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December 03, 2010 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 2010-12-03

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2 - Friday, December 3, 2010

The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com

2 - Friday, December 3, 2010 The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom 0

In Other Ivory Towers Michigan Myths

Professor Profiles

Campus Clubs

LEFT LSA sophomore Eric Olivero
shaves his beard on Wednesday,
Dec. 1, 2010 for the first time
since October. Olivero partici-
pated in a "No Shave November"
competition in South Quad for his
hall and won a prize of $10 in Blue
Bucks. (ANNA SCHULTE/Daily)
TOP RIGHT Five-year employee
Nicolas Perry works at the Ninfa
Lab at Biomedical Research
Building on Tuesday, Nov. 30,
2010. Perry's field is in synthetic
biology, and he studies bacte-
rial genetics. (ERIN KIRKLAND/
Daily) TOP LEFT Tri-City Enter-
tainment employee Rick Mosher
helps install the boards on the
ice rink in the Big House that is
being constructed for the outdoor
hockey game against Michigan
State next Saturday. Dec. 11, 2010.

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Valet receives Backpack bandit Bluegrass


Iake $ bill
WHERE: University Hospital
WHEN: Wednesday at about
9 a.m.
WHAT: An unknown subject
paid University Hospital valet
staff with a fake $5 bill, Univer-
sity Police reported The case is
currently under investigation.
Students light up
in South Quad
WHERE: South Quad Resi-
dence Hall
WHEN: Wednesday at about
7:45 p.m.
WHAT: Six male students
were caught smoking marijua-
na, University Police reported.
Officers seized a small amount
of the drug from several of the

WHERE: Hatcher Graduate
WHEN: Wednesday at about
11:45 p.m.
WHAT: After leaving her
backpack unattended for one
hour, a female student had her
iPod, clothes, books and back-
pack stolen from the fifth floor
of the library, University Police
Dorm room
smoke out
WHERE: Oxford House
WHEN: Thursday at about 1
WHAT: Two male students
were caught smoking maru-
juana in their room, University
Police reported. Both of the
students werearrested, and the
evidence was seized.

WHAT: A performance by
bluegrass band the Caro-
lina Chocolate Drops. The
band started out perform-
ing in town squares and
farmer's markets but has
since had sellout shows
at concert venues.
WHO: University
Musical Society
WHEN: Tonight from
8 p.m.to11p.M.
WHERE: The Michi-
gan Theater
Poetry slam
WHAT: The event will
include an open mic ses-
sion, a competition among
seven poets and a perfor-
mance by a featured poet.
WHO: University Unions
Arts & Programs
WHEN: Tonight from
B p.m. to 11 p.m.
WHERE: Michigan Union,
The University Club

" An article in Thurs-
day's edition of The
Michigan Daily (" With
.03 percent turnout, RSG
sees participation jump")
incorrectly stated that
Education falls under
Division IV of Rackham
Student Government.
. An article in Thurs-
day's edition of The Mich-
igan Daily ("Missing
multiplexes") incorrectly
stated that Fifth Quarter
occupies the space once
held by The Majestic. It
occupies the space once
held by a theater special-
izing in foreign films.
" Please report any
error in the Daily to

A recent study found that
the dopamine receptor
gene DRD4 is linked to
promiscuity, LiveScience.com
reported. The gene has also
been linked to alcoholism,
gambling, love of horror films
and political liberalism.
Former Michigan men's
basketball coach Tommy
Amaker returns with the
Harvard Crimson to Crisler
Arena on Saturday for the first
time since he was fired follow-
ing the 2006-2007 season.
On Monday, a district
court in Texas will decide
whether capital punish-
ment is unconstitutional, The
Huffington Post reported. The
state has a high rate of wrong-
ful convictions, and twelve peo-
ple have been exonerated from
death row in Texas since 1976.

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House censures Rep.
Rangel for misconduct

Congressman: 'In my
heart I truly
feel good.'
eran Rep. Charles Rangel, the
. raspy-voiced, backslapping former
chairman of one of Congress' most
powerful committees, was cen-
sured by his House colleagues for
financial misconduct yesterday in
a solemn moment of humiliation in
the sunset of his career.
"I brought it onto myself," Rangel
told the House. But he also said poli-
tics was at work.
After the 333-79 vote, the
80-year-old Democrat from New
York's Harlem stood silently at the

front of the House and faced Speak-
er Nancy Pelosi as she read him the
formal resolution of censure.
Then, in response, he admitted
he had made mistakes, including
his failure to pay all his taxes, fil-
ing misleading financial statements
and improperly seeking money from
corporate interests for a college cen-
ter bearing his name.
But he also declared, "In my heart
I truly feel good." He said, "A lot of it
has to do with the fact that I know
in my heart that I am not going to
be judged by this Congress, butI am
going to be judged by my life."
It was only the 23rd time in the
nation's history that a House mem-
ber received the most severe pun-
ishment short of expulsion. Aside

from the embarrassment, censure
carries no practical effect and ends
the more than two-year ordeal for
the congressman who was re-elect-
ed to a 21st term last month with
more than 80 percent of the vote.
Relief and defiance took over the
moment Rangel finished speaking.
Somber, Pelosi quietly slipped out
of the chamber, but some Demo-
crats gave him a standing ovation.
Rangel made it only a third of the
way up the aisle when a phalanx of
well-wishers stopped and hugged
him; he responded by saying some-
thing that made them laugh. He was
smiling forthe rest of the 10 minutes
or so that it took to get through his
colleagues to exit the chamber, his
humiliation past.

