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March 18, 2011 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 2011-03-18

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2 - Friday, March 18, 2011

The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com

2 - Friday, March 18, 2011 The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom

N:InOthrIvory Towers Questions on Campus Professor Profiles Campus Clubs Photos o the Week

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6 4 :
Dance Mix Talking about
Salt sales in China have
WHAT: Multiple University trausgender greatly increased follow-
dance groups, including ing the March 11 earth-
RhythM, EnCore and WHAT: Antonia Caretto, a quake that hit Japan, the
Funktion, will perform psychologist with 25 years AP reported. It is a popular
at the annual Dance Mix of experience, will present Chinese belief that salt can
showcase. Cost of admission a'lecture about caring for protect against harm from
is $10. transgender patients. radiation exposure, which
WHO: Michigan Union WHO: Spectrum Center is a current threat across
Ticket Office WHEN: Today at noon
WHEN: Today at 7 p.m. WHERE: Medical Science Japan.
WHERE: Power Center for Research BuildingII


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News Tips
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Food fight Bicycle snatched
gets heated from Seeley
WHERE: Mosher-Jordan WHERE: Oxford Housing
Residence Hall WHEN: Thursday at about
WHEN: Wednesday at 1a.m.
about 9:15 a.m. WHAT: A student's bicycle
WHAT: A student employee was stolen from a bike rack
knocked several trays of in front of Seeley House,
food off a warmer following University Police reported.
a disagreement with a din- An investigation is ongoing.
ing hall staff member, Uni-
versity Police reported. Light pole
Student's mouse gets its lights
scurries away knocked out

Kyle Swanson Managing Editor swanson@michigandaily.com
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WHERE: Computer Sci-
ence & EngineeringBuilding
WHEN: Wednesday at
about 5 p.m.
WHAT: A student's black
computer mouse was stolen
from the computing center,
University Polige reported.
The mouse isvalued at $9.

WHERE: 1000 block of Beal
WHEN: Yesterday at about
3:45 am.
WHAT: A student hit a
light pole while backingup
their car, University Police
reported. The pole was not

the Performing Arts
guest speakers
WHAT: Architecture
professors Ellen Dunham-
Jones and June Williamson,
from the Georgia Institute
of Technology andrthe City
College of New York, will
lecture about urban design
WHO: Taubman College
of Architecture and Urban
WHEN: Today at 6:30 .m.
WHERE: Art and Architec-
ture Building, auditorium

" The article in the
March 17,2011 edition
of The Michigan Daily
("Residents to move out
for Northwood renova-
tions")incorrectly stated
that University Housing
is "reserving" Northwood
Community Apartments
I, II and III for freshmen.
* Please report any
error in the Daily to

Award-winning bassist
Victor Wooten will be
performing at The Ark
tomorrow with his band. In
a recent interview, Wooten
spoke about his life and phi-
losophy on music.
A new billboard adver-
tisement in Stockholm
is instructing viewers
to cheat on their significant
others, the Local News in
Sweden reported. The mes-
sage has sparked multiple
complaints to the country's
advertising ombudsman.

Investigators study cause of
deadly Calif. plane crash

Five killed, one
injured after
mysterious crash in
Long Beach
- Charred debris from a plane
that crashed and burned on take-
off, killing five people and criti-
cally injuring the survivor, was
removed yesterday from the Long
Beach Airport.
A salvage company took the
wreckage to a facility near Palm-
dale where federal investigators
will examine it and try to deter-
mine the cause of the crash, said
From Page 1
and those who aren't associated
with campus.
"(This) identity management
system... will allow the University
to know who is and is not a mem-
ber of the UM community so that
central offices, as well as depart-
ments, schools, colleges and
campuses, can grant and remove
access to their online resources
as needed and appropriate," Witte
Though the new system auto-
matically displays basic identifica-
tion information, Witte wrote that
a student, staff or faculty member
will still have a choice as to what
extra information is available for
"Nothing else will display
unless the student chooses to dis-
play it," she wrote. "It is important
to note that home address and
phone number will not be dis-
However, based on the MCom-
munity Governance Board's rec-
ommendations, students will no
longer have the opportunity to
make their accounts private - an
option the current directory sys-
tem allows. Witte wrote that this
is because MCommunity provides
less information by default than

Ian Gregor, a spokesman for the
Federal Aviation Administration.
The twin-engine Beechcraft
King Air turboprop went down
shortly after 10:30 a.m. Wednes-
day just after takeoff. Witnesses
said it plunged and exploded in a
fireball, leaving a flaming trail for
dozens of feet along a grass medi-
an between two paved airport
taxiways. The plane's tail was torn
off along with part of the fuselage.
Firefighters managed to rescue
one person. Passenger Mike Jen-
sen, 51, was hospitalized in critical
The Los Angeles County coro-
ner's office identified the dead
Thursday as Thomas Fay Dean,50,
of Laguna Beach; Bruce Michael
the current directory.
"We are only sharing the basic
information, which is less than
we previously did," she wrote. "It
is important to have the minimal
information in the directory to
allow faculty and staff to reach
students for purposes of Univer-
sity business."
University-affiliates will also
have the opportunity to publi-
cize more information if desired,
according to Witte.
"Students will be able to add
contact information if they wish,
including their chat contact (e.g.,
AIM name)," she wrote.
In addition to better connecting
members of the campus commu-
nity, the information in the new
directory will enable the Univer-
sity to efficiently provide com-
munity members with access to
computer and Internet services,
Witte wrote.
"This will be important as we
move toward the use of Google for
e-mail, for example," she wrote.
"We'll need a fast, efficient way
to get new students set up with
Google e-mail accounts, and the
new directory will be instrumen-
tal in doing that."
Witte wrote that the forthcom-
ing directory is also vital to the
functioning of NextGen Michigan
- a University program aimed at
advancing the institution's infor-

