2A - Wednesday, January 18, 2012
The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom
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Flash mob fun
One campus group aims to
alleviate the immense pressure
placed on students by the stress-
es of classes and extracurricular
activities through the power of
Founded this year by LSA
sophomore Miranda Kahn, Cam-
pus Chaos organizes impromptu
comedic events across campus.
The initial idea for the group was
spurred from flash mob YouTube
videos created by Improv Every-
where, a New York acting compa-
ny, Kahn said.
Both groups are based on the
idea of initiating seemingly ran-
dom, yet previously organized,
commotion in public . spaces.
Kahn said elements of surprise
and entertainment are the main
focuses of the campus club, and
the group enjoys keeping students
"(Our goal) is creating happi-
ness and joy in different and unex-
pected places," Kahn said.
In the future, Campus Chaos
hopes to create interactive spec-
tacles such as recreating scenes
from "Ghostbusters" in the Sha-
piro Undergraduate Library and
holding a human petting zoo on
the Diag, Kahn said.
"We hope the events will be
a fun and engaging time for stu-
dents, and promote happiness
throughout campus," Kahn said.
She added that the club is
open to students of all abilities
and experience, not just theater
majors or improvisational actors. °
Even professors can participate,
Kahn said.,
LSA sophomore Jami Levin has
been working to advertise the new
club across campus with flyers,
social media and digital advertise-
ments, and said she's has attracted
about 300 students thus far.
The group's uniqueness comes -
from its base in fun and light-
heartedness, not academics or
goals for the future, Levin said. n -;
"It's fun to be doing something
that's not for your resume and just
do it so you meet new people and
just have fun and laugh and brain-#
storm," Levin said. PAUL SHERMAN/Daily
- KATIE BURKE Engineeringfreshman Arjun Motta at IASA's Date
Night last night at the Michigan Union.
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Grand theft Disappearing Career fair CORRECTIONS
bicycle skatertboarders
WHERE: 400 block of S.
State Street
WHEN: Monday at about
7:50 p.m.
WHAT: A male student's
locked bicycle was stolen,
University Police reported.
There are no suspects
WHERE: 900 block of
Huron Street
WHEN: Monday at about
10:20 a.m.
WHAT: Reports of skate-
boarding in a lot could not
be verified, University Police
reported. The lot was empty
when police arrived.
Three's the South Quad
magic number
WHERE: Shapiro Under-
graduate Library
WHEN:.Monday at about
11:10 p.m.
WHAT: A student left her
backpack unattended on the
third floor and her wallet
with $300 cash and three
credit cards was stolen,
University Police reported.
WHERE: South Quad Resi-
dence Hall
WHEN: Tuesday at about
5:35 a.m.
WHAT: Housing security
detected the odor of mari-
juana in the residence hall,
University Police reported.
a student was found in pos-
session of the substance.
WHAT: Organizations
seeking interns and new
hires from the University
will be presenting at the
Winter Career Expo.
WHO: Multi-Ethnic Stu-
dent Affairs and the Career
WHEN: Today from 2 p.m.
to 6 p.m.
WHERE: Michigan Union
Stand-up showa
WHAT: MI Favorite Comic
is a monthly comedy com-
petition open to any stu-
dent wanting to show off
his or her comedic talents.
The grand prize winner
will earn the opportunity
to open for a professional
comedian at an upcoming
campus show
WHO: University Unions
Arts and Programs
WHEN: Tonight at 7p.m.
WHERE: Michigan League
" An article in the Jan.
17 edition of The Michi-
gan Daily ("After rein-
statement, Beta Theta
Pi continues to recruit,
stated that a woman
attending a party hosted.
by Beta Theta Pi in 2001
was raped. The incident
allegedly occurred.
. An article in the Jan.17
edition of The Michigan
Daily ("Michele Norris
talks equality")incor-
rectly stated that the Uni-
versity's annual Rev. Dr.
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Symposium was in its 25th
year. It is in its 26th year.
. Please report any
error in the Daily to
gandaily.com. ,
After being lost for 165
years, 314 slides of fossils
collected by Charles Dar-
win and his crew were found
in the British Geological
Survey yesterday, the Associ-
ated Press reported. Some of
the slides are from Darwin's
HMS Beagle voyage.
How much is a college
degree worth? 79 per-
cent of 2010 LSA grad-
uates earn less than $45,000
during the first year of their
first post-graduation job.
The number of pedes-
trians wearing head-
phones who have been
injured or killed over the past
six years has tripled, Bloom-
berg reported. The number
of victims near roads or train
tracks went from 16 in 2004-
2005 to 47 in 2010-2011.
losh Healy ManagingEditor jahealy@michigandaily.com
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From Page 1A
son said the tuition equality reso-
lution was met with t-epidation
by the Assembly, but he expects it
to pass when it is voted on at the
Assembly meeting next week. The
goal of tuition equality is to allow
undocumented students who
have lived the majority of their
lives in Michigan to be considered
as in-state students and exempt
them from the higher out-of-state
Designating Michigan resi-
dents who are undocumented
as in-state students could have
positive economic benefits for
the state of Michigan because the
University could produce more
alumni who live and work in the
state, Watson said.
