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September 14, 2012 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 2012-09-14

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The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com

From Page 1A
or timeline until we are prepared
to share the entire plan," Ablauf
The project is expected to be in
conjunction with the university-
wide capital fundraising cam-
The Athletic Department,
which is financially independent
from the University, currently
receives 4 percent of its annual
income from donations.
The South Campus master
plan offers several noticeable
changes to the Athletics campus.
Perhaps the most noticeable
change is the addition of a 'Walk
of Champions,' a tree-lined walk-
ing path stretching from Schem-
bechler Hall past onsterbaan
Fieldhouse and the Crisler Cen-
ter and ending at the northeast
corner of Michigan Stadium.
The Walk of Champions, the
website contends, will create
From Page 1A
The amending process is led by
the Student Relations Advisory
Committee and is supported by
the office of Student Conflict Res-
olution. OSCR program manager
Aniesha Mitchell said the main
purpose of the document, and the
amending process, is to preserve
the rights of students.
Students were asked to enter
their amendment requests by Sept.
10 via e-mail to Central Student
Government. The submitted pro-
posals will be reviewed by SRAC
and sent to E. Royster Harper, the
vice president of student affairs,
From Page 1A
that students feel graduate and
undergraduate student govern-
ments should be separate, then
the framework of what the gradu-
ate student government will look
like will be examined during win-
ter semester, Benson said.
At a very preliminary level,
Benson said the $7.19 per semes-
ter that the more than 15,000
graduate students pay to CSG and
the $1.50 per semester they pay
to their respective school or col-
lege student government would
become a flat $8 fee.
Of the $8, $2 would go to the
childcare fund, $4 would go the
student's college or school's stu-
dent government and $2 would go
to the new over-arching graduate
student government, Benson said.
He added that under the current
system every student pays $1 to
the childcare fund. The new $8
plan would increase funding to
the graduate school student gov-
ernments and childcare and fund
the new all-graduate govern-
CSG, however, would lose
more than one third of its annual
funding. In total, CSG collects
more than $600,000 through a
semesterly fee of $7.19 from each
student. Graduate student seces-
sion would account for a loss of
than $215,000 each year.
RSG vice president Kaitlin
Flynn said CSG does fund some

activities for graduate students,
but the undergraduate-centric
focus of CSG, coupled with the
limited funds of RSG, leads to
graduate student organizations
coming to RSG for money that
the organizatoin doesn't have.

"one complete, contiguous ath-
letic experience that will be as
impressive in its scale as it is in
its vision.".
The proposal calls for trans-
planting the Michigan volley-
ball team from Cliff Keen Arena,
where it is currently housed, to a
new multi-purpose arena located
behind the Ray Fisher Stadium,
replacing the Indoor Track Build-
ing that is now located there.
New indoor and outdoor track
and field facilities, rowing facil-
ity and a lacrosse stadium will be
erected at the edge of South Cam-
pus, joining the wrestling, gym-
nastics and soccer complex on the
southern edge of the U-M Golf
Course, according to the plan.
Two aspects of the project -
renovations to Yost Ice Arena
and Crisler Center - are already
In total, the new Athletic
Department website highlights
17 areas of South Campus that
will be overhauled within the
next decade under the proposed

$250-million project.
Though the Athletic Depart-
ment has not unveiled the full
plan, every indication is that Cliff
Keen Arena and Ferry Field -
where the football team played
from 1906-26 - will be no more
once the plan is made a reality.
"The Cliff Keen Arena has
served us well, but it doesn't pro-
vide individualized resources
for our sports that rely on this
facility," the website reads. "Our
vision is to transform the space
ensuring that our wrestling, vol-
leyball and gymnastics teams
will compete in a facility which
will make them the envy of our
conference, and on par with their
national rivals."
The site includes a map that
shows a large parking lot in place
of Ferry Field.
Weidenbach Hall, at the cor-
ner of Hoover Street and State
Street, will serve as the "front
door" to South Campus and con-
nect to a renovated and expanded
Ross Academic Center.

