2A - Wednesday, February 2, 2011
The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com
2A - Wednesday, February 2, 2011 The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom
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Blogging American values
Q: What do you teach at the Uni-
versity? How did you start teach-
ing here?
I teach about positive organiza-
tional scholarship, which I summa-
rize with three guidelines - focus on
the positive, play to your strengths
and act generously. I teach POS in
my evening MBA courses, taken by
students who are working full-time.
Each week, they discuss how they
applied the previous week's lessons
in their personal and professional
Q: How did you start teaching
I started teaching at the Univer-
sity in 1995 after being recruited here
from a position on the faculty at the
University of Chicago.
Q: How do you emphasize what
you've learned in your research,
and what methods do you use to
teach this information?
My research focuses on acting gen-
erously - who does it, why and under
what conditions. I teach the principle
of "pay it forward."
Q: Tell me about your blog,
OurValues.org. How did you start
writing it?
I started it in May 2008 and write
it five days a week. The blog is an
online experiment in civil dialog
about values in America. I started the
blog as a way to be disciplined about
understanding current events from a
values perspective.
Q: You've been on news talk
shows like NPR and C-SPAN.What
was it like to be on those shows,
and what did you learn from the
Radio and TV are very different
experiences from teaching in the
classroom where you have a lot of
interaction and back and forth with
your audience. With radio and TV,
you have to deliver your message one
Q: What are your future plans
for your research, your blog and
your work with the University?
I plan to continue my research in
positive organizational scholarship,
especially the topic of generosity. I'm
using material from my blog to write
a new book about American values.
Q: Do you have any advice for
someone trying to start a success-
ful blog?
You have to be clear about why
you are doing a blog. Are you patient
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enough to build up a readership? And,
are you flexible? We change the for-
mat, structure and look OurValues on
a regular basis.
Suspicious MCard a dish
man in Mason best not served
Kennedy talks Jazz concert
Although today is
human rights WHAT: Wynton Marsalis Groundhog Day, the bad
and the Jazz at Lincoln Cen- weather might prevent
WHAT: Kerry Kennedy, ter Orchestra will perform groundhogs from coming
Robert Kennedy's daugh- the groups's latest album. out of their burrows, The
ter, will deliver a speech on WHO: University Music Chicago Tribune reported.
human rights at the inau- Society A curator of a zoo said his
gural Delta Gamma Lectre- WHEN: Today at 8 p.m. groundhog will get cake
ship on Values and Ethics. WHERE: Hill Auditorium
WHO: Center for Ethics in regardless.
WHERE: Mason Hall
WHEN: Monday at about
2:15 a.m.
WHAT: Officers in Mason
Hall encountered a suspi-
cious man who refused to
stop at an officer's request,
University Police reported.
The man was arrested for
absconding parole as well as
resisting arrest. The mci-
dent is under investigation.
WHERE: Bursley Resi-
dence Hall
WHEN: Monday at about
10 p.m.
WHAT: A student reported
her MCard stolen after leav-
ing it unattended on a din-
ing tray, University Police
reported. The MCard was
not recovered, and the case
will not be investigated.
Kyle Swanson Managing Editor swanson@michigandaily.com
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The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967)is published Monday through Friday during the fall and
winter terms by studentsat the University of Michigan.O ne copy is available free of charge
to all readers. Additional copiesmay be picked up at the Daily's office for $2. Subscriptions for
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The Michigan Daily s a member af The Associated Press and The Associated Collegiate Pes
Two carts
Chemical spill
wheeled away
WHERE: Dow Building
WHEN: Monday at about
4:30 p.m.
WHAT: About two liters of
cyclohexane was spilled in
an office, University Police
reported. No one was hurt
in the incident and staff
were on site to clean it.
WHERE: University Hospi-
tal Emergency Room
WHEN: Monday at about
5:45 p.m.
WHAT: Two carts valued
at $700 were stolen, Univer-
sity Police reported. There
are no suspects.
Public Life
WHEN: Today at 4 p.m.
WHERE: Mendelssohn
Viola recital
WHAT: School of Music,
Theatre & Dance Prof.
Yitzchak Schotten and
guest musician Kenneth
Martinson will play ina
viola recital. The concert
is free, and no tickets are
WHO: School of Music,
Theatre & Dance
WHEN: Today at 8p.m.
