The Michigan Daily -
Census Bureau to
release Michigan
data next week
The Census Bureau will
release data next week that
Michigan lawmakers will use
to redraw district maps for the
Legislature and the state's U.S.
House delegation.
Among the data will be popu-
lation summaries by race, His-
panic origin and voting age for
jurisdictions such as counties,
cities and school districts.
District lines are adjusted fol-
lowing each census to reflect
population shifts within the pre-
ceding 10 years. Michigan is the
only state whose population fell
in the last decade and will lose
one of its 15 U.S. House seats.
Legislators will use the census
data to craft new district bound-
Census officials haven't said
which day next week the report
will be released. It will be post-
ed online within 24 hours after
delivery to Gov. Rick Snyder and
legislative leaders.
Feds monitor
radiation levels in
western U.S.
Growing concern by Ameri-
cans over exposure from dam-
aged nuclear plants in Japan
has prompted officials to deploy
more radiation monitors in the
western United States and Pacif-
ic territories, federal environ-
mental regulators say.
Officials with the U.S. Nuclear
Regulatory Commission said
they do not expect harmful radi-
ation levels to reach anywhere in
the U.S. from Japan.
"The agency decided out of
an abundance of caution to send
these deployable monitors in
order to get some monitors on
the ground closer to Japan," Jon-
athan Edwards, director of the
U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency's radiation protection
division, said this week.
CARMEL, Calif.
Chunk of Calif.
coastal highway
falls into Pacific
A stretch of California's coast-
al highway is closed to traffic
indefinitely after a chunk of the
road fell into the Pacific Ocean.
State transportation workers
are scrambling to repair High-
way 1 in Monterey County near
Rocky Creek Bridge.
A 40-foot section of the two-
lane highway crumbled just after
5 p.m. Wednesday following sev-
eral days of rainy weather. All of
the southbound lane is gone, and
the soil under the northbound
lane also is giving way.
The California Highway
Patrol says no one was injured in
the slide.
YEREVAN, Armenia
rally in Armenia
attracts 10,000
More than 10,000 anti-gov-
ernment protesters have rallied
in Armenia's capital.
Opponents of President Serzh
Sargsyan have several demands,
including the release of their
incarcerated colleagues and snap
Their leader, former Presi-
dent Levon Ter-Petrosian, says
revolts in the Arab world have
inspired the protest movement,
but is vowing any change in gov-
ernment will be peaceful.
That represents a change of
tactics for the combative Ter-
Petrosian, who in earlier protests
warned of a forceful overthrow.
Yesterday's rally in Yerevan
is the latest in a wave of demon-
strations that began in Febru-
ary on the third anniversary of
the 2008 violent suppression of
a protest after a disputed presi-
dential election.
-Compiled from
Daily wire reports
From Page 1
students who live in underprivi-
leged areas," DuRussell-Weston
The grant was given to the
center by the AstraZeneca
Foundation - a Delaware-based
non-profit that promotes aware-
ness of various health issues.
Through the school .program,
students learn about imple-
menting healthy life practices,
undergo wellness tests like hav-
ing their blood pressure taken
and keep food and exercise logs.
AstraZeneca spokesperson
Katie Lubenow wrote in an
e-mail interview that the group
chose to work with the Univer-
sity "to address an unmet need
related to cardiovascular health
in the community," as obe-
sity rates are rising across the
A study found that 21 percent
From Page 1
Detroit groups, the University's
School of Public Health, the
Detroit Department of Health
and Wellness Promotion and the
Henry Ford Health System.
Schulz said the group chose
the topic of cardiovascular dis-
ease because it is more preva-
lent in Detroit than in the rest
of the country. She explained
that the disease's high diag-
nosis rate can be attributed to
factors that contribute to high
blood pressure, such as air pol-
lution, lack of exercise and food
and environment stressors,
which many Detroit residents
face. For example, many people
living in Detroit have difficulty
finding places to exercise, she
"They need not only to do
(exercise)," Schulz said, "but
places where they can do it and
do it safely."
Schulz and Reyes have
worked with community organi-'
zations to create walking groups
and promote physical activ-
ity, Schulz said, the results have
been encouraging.
"Based on the preliminary
data, people have increased their
number of steps," she said. "And
both their systolic and diastolic
blood pressure is coming down
The presentation by Schulz
and Reyes was followed by
Ross School of Business gradu-
ate students who discussed
their involvement in the Revi-
talization and Business: Focus
Detroit - an organization with
the primary goal of helping to
rejuvenate the city's business
Last year, in an effort to
launch the program and gener-
ate interest about working in
Detroit, the organization hosted
a two-day conference in Ann
Arbor and Detroit, which hun-
dreds of students attended.
Business School graduate
student David McCarty said at
the regents meeting that the
response to last year's confer-
ence was encouraging.