Krall, 51, of Ladera Ranch; Jeffrey
Albert Berger, 49, of Manhattan
Beach; Mark Llewllyn Bixby, 44,
from Long Beach; and Kenneth
Earl Cruz, 43, of Culver City.
Dean and Berger were promi-
nent real estate developers and
Bixby was a bicycle advocate,
Mike Murchison, a spokesman
for Dean, said in an e-mail to The
Associated Press.
Dean owned the plane, he said.
The group was flying to Park
City, Utah, to go skiing, Bixby's
friend, Allan Crawford, told the
LongBeach Press-Telegram.
Cruz was the pilot and had no
record of any previous accidents
or disciplinary action, according
to Gregor.
mation technology.
"Many of the NextGen initia-
tives rely on there being accurate
information about members of
the University community so that
those people can be given access to
new services that they are eligible
for," Witte wrote. "The initiatives
also rely, for security reasons, on
accurate information about when
people lose eligibility for ser-
vices so that their access can be
Witte also wrote that the infor-
mation available on MCommunity
will be more accurate than that in
the current directory.
"Official University infor-
mation, such as people's titles
and affiliations, will come from
official University sources (like
Wolverine Access)," she wrote.
"Individuals will not be able to
change this information in the
directory; they must update it at
the source."
Witte added that MCommunity
will be more aesthetically pleasing
and easier to use than the UMOD.
"Search results will be format-
ted and organized so that it is
easier to skim through them and
find what you want more quickly,"
she wrote. "It will be easier to
find what you need in a person's
entry - contact information will
be grouped together at the top of
the entry."

A meeting is held by officials of Fukushima Prefecture's Emergency Response Headquarters in Fukushima, north of
Tokyo on Monday, March 14. Dangerous levels of radiation are leaking from a crippled nuclear plant in Fukushima.
International agency calls Japanese
nuclear situation 'serious'=but 'stable'

IAEA draws
increased scrutiny
following crisis
VIENNA (AP) - The situa-
tion at Japan's tsunami-stricken
nuclear plant is "very serious,"
but at the moment does not
appear to be deteriorating, a
senior official of the U.N. atomic
agency said yesterday.
As emergency workers
frantically worked to regain
control of the dangerously over-
heated nuclear complex, Graham
Andrew told reporters "there had
been no significant worsening"
over the past 24 hours at the crip-
pled plant.
Andrew, a senior aide to Inter-
national Atomic Energy Agency
chief Yukiya Amano, emphasized
that the situation could change
quickly, either improving or esca-
lating into a wider catastrophe.
"It hasn't gotten worse, which
is positive, But it is still possible
that it could get worse," he said.
"We could say it's reasonably
stable at the moment compared to
Andrew appeared to be the
first senior IAEA official to say
that the situation has not sig-
nificantly deteriorated since the
agency began briefings Mon-
day. On Wednesday, Amano had
described the situation as "very

serious," adding "it is difficult to
say" if events were spinning out
of control.
Andrew spoke shortly after
Amano flew to Tokyo to assess
efforts to fight the nuclear havoc
unleashed by the massive earth-
quake and tsunami that hit
Japan's northeastern coast Fri-
It was unclear what Amano
hoped to accomplish during his
one-day trip; he has said he plans
to stay in Tokyo and meet with
government officials but he had
no agenda or scheduled meetings
before takeoff from Vienna inter-
national airport.
"We don't have a fixed sched-
ule and don't have all the infor-
mation so we will be thinking on
our feet," Amano told reporters
assembled in the departure hall.
Still, he suggested his trip
was symbolically important as
his home country wrestles with
its worst nuclear crisis since the
bombing of Hiroshima and Naga-
saki 66 years ago.
"Japan is not alone, the inter-
national community is standing
by Japan," Amano declared. "We
have lots of offers of assistance to
Japan and I would like to convey
this message to them."
In Japan, military helicopters
dumped loads of sea water onto
the Fukushima Dai-ichi plant
yesterday as they tried to cool
overheated uranium fuel that

may be on the verge of spewing
out more radiation.
As the crisis unfolds in
Japan, the IAEA has been under
increased scrutiny as to whether
it has done enough to increase the
safety culture in the nuclear reac-
tor industry.
A U.S. Embassy cable from
three years ago on the WikiLeaks
website published yesterday by
Britain's "The Guardian" daily
cited criticism of Tomihiro Tam-
niguchi a senior IAEA official
in charge of nuclear safety and
security, who stepped down two
years ago.
It described him as a "weak
manager ... particularly with
respect to confronting Japan's
own safety practices."
The IAEA declined comment,
and officials at yesterday's brief-
ing sidestepped specific ques-
tions on how the agency's safety
recommendations applied to the
Fukushima Dai-ichi plant.
But while conceding the
enormity of the Japan disaster,
Andrew defended the "enviable
safety record" of the nuclear sec-
tor in terms of deaths compared to
"other ways of creating energy."
A graphic from another U.N.
agency forecasting the possible
trajectory of the radioactive cloud
shows a moving plume reaching
Southern California on Friday
after racing across the Pacific and
swipingthe Aleutian Islands.

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