WHERE: Moore Building
Ann Arbor
water panel
WHAT: Experts will dis-
cuss problems facing Ann
Arbor water systems and
how officials plan to fix
these problems.
WHEN: Today at 7 p.m.
WHERE: Ann Arbor Dis-
trict Library, Downtown
" Please report any
error in the Daily to
Nineteen students are
studying with the Uni-
versity's Semester in
Detroit program. The pro-
gram was created by a Uni-
versity student who wanted
to make a better connection
with the city.
Yesterday was "Work-
ing Naked Day," AOL
News reported. The
day was established in 2010
in honor of people who work
from home. Last year, one
participant posted nude pho-
tos of herself in her home
'Jihad ane' admits
guilt in terror plot
Woman faces life
after plotting to kill
suburban woman who was the
live-in caretaker for her boy-
friend's elderly father calmly
told a U.S. judge yesterday that
she had worked feverishly online
under the name "Jihad Jane" to
support Islamic terrorists and
moved overseas to further her
plan to kill a Swedish artist who
had offended Muslims.
Colleen LaRose, 47, faces the
possibility of life in prison after
pleading guilty to four federal
charges, including conspiracy to
murder a foreign target, conspir-
acy to supportterrorists and lying
to the FBI.
LaRose, who spent long hours
caring for the father, also was
building a shadow life online
from 2008 to 2009. According
to prosecutors, LaRose "worked
obsessively on her computer to
communicate with, recruit and
incite other jihadists," using
screen names including "Jihad
Jane," "SisterOfTerror," and
LaRose returned to the United
States in November 2009 and was
immediately taken into FBI cus-
tody atPhiladelphia International
Airport. She remained in secret
custody until March, when her
indictment was unsealed hours
afterIrish authorities sweptup an
alleged terror cell that included
another American women, Jamie
Paulin-Ramirez, 32, of Leadville,
Colo., and her Algerian husband.
LaRose had previously denied the
allegations against her and had
pleaded not guilty before chang-
ing her plea yesterday.
But prosecutors said LaRose
and her co-conspirators had
hoped her all-American appear-
ance and U.S. citizenship would
help her blend in while carrying
out their plans.
"Today's guilty plea, by a
woman from suburban Amer-
ica who plotted with others to
commit murder overseas and to
provide material support to ter-
rorists, underscores the evolving
nature of the threat we face," said
Assistant U.S. Attorney General
David Kris.
Speaking clearly but quietly,
the 4-foot-11 LaRose told a judge
yesterday she had never been
treated for any mental health
problems and was entering her
plea freely. She whispered a few
comments to her lawyers, some
of them prompting a smile from
public defender Mark T. Wilson.
Wilson declined to comment
"We'll have a lot to say at sen-
tencing," he said.
LaRose and Paulin-Ramirez
are the rare U.S. women charged
with terrorism. Paulin-Ramirez
has pleaded not guilty and her
lawyer, Jeremy Ibrahim, declined
to say whether she will enter a
plea or head to trial on May 2.
However, he believes LaRose's
plea will benefit his client's case.
"With LaRose's plea it removes
some pretty prejudicial evidence
from coming in at Jamie's trial,
evidence of making plans to kill
someone, evidence of using the
Internet to recruit enemies of
America, that might otherwise
become difficult for a jury to seg-
regate in their minds who did
what," defense lawyer Ibrahim
told The Associated Press.
In e-mails recovered by the
FBI over 15 months, LaRose had
agreed to marry an online con-
tact from South Asia so he could
move to Europe. She also agreed
to become a martyr, the indict-
ment said.
Her would-be spouse directed
her in a March 2009 e-mail to
go to Sweden to find the artist,
Lars Vilks, who had depicted the
Prophet Muhammad with the
body of a dog, the indictment said.
Vilks has questioned the
sophistication of the plotters but
said he is glad LaRose never got
to him.
Both women left troubled lives
behind, LaRose having survived a
suicide attempt in Pennsburg and
Paulin-Ramirez, according to her
mother, an abusive first marriage
and a childhood marked by bully-
LaRose, born in Michigan,
moved to Texas as a girl and had
married twice by age 24. Her first
marriage came at 16, to a man
twice her age in Tarrant County,
Texas. Both unions were long
over by the time she met Pennsyl-
vanian Kurt Gorman in 2005.
