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September 29, 2011 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 2011-09-29

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The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom

2A - Thursday, September 29, 2011

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Bringing Latin to life

Why did you decide to
bring spoken Latin to the
When I was hired, I was
asked by my colleagues if
I could speak Latin, and I
didn't know that anyone
did. So I decided to do an
exploration of that, and it
brought me to Rome and
to California. And in the
process, I discovered that
there were pedagogical
reasons for incorporating
spoken Latin into the cur-
How did you make
your way to the Univer-
I was a graduate student

here because it's one of
the great programs in the
country. I was an under-
graduate for nine years,
but my last four years were
at the University of Wash-
ington. I'm from Seattle. I
started at Boston Universi-
ty as a music major. Iended
up with a double degree in
classics and comparative
Is Latin a dead lan-
guage? Do you feel that
there will be a revival of
No.I don't see it as a lan-
guage that one is going to
learn as a first language.
I know people who have

taught their children Latin
pretty much from birth, so
I've been around kids who
are quite young, who speak
quite well. But it's still not
the only language they
learn, and it's not their
primary language. I can't
really imagine an envi-
ronment where it could
become the primary lan-
guage. On the other hand,
Latin has never stopped
What is your favorite
class to teach?
Whichever one I'm
teaching at the moment.
What are the goals of
your courses?

I want what students
learn in my class to go
with them outside of the
class and beyond. I want
them to have a differ-
ent relationship with the
classical world, whether
it's the Latin language or
the Greek language or the
civilization. I want them
to think about language
differently. I want them to
understand English better.
I want the kind of work
we do in class and the
kind of thinking that they
learn to do to go with them
throughout life.

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Gina Soter is a lecturer IV in classical studies
and in the Residential College.

Dining on The nose
another's dime knows

Info session on Banned book
Duke-NUS 'Read Out'

WHERE: South Quadrange
Residence Hall
WHEN: Tuesday at about
11:30 p.m.
WHAT: A student told
police that her roommate
used her credit card at a
nearby restaurant, Univer-
sity Police reported. The
investigation is ongoing.

Back it up, but
not too far
WHERE: Lot M-34, 201
Observatory St.
WHEN: Tuesday at about
8:05 p.m.
WHAT: A vehicle hit
another vehicle while back-
ing out of a parking space,
University police reported.

WHERE: Bursley
Residence Hall
WHEN: Yesterday at about
12:40 a.m.
WHAT: Staff told police
that they smelled marijuana
coming from the room of
two students, University
Police reported.
Saving on
Blue Bucks
WHERE: South
Quadrangle Residence Hall
WHEN: Tuesday at about
6 p.m.
WHAT: Residence hall
staff reported $35 missing
from a cash drawer in the
residence hall dining office,
University police reported.
There are no suspects.

WHAT: Craig Stenberg,
associate dean of Duke-NUS
Medical School Singapore.
will meet with students
interested in the joint
medical program.
WHO: The-Career Center
WHEN: Today from 1 p.m.
to 3 p.m.
WHERE: Student Activities
Poetry reading
WHAT: Writer Tony
Hoagland will read poems
from his published book
of poems called "Unincor-
porated Persons in the Late
Honda Dynasty," published
in 2010. Hoagland teaches
writing at the University of
WHO: University of Michi-
gan Museum of Art
WHEN: Today from 5p.m.
to 6:30 p.m.
WHERE: Museum of Art

WHAT: Faculty and
students will read aloud
passages from banned
books in honor of Banned
Books Week.
WHO: Shapiro Undergrad-
uate Library
WHEN: Today from 11 a.m.
to noon
WHERE: The Diag
Folk rock show
WHAT: Seattle's criti-
cally acclaimed band, Fleet
Foxes, will play in concert
tonight with The Walkmen
as featured guests.
WHO: Michigan Union
Ticket Office
WHEN: Tonight at 8 p.m.
WHERE: Hill Auditorium
. Please report any
error in the Daily to

Researchers at Tel Aviv
University have created
a synthetic cerebellum
that helps restore lost brain
function in rats, the New Sci-
entist reported. The implant
interprets input signals from
the brainstem and outputs
signals to motor neurons.
While hijab is a tradi-
tional aspect of Mus-
lim culture students
are making headscarves
something more special and
fashionable. Read how they
are turning a religion-based
choice into self expression.
The Southern Poverty
Law Center found stu-
dents' knowledge of
civil rights history is deterio-
rating, The New York Times
reported. One test showed
only 2 percent of seniors knew
Brown v. Board of Education
was prompted by segregation.