From Page 1A
identity and allowing them to pay
electronically with the touch of a
Square recently announced
a partnership with Starbucks,
which will begin using the ser-
vice at all of its locations this fall.
In an interview before the
event, Dorsey said despite the
differing natures of his work at
Square and Twitter, they both
draw on similar principles.
"When we really looked at it,
payments and money were not
that dissimilar from communi-
cation - it's just an exchange
of value," he said. "So it's actu-
ally very similar to what we were
doing with Twitter, it's just a dif-
ferent application."
According to Dorsey, Square
was conceived when co-founder
Jim McKelvey had difficulty sell-
ing his work at an art fair to those
who wanted to use credit cards.
As Square developed, they real-
ized the service would appeal
to a variety of small businesses
owners, who according to Dors-
ey, were "just waiting for a solu-
tion" for their credit card reading
However, Dorsey said he
doesn't believe other forms of
payment will become obsolete.
"It's not that we must remove
paper money or credit cards from
this world," he said. "We believe
there's a better experience to be
had, and we're working on that. "
He added that the new card-
free feature of Square is a result

of his belief that commercial
transactions should be simpli-
"I order the cappuccino, I get
the cappuccino," he said. "It just
works. It should be that fluid. You
never should have to worry about
taking your wallet out. "
Dorsey told aspiring entre-
preneurs at the event to take
advantage of opportunities to
build relationships with profes-
sors and peers while they are
surrounded by an array of intel-
ligent minds.
"The biggest thing is to find
people who will really push you
to go higher, to be better," he
said. "Find people who convince
you to get out of your head and
really create stuff. Find people to
collaborate with."
During his presentation,
Dorsey told students the product
initially gained popularity with
bands that were able to easily sell
merchandise with Square, and
showed a short film featuring the
band Silent Comedy to demon-
strate its use.
He noted that the service has
spread to many other businesses,
and shows no sign of slowing
down its expansion.
In fielding questions about his
career, Dorsey urged students to
pursue their own ideas with the
same fervor.
"If you have an idea, get it out
of your head," he said. "Get it into
code, get it into conversation,
draw it out. That's the best way to
actually do something, (because)
if you don't get it outof your head,
you're going to make excuses for
why it can't be done."

Friday, September 14, 2012 - 5A
The event was also a recruit-
ment opportunity for potential
Square employees. Dorsey has
toured numerous universities,
including Carnegie Mellon Uni-
versity and the University of
Pittsburgh to recruit.
His team chose the University
because of its interdisciplinary
programs that combine areas of
study such as business, engineer-
ing and entrepreneurship, Dors-
ey said.
University alum Kyle Zink, the
director of corporate brands for
Square, said the company makes
an effort to have a presence on
campuses around the country.
"From a student standpoint,
there are a lot of start-ups in Sili-
con Valley that seem really far
away and unattainable," he said.
"If you're really interested in a
company, be proactive. Reach out
and be part of the conversation."
Students who don't plan to
pursue a career at Square can still
use the application for activities
on campus, such as buying and
selling textbooks, paying indi-
vidual tutors through credit card
and discovering new local busi-
nesses, Dorsey said.
Currently, more than 1,000
individuals and small businesses
in Ann Arbor use Square, includ-
ing Comet Coffee in Nickel's
Arcade and Iorio's Gelateria on
E. William Street. During the
event, one student asked Dorsey
if he thought it would become the
primary vehicle for commercial
transaction in the near future.
"I use it every day in San Fran-
cisco," he responded. "So the
future is already here."

with its recommendations before
University President Mary Sue
Coleman makes the final decision
on changes to the policy.
As program manager, Mitchell
is directly involved with develop-
ment of the statement and actively
meets with students who have
been accused of violatingthe code.
She also aids in informing them of
their rights and offering resolu-
tion options.
Mitchell said updating the doc-
ument is important to meet the
needs of a constantly changing
"(The framers of the statement)
recognized that as a culture and
as a community we would evolve
over time, and so they wanted

to make sure that the statement
meets the needs of the communi-
ty," she said. "And so they created
this amendment process."
Mitchell referred to a proposal
she received this year regarding
cyber bullying, noting that it's
indicative of the need to amend
and maintain the policy to keep
up with how the student body is
In addition to submitting pro-
posals, students are encouraged
to attend community dialogues
where potential amendments will
be presented and discussed. The
meetings will be held Sept. 19 and
27 and a Google Plus Hangout will
serve as a virtual meeting place for
those unable to attend.