"I heard my classmates say
things like ... 'Wouldn't it be
really great to start a business
in Detroit instead of working for
an investment bank?"' McCarty
From Page 1
sent to the University's Office
of Greek Life from a parent who
disclosed various hazing activi-
ties the parent's son was forced
to go through as an SAE pledge.
On March 7, the national
organization made public its
choice to maintain the Uni-
versity chapter though it will
be kept under "colony status"
starting in the fall, according to
the press release.
Brandon Weghorst, associate
executive director of commu-
nications for the SAE national
organization, said the "colony"
would consist of a new group of
young men who would have to
follow certain criteria.
"The chapter is still suspend-
ed, but we've started work on a
ofhigh school students inDetroit
were determined to be obese
in 2009, according to a Dec. 21,
2010 University of Michigan
Health Service press release.
This percentage is almost twice
as much as the average number
of obese people in Michigan, the
press release states.
The Cardiovascular Cen-
ter implemented the Project
Healthy Schools program in
fall 2004 with the support of
local school districts as part of a
movement for increased collab-
oration between the University
and the greater community.
The main goal of the project is
to prevent long-term cardiovas-
cular problems. Initiatives of the
group include expanding physi-
cal education programs at local
schools, providing information
on healthy eating, inspiring
self-evaluation of lifestyle deci-
sions and working toward policy
change within the schools like
eliminating unhealthy foods in
The focus of the conference
last year motivated people to
think about Detroit and its pos-
"Everyone knows what the
conversation has been about
Detroit historically," he said.
"We didn't want to rehash that.
We wanted to focus on the
The group also sponsored a
program called Detroit Impact,
which paired students with
consulting firms in Detroit. Stu-
dents were asked to explore real
obstacles Detroit companies face
by working closely with the busi-
McCarty said that in the
future, the group would like to
increase student and faculty
engagement in the Revitaliza-
tion and Business Conference
and establish programming year
After the meeting, University
Regent Andrea Fischer Newman
(R-Ann Arbor) said she thought
the regents meeting in Detroit
was a success.
"I think it was really good to
have the meeting in Detroit,"
Newman said. "A lot of people
were excited to be invited to
come and be a part of it."
Members of the Board of
Regents unanimously voted to
name the north Lawyers Club
residences in honor of Charles T.
Munger, who recently donated
$20 million for the dormitory's
The donation will fund
updates to the interior of the
residences, which will include
new heating, plumbing, Internet
access, and handicap accessibil-
Timothy Slottow, the Univer-
sity's executive vice president
and chief financial officer, said
the donation will significantly
improve Law school students'
"This gift is transforma-
tional," Slottow said. "The Law
School is doing so well thanks to
people like Mr. Munger."
Law School Dean Evan
Caminker said he is excited
about the renovations because
little attention has been paid
to other areas of the quadran-
gle, though time, energy, and
redevelopment plan with them,"
Weghorst said. "The chapter will
be classified as a colony, which
means it will be like having a
new group, and we will be start-
ing from ground zero to make
sure that they do everything that
a chapter is supposed to do."
Though current chapter mem-
bers are under suspension for
the term, they are expected to
be a part of the colony in the fall
semester, Weghorst said.
"They understand that they
are going to be goingthrough the
redevelopment with us," he said.
For the time being, the broth-
ers are still suspended, Weghorst
The fraternity may be able to
get its regular status back next
year, according to the IFC press
"Pendingobservance ofguide-
lines set forth by the review, the
the cafeterias.
Before Project Healthy
Schools is implemented at a
middle school, the Cardio-
vascular Center evaluates the
resources the school has and
then tailors its core program to
fit that specific school, accord-
ing to DuRussell-Weston. She
said while any school in the area
is eligible to be part of the pro-
gram, in order for it to be suc-
cessful, the school must have a
staff willing to participate and
contribute some financial sup-
She added that a benefit of the
program is that it's held during
the day, allowing the schools to
reach students, whereas many
other healthy habit programs
are after school hours.
"We're trying to change the
whole culture of the school,"
DuRussell-Weston said. "Teach-
ing doesn't just stand alone, kids
have to be able to practice what
they learn."
resources have been spent on
revitalizing academic spaces at
the school.
"Mr. Munger recognizes
education is a holistic experi-
ence," he said. "This fantastic
gift and the project that comes
along with us will allow us to
completely revitalize the Law-
yers Club."
Caminker also said the reno-
vations will allow the Lawyers
Club to meet the standards of the
Americans with Disabilities Act
and modern building code.
At their meeting, the regents
also approved $6 million worth
of renovations to the Univer-
sity Hospital. The project will
include new recovery and prepa-
ratorybays inthe MedicalProce-
dure Unit.
Ora Pescovitz, the Universi-
ty's executive vice president for
medical affairs, said the reno-
vations are necessary to update
important facilities at the hos-
"Simply, this will bring us up
to standards in the industry,"
Pescovitz said.
