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March 25, 2013 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2013-03-25

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Ann Arbor, Michigan

Monday, March 25,2013


VP hopefuls
talk reform
of inactive
CSG council

Candidates aim to
bring more relevance
to under-utilized
University Council
Daily Staff Reporter
This week's Central Student Gov-
ernment elections will give students
the opportunity to elect the next leader
of the University Council, a body made
up of student delegates from each indi-
vidual school at the University.
The council constitutes half of CSG's
legislative branch, complemented by
the main assembly. Over the past year
UC has met with key administrators,
such as University President Mary Sue
Coleman, to discuss University issues.
Because the UC is currently only in
its second year of operation, it has yet
to exercise its full power. For example,
although the UC appointed the elec-
tion director for this year, they have
yet to collaborate with student leaders
from the various schools on-campus to
pass any meaningful resolutions.

Like the U.S. Senate, The vice
president of CSG heads the UC. With
the potential to effectively shape the
responsibilities of the UC, the vice
presidential candidates said they are
eager and excited to take on the chal-
lenge. LSA sophomore Bobby Dishell,
youMICH's vice presidential candidate
and current assembly representative,
put the council's reputation rather sim-
"It's verysimilar, asI'vebeentold, to
dealing with a two-year-old," Dishell
said, adding that the UC needs to be
more transparent so students and lead-
ers from across campus can better col-
Despite the challenges the UC has
faced in the past two years, the can-
didates seem optimistic that there are
ways to better utilize the body.
LSA freshman Ethan Michaeli, the
independent vice presidential candi-
date, says he believes he understands
the UC's problem and hopes to make
some changes if elected.
"Right now it's more of a coun-
cil that advises the vice president,"
Michaeli said. "I'd like to change that
role to make them more active."
See UC, Page SA

The Michigan hockey team lost on Sunday, marking the first time since 1990 the team hasn't made the NCAA Tournament, a span of 22 seasons.

The end
DETROIT - Far too often, clouds
hover low over the sports world.
Injury and scandal and defeat cast heavy
shadows across our immaculately con-
structed tapestry. Then, finally, if even
for just a day or two, the sun breaks
through and splashes its rays across the
blue backdrop.
A week ago, I wrote that Saturday
deserved to be circled and then circled
again in red ink. That it could be the day
when the break finally came.
And it was the most wondrous week-
end, wasn't it?
The men's basketball team, after mak-
ing quick work of South Dakota State at
the Palace of Auburn Hills two days ear-
lier, inexplicably torched Virginia Com-
monwealth on Saturday. The win put
Michigan in the Sweet Sixteen for the
first time since 1993-94, and it cemented

of a 'hllof arun'
the Wolverines once again as a major ***
player in the remaining NCAA Tourna-
ment field. "Hell of a run, boys," a voice called
The hockey team was fighting for its down from the second deck. "Hell of a
life on Saturday. Riding an eight-game run."
winning streak into It was all that and more. But it was a
the CCHA semifinals run that ended with the ice at Joe Louis
at Joe Louis Arena, Arena littered with sticks and gloves and
Michigan was look- golden helmets: Notre Dame 3, Michi-
ing for just two wins. gan 1.
They needed those For the first time since 1989-90, there
two wins. First up: will be no NCAA Tournament for the
No. 2 Miami (Ohio). Michigan hockey team. And for the first
The RedHawks STEPHEN J. time since 1986-87, Michigan (18-19-3)
never had a chance NESBITT didn't break .500 to finish the season.
- the boys kept right Jon Merrill, a junior, had the puck as
on rolling, 6-2. the final seconds ticked off the clock. He
But there was sent it flying down the ice and then he
always that ominous, dark cloud loom- slipped into the boards. He stayed down
ing in the distance. That cloud finally on the ice for a few moments. There was
and painfully arrived on Sunday. See SUNDAY, Page SA

