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September 27, 2011 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 2011-09-27

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2 - Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom

2 A \I -V Tuesdy, Sptembr 27 2011The ichian Daly -mi.hiandalyc


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Michigamua accused of sexism

35 years ago this week (Sep-
tember 28,1976):
Michigamua, the campus
leader organization now called
Order of Angell, was faced with
an alleged violation of Title IX
- a law that prohibits sexual
discrimination in institutions
funded by the federal govern-
At the time, the organization's
members were all male. Amy
Blumenthal, then-vice president
of the Michigan Student Assem-
bly and Anita Tanay, a previous
MSA member at the time, filed
the complaint. They said the
University favored members of
Michigamua over other groups
for the use of campus facilities.

In the complaint, Blumen-
thal wrote that she believed the
University gave Michigamua
members higher quality football
tickets and better job opportuni-
ties compared to other students.
60 years ago this week (Sep-
tember 28,1951):
The University of Michigan
community was introduced to
a new song called "Cow College
Chant," which was dedicated to
Michigan State College - now
Michigan State University.
The song premiered before
students at a rally for that week-
end's football game. Harry
Kipke, former head coach of the
Michigan football team from
1929-1937, also made an-appear-

ance at the rally.
70 years ago this week
(October 2,1941):
Five hundred eighty-one
international students enrolled
for the University's fall semester
in 1941.
The students represented
more than 69 nations, including
the first student from Iceland
ever to attend the University.
Because of World War II, of
the 144 students coming from
Europe, 138 applied for citizen-
ship in the United States. Great
Britain had the largest number
of exchange students with 164
enrolled and 123 seeking citi-

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Classified Sales


John Westln, who is visiting Ann Arbor fom Sweden,
plays with devil sticks on the Diag yestenday. H-eouses a
set of sticks he rade since he first picked up the game
about a month ago.


The great
WHERE: Nichol's
WHEN: Sunday at about
5:20 p.m.
WHAT: A caretaker
reported a male subject
riding a bike in the Arb,
which is against park rules,
Univeristy Police reported.
He could not be located by

Puff puff...
WHERE: East Quadrangle
Residence Hall
WHEN: Sunday at about
7:15 p.m.
WHAT: Two students were
found with marijuana in
their dorms, University
Police reported. The drugs
were taken.

Space lecture Relaxation
WHAT: Jim Bagian, an seminar
engineer, medical doctor
and astronaut, will discuss WHAT: A workshop
his work on the first space learning how to man
shuttle mission focused on stress.
space life sciences research. WHO: Counselingat
WHO: Students for chological Services
the Exploration and WHEN: Today from
Development of Space to 1 p.m.
WHEN: Tonight from 7 WHERE: Michigan
p.m. to 9 p.m.
WHERE: Rackham
Graduate School Building Resume ret

nd Pys-

Game over
Elevated bump

WHERE: 1170 West
Medical Center
WHEN: Sunday at about
3:35 p.m.
WHAT: A vehicle was
hit by another car while
parked on the fifth level of a
parking garage, University
Police reported. There are
no suspects.

WHERE: Vera Baits I
Residence Hall
WHEN: Sunday at about
3:35 p.m.
WHAT: A male student
reported his TV and a video
game were missing after
leaving them in the hallway
unattended, University
Police reported. His belong-
ings were later returned.

Talk on urban WHAT: Career Center
advisers and employers
landscapes from several companies will
review students' resumes.
WHAT: Martha Schwartz, WHO: The Career Center
a landscape architect and WHEN: Today from 5 p.m.
'U' alum, will discuss urban to 8 p.m.
revitalization and archi- WHERE: Student Activities
tecture for the 2011 JJR Building
WHO: School of Natural CORRECTIONS
Resources and Environment
WHEN: Today from 5 *0 Please report any
p.m. to 6:30 p.m. error in the Daily to
WHERE: Dana Natural corrections@michi-
Resources Building gandaily.com.

Syria protestors hacked
Harvard University's
website yesterday, bbc.
co.uk reported. The hackers
put a picture of Syria Presi-
dent Bashar al-Assad and a
statement saying the "Syrian
Electronic Were Army Here"
on the university's homepage.
Wilco is back with The
Whole Love, an album
that showcases the
band's talent and ability to
morph into a new, powerful
and hard-rocking sound.
Historical bronze mark-
ers in Selma, California,
known as the raison
capital of the world," are
missing, latimes.com report-
ed. Police believe the thieves
were looking for scrap metal
since bronze costs $2 per

Nick Spar ManagingEditor nickspar@michigandaily.com
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The Michigan Daly (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday through Friday during thetfall and
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to all readers. Additional copies may be picked up at the Dailys office for $2. Subscriptions for
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- i I

Blagoj evich sentencing
trial delayed indefinitely

Cuba looks to improve
relations with the U.S.

Original date
in conflict with
similar trial
CHICAGO (AP) - A federal
judge yesterday indefinitely
delayed next week's scheduled
sentencing for Rod Blagojev-
ich on multiple corruption con-
victions, apparently because it
would have conflicted with the
start of a related trial of a long-
time Illinois powerbroker who
raised money for the former gov-
In a three-sentence notice
posted electronically, U.S. Dis-
trict Judge James Zagel in Chi-
cago did not offer any reason for
cancelling Blagojevich's Oct. 6
sentencing, saying simply that it
has been "stricken until further
order by the court."
Defense attorney Sheldon
Sorosky cited the Oct. 3 start of
the corruption trial of William
Cellini, which Zagel is also pre-
siding over.
"Bytradition, a judge will
always continue a sentencing if
it invades the province of a jury
trial.... That's what this was,"
Sorosky told The Associated
Press later Monday. Blagojevich
had no objection to the delay,
Sorosky added. .
While Zagel did not set a new
date, Sorosky said Blagojevich
would now likely be sentenced
in late October or early Novem-
ber - soon after Cellini's trial
Cellini's trial is the last major
case stemming from federal
investigations of Blagojevich's
governorship. The Springfield
Republican, 76, was known as
"The Pope" of Illinois politics for
his influence in the halls of state
power dating back to the 1960s.
Cellini has pleaded not guilty
to trying to squeeze a Hollywood
producer for campaign cash for
Blagojevich, though prosecutors
do not claim in their indictment
that the then-governor played
a role in the alleged shakedown

