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September 16, 2010 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 2010-09-16

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2A - Thursday, September 16, 2010

The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com

2A - Thursday, September16, 2010 The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom

In Other Ivory Towers Michigan Myths

Professor Profiles

Photos of the Week

In Europe, the mos
enthusiastic and at
ous sports fans are
as "Ultras." School o.
senior Matthew Peven
soccer support group
gao Ultras, said he ho
a similar quality of sob
men's varsity soccer to
"We go to soccer
cheer on the team,"
"It's really all about be
the soccer community
log soccer."
The Michigan
described by Ryan St:
ness School sophomo:
vice president, as sir
basketball spirit sqt
Rage- is a small bu
group of soccer enthi
act as the men's vai
team's personal spi
at home games and

M ich igan Ultras
st vivacious, Bound by an enjoyment and But Peven
times riot- appreciation for soccer rather After foundir
referred to than a high level of athleticism, ter, he quick]
fEducation the group aims to support the from member
a, founder of University's diverse set of soccer and its coach
the Michi- fans. versity's ach.
apes to offer "St's reassuring coming to a departments.
ipport to the big school that 511l easily be able been a con,
erm. to meet people who also share a between the
games and passion for the sport," LSA fresh- Ultras.
Peven said. man and Michigan Ultra member "(The coa(
ing apart of Nathan Hoff said in an e-mail with getting
yand enjoy- interview, and access t
At games, the Ultras lead players," Peni
Ultras - cheers and chants, introducing Sn additio
-rauss, Busi- musical instruments like cowbells the team ann
)re and club and drums into the mix as well, ate a suppor
silar to the "St takes a lot of energy and said the grou
uad, Maize excitement. After the game last campus-wide
at dedicated week (against Drake University), in the spring,
usiasts who I was completely exhausted and porting ay
rsity soccer had no more voice," Peven said. "I charity.
it section was literally running up and down "We're h,
select away the entire field most of the game response," he
trying to rile all the fans up." -

isn't a one-man show.
rsg the group last win-
dy harnessed support
rs of the varsity team
hes as well as the Uni-
nletic and marketing
sSince then, there's
isistent collaboration
soccer team and the
tches) have helped us
ig supplies, funding
to the team and the
ven said.
sn to working with
A its affiliates to cre-
rtive fan base, Peven
up also plans to hostsa
-e soccer tournament
;,with entry fees sup-
hoping for a huge
-e added..

The Michigan Ultras, a support grasp tar the Michigan Sorcer
team, cheers an She Men's Soccer eam at a recent tame. The
group is similar to the hasketball spirit squad Maize Rage.

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False alarm on Radio hijacked Conversations

missing fire
WHERE: 1519 Fuller St.
WHEN: Tuesdayat about 3 p.m.
WHAT: Hospital security was
slertedhby a subject to a pos-
sible fire at the nearby pool,
University Police reported.
Police, who were told a brush
had been on fire by the side of
the road, contacted the subject.
No fire could be located.
Buckeye mark
painted on wall
WHERE: Angell Hall
WHEN: Wednesday at about
3:45 am.
WHAT: "OSU" was spray
painted on a men's bathroom
wall, University police report-
ed. There are no suspects.

WHERE: Michigan Union
WHEN: Tuesday at about
11:45 p.m.
WHAT: A 23-year-old male
and 21-year-old male stole a
two-way radio used by Michi-
gan Union staff, University
Police reported. Officers found
the radio by South University
and Church Street. The sus-
pects were questioned and
released, pending a warrant.
Purse swiped
WHERE: South Quadrangle
WHEN: Tuesday at about 6:1S
WHAT: A student reported
her purse was stolen from the
dining room, University Police
reported. The purse was
recovered a few blocks sway
with the cash inside removed.

on European
WHAT: A discussion
about the financial crisis
in Greece will be deliv-
ered by Harris Mylonas,
an assistant professor
of political science and
international affairs at the
Elliott School of Inter-
national Affairs, George
Washington University.
WHO: Center for European
Studies-European Union
WHEN: Today from
4 p.m. to S:30 p.m.
WHERE: School of Social
Work building, Room 1636
. A piece in The State-
ment ("Random Student
interview") misiden-
tified Kristen as an
LSA junior. She is in
the School of Music,
Theatre and Dance.

*A Sept. 15 article in The
Michigan Daily ("'U' stem
cell researcher to lobby
Seas. to reverse ruling")
incorrectly stated that the
13 NIHI-funded projects
and Consortium for
Stem Cell Therapies
could be financially
affected hy the outcome
of the forthcoming
court ruling, which only
affects federal funding
for human embryonic
stemn cell projects.
" A Sept. 14 article in The
Michigan Daily ("With
new management, Pack-
ard Pub works to bring
back crowds") incorrectly
stated that Packard Pub
offers a four-pound burg-
er. Their "full-pounder"
consists of ahalf-pound
each of aburger and fries.
. Please report any
error in the Daily to

1A Toyota spokesman said
the company plans on
releasing six new hybrid
models by 2012, according to an
article published ongBBC online.
The new cars, intended to com-
pete against other green vehi-
cles, will add to the 14 already
on the market for Toyota.
2The New Theatre Project's
New Ensemble is bringing
a youthful new perspec-
tive to the Ann Arbor theater
scene with never-before-tried
play development methods.
3 Astudy by the Union of
Concerned Scientists
claims members of Con-
gress have infringed upon the
work of employees at the FDA
and USDA, according to an arti-
cle published in the Los Angeles

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