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October 30, 2012 - Image 2

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2 - Tuesday, October 30, 2012 The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom

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ROTC hosts Armistice Day parade

70 years ago this week:
(November 1, 1942): Uni-
versity ROTC and NROTC
units, local military and
civilian defense units
announced plans to host
the first Armistice Day
parade in recent history
on Nov. 11, The Michigan
Daily reported.
From 10 a.m. until noon
on Nov. 11, classes were
dismissed so students
could participate in and
watch the parade.
Organizations invited
to participate included
the University Band, Ann
Arbor High School band,
state guards, city air raid

wardens, firemen, police-
men, Boy Scouts, Ameri-
can Legion, Veterans of
Foreign Wars and numer-
ous women's organiza-
40 years ago this week
(October 29, 1972): The
Council for Black Con-
cerns held "programs
involving speakers, plays,
art shows and entertain-
ers," in order to encourage
acceptance and diversity
between racial groups,
The Daily reported.
The CBC was inthe pro-
cess of forming a weekend
retreat for student leaders
of all ethnicities, in which

participants could discuss
problems minority stu-
dents faced at the Univer-
Lee Gill, then-director
of the CBC, said it was
essential that students
understand individuals of
different backgrounds in
order to avoid any racial
tensions or problems.
20 years ago this week
(October 27, 1992): Ann
Richards, then-governor
of Texas, gave a speech on
the Diag to campaign for
then-Democratic presi-
dential nominee Bill Clin-
ton and then-U.S. Rep.
William Ford (D-Ypsilanti

Township) who was run-
ning for re-election, the
Daily reported.
The Daily reported that
Richards delivered an
address intended to mock
then-President George
H. W. Bush's claims of
responsibility for critical
international events.
"I am the successful
governor of a large state,
and in just the two short
years that I have been gov-
ernor of Texas, the Berlin
Wall has come down and
the Soviet Union has dis-
solved," Richards said dur-
ing the rally.

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Members of the Element One Break
Dancing Team practice in Mason Hall.



Scream n' Run A keyvisitor Philanthropy North Korea

WHERE: Hatcher WHERE: 1600 East
Graduate Library Medical Center Carport
WHEN: Sunday at about WHEN: Sunday at about
1:30 p.m. 9:35 p.m.
WHAT: Five to nine WHAT: A male visitor
students ran into the told Hospital Security that
reference room, screamed the rear passenger door of
and ran away, University his van was delibraretly
Police reported. The group scratched by an apparent
repeated this three times key while parked in the
however, DPS could not structure, University Police
identify the culprits. reported.
Grinding on the Lights out
Grad Library WHERE: 1011 North

WHAT: Daniel Lurie, CEO
and Fonder of the non-profit
Tipping Point Community,
will discuss the innova-
tions of his organization. It
has raised more than $50
million dollars for poverty
fighting organizations in
Northern California.
WHO: Ross School of Busi-
WHEN: Tonight at 7 p.m.
WHERE: Weill Hall,
Early glass
WHAT: English Prof.
Sean Silver will discuss the
importance of glass in the
development of humans and
how they view themselves.
WHO: Institute for the
WHEN: Today at 12:30 p.m.
WHERE: 202 South
Thayer Building, room 2022

WHAT: A documentary
about the North Korean
humanitarian crisis will
be shown and information
about joining a new iniative
will be available. Free Pizza
will be provided.
WHO: Liberty in North
WHEN: Tonight at 7 p.m.
WHERE: Michigan Union,
Pendleton Room
WHAT: University faculty
and alumni will discuss the
2012 presidential election.
SuperPACS will be a topic of
WHO: Alumni Association
WHEN: Today at 7 p.m.
WHERE: Alumni Center
Founders Room

Deaths in corn silos are
a relatively common
occurance, The NewYork
Times reported. People enter
a partially full silo to clean it
up and the corn sometimes
shifts and kills the cleaners.
Eighty people have died in
this manner since 2007.
"Don't Trust the B----"
returns to Apartment
23 for a second season
of snappy humor and witty
Sweden's program to
generate energy from
crash is so succesful
that it has started to import
trash from other countries,
NPR reported. The trash
generates enough energy for
about 250,000 homes. Only
4 percent of Swedish garbage
eventally ends up in landfills.

Andrew Weiner Managing Editor anweirfer@michigandailyco
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The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and The Associated Colegiate Press.

WHERE: Hatcher
Graduate Library Steps
WHEN: Sunday at 3:53 p.m.
WHAT: Three young
males, who seemed to be
around 11 years-old were
reportededly skateboarding
on the library steps,
T..__n- e _ _ _I,- rT ert-

WHEN: Saturday at about
11:15 pm
WHAT: A car was
pulled over for not having
headlights on while driving
in the dark, University
Police reported. The driver
was then arrested for never
receiving a driver's license.

Sandy wreaks havoc along the East Coast

An unprecedented
13-foot storm surge
slams New York
Superstorm Sandy slammed into
the New Jersey coastline with
80 mph winds Monday night and
hurled an unprecedented 13-foot
surge of seawater at New York
City, flooding its tunnels, subway
stations and the electrical system
that powers Wall Street. At least
10 U.S. deaths were blamed on the
storm, which brought the presi-
dential campaign to a halt a.week
before Election Day.
For New York City at least,
Sandy was not the dayslong
onslaught many had feared, and
the wind and rain that sent water
sloshing into Manhattan from
three sides began dying down
within hours.
Still, the power was out for
hundreds of thousands of New
Yorkers and an estimated 5.2 mil-
lion people altogether across the
East. And the full extent of the
storm's damage across the region
was unclear, and unlikely to be
known until daybreak.
In addition, heavy rain and
further flooding remain major
threats over the next couple of
days as the storm makes its way
into Pennsylvania and up into
New York State. Near midnight,
the center of the storm was just
outside Philadelphia, and its
winds were down to 75 mph, just
barely hurricane strength. .
"It was nerve-racking for
a while, before the storm hit.
Everything was rattling," said
Don Schweikert, who owns a bed-
and-breakfast in Cape May, N.J.,
near where Sandy roared ashore.
"I don't see anything wrong, butI
won't see everything until morn-
As the storm closed in, it
converged with a cold-weather
system that turned it into a super-
storm, a monstrous hybrid con-
sisting not only of rain and high
wind but snow in West Virginia
and - other mountainous areas
It smacked the boarded-up big
cities of the Northeast corridor