At yesterday's meeting,
the regents received a liti-
gation report compiled by
Suellyn Scarnecchia, the Uni-
versity's vice president and
general counsel, detailing the
dismissal of a lawsuit filed
against the University and The
Michigan Daily by LSA senior
Julie Rowe, a former news edi-
tor for the Daily.
Rowe, who claims she was
falsely accused of plagiarism,
filed the lawsuit against the
University and the Daily in Feb-
ruary 2010. She also filed a sepa-
rate lawsuit against three now
former Daily editors that same
The lawsuit against the Uni-
versity and the Daily was grant-
ed the summary disposition on
Feb. 9, 2011, according to Scar-
necchia's litigation report. The
case brought against the three
former editors is pending in
the Washtenaw County Circuit
Court, the report states.
- The reporter and editors
who worked on this story are not
involved in the lawsuit brought
against The Michigan Daily.
chapter will have the ability to
regain full status after at least a
year of colony status," the press
release states.
"Right now the chapter
remains under suspension,
which means they have to halt
activities until this fall when
we start on the redevelopment
plan," he said.
Chris Haughee, assistant
director of the University's
Office of Greek Life, wrote in an
e-mail interview that the Uni-
versity is pursuing disciplinary
action against members of the
"University disciplinary pro-
cesses have been initiated seek-
ing both group and individual
accountability," Haughee wrote.
The Office of Greek Life and
the University have a zero-toler-
ance policy for hazing, according
to the IFC press release.
From Page 1
Regent Laurence Deitch (D-
Bingham Farms) encouraged stu-
dents to voice their opinion if they
disagree with Snyder. He also
noted his differing political views
to the governor's, but he said he
supports Snyder as commence-
ment speaker.
"I personally don't agree with
(Snyder's) budget, but that's what
democracy's about. If students
wish to protest or picket, that is
the greatest Michigan tradition,
and we welcome that," Deitch
He added, "I was born a Demo-
crat, and I'll die a Democrat, and
last year we were all thrilled to
be in Michigan Stadium when
President Obama spoke - at least
I was thrilled - but I think the
odds are at least half the stadium
didn't vote for him ... Governor
Snyder was elected by a majority
of Michigan."
On Wednesday, Goldsmith led
protests against Snyder on the
Diag and in front of the Fleming
Administration Building. About
30 protesters then marched into
University President Mary Sue
Coleman's office chanting, "Rick
is wrong."
In an interview after the
regentsmeeting, Coleman said she
was aware of the protests but was
"in a meeting somewhere" when
the students were in her office.
She said at the regents meeting
that she is looking forward to Sny-
der speaking at the ceremony.
"We are pleased that Gover-
nor Rick Snyder has accepted our
invitation to be the commence-'
ment speaker and address our
graduates," Coleman said. "His
appearance continues a U of M
tradition of inviting the newly
elected governor to be the gradua-
tion speaker. Governors Milliken,
Blanchard, Engler and Granholm
all have addressed graduating
classes, and Governor Snyder will
extend this tradition."
Also in attendance at the
regents meeting, LSA senior Rick
Durance presented the board
with an online petition he started
that has more than 4,000 signa-
tures. The petition declares the
Friday, March 18, 2011 - 3A
signees' opposition to Snyder as
commencement speaker.
Durance said his objective with
the petition was to change the
University's process of selecting
the commencement speaker in
upcoming years.
"We do not make this case
for ourselves, the class of 2011,"
Durance said. "Rather, we make
this case for future students. We
hope to improve the democratic
processes for choosing a com-
mencement speaker."
Durance also suggested poten-
tial replacements for Snyder
including filmmaker Spike Lee,
who will be awarded an honor-
ary degree at commencement, and
CNN broadcast journalist Ander-
son Cooper.
Several regents said they
appreciated the students' passion.
Regent Andrea Fischer Newman
(R-Ann Arbor) said she welcomes
any protests against Snyder.
"I wanted to thank students,"
Newman said. "We do appreciate
your letting us know how you feel.
It exemplifies free speech. We
appreciate the speeches and the
Regent Olivia Maynard (D-
Goodrich) expressed similar sen-
"I appreciate the dialogue. I
appreciate their coming here to
Detroit," Maynard said. "If I was
not a regent and was a student, I
would have been right there with
But Maynard also said the Uni-
versity community should respect
Snyder because of his position.
"As a university, I think we
should honor the role and position
of the governor," Maynard said. "I
don't have to agree with him on
everything, but he is the governor
of the state of Michigan."
Goldsmith left the meeting
before the regents voted to return
to Ann Arbor for class, but said
in an interview last night that he
expected the Board's approval
of Snyder. He added that he was
appreciative the regents listened
to him.
"I was grateful that the regents
acknowledged that I drove over
an hour to speak with them," he
- Daily Staff Reporter Michele
Narov contributed to this report.
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