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September 16, 2010 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2010-09-16

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Senior Lion Kim of the Michigan men's golf team is the first Wolverine in 71 years to qualify for the Masters. > PAGE 8A

I i~ :al

Ann Arbor, Michigan

Thursday, September 16, 2010


U' officials:
Qwizdom to
be replaced
by i>clicker

Charlie Michaels, an Art & Design masters student and an employee of the Work Gallery, showcases "Face Lift" - a part of the "Sub Terrain" exhibit at the gallery. The piece is
designed by Scott Wagner and Morgan Morel, performing arts technology majors in the School of Music, Theatre & Dance.
E LE C TION 2010
On campus, Ba engr predc
gov., election is 'ndrst oe

Profs., students say
new prompt system
is more user-friendly
Daily StaffReporter'
After a three-year stint as the
University's preferred Audience
Response System, the Qwiz-
dom remote has been replaced
by an updated clicker tool - the
The new i>clicker system has
been in a pilot phase since 2008
with three faculty members and
four GSIs participating in the
program. Faculty response to the
i>clicker was overwhelmingly
positive, according to Lynne
Crandall, manager of Instruc-
tional Technology Consulting
at the University's Instructional
Support Services.
In an e-mail to interview,
Crandall wrote that of the 36 fac-
ulty members who used either
the i>clicker or the Qwizdom
during Fall 2009, Winter 2010
and Spring 2010, 26 expressed
an interest in moving to the
Among the remaining faculty
members, eight did not respond,
one reported no opinion and
another was unsure if any stu-
dent response system ought to be

used in the future.
"The i>clicker system is cer-
tainly more, robust, has a faster
learning curve on both the fac-
ulty and student side and is more
flexible," wrote Brenda Gunder-
son, a professor in the Depart-
ment of Statistics, in an e-mail
Instead of being forced to fol-
low a linear PowerPoint presen-
tation-style structure, as was the
case with the Quizdom remote,
professors can use the i>clicker
when discussing movie con-
tent, Internet content and other
images, while still using question
prompts - a feature, that accord-
ing to Crandall, "translates into
a richer learning experience for
Physics Prof. Gus Evrard said
the i>clicker is also more user-
friendly than its predecessor.
"The interface for students
and faculty is infinitely better,"
Evrard said.
In the past, students using
Qwizdom were required to type
in their student identification
number and class code at the
beginning of lectures, Evrard
said. The i>clicker remote, how-
ever, requires students to register
only once online which creates
"less of a hassle to get going," he
"For faculty, the i>clicker
See CLICKER, Page 5A

Political insider:
* GOP will take state
House, Senate
Daily StaffReporter
* Michigan political pundit Bill
Ballenger gave his predictions
for the state's upcoming mid-

term elections at a campus event
last night.
Speaking to a crowd of about
100 people at the Ford School
of Public Policy, Ballenger dis-
cussed each of the November
elections, including the race for
governor, State Senate, State
House and State Supreme Court.
He said the goal of the talk
wasn't to sway voters towards
either party, but to inform them

about which races he views as
A former state senator, Bal-
lenger predicted a better year
for the Republicans than in
2006 and 2008, adding that he
expects Republicans will con-
tinue to control the state Senate
21-17. He added that he thought
Republicans will likely make
gains in the state House, though
the make up there will still

likely be 50 Republicans to 62
The race for governor is
"(Republican candidate) Rick
Snyder's to lose," Ballenger
said, adding that one out of
five people polled had no name
recognition of the Democratic
candidate, Lansing mayor Virg
Bernero, whose disapproval rat-
ing is higher than his approval.

Attorney General scolds ass't
AG for derisive MSA pres. blog

Cox in statement:
Shirvell's 'lack of
judgment outside
the office' is clear
Michigan Attorney General
Mike Cox scolded one of his
employees, Andrew Shirvell, for

his outspoken criticism of Michi-
gan Student Assembly Presi-
dent Chris
Armstrong First seen on
last night,
to an article
published by The Detroit Free
The Michigan Daily first pub-
lished an article about Shirvell's
derisive criticisms of Armstrong
on Monday.
Shirvell, who's rants on his

"Chris Armstrong Watch" blog
slam Armstrong for his "radical
homosexual agenda," has also
been showing up at events on
campus criticizing the MSA pres-
ident. Shirvell spoke during the
community concerns portion of
last week's MSA meeting, calling
for Armstrong's resignation and
he repeatedly talked over Arm-
strong and accused him of beinga
racist at a protest urging tolerance
in May.

Lt. gov. cand. touts 'Main Street Michigan'

University Provost Philip Hanlon (left) talks with Associate Vice President of Facility and Operations Hank Baier at an house-
warming event to showcase North Quad yesterday.
'U' officials welcome students,
staff0to brand new North Quad

Brenda Lawrence
talks education
funding on campus
Daily StaffReporter
As the gubernatorial race heats
up in Michigan, the Democratic
nominee for lieutenant governor
and current mayor of Southfield,
Brenda Lawrence, visited campus
yesterday afternoon to talk about
the issues she and running mate
Virg Bernero face in the upcom-

A crowd of about 20 people -
comprised mostly of members of
the University' chapter of Col-
lege Democrats - gathered in a
conference room at the Michigan
Union for the discussion. Law-
rence began by walking around
the room and introducing herself
before taking a seat and start-
ing her talk on the "Main Street
Michigan" agenda touted by Ber-
nero, who is currently the mayor
of Lansing.
This is the first time two may-
ors have run for Governor and
Lieutenant Governor, but Law-

rence expressed her feeling that
their experience - Bernero has
held his position for five years,
and Lawrence for nine - will act
as an advantage.
"We are working, we are on
Main Street, we know what the
issues are because we live them
every day as mayors. We have to
fix them," she said.
She stressed the importance of
education "as an economic stimu-
lus," and especially the impor-
tance of funding the Michigan
Promise Scholarship. The schol-
arship was cut from the state's

At open house,
audience gets a
chance to tour global
themed facility
Daily News Editor
With a marimba playing, food
flowing and students, faculty and
staff mingling, University leaders
gathered yesterday to celebrate

the completion and opening of
North Quadrangle.
The housewarming, for the
University's newest residence hall
and academic center, included
speeches from key administra-
tors, student activities, tours and
a reception.
Speaking at the event, E. Roys-
ter Harper, the University's vice
president for academic affairs,
called the new facility a "vibrant
center for teaching, learning and
Harper also shared her excite-

ment for the new facility, the first
new residence hall at the Univer-
sity in over four decades.
"It's been 43 years since we
last opened a new residence hall
and I imagine there was a great
deal of excitement among the first
residents of Bursley Hall," Harper
said to a light laughter in the audi-
"One of the things about a
housewarming is that you get to
feel the very people in the wood-
work and it's what makes the

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INDEX NEWS.... . . . 2A CROSSWORD....................h.6A
Vol CXXI, No.8 OPINION........... .........4A SPORTS.. . . . .........7A
'0 2S TheMichigan Daily CLASSIFIEDS.....................6A THE B-SIDE........... 1B

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