- Washington, Baltimore, Phila-
delphia, New York and Boston -
with stinging rain and gusts of
more than 85 mph.
Justbefore Sandy reached land,
forecasters stripped it of hurri-
cane status, but the distinction
was purely technical, based on its
shape and internal temperature. It
still packed hurricane-force wind,
and forecasters were careful to say
it was still dangerous to the tens of
millions in its path.
Sandy made landfall at 8 p.m.
near Atlantic City, which was
already mostly under water and
saw an old, 50-foot piece of its
world-famous Boardwalk washed
away earlier in the day.
Authorities reported a record
surge 13 feet high at the Battery
at the southern tip of Manhat-
tan, from the storm and high tide
In an attempt to lessen dam-
age from saltwater to the subway
system and the electrical network
beneath the city's financial dis-
trict, New York City's main utility
cut power to about 6,500 custom-
ers in lower Manhattan. But a far
wider swath- of the city was hit
with blackouts caused by flooding
and transformer explosions.
The city's transit agency said
water surged into two major com-
muter tunnels, the Queens Mid-
town and the Brooklyn-Battery,
and it cut power to some subway
tunnels in lower Manhattan after
water flowed into the stations and
onto the tracks.
The subway system was shut
down Sunday night, and the stock
markets never opened Monday
and are likely to be closed Tues-
day as well.
The surge hit New York City
hours after a construction crane
atop a luxury high-rise collapsed
in the wind and dangled precari-
ously 74 floors above the street.
Forecasters said the wind at the
top the building may have been
close to 95mph.
As the storm drew near, air-
lines canceled more than 12,000
flights, disrupting the plans of
travelers all over the world.
Storm damage was projected
at $10 billion to $20 billion, mean-
ing it could prove to be one of the
costliest natural disasters in U.S.

Sea water floods the Ground Zero construction site Monday night in New York.

Ten deaths were reported in
New Jersey, New York, West Vir-
ginia, Pennsylvania and Connect-
icut. Some of the victims were
killed by falling trees. At least one
death was blamed on the storm in
President Barack Obama and
Republican challenger Mitt Rom-
ney canceled their campaign
appearances at the very height of
the race, with just over a week to
go before Election Day. The presi-
dent pledged the government's
help and made a direct plea from
the White House to those in the
storm's path.
"When they tell you to evacu-
ate, you need to evacuate," he
said. "Don't delay, don't pause,
don't question the instructions
that are being given, because this
is a powerful storm."
Sandy, which killed 69 people
in the Caribbean before making
its way up the Atlantic, began to
hook left at midday toward the
New Jersey coast.
New Jersey Gov. Chris Chris-

tie said people were stranded
in Atlantic City, which sits on a
barrier island. He accused the
mayor of allowing them to stay
there. With the hurricane roaring
through, Christie warned it was
no longer safe for rescuers, and
advised people who didn't evacu-
ate the coast to "hunker down"
until morning.
"I hope, I pray, that there won't
be any loss of life because of it,"
he said.
While the hurricane's 90 mph
winds registered as only a Cat-
egory D on a scale of five, it packed
"astoundingly low" barometric
pressure, giving it terrific energy
to push water inland, said Kerry
Emanuel, a professor of meteorol-
ogy at MIT.
And the New York metropoli-
tan area apparently got the worst
of it, because it was on the dan-
gerous northeastern wall of the
"We are looking at the high-
est storm surges ever recorded" in
the Northeast, said Jeff Masters,
meteorology director for Weather

Underground, a private forecasting
service. "The energy of the storm
surge is off the charts, basically."
Hours before landfall, there
was graphic evidence of the
storm's power.
Off North Carolina, a replica
of the 18th-century sailing ship
HMS Bounty that was built for
the 1962 Marlon Brando movie
"Mutiny on the Bounty" went
down in the storm, and 14 crew
members were rescued by heli-
copter from rubber lifeboats bob-
bing in 18-foot seas. Another crew
member was found hours later
but was unresponsive. The cap-
tain was missing.
At Cape May, water sloshed
over the seawall, and it punched
through dunes in other seaside
"When I think about how much
water is already in the streets,
and how much more is going to
come with high tide tonight, this
is going to be devastating," said
Bob McDevitt, president of the
main Atlantic City casino work-
e1s UlriOn '"I think this is going to

be a really bad situation tonight"
In Maryland, atleast100feetof
a fishing pier at the beach resort
of Ocean City was destroyed.
At least half a million people
along the East Coast had been
ordered to evacuate, including
375,000 from low-lying parts of
NewYork City.
Sheila Gladden left her home in
Philadelphia's flood-prone East-
wick neighborhood, which took
on 51/2 feet of water during Hur-
ricane Floyd in 1999, and headed
for a hotel.
"Pm not going through this
again," she said.
Those who stayed behind had
few ways to get out.
Not only was the New York
subway shut down, but the Hol-
land Tunnel connecting New
York to New Jersey was closed, as
was a tunnel between Brooklyn
and Manhattan. The Brooklyn
Bridge, the George Washington
Bridge, the Verrazano-Narrows
Bridge and several other spans
were closed because of high





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