The Michigan Daily -
Friday, April 15, 2011 - 3
The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom Friday, April 15, 2011 - 3
Authorities seek
cause of fire at
Detroit mosque
Federal and local authori-
ties are trying to figure out what
caused a fire at a Detroit mosque.
Detroit fire Capt. Kwaku Atara
said yesterday that city investiga-
tors have joined agents from the
FBI and Bureau of Alcohol, Tobac-
co, Firearms and Explosives at the
Islamic Center of North Detroit.
Atara says dogs have been
working the scene where the fire
broke out April l and damaged the
rear and roof of the building.
Dawud Walid of the Michigan
chapter of the Council on Ameri-
can-Islamic Relations was there to
speak with authorities. He says an
insurance investigator called the
FBI after ruling out any accidental
explanation for the fire.
Walid says the fire was discov-
ered an hour before traditional
Friday prayers were to begin.
Nobody was inside at the time.
Woman sues
dating site after
sexual assault
A California woman is suing a
popular Internet dating. site, say-
ingshe was sexually assaulted by a
man she met on
Attorney Mark L. Webb says
he filed the Los Angeles Superior
Court civil lawsuit on Wednes-
day on behalf of an entertainment
executive identified only as Jane
The suit demands that Match.
com screen its members for sexual
predators. Webb says he's ask-
ing for a temporary injunction
barring the site from signing up
more members until his client's
demands are met.
Webb says the wornai met the
alleged assailant last year at the
Urth Cafe in West Hollywood.
After a second date, the attorney
says the man followed her home
and attacked her.
French foreign
minister decrys
Italian migrants
An international dispute over
a surge of Tunisian immigrants
* escalated yesterday when the
French foreign minister told Italy
to send the migrants home instead
of allowing them to travel to
neighboring nations.
Some 26,000 illegal migrants
have taken boats across the Medi-
terranean to the small Italian
island of Lampedisa in recent
weeks in what Italian officials
have labeled a "human tsunami."
Italy has said the immigration
is a Europe-wide problem and it
will give the migrants six-month
residence permits that would
allow the migrants to travel to
other countries in Europe's visa-
free Schengen travel zone.
France says it will only honor
permits held by migrants who can
prove they have sufficient finan-
cial resources.
Five dead in Paris
apartment fire
Police say five people died and
57 were injured in a fire in an
apartment building near Paris'
Pere Lachaise cemetery.
Paris police say four people
died when they jumped out win-
dows to flee the flames and anoth-
er was found dead in the charred
A fireman was seriously injured
during the rescue after he fell
from a ladder. A total of six people
suffered serious injuries and 51
people, including 6 children, suf-
fered light injuries.
Police say the fire started in the
stairwell overnight and was put
out just before dawn yesterday.
The reason for the fire is unclear.
The building houses apart-
ments and artist studios in the
Menilmontant neighborhood of
northeast Paris.
-Compiled from
Daily wire reports
From Page 1
versity of Michigan, is the
perfect fit for ... radical, out-of-
the-box thinking in terms of the
Greek experience.'
This year's ceremony also
commemorated the achieve-
ments of Chris Haughee, the
assistant director of the Uni-
versity's Office of Greek Life.
Haughee has worked with the
University Greek community
for six years and will be step-
ping down from the position
in June. Mary Beth Seiler, the
director of Greek Life at the
University, said Haughee was a
great contributor to the Greek
community and will be greatly
"I have been privileged to
work with someone who has
demonstrated qualities for
which we should all strive - a
strong work ethic and integ-
rity," Seiler said. "Living the
bounds of Greek life and being
accountable for one's actions
are messages that we have all
heard from Chris on a regular
The Greek Woman oftheYear
award was given to LSA senior
Katie Rosenberg, a member of
the Kappa Kappa Gamma soror-
ity. Rosenberg served as presi-
dent of the University's chapter
of her sorority and was presi-
dent of the Panhellenic Asso-
ciation at the University last
year. Rosenberg was lauded for
philanthropy and public good
efforts. Among Rosenberg's
accomplishments is her work to
improve Greek chapter academ-
ics, campus safety and off-cam-
pus lighting.
In an interview after the cer-
emony, Rosenberg, who will be
teaching in New Jersey next
year for Teach For America, said
she is excited and honored to
win the award.
