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March 22, 2012 - Image 9

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The Michigan Daily, 2012-03-22

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The Michigan Daily I michigandailycom Thursday, March 22, 2012





Missing the sweet sounds of rowdy St. Patrick's Day fun Starving for some intelligent political discourse amid this It seems like Americans are endlessly enchanted by snarky
already? Swing by the Ark on Sunday to catch Blackthorn, a GOP primary madness? Come to Weill Hall in the School of British know-it-alls like Sherlock Holmes - and who
Detroit-based Celtic group that's as loud and lively as that Public Policy today from 2:30-4:00 p.m. to meet world-re- doesn't love a Watson who can actually kick some ass?
house party you visited last Saturday at 7 a.m. Their per- nowned author and White House journalist Noam Scheiber M-Flicks will be screening the second installment of Guy
formance, which begins at 7 p.m., doubles as a fundraiser as he speaks about his newest book, "The Escape Artists: Ritchie's take on the famous detective, "Sherlock Holmes:
for the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network. How Obama's Team Fumbled the Recovery." Free and open A Game of Shadows," tomorrow in the Natural Science
Tickets from $20. to the public. Auditorium. The movie starts at 7 p.m. Admission is free.


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