Speaker argues
" college degree
s losing value

UnCollege founder
talks self-directed
education system
Daily Staff Reporter
If you see members of EDU-
preneurship - an education
reform project created by the
University's entrepreneurial
student organization MPowered
- wearing shirts saying "I think
you look like Salman Khan,"
don't flatter yourself into think-
ing that you look like the Bolly-
wood actor with the same name.
This is a reference to Khan
* Academy, an online educational
reform start-up that provides free
educationalvideos and interactive
modules for students. Initiatives
such as this have become increas-
ingly popular in the current edu-
cational reform movement that
moves toward self-innovated
education. As the value of the tra-
ditional education system is being
On Friday, about 50 people
- including EDUpreneurship

members sporting the "Salman
Khan" shirts - gathered in the
School of Education to hear
Dale Stephens, one of the first
Thiel Fellows and founder of
the educational reform pro-
gram UnCollege. He talked
about the growing need of a
self-directed education system
and how going to college is not
the only key to success. His pre-
sentation was part of the EDU-
preneurship three-day boot
camp that took place over the
weekend and during Stephens'
own book tour for his new book
Hacking Your Education.
Stephens began his presen-
tation by discussing the roots
of his experience in alterna-
tive education; he dropped out
of the fifth grade at age 12 and
has been designing his educa-
tion ever since. But, he doesn't
use the term homeschooling
when referring to his educa-
tion outside the classroom; he
uses the term "unschooling," a
self-directed form of education
originating in the 1970s.
Stephens and his parents ini-
tially thought of unschooling

LSA junior Jon McHenry and sophomore Marianna Yamamoto volunteer with
Michigan Urban Farming Initiative at Detroit Partnership Day Saturday.
DP Dataikes 1,400
vo lunteers to Detroit

Disability awareness
focus of fraternity's
benefit dinner
Brothers, disabled disabilities would be more
meaningful than simulation.
students and He worked with Carole
Dubritsky, assistant director
advocates join for of the Office of Institutional
Equity, to understand how
special meal to best educate participants
about disabilities. Dubritsky
By ARIANA ASSAF also serves as the University's
Daily Staff Reporter American with Disabilities
Act coordinator and advises
Events involving Pizza Allies for Disability Aware-
House are always enticing, ness, a student group on cam-
but speakers at Pi Kappa pus.
Phi's philanthropy event also Social Workstudent Rebec-
offered food for thought. ca Parten said she was excited
On Saturday, the Univer- to attend the event. Parten
sity's chapter of Pi Kappa Phi was born with a rare form of
hosted a dinner event that arthrogryposis called escobar
featured University students syndrome. It is a congenital
affected by a variety of dis- disease that only allows parts
abilities. of messages from the brain to
Disability awareness is reach muscles, causing limit-
the fraternity's main philan- ed joint contractions, scoliosis
thropic focus. In past years, and some breathing issues.
members have participated in Over dinner, Parten shared
disability simulations, using with her table that she wants
blindfolds and earplugs to get to find a job in macro social
an idea of what having a dis- work, engaging in commu-
ability is like. nity organizing rather than
But LSA sophomore Nicho- just with individuals. When
las Guys, who was elected as she's not busy with classes,
the fraternity's philanthropy she helps out at MStars, an
chairman last November, organization on campus that
decided that dialogue with raises money for the Make-A-
other students living with See PHILANTHROPY, Page 5A

Annual event aims
to serve, not save,
the Motor City
Deputy Magazine Editor
From 10:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.,
parts of Detroit looked like Ann
Arbor with the amount of students
wearing maize and blue.

No, they weren't at the basket-
ball game, or the hockey game.
They were volunteering as part of
the 14th annual Detroit Parnter-
ship Day.
DP Day is an annual day of
service-based learning for Univer-
sity students put on by the Detroit
Partnership, a student organiza-
tion committed to uniting the
University and the Motor City
through community service proj-

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AATA accepts annual audit

Vol. CXXIII, No. 88
013 The Michigan Daily

NEWS ........................2A SUDOKU. . . A........2A
OPINION ....................4A CLASSIFIEDS.............66A
ARTS...........................7A SPORTSM ONDAY.......... 1B

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