"It's been the culmination of
a longtime at the University and
a lot of time with Greek life,"
Rosenberg said.
LSA senior Matt Francis, a
member of Delta Tau Delta fra-
ternity, was honored as Greek
Man of the Year. He was recog-
nized for his humility, responsi-
bility, work ethic and leadership.
In an interview after the
event, Francis said his award
was "completely unexpected"
and that there are a number
of other fraternity members
deserving of the award.
The ceremony also celebrated
the work of Scott Ellsworth, a
lecturer in the Afroamerican
and African studies Depart-
ment at the University, by giving
him the Professor Award for his
positive influence on the Greek
Other honors included
awards for alumni, campus
involvement, new members,
recruitment, programming and
scholastic achievement.
In an interview before the
ceremony, Seiler said she is
excited about what the Greek
community has accomplished
this year.
"There have been a lot of suc-
cesses, but there are challenges
every year as well," she said.
"This night is one of the most
fun events because these are the
individuals I know, the chapters
I know, and I'm so proud of what
they've done. It's so great to see
them be recognized."
From Page 1
"(Being married) does set you
apart, like being a commuter
student," McMacken said. "It
doesn't mean you can't be social
and integrate, it just sets you
apart a little."
Though being married meant
foregoing the excitement and
uncertainty of dating in college,
McMacken said the lifestyle has
proven a positive choice for him.
"It's something that is just
very stable and comforting in my
life," he said. "The fact that I can
do bad on an exam and have a
really rough day, but I've got this
foundation that I can always fall
back on."
LSA senior Sharan Shokar,
who is planning her wedding
in June, said she believes it is
uncommon for undergraduate
students to get married while in
"I don't think it's the norm
anymore to get married so
young," she said. "But my goals
were always to go to college, get
my degree and see what happens
after that."
LSA junior Nicole Brancheau,
who is engaged to be married in
August, said one of the difficul-
ties of being engaged or married
as an undergraduate female is the
assumption by fellow students or
professors that being married
means she will notbe continuing
her education or career.
"Some of them assumed that I
was getting my degree and going
to be a housewife somewhere or
just have kids right away," Bran-
cheau said. "(That) presumption
... is something that is somewhat
rude, and it's frustrating when
you're trying to be taken seri-
ously as a student."
Brancheau also said she is frus-
trated by the general assumption
that married undergraduates
aren't as serious in their relation-
ships as older couples.
"There's a lot of assumptions
in society right now that young
marriages don't have a chance
and that, especially in the under-
graduate population, that these
are sort of impetuous marriages,
that they're not as well thought
through," Brancheau said. "I
don't believe that that is the
Shokar said though she
believes there will always be
negative stereotypes associated
withyoungmarriages,these pre-
sumptions didn't affect her deci-
sion to get married.
"You get married because
you've found the right person
and when it feels right," Shokar
said. "And for me that is now."
Despite these students' expe-
riences, religious leaders at
campus congregations and a
University official said they have
seen a low number of married
students in recent years.
University Housing spokes-
man Peter Logan wrote in an
e-mail interview that while Uni-
versity Housing doesn't keep
data on the number of married
students living in campus resi-
dence halls, he has noticed a
decline in recent years.
"Anecdotally, we are seeing
fewer married students take
contracts for Northwood Com-
munity Apartments over the
years, but we have not studied
the trend to know why," Logan
Reverend Reid Hamilton,
chaplain of the Episcopal Cam-
pus Ministry Canterbury House,
said he has never presided over
any marriage ceremonies for
undergraduate students in his
seven years at the Canterbury
"I haven't had any undergrad-
uate students who are members
of the house who have even been
contemplating getting married,"
Hamilton said. "Everybody sort
of graduates first - some get
married pretty freshly out of col-
Similarly, Michael Brooks,
executive director of the Uni-
versity of Michigan Hillel, said
he thinks it is uncommon for
students to get married as under-
graduates or prior to coming to
college here.
According to 2009 U.S. Cen-
sus data, 87 percent of males ages
20 to24 had never been married,
compared with 77.4 percent of
females ages 20 to 24 who had
never been married.
From Page 1
MEDMA members deejayed the
background tunes.