From Page1
HathiTrust gives University stu-
dents easy access to a wider array
of resources than in previous years,
Wilkin said. This is due in large
part to the fact that HathiTrust
holdings are included in each Mir-
lyn search, eliminating the need
for students to go from library to
library to look for a book, he said.
"A person doing research today
has access to a more and more
comprehensive body of materials
From Page 1
an adult education center, some-
one asked Prejean to be a pen pal
to a prisoner on death row. She
became the inmate's spiritual
- advisor, and has since dedicated
her life to abolishing the death
penalty in the United States.
"Human rights aren't given to
people for good behavior and they
can't be taken away from people
for bad behavior," she said.
Prejean explained that it was at
this point, after being exposed to
injustice and learning to stand for
something, that she discovered
what made her life worth living.
"What makes life worth liv-
ing is flowering into, discovering,

without having to search out those
materials," Wilkin said. "(He or
she) can focus on the conclusions
rather than the hunt, and the con-
clusions are most important."
Tom Hubbard, an information
resources reference specialist' at
the Hatcher Graduate Library, said
the now-expanded HathiTrust has
untapped potential as a resource
for University students.
"I don't know how much aware-
ness the student community has of
it, but if they are aware it will help
their research," Hubbard said.
Mariah Cherem, a first-year
being seized by a passion bigger
than us," she said. "It's a great
grace when it comes to us."
Protecting people's rights is
an innate human desire and a
responsibility that we have as
humans, Prejean said.
"We are people of justice, and
we are the ones who have been
entrusted with the Constitu-
tion of the United States, and we
are the ones who have to make
it work in our daily lives and in
our dealings with each other and
when something is wrong, we
have to be the ones to change it,"
she said.
After her speech, Prejean took
questions from the audience and
addressed regional differences in
attitudes toward the death penal-

graduate student in the School of
Information, echoed Hubbard's
concerns about the lack of stu-
dent awareness, but said she feels
HathiTrust can help students in a
variety of ways.
"It's useful for students'
research interests in school, but
also for their personal interests,"
Cherem said.
According to information pro-
vided by University library staff,
the partner institutions will par-
ticipate in a "constitutional con-
vention" in 2011 to formally review
HathiTrust and outline its future.
ty. She explained that while New
Jersey and New Mexico have
recently banned the use of the
death penalty, it is still "holding
strong" in the South, but that the
"practice is diminishing" toa cer-
tain degree. For example, many
southern states now require that
juries be informed about alterna-
tive sentences like life in prison
without parole.
Prejean commended Michigan
on historically being opposed to
the death penalty.
"Thank you, Michigan, we
hold you up like a beacon," she
said as the audience broke out
into applause. "You've never suc-
cumbed to the pressure of the
death penalty and that's some-
thing to be proud of."

The Michigan League Ballroom set up for a wedding. Many alumni, students and faculty turn to University venues to host
their weddings. The League and the Union have played host to 81 weddings since January.

From Page 1
the Unions are students. Wedding
planning, Harper said, provides
students with management and
communications experience, as
well as practice at handling last
minute emergencies.
Harper added that a majority of
clients are alumni, but that they
also serve many current students
in the University's medical and
law programs. The League and the
Union are also popular wedding
locations for faculty, staff and doc-
tors lookingto get married.
The University of Michigan
Museum of Art is another on-
campus wedding venue, which
started hosting private events
after reopening in 2009. Accord-
ing to Kathryn Huss, chief admin-
istrative officer of UMMA, though
the option to use the space as a
wedding venue is not publicized
on UMMA's website, people hear
about it through word of mouth.
UMMA held its first wedding in
August 2010 and has since hosted
six more weddings. Four venues -
with prices varying from $1,000 to

$5,000 - are available for recep-
tions and ceremonies. According
to Huss, UMMA has earned about
$100,000 from weddings so far,
and the museum uses the profits
to support exhibitions and educa-
tional programming.
But the museum's aesthetic
qualities that make it so appealing
can also be a bit limiting. Huss said
UMMA will not hold more than
250 people for a seated dinner, a
measure intended "to protect and
preserve the safety of the art col-
"We're very careful. There's
only a certain number of people we
can accommodate safely within
the artwork, so some people want
to have a larger wedding than is
capable here," Huss said.
University alum Courtenay
Holscher married Craig Sanford
at UMMA on Saturday, Nov. 20.
The newlyweds, both 23, met dur-
ing their freshman year in Burs-
ley Residence Hall and graduated
from the College of Engineering
together in 2009. Though the cou-
ple currentlylives in Denver, Colo.,
Courtney said they wanted to get
married on campus because of
their history together at the Uni-

In searching for a venue, San-
ford found that UMMA was
more expensive than the League
or Union, but said the price was
worth the building's beauty and
Business senior Lee Quacken-
bush, president of the Men's Glee
Club, said he's heard great things
about Sanford's wedding from an
acquaintance who attended the
"It was gorgeous and it was
very much Michigan-themed,"
said Quackenbush, who recently
proposed to his girlfriend at Hill
Quackenbush plans to marry
LSA senior Heather Jones on Dec.
31 in Grand Rapids, Mich. Though
they considered having the wed-
ding on campus, both their fami-
lies live in Western Michigan, and
Quackenbush said the location was
one of the most important factors.
"We looked at the Union, the
Museum of Art and the church
at the corner of State and Wash-
ington (Streets), but those were
much more expensive than what
we're looking at," Quackenbush

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