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February 01, 2013 - Image 1

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Ann Arbor, Michigan

Friday, February 1, 2013


L-aws hinder
In interview, calls for level because I don't think this should
be solved piecemeal," Coleman said.
federal, state reform "We should need a comprehensive
solution. I care deeply about the stu-
for undocumented dents who come here from other coun-
tries and get an advanced degree and
student benefits have to go back. This is crazy what's
going on in this country."
By JEN CALFAS The primary obstacle to provid-
Daily StaffReporter ing in-state tuition to undocumented
students is the Illegal Immigration
As the release of the Coalition for and Immigration Responsibility Act
Tuition Equality and administration of 1996, which prohibits states from
official's report on tuition equality for giving any benefits to undocumented
undocumented Michigan residents residents, including welfare, financial
to the University's Board of Regents aid and driver's licenses. However,
approaches, the drafters will have to states must provide elementary and
. contend with a number of serious legal high school education and emergency
and political issues that prevent the health care. In addition, they can issue
University from immediately imple- certain benefits by enacting specific
menting the policy. state laws.
In an interview with The Michigan Although there is no Michigan
Daily on Wednesday, University Presi- law allowing in-state tuition for
dent Mary Sue Coleman said recently undocumented students, the public
proposed federal immigration reform universities, in the state function as
should help to develop a solution. If constitutionally autonomous entities,
the federal government provides a new an independence universities enjoy
legal framework for dealing with the in only a small number of states. The
issues, Coleman said it would help the regents can determine tuition rates
University alleviate the issue. and who is eligible for in-state tuition,
"I am very encouraged with the dis- among other provisions.
cussion that is going on at the federal See TUITION, Page 5

ACLU, unions sue state

Suit alleges that Capitol,
lockdown subverted
Daily Staff Reporter
On Thursday, the American Civil Lib-
erties Union of Michigan and a group
of labor unions have asked a state judge
Thursday to review Michigan's contro-
versial right-to-work law that passed

through the stat legislature at the end of
RanaElmir, communications director
of the Michigan ACLU, wrote in a state-
ment that the law should be struck down
because.the public was barred from the
state Capitol during its enactment. He
claims that this was a violation of the
Open Meetings Act, the First Amend-
ment of the United States Constitution
and the state's Constitution.
The Open Meetings Act is a sun-
shine law meant to improve government
transparency and provide citizens with

access to the meetings of certain offi-
cials. The lawsuit focuses on finding
fault in the process by which the legis-
lation was passed rather than the right-
to-work law itself, which does not allow
paying union dues to be a condition of
any workplace.
On Dec. 6, Elmir alleges Capitol's
doors were locked in order to limit
observation of the debates on the right-
to-work legislation. The suit argues that
the galleries overlookingthe floor of the
Capitol were intentionally stuffed with
See ACLU, Page 5


58 Greene performs at at the Mendelssohn Theatre for the MRelay Benefit Concert on Thursday.

Auto exec gives to Engineering

University employees
rewarded for exercise
healthy lifestyle

former CEO donate
$2 million
Daily StaffReporter
It's not every day that the
Engineering Dean David Mun-
son jumps in the air to chest-

bump a donor.
Munson and the department
of mechanical engineering cel-
ebrated a $2-million donation to
a department chair endowment
at a ceremony Thursday. The
donation ceremony, held in the
Lurie Engineering Center, gar-
nered an audience of about 80
engineering professionals and
industry representatives.
The donors to the department

included powertrain manufac-
turer BorgWarner and its execu-
tive chairman, University alum
Tim Manganello. Manganello
is a former member of the
Engineering advisory council
and executive chairman of the
BorgWarner Foundation - the
company's charitable arm that
supports scientific, literary and
educational pursuits.
Because the endowment

will fund both the department
chair - currently Engineering
Prof. Kon-Well Wang - and the
department itself, the gift is the
first of its kind for the depart-
ment. In past years, contribu-
tions have gone only to fund the
work of only the department's
Manganello said he deeply
valued his time at the Univer-
See GIFT, Page 5A