LSA junior Michael Sullivan,
a member of UMMA's Student
Programming and Advisory
Board, said the plethora of styles
and forms of art in the museum
are captivating and inspiring for
student artists and non-artists
"We saw the most extensive
collection of Whistler prints on
exhibit this year," Sullivan said,
referringto one of the museum's
exhibits. "The Art Museum was
designed with all of the disci-
plines in mind."
The values of the museum
align with the University's great-
er goals to be innovative and pro-
gressive, Sullivan said.
"Museums typically have
what is known as an-authorial
voice," Sullivan said. "Museums
are able to say, 'This is what I
want it to be and what I want it
to mean for me."'
,Lisa Borgsdorf, manager of
public programs and campus
engagement for the museum,
said UMMA's goal is to illumi-
nate artwork for a broad range of
people who might not otherwise
typically experience it.
"Art should not be limited to
a certain group," Borgsdorf said.
"We want to encourage all stu-
dents to see the museum and all
that it has to offer."
LSA sophomore Lindsay Lori-
don, who works in the museum's
art store and gift shop, said
UMMA visitors have a diverse
range of cultural backgrounds
and levels of experience with
art. She added that the museum
is expecting an especially large
crowd the weekend of Spring
Commencement, scheduled for
April 30, as parents and others
will be visiting Ann Arbor.
LSA freshman Anders Hela-
koski said he came to the event
because, as an electronic music
fan, he was excited that mem-
bers of MEDMA were deejaying.
He added that the organization's
music helped to enhance his
experience of viewing the art-
"After tonight, I now com-
pletely agree with having
MEDMA here," Helakoski said.
"It definitely adds a new layer to
the experience."
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Clinton cautions NATO on I -
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Obama to begin to risk that perception, Clinton Afghanistan, more than twice as
. - said. many as the other allied nations No Cover Charge
withdrawing U.S.
troops in July
BERLIN (AP) - U.S. Secre-
tary of State Hillary Rodham
Clinton warned NATO allies
yesterday against bringing forc-
es home from Afghanistan too
soon, even as the United States
prepares to begin drawing down
its forces in July.
Clinton said the Taliban will
be watching what the alliance
does in the coming months and
that speedy reductions will
hurt the fragile security gains
the alliance claims. The United
States is worried that pressure
will grow within the alliance
to match U.S. withdrawals and
answer rising discontent with
the war in Europe.
Clinton told NATO for-
eign ministers that an exodus
of other forces would make it
appear to the Taliban that with-
drawals were a sign of alliance
weakness and defeat. The U.S.
and its NATO partners cast the
planned reductions as a mark of
success and the beginning of a
transition to Afghan control that
would allow all foreign forces to
"We need to ensure that these
sacrifices are not overtaken by
political expediency and short-
term thinking," Clinton said.
"We need to worry less about
how fast we can leave and more
about how we can help the
Afghan people build onthe gains
of the past 15 months. Even as
we move toward Afghan lead
in areas where conditions war-
rant transition, we must retain
forces where our commanders
need them and reinvest person-
nel with ISAF's guidance. To do
this once, we have to do it right."
President Barack Obama,
who approved more than
40,000 additional forces for
Afghanistan in the first year of
his presidency, has pledged to
begin withdrawing U.S. troops
in July. The initial withdrawal
is expected to be modest, but
it is politically significant as a
mark of U.S. intention to begin
shouldering less of the load in
Afghanistan and bring all com-
bat forces out by the end of 2014.
As the plans for that with-
drawal move ahead, Clinton
stressed that the alliance had
"to underscore that we are tran-
sitioning, not leaving."
She said the Taliban and other
extremistgroups would seize on
any opportunity to claim vic-
tory. And she said NATO should
brace for a brutal spring fight-
ing season in which the Taliban
"will seek to reassert themselves
and regain lost ground-includ-
ing in the areas transitioning to
Afghan protection."
"We have to steel ourselves
and our publics for the possibil-
ity that the Taliban will resort
to the most destructive and sen-
sational attacks we have seen,"
Clinton said. "We have to send
a clear message that we remain
united, and we have to offer the
Taliban a clear choice."
She reaffirmed support for
Afghan President Hamid Kar-
zai's desire to lure Taliban fight-
ers back into society as long as
they meet certain condition. But
she said it was equally impor-
tant to make clear that those
who reject such overtures will
paythe price.
"Those who choose violence
must face relentless pressure,"
she said. "The Taliban need to
know that they cannot wait us
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