The Michigan Daily -
Thursday, March 22, 2012 - 2B
The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom Thursday, March 22, 2012 - 2B
In this feature, Daily Arts writers will give their endorsements
for the arts you need to experience to help you deal with current events.
"Do the Right Thing"
It's a little too warm outside, and at times it
may feel like there's no escape, as though the heat
might just cause us all to combust. If this summer-
# come-early weather is making you restless, then sit
back with a slice of pizza and take a journey all the
wayback to 1989 to revisit the sweltering streets of
Brooklyn on the hottest day of the year with Spike
Lee's "Do the Right Thing."
Guns Babes Lemonade
- Muscles
Muscles sings like a drunken James Blake,
recounting falsetto tales of sweaty indie romances.
Muscles is the patron saint of huggin' a few times,
hammocks, skinny-dippin' and marshmallows.
Muscles issues his barbaric yawp from the depths
of the party pit. Muscles doesn't need your number
- he just wants to dance with his shirt off.
Claude Monet's water lillies
Now that spring has awakened early this year,
its time to revisit the series of water lily paint-
ings by Claude Monet. Housed all over the world
in places like the Toledo Museum of Art and the
Musae d'Orsay in Paris, Monet captivates us with
his striking colors, fluid strokes and realistic
r 4ss -^=i impressions. Let Monet's water lilies impress upon
you the wonders nature has in store for us all.
"Mad Men"
r T , Whether you're a longtime Maddict who has
been living with withdrawal since the end of sea-
son four or a recent convert to the Draper craze,
you'd better clear your calendar for this coming
Sunday, because "Mad Men" is finally returningto
AMC with a two-hour season premiere. Now is the
time to rewatch your favorite episodes and pick out
your finest '60s-wear to prepare for a night dedi-
cated to Draper and Co.
(~BSide Buzz)
Lance Johnson
Manager of Pinball Pete's
How did you become the manager of Pinball Pete's?
I used to come here as a kid, so that's how the owners got to know
What games did you play at Pinball Pete's when you were
Pac-Man, Galaga, Stargate - all those old-school games.
What are the most popular games at Pinball Pete's?
Time Crisis 4, Time Crisis 3, pool, air hockey, skeeball's a big one
and super-shot basketball too.
Excerpts are taken from the B-Side Buzz video,
which can be found on
Interview by Jeff Waraniak
It has been two years since
Beach House released Teen
Dream, a delicate, wispy album
with one foot
grounded in
reality and
the other
fading into
a dreamlike Beach House
haze. Sub Pop
Now, with
the group's
release of the single "Myth,"
- off their upcoming album
Bloom - the Baltimore duo
has proven they're still allur-
ing enough to keep this dream
alive. "Myth" inspires hope
for fans of Beach House that
they will be similarly pleased
with Bloom, which is slated
to be released just in time for
springtime flowers and May
The track is a picture of
Beach House at its most pen-
sive, opening with slow, sul-
March 15 was a lot of things:
the start of an epic St. Patrick's
Day weekend,
the scene of
tic tornados Ctmunit'
and thunder-
storms in Ann Season 3
Arbor .and "Urban Matrimony
most impor- and Sadwich Arts"
tantly, the day NBC
that the cult-
ishly adored
"Community" returned.
This episode touched upon
everything that makes "Com-
munity" appealing: bizarre
characters, pop culture refer-
ences and random plot devel-
opments. But the. episode
succeeded without going over
the top, allowing new viewers to
find their footing at Greendale
while also inviting old friends
back to the campus.
In the hiatus-ending episode,
Andre re-proposes to Shirley,
len guitar and keyboard notes ashes fly," whispered in Scal-
that rain on top of singer Alex ly's typically hushed style. It's
Scally's vocals, smooth, steady and glimmers
The lyrics are just as chill- with melancholy - sure, it's
ing as the instrumentals, with a morose song, but that dark
lines like "You came rolling honesty is what makes "Myth"
down the cheek / You just say so captivating.
what you need" and "Let the -CHLOE STACHOWIAK
which set the plot into motion clarity and sincere authenticity,
and reminded us why we've which is everything we expect
missed "Community" for four from the Greendale gang - and
months. Within every bizarre a return to television that's this
storyline are genuine characters good only bodes well for the
trying to find their way in the future (cough cough six seasons
mess of the world. This episode and a movie).
provided comedy, emotional -RADHIKA MENON
F -
E-mail for an application.
Five Seconds, a History
Automated Trading, Place, and
Donald MacKenzie
Sociology, University of Edinburgh
Friday, 23 March 2012, 12:00 pm
North Quad, Room 2435
F or In! i onfa m t n um,.~ji h - ru www.r:h~eimst 'sV ri't
Prtsentd by te Program i Smcience, Tchnology & Socty* o prtnts of EcnomIcs
and Sociology #Program in ience, Tchnology & Pubik Pocy4
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