"(The) benefits go way beyond
just the students," he said.
Watson said he supports both
the tuition equality and medical
amnesty proposals due to their
positive impact on the student
body, adding that the medical
amnesty program encourages
students to make smart decisions.
"(Medical Amnesty) is some-
thing that has the potential to
impact the entire student popula-
tion," Watson said. "... If it saves
one student's life, I think it's
In addition to proposals about
800.ZRoview 1800-273-84391 PrinoetonReview.comn
- -U . l? <r *":"; ets
medical amnesty and tuition
equality, a resolution was pro-
posed in support of organiza-
tions - including Amnesty
International and the American
Civil Liberties Union - who are
opposed to the National Defense
Authorization Act, which
includes a provision allowing U.S.
citizens to be detained for undis-
closed amounts of time if they are
thought to be involved with ter-
The Assembly will vote on the
resolutions at next week's meet-
ing, and if passed, they will be
sent to legislators and other polit-
ical leaders.
LSA sophomore Omar Hashwi,
a CSG representative and co-
author of the resolution against
NDAA, said the proposed policy
"puts every American citizen in
He added that it's unneces-
sary to combat terrorism by
compromising individual free-
' LSA sophomore Rayan El-
Zein, a CSG representative and
the other co-author of the reso-
lution, said the NDAA would
"preserve the status quo of the
Patriot Act."
The meeting was sparsely
attended, with only 26 of the 44
Assembly members at the open-
ing roll call, and 25 at the closing
roll call. The number needed for
a quorum is 22 members.
Business senior Matt Eral, the
Assembly's speaker of the house,
said the turnout was "average to
below average."
In his address to the Assem-
bly, Eral said low attendance
at meetings and a lack of avail-
ability to constituents led to the
creation of the Representative
Outreach Task Force - a group
that will be especially active
this semester to improve stu-
dent-representative relations.
He added that he expects to
develop individual websites for
representatives with visible vot-
ing records, and will potentially
require representatives to hold
office hours.
Members of the Central Stu-
dent Judiciary also attended the
meeting to discuss complaints
received after the CSG recall
elections in November.
- Renuka Sa.nthanagopalan
contributed to this report
From Page 1A
ter learn how to manage the fire
department's budget amid the
city's economic difficulties.
The city made cuts in vari-
ous areas in the last fiscal year,
including reductions to the bud-
gets of the AAFD and the Ann
Arbor Police Department that
led to layoffs and reductions in
personnel .
Before making cuts this year,
Briere said the city aims to seek
the guidance of professional
"It was not about cutting fire
department budget," Briere said.
"It's about knowing enough to
make good decisions."
Data discrepancies within the
report have caused some coun-
cil members to express concern,
according to Briere. The report
was initially released in Decem-
ber, but was further revised
and redrafted before being re-
released this month.
"The firefighters were con-
cerned that the data used in the
review was not current," Briere
said. "Data collected, includ-
ing the number of firefighters
on staff, has changed over the
period of the report due to the
city cuts."
Briere added that response
time data may also be inac-
curate because of the way it
was recorded, noting specifi-
cally that it's unclear whether
the tests measured the time
between when the truck leaves
the station and arrives at the
location, or when the call comes
in and the truck reaches its des-
City Council member Tony
Derezinski (D-Ward 2) agreed
with Briere, and said the incon-
gruities in collecting infor-
mation may have skewed the
report, or show inaccurate data.
"We believe there may be
some discrepancy between how
the city calibrated response
times and how they were mea-
sured by ICMA," Derezinski
said. "We are going to have a
work session where we review
these statistics thoroughly."
AAFD Chief Chuck Hubbard
wrote in an e-mail interview
that the report still needs to be
evaluated by the fire department
and City Council.
"There is a need for detailed
clarification on the response
time data," Hubbard wrote.
"Accuracy will be determined
after a thorough evaluation of
the contents."
The report recommends that
the AAFD consider purchasing
quick response vehicles for bet-
ter efficiency in emergency situ-
ations. These mid-sized vehicles,
generally the size of a large pick-
up truck, can be equipped with a
compressed air foam system and
an alternative fire extinguisher.
The report suggests these vehi- 0
cles be used in fire stations 3 and
4, located on Jackson Avenue
and Huron Parkway, which typi-
cally respond to more EMS calls
than fires.
"These QRVs may be these
more reasonably sized vehicles
for the typical EMS response,"
Derezinski said. "We are defi-
nitely reviewing a cost-benefit
analysis on the use of these vehi-
The vehicles will cut costs and
reduce staff due to their small-
er size, the report states. The
city will ultimately determine
whether or not to utilize the
vehicles, but before any changes
can be made, the city would first
have to renegotiate its collec-
tive bargaining agreement with
the firefighter union in order to
address a three-person mini-
mum personnel requirement for
all fire suppression vehicles.
The report also proposed
changing some responsibili-
ties - these include training
to identify fire hazards, more
fire suppression training, using
computer programs to solve
problems by using the technol-
ogy to display trends - of the
firefighters, incorporating addi-
tional planning techniques and
strategy software while offering
additional methods for training
and monitoring of department