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Ann Arbor, Michigan
Thursday, September 29, 2011
New women's
hospital hosts
discussion on
cervical cancer
Journalist Joan
Lunden, doctors
promote screenings
to detect disease
For the Daily
In anticipation of the grand
opening of the newly constructed
C.S. Motts Children's Hospital
and Von Voigtlander Women's
Hospital in November, more than
400 people came together yester-
day to promote women's health.
The Von Voigtlander Women's
Hospital - part of the University
of Michigan Health System -
hosted a panel yesterday morning
at the North Campus Research
Complex to commemorate Wom-
en's International Health and
Fitness Day. The panel, moder-
ated by journalist Joan Lunden,
discussed cervical cancer screen-
ing and health issues that affect
women across the globe.
Lunden, a long-time television
host for ABC's Good Morning
America, has reported numerous
stories on women's health, which
helped her realize the impor-
tance of cervical cancer screen-
"(We are doing this) to try and
get each and every woman out
there to commit herself to her
own health, educate herself on
how to make better nutritional
choices, to get the proper screens
she needs throughout her life-
time and to keep her weight in
check and to put regular activity
into her life," Lunden said.
The benefit aimed to encour-
age women to take advantage of
screenings for cervical cancer
since the cancer is treatable if
detected early.
"Fifty percent of all cancers
are preventable," Lunden said.
"Right here in our country there
is so much that we can do to make
sure that we get screens available
to the public."
Liz Lange, founder and cre-
ative director of clothing line
Liz Lange Maternity and Com-
pletely Me by Liz Lange and
a panel member, said she was
shocked when the results of
her routine scan showed she
had cervical cancer. Lange, a
healthy, active businesswoman
Riders board as AATA boo outside the Michigan Union yesterday. Thetide will receive $2.7 million in federal funds to ban 10 hybrid bases.
AATA gets$27Mfo
updates, hybrid buses
Federal grant to
fund Blake Transit
Center renovation
Daily Staff Reporter
Not only will Ann Arbor's
public transit system be getting
a facelift in upcoming years, it
will also be reducing its carbon
The Ann Arbor Transporta-
tion Authority announced on
Tuesday that it will receive a
$2.7 million grant from the Fed-
eral Transportation Adminis-
tration. The funding will be used
for infrastructure improve-
ments to the Blake Transit Cen-
ter in downtown Ann Arbor and
the addition of 10 hybrid buses
to join the 31 currently operat-
inginthe city.
U.S. Rep. John Dingell (D-
Mich.) wrote in an e-mail inter-
view to The Michigan Daily
yesterday that the addition of
hybrid buses will reduce harm-
ful gas emissions. The new
buses, along with the Blake
Transit Center updates, will
create more jobs in the state,
Dingell wrote.
"This funding will play a
critical role in expanding and
enhancing transportation
options for Ann Arbor to help
us retain, create and attract jobs
to Washtenaw County," Dingell
wrote. "Both of these projects
will help the AATA operate
more efficiently and effectively,
working to better public trans-
portation and economic secu-
rity for Southeast Michigan."
The addition of the 10 hybrid
buses will bring the total num-
ber of TheRide buses to 78,
including the non-hybrid buses.
The grant for the purchase of
the buses comes from the Clean
Fuels Bus and Bus Facilities
See AATA, Page 7A
Mobile apps aim to help
I Iwstudents in emergencies
Police recommend
students use blue
lights, call 911
Daily Staff Reporter
Instead of calling the police in
an emergency, new mobile appli-
cations allow students in dan-
gerous situations to receive help
with the click of a button.
Safety mobile apps collect
users' personal information,
which is sent to police in an
emergency when the user acti-
vates the app. However, while
app developers say the technol-
ogy is intended to increase stu-
dent safety, University Police
should primarily dial 911 or
activate the blue light system on
campus during an emergency.
One of the mobile apps is
OnCall Defender, which allows
iPhone users to input informa-
tion including identification
photos and phone numbers. The
application, which was devel-
oped last year, can also track
See APPS, Page 8A
Students study in the new Robert B. Aikens Commons at the Law School yesterday.
Kirkland & Ellis Cafe opens
in Law School common area
Chemistry Prof. Al-Hashimi named
in Popular Science's 'Brilliant 10'
Cafe serves The aroma emanates from the
c Snew Kirkland & Ellis Cafe, which
Starbucks and opened earlier this month at the
grand opening of the new com-
fresh, local food mons area located in Hutchins
Hall. The cafe offers customers a
By HALEY GOLDBERG variety of products from freshly
Daily StaffReporter baked pastries, to grilled sand-
wiches, to Starbucks coffee.
For students studying in the The cafe is owned and operat-
Law School's new Robert B. Aik- ed by Picasso Cafd, Inc. - a local,
ens Commons, it's hard to ignore family-owned business that also
the sweet smell of freshly brewed operates the 20/20 Cafe at the
coffee and baked scones wafting University's Kellogg Eye Center.
through the air. The construction of the cafe was
funded through a donation from
two University alumni and part-
ners at Kirkland & Ellis LLP, the
Kirkland & Ellis Foundation and
1956 Law School alum William
Caleb Pizana, general man-
ager of the cafe, stressed that the
Kirkland & Ellis Cafe offers many
affordable options for students.
"Our sandwiches are any-
where from a dollar and a half to
$2 less than what you would find
at other cafes, so very reasonably
See CAFt, Page 8A
Magazine calls
prof. 'Molecular
Daily StaffReporter and
Daily News Editor
University Prof. Hashim Al-
Hashimi, a biophysical chemist,
has moved beyond his lab to the
pages of Popular Science.
The magazine recently
named Al-Hashimi one of this
year's "Brilliant 10"- agroup of
young researchers recognized
for their accomplishments -
for his project involving nucle-
ar imaging of DNA and RNA
movements. Popular Science
gave him the title "Molecular
Al-Hashimi, who has worked
for the University since August
2002, is using nuclear magnetic
spectroscopy, which he com-
pares to an MRI with a higher
magnetic field, to examine
individual atoms that make up
structures such as DNA and
proteins. Using this technol-
ogy, Al-Hashimi and his team
- including several University
graduate students -have found
that DNA is a moving molecule,
rather than a static structure.
Unlike previous methods of
studying molecules, the nuclear
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