
School will lead
the discussion.
WHO: School of
WHEN: Today at 12 p.m.
WHERE: North Quad Resi-
dence Hall, space 2435

1Adrian Rodriguez, a for-
mer employee of a New
York city law firm, stole
more than $376,000 of copy
machine toner from the firm
over a period of two years,
Pioneer Press reported.
Rodriguez hadhbeen reselling
the toner for a higher price.
2There are about 40,000
undergraduate and
graduate - students
enrolled at the University
this semester. The Statement
brings you the stories of 11
Students of the Year.
3Google has released
information about
Google, Glass, its inter-
net connected smart glasses,
to software developers, The
New York Times reported.
Google will strictly control
development of apps.

Matthew Slooin Managingetditor ejstovin@mibhigandaiy.omn
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oSNOR NEWSETORS: Aicia Adamczk,Kaie Buk,uten fod,ee Shai,
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