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Mexican president
orders federal
forces to Veracruz


Police to small amount of cocaine inside,
the statement said.
investigate after The Zetas have extended their
operations inland from the Gulf
body dumping coast, and state police in the
neighboring state of Hidalgo
MEXICO CITY (AP) - Mexi- reported that two officers were
can President Felipe Calderon's wounded by grenade fragments
administration said yesterday in a shootout with alleged Zetas.
it is sending troops and federal One of the attackers was killed in
police to a Gulf coast state where the confrontation.
gunmen dumped 35 bound, The assailants abandoned
seminude, tortured bodies on a a vehicle with a grenade, two
busy avenue in front of horrified assault rifles and about 1,000
motorists. rounds of ammunition inside,
Federal security spokesman authorities said.
Alejandra Sota said the federal In Tamaulipas state, to the
forces will reinforce operational north of Veracruz state, officials
and intelligence work in the state in the state attorney general's
of Veracruz. She didn't say how office said the hacked-up and
many troops and officers are burned body of a man believed
being sent. to be a federal police officer was
Sota said Veracruz's govern- left on a road in the state capital.
ment asked federal prosecutors State and federal police could not
to take over the investigation of confirm the man's identity.
last week's body dumping. A message left with the body
Authorities have said the vic- said the Zetas had carried out
tims were linked to the Zetas the killing, in retaliation for the
drug cartel. The killers are officer's alleged support for the
believed to be from the New Zetas' main rival, the Gulf cartel,
Generation gang, a group that is said the officials, who spoke on
associated with the Sinaloa car- condition of anonymity.
tel. . Federal police have been sent
The area had been dominated to several hotspots throughout
by the hyper-violent Zetas car- Mexico to supplement often cor-
tel, while Sinaloa is challenging rupt, intimidated or weakened
their control. local police.
Banners appeared in some In Ciudad Juarez, a border
Veracruz cities over the weekend city where thousands of federal
accusing Mexican marines, who officers have been posted, the,
have taken a leading role in the federal Attorney General's Office
government's offensive against announced that 10 former feder-
cartels, of kidnapping residents al officers had been arrested and
and favoring the Sinaloa cartel. ordered to stand trial on charges
Yesterday, the navy said of extortion, abuse of authority
marines had detained three and drug possession, among oth-
people who were carrying simi- ers.
lar banners in their vehicle near Prosecutors said the officers
the Gulf coast port of Tuxpan were detained'earlier this month
in Veracruz state. The three on a citizen complaint. They
are believed to be linked to the were caught with a captive man
Zetas, the navy said. in their vehicle, who told inves-
Marines pulled over their tigators the police had threat-
sport utility vehicle at a highway ened to plant drugs on him and
checkpoint Tuesday and found demanded money in return for
the banners, ammunition and a releasing him.


Judy Clarke, the lawyer representing shooting suspect Jared Lee Loughner, walks out of a federal court building Wednes-
day, June 29, 2011, in San Diego. A judge ruled yesterday that prison officials can forcibly give the Tucson shooting ram-
page suspect anti-psychotic drugs in a bid to make him mentally fit for trial.
Judge:Loughner can be
mentally fit to stand rial


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rosecutors say restored. "The court finds that
measurable progress has been
atment can help made."
Experts have concluded
chizophrenic Loughner suffers from schizo-
phrenia, and prosecutors
23 year old contend he can be made com-
petent with more treatment.
CSON, Ariz. (AP) - A But Loughner's attorneys argue
i judge ruled yesterday prosecutors have failed to prove
ae man accused of wound- that it's probable his condition
op. Gabrielle Giffords in a will improve enough.
shooting rampage can Loughner has pleaded not
ally be made mentally fit guilty to 49 charges stemming
od trial and should stay at from-the Jan. 8 shooting in Tuc-
on hospital for four more son that killed six and injured
s. 13, including Giffords.
District Judge Larry Earlier Tuesday, a psycholo-
made the decision as gist testified that Loughner has
Lee Loughner sat nearby, improved to where he under-
ng intently and quietly. stands that he killed people and
23-year-old's demeanor feels remorse about it, and can
stark contrast to his last be made competent to stand
appearance in May, when trial within eight months.
;ry, loud outburst got him Loughner is still delusional
out the courtroom. but has made strides during the
ns noted yesterday that past four months at the Spring-
ner wasn't smirking and field, Mo., facility, Dr. Christina
'or once, was paying atten- Pietz said.
the proceedings. When he first arrived, Lough-
ere's reason to be opti- ner was convinced Giffords was
he will recover and be dead, even though he was shown.
o assist in his case," the a video of the shooting.
said in ruling there's a "He believed it had been edit-
ntial probability Lough- ed" by law enforcement, Pietz
mental health could be said.

Now that Loughner is being
forcibly medicated with psycho-
tropic drugs, "he knows that she
(Giffords) is alive."
"He is less obsessed with
that," Pietz testified. "He under-
stands that he has murdered
people. He talks about it. He
talks about how remorseful he
As yestserday's hearing
dragged on, Loughner swiv-
eled back and forth in his chair
at times, and sighed as the talk
turned to video surveillance of
the shooting and later his delu-
But for the most part, he sat
still and expressionless. He
looked thin and pale and was
wearing a white T-shirt and
khaki-colored prison pants. He
had closely cropped hair and
sideburns, and his wrists and
ankles were shackled.
According to transcripts of
Loughner's May 25 appearance,
he interrupted the hearing by
blurting out: "Thank you for the
free kill. She died in front of me.
Your cheesiness."
Federal marshals whisked
him from the courtroom, and
he watched the rest of the hear-
ing on closed-circuit TV from a
separate room.



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