Foreign Minister
also asks for release
of five imprisoned
Cuba wants to re-establish rela-
tions with the United States with
a focus on humanitarian and
other issues, Foreign Minister
Bruno Rodriguez said yesterday.
Rodriguez also called on Presi-
dent Barack Obama to release five
Cubans serving U.S. espionage
sentences, telling the opening of
the new U.N. General Assembly
that the continued imprison-
ment of the five men convicted of
espionage in 2001 is "inhumane."
The Cuban government refers to

the five men as heroes who were
gathering information about ter-
rorist groups in the United States
to protect their homeland.
The foreign minister said the
two countries had many points of
understanding in common.
"The Cuban government reit-
erates its willingness and interest
to move toward the normaliza-
tion of relations with the United
States," Rodriguez said.
"Today I reiterate the proposal
of beginning a dialogue aimed
at solving bilateral problems,
including humanitarian issues,
as well as the offer of negotiating
several cooperation agreements
to combat drug-trafficking, ter-
rorism, human smuggling, pre-
vent natural disasters and protect
the environment."
Among the humanitarian

issues pending between the two
countries is the continued impris-
onment of American Alan Gross,
who the Cuban government
accuses ofillegally bringing com-
munications equipment onto the
island while on a USAID-funded
democracy building program.
In March of this year he was
sentencedto 15 years in prison for
crimes against the state.
Cuban officials including Pres-
ident Raul Castro accused him of
spying,butGross sayshewasonly
trying to help the island's tiny
Jewish community get Internet
The case has harmed .any
chance of improved relations
between Washington , and
Havana, which briefly seemed
to be getting better after Obama
assumed the presidency.


Former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich spejks to the media at the federal courthouse
in Chicago on lone 27, 2011.

attempt. Sorosky said Blagojev-
ich was not expected tobe called
as a witness.
Jurors at Blagojcich's retri-
al earlier this yeas found the
54-year-old guilty on 17 of 20
corruption charges, including
attempted extortion for trying
to sell or trade President Barack
Obama's vacated U.S. Senate
seat. At his first trial last year, a
jury deadlocked on all but one
count - convicting Blagojevich
of lying to the FBI.
Blagojevich faces a maximum
sentence of 305 years in prison -
though federal guidelines dictate
he get far less. Most legal experts
say Zagel is likely to sentence
Blagojevich to around ten years.
In the same notice Monday,
Zagel also denied all motions

filed by Blagojevich after his
retrial ended in June, includ-
ing requests for his convictions
to be overturned and for a third
trial. The judge said only that
"post-trial motions are denied."
A full, written explanation will
be issued later, he said.
Blagojevich's attorneys had
accused prosecutors and Zagel
of extreme bias against their cli-
ent, arguing in one 158-page fil-
ing that "the playing field was so
unlevel that Blagojevich never
stood a chance at a fair trial."
Sorosky said he was "dis-
appointed" in Zagel's deni-
al of the post-trial motions.
The defense plans to appeal
Blagojevich's convictions, but
Sorosky said that could only be
done after a sentence is imposed.

China scales back military as
U.S. to upgrade Taiwan's jets
Chinese minister early 2010. anonymity because of diplomatic
China's response this time has sensitivities.
tells U.S. to been more restrained, apparently The Obama administration
because the U.S. did not agree to has deepened ties with Beijing,
reconsider sale sell new F-16 plans that Taiwan and sees the military exchanges
also wants. as mitigating the risk of U.S.
NEW YORK (AP) - China The U.S. is obligated under forces tangling with China's in
plans to cancel or postpone some legislation passed by Congress East Asia and the West Pacific. In
U.S.-China military exchanges in 1979 to supply Taiwan with July, Adm. Mike Mullen, chair-
after Washington last week weapons for its self-defense. The man of the U.S. joint chiefs of
announced it would upgrade Tai- military balance across the 100- staff, traveled to China, the first
wan's fleet of F-16 fighter jets, a mile (160-kilometer) -wide Tai- visit of its kind in four years. That
senior U.S. official said. wan Strait has tipped heavily in followed a visit to the U.S. in May
Secretary of State Hillary Rod- the mainland's favor, as Beijing by his Chinese counterpart, Chen
ham Clinton met yesterday with has ramped up defense spending Bingde.
Chinese Foreign Minister Yang in the past decade or more. Clinton said Monday that the
Jiechi, who urged the U.S. to At yesterday's meeting, Yang upcoming weeks and months
reconsider the arms sale, warn- did not threaten any specific con- will be difficult diplomatic times
ing it would undermine the trust sequences over the latest $5.85 and there is a great need for the
and confidence between the two billion sale. But the senior U.S. U.S. and China to coordinate and
sides. official said he was told by Chi- cooperate. She defended the arms
China regards self-governing nese officials in other meetings sale as a U.S. action to maintain
Taiwan as part of its territory that China would suspend, cancel peace and security across the
and cut military ties with the U.S. or reschedule some military-to- Taiwan Strait, and voiced U.S.
for several months after the last military exchanges: support the improvement in ties
major arms sale, including Black The official gave no further between the mainland and Tai-
Hawk helicopters, announced in details and spoke on condition of wan.



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