Currently, Rackham and sev-
eral other schools and colleges
with graduate students at the
University hold many seats on
the CSG assembly, but few gradu-
ate students actively fill those
seats. Rackham has 10 allotted
seats - with 57 total seats in the
assembly - and eight are vacant.
During discussion of the new
committee, one member of RSG
questioned if secession was nec-
essary and suggested that greater
participation in CSG could solve
graduate representation prob-
Benson, who has served as a
representative on the CSG assem-
bly and the CSG General Counsel,
said CSG rarely discusses issues
affecting graduate students.
"The undergraduates, and
this is by no means disrespectful
toward them, they didn't quite
grasp some of the issues with
(graduate students)," he said.
Specifically, Benson said big
issues over the last few years for
undergraduate students and CSG
- including the open housing ini-
tiative and Saturday night dining
- typically have little bearing on
graduate students, adding that
the reverse is true for undergrad-
uate students.
"Oftentimes graduate students
honestly don't really care about
some the issues that affect under-
graduates and vice versa," he said.
While two separate student
governments with a budget over
$100,000 would be alien to the
University, Benson said it is actu-
ally quite common at other insti-
"Every other school in the Big
Ten that has a student govern-
ment ... has separate and equal
graduate professional student
governance, as well as under-

graduate student governance as
the issues are really unique and
separate," he said.
Despite the possibility of hav-
ing two major student govern-
ments on campus, Benson said
this does not rule out graduate
and undergraduate students
working together or having grad-
uate students serve CSG.
"For the issues where there is
overlap, at these other schools,
there is a great deal of collabora-
tion," he said.
While the assembly does have
several seats open for graduate
students that do not have regu-
larly attending representatives,
there has still been graduate stu-
dent representation. The current
chair of the rules committee, for
instance, is a law student.
Benson said the committee
and the potential move to a new
graduate student government
will take multiple semesters
"We don't want to jump the
gun," he said.
The creation of a separate
graduate student government
would likely require changes to
the all campus constitution, and
Benson said there are multiple
avenues to achieving this. He
cited petitioning CSG, convinc-
ing the assembly to amend the
all-campus constitution or going
straight to the University's Board
of Regents.
"I'm not sure at this point ... if
the undergraduates would even
have a say in this, truthfully,"
Benson said. "We want to work
collaboratively with undergradu-
ates, but at the end of our day,
our main focus here is ensuring
proper representation and giving
proper voice to the graduate and
professional student bodies on

SECURITY According to Fitzgerald, procedures of the University of
From Page 1A the total cost of implementing California's Board of Regents as
the new security measures is an example of similar preemp-
about $9,500, including the cost tive action. The meetings of the
Fitzgerald said. "The recommen- of metal detectors. Fitzgerald UC Board of Regents have been
dation came from the Depart- was unable to comment about forced into closed session and
ment of Public Safety and there whether DPS resources would be the university has even cancelled
was pretty much general agree- diverted from other locations to meetings because of violent dis-
ment with the leadership of the provide security at the meetings. ruptions by protesting students.
University to move ahead." He also declined to comment "There are different approach-
Fitzgerald added that there on how many officers would be es to security taken at differ-
haven't been recent security present atmeetings. ent venues across the country,"
incidents at meetings that might The use of metal detectors is Fitzgerald said. "DPS made a rec-
force a review of safety measures, not unprecedented at meetings ommendation and the leadership
so the change was primarily pre- of higher education boards across of the University agreed that this
emptive. the country. Fitzgerald cited the is a step we should take."

Three armed roberies reported
off-campus early Thurs. morning

AAPD: Incidents
may be connected
to each other
Daily StaffReporter
Three armed robberies with
similarly described suspects were

reported to the Ann Arbor Police
Department in areas surrounding
campus early Thursday morning.
A suspect allegedly
armed with a black handgun
approached individuals in the
three incidents and took cash,
wallets and phones. The suspect
ambushed the victims after hid-
ing nearby, according to police.
The alleged robberies

occurred on West Washington
Street, the 1100 block of South
Forest Avenue and the inter-
section of Cambridge Road and
Olivia Avenue. None of the indi-
viduals involved were injured.
The suspect is described as
a Black male between 5'6" and
5'8" in his mid 20's and wear-
ing a black ski mask and black


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