LaRose lived with Gorman and
his father in Pennsburg, about an
hour northwest of Philadelphia,
caring for the older man while
Gorman worked. He called her
a "good-hearted person" who
mostly stayed around the house.
But her online ties grew to a
loose band of allegedly violent
co-conspirators from around the
world, prosecutors said. They
found her after she posted a You-
Tube video in June 2008 saying
she was "desperate to do some-
thing somehow to help" ease the
suffering of Muslims, the indict-
ment said.
Despite Web images that show
LaRose in a Muslim head cover-
ing, Gorman said he never picked
up on any Muslim leanings. She
did not attended religious ser-
vices of any kind, he said. Gorman
said he sensed nothing amiss in
their five-year relationship -
until LaRose fled days after his
father's funeral.
LaRose had removed the hard
drive from her computer and set
off for Europe, according to the
indictment. She had swiped Gor-
man's passport and planned to
give it to the co-conspirator she
had agreed to marry, the indict-
ment said.
It's unclear how she was able
to travel overseas, given that the
FBI, presumably tipped to her
online postings, had interviewed
her in July 2009.
Chris Hinksman tapes a window to minimize flying glass ata friend's used car dealership in Cairns, yesterday in an effo
to limit damage from the path of a monster stornm bearing down on northeastern Australia.
Australia prepares as 'life-
threatening' cyclone builds
Gusts of wind up to
186 mph expected
in Category 5 storm
CAIRNS, Australia (AP) -
Authorities implored thousands
of Australians to gather their
loved ones today and flee a mon-
ster cyclone that strengthened
overnight and threatened to pro-
duce hours of terrifying winds
and torrential rain for the north-
Gusts up to 186 mph (300 kph)
were expected when Cyclone
Yasi strikes late tonight as a
fierce Category 5 storm - the
most severe threat level. The
storm front is more than 310
miles (500 kilometers) wide and
Yasi is so strong, it could reach
far inland before it significantly
loses power.
Queensland Premier Anna
Bligh urged people living in low-
lying areas to get out quickly
because roads and airports were
within hours of closing.
"Do not bother to pack bags.
Just grab each other and get to
a place of safety. Remember that
people are irreplaceable," she
Yasi was forecast to hit land
at about 10 p.m. tonight (7 a.m.
EST, 1200 GMT), the Bureau of
Meteorology said.
The timing, just after high
tide, meant high storm surges of
at least 6.5 feet (two meters) were
likely to flood significant areas
alongthe coast.
"Yasi ... poses an extremely
serious threat to life and prop-
erty," the bureau warned, add-
ing that the storm is likely to be
"more life-threatening than any
experienced in recent genera-
Bligh said residents in coastal
areas should have left already as
their region would undoubtedly
flood. Those livingfurther inland
were told to "bunker down" in
their homes and get ready for
gale-force winds expected to hit
within hours.
"We are facinga storm of cata-
strophic proportions in a highly
populated area," Bligh said.
"What it all adds up to is a very
frightening time. We're looking
at 24 hours of quite terrifying
winds, torrential rain, likely loss
of electricity and mobile phones.
People really need to be prepar-
ing mentally if nothing else."
The storm is expected to make
landfall between Cairns - a city
of about 164,000 people and a
gateway for visitors to the Great
Barrier Reef - and Innisfail, a
rural community about 60 miles
(100 kilometers) south, which
was devastated by Cyclone Larry
in 2006. Larry destroyed thou-
sands of homes and banana and
sugar cane plantations. No one
was killed.
The Cairns airport closed
today after extra morning
flights left. Tourists fled beach
resorts ranging from backpack-
er hostels to exclusive clubs,
and military flights ferried the
ill and elderly from hospitals
to safety farther south. About
9,500 people had taken cover at
evacuation centers by this after-
noon, Bligh said.
Police began ordering people
off the streets of Cairns early
Wednesday morning. "Every-
one's gotta go now," one officer
told pedestrians strolling near
the waterfront. "The water is
coming NOW."
Those who decided to weather
the storm fromtheir homes spent
Wednesday morning taping up
windows, stacking sandbags and
tryingto stay calm as the massive
storm front edged closer.
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