About 55 percent of
faculty, staff take
part in MHealthy
Daily Staff Reporter
University employees have a
shot to earn a small stipendand
take advantage of the benefits of
MHealthy fitness classes.
Founded in 2005 as part of ini-
tiatives by University President
Mary Sue Coleman, MHealthy
is now offering monetary incen-
tives up to $100 for faculty who
complete at least two approved
health-promoting activities.
The pilot program began with
MHealthy in 2005, and the first
five-year plan was formulated in
2008. A new five-year plan focus-
es on decreasing the percentage
of employees with a high health
Administrators at MHealthy
said a recent evaluation sug-
gested the program is making a
difference in regard to various
health risk factors and is ulti-
mately combating health-care
cost escalation.
The incentive program began
in 2009 as part of MHealthy's
goal ofahealthy campus commu-
nity as a result of research that
suggested monetary incentives
can influence behavior.
Requirements to achieve
incentives have changed and
broadened over time in response
to 'faculty interests. Options
include enrolling in fitness
classes, undergoing a biomet-
ric screening and completing a
health risk survey.
Laurita Thomas, the Univer-

sity's associate vice president for
human resources, said it's impor-
tant that employees complete the
health risk survey that's released
everyfewyears. Thesurveyhelps
the program tailor to the specific
needs of University faculty.
"We could do something that
everybody else is doing, but our
community may need something
different," Thomas said. "The
questionnaire gives us data to
track how well we're doing over
For example, the most recent
questionnaire found that back
pain is particularly prevalent
among University employees.
Thomas said there are many
health-friendly initiatives on
campus, such as bike paths,
healthy eating options and
late-night programs that give
students an alternative to less
healthy weekend activities.
bue to recent changes, those
covered by University health-
care plans, like spouces of faculty
can complete the health ques-
tionnaire and enroll in various
MHealthy programs.
"if the whole family is work-
ing on health, the employee is
more likelyto be successful," said
University employees can earn
$50 by completing the survey,
and then earn another $80 by
completing an approved activity.
Thomas said the incentive cash
supply comes'from a combina-
tion of University investments
and individual contributions.
By the end of 2013, the pro-
gram aims to have 70 percent
of all employees participat-
ing in MHealthy's Active U, a
12-week activity challenge to
See HEALTH, Page5

Elizabeth Wingrove (left) and Maria Cotera (right) speak atla transnational feminism papel in Lane Hall on Thursday.
Panel educates on global feminism


By S
be be
A bl

ofessors discuss students, graduate students,
scholars and professors came
international together to discuss the topic of
transnational feminism.
perspective Women's Studies and Politi-
cal Science Professor Leela
TEPHANIE SHENOUDA Fernandes led a panel discus-
Daily StaffReporter sion Thursday to discuss the
subject, which is also the focus
e crowd assembled before of her new book, "Transnational
table of panelists could Feminism in the United States:
est described as eclectic. Knowledge, Ethics, and Power."
ending of undergraduate While most attendees had read

the book in its entirety, those
in attendance expressed strong
opinions about the feminist par-
Speakers in the panel, includ-
ing LSA Professors Maria
Cotera, George Steinmetz and
Elizabeth Wingrove, pledged
support for Fernandes' newest
"I got interested in writing
the book because of my his-
tory in teaching women's stud-

ies," Fernandes said. "All of my
research has involved thinking
critically about how we're pro-
ducing knowledge about the
Fernandes said her work has
largely focused on different
forms of inequality in India over
the years, allowing her to teach
with an international perspec-
tive. Fernandes' book centers
on the concept of transnational


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news@michigandaily.com and let us know.

The International Student Affairs Commission

INDEX NEWS ............................2 SPORTS.................9
Vol. CXXIII, No.62 O PINION .......................4 SUDOKU..................... 2
02013TheMichigan Daily ARTS............ ... .7 CLASSIFIEDS.........7..7




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