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December 03, 2010 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2010-12-03

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Ann Arbor, Michigan

Friday, December 3, 2010



Online works

S ~~M A XC cL UNS/Dai y
For a full story on Berenson's skate at the t he Michigan ice hockey coach Red Berenson tests out the recently constructed ice rink at Michigan Stadium. Michigan
Big House check out the Daily's Sports blog will play Michigan State on the outdoor rink in the Big Chill at the Big House on Saturday, Dec. 11. "Usually when you
at michigandaily.com/blogs/thegame. game skate on outdoor ice, its lumpy and it cracks easy," Berenson said. "I'm impressed that this isn't all cracking."
Somn-ething blue ents brin
school spirit to wxeddings at 'U'

Digital library
doubled its partners
in last year
Daily StaffReporter
The HathiTrust Digital Library,
which has housed online collec-
tions from research institutions
and libraries across the country and
world since 2008, recently widened
its breadth of information.
The digital library doubled its
partnerships over the past year,
bringing the total to 52. Among the
library's 26 new partners are The
Library of Congress, Harvard Uni-
versity and the University of Madrid
- the first international partner.
John Wilkin, executive director
of HathiTrust and associate Uni-
versity librarian, said HathiTrust is
attractive to institutions that have
an abundance of content and are
searching for a place to house their
digital works.
"(The University of) Madrid has
lots of content and needs to store it
at a lower cost," Wilkin said.
In addition to new partners,
HathiTrust also added new features
within the library, including a full
text search of the library's infor-
mation base and more resources

for users with "print disabilities,"
Wilkin said.
Those affiliated with partnering
institutions also have new privi-
leges, like the ability to download
entire books orato create and share a
personal collection of books.
Founded in partnership with
the University of California system,
UniversityofVirginia and the Com-
mittee on Institutional Cooperation
- of which the University of Michi-
gan is a member - HathiTrust is
not restricted to partnering institu-
tions, and is availableto anyone with
Internet access. However, partner
affiliates have access to more fea-
tures. Wilkin said he believes the
University plays a part in allowing
this vastcollection to remain public.
"There is this Michigan commit-
ment to public good," Wilkin said.
"When we open things up, we open
it up to everybody whether they're
paying for it or not. It's very impor-
tant to have this library without
The University prepared for the
creation of its digital library when
it first partnered with Google to
digitize its collection, according
to information provided by library
staff. In the agreement with Google,
the University "insisted" on being
able to publicly share the digital
copies it receivesfrom Google.

Eighty-one couples
have wed at the
League, Union so
far this year
For the Daily
LSA senior and bride-to-be
Emily Patterson says she's hav-
ing her dream wedding, but it's
not going to be on a beach or in a

fancy banquet hall. Instead, Pat-
terson and her fiancee, Kinesiol-
ogy senior Mike Adler, wanted
to tie the knot in a place more
meaningful to them.
"We really liked the idea of
tying in the fact that we met
at Michigan into our wedding
because that's just part of who
we are," Patterson said. "So
there's no other better place
than the ballroom at the (Michi-
gan) Union."
Patterson and Adler are
among many faculty, student

and alumni couples choos-
ing to get married at Univer-
sity venues. The Union and the
Michigan League attract a lot
of interest, and the University
of Michigan Museum of Mod-
ern Art - though more expen-
sive and less available - is also
growing in popularity.
Since January, 81 weddings
have been held in the League and
the Union, both of which cost
approximately $1,600 to rent
for a space in the buildings for a
day, according to Nancy Harper,

special events manager for the
University Unions, which Harp-
er said normally runs about $7S
per person for food and drinks,
including alcohol.
The League and the Union
operate separately from the Uni-
versity; profits generated from
the weddings are used for build-
ing operations and help offer
student organizations free use
of the Union space for events,
according to Harper.
The building managers for
See WEDDINGS, Page 2

Death penalty opponent Prejean:
Witnessing suffering'made me'

In talk on campus,
nun praises Mich.
death penalty policy
Daily StaffReporter
While many in the University
community have spent the past
three months pondering the LSA
theme semester, "What Makes
Life Worth Living?", a speaker
on campus last night has thought
about this query for the last three
Author and activist Helen

Prejean talked to a crowd of
approximately 150 Ann Arbor
residents in Blau Auditorium
about her involvement in a cam-
paign to outlaw the death penalty
- a goal Prejean said makes her
life worth living.
Prejean was invited to speak on
campus by Commonweal Maga-
zine, the University Law School
and the University's Women's
Studies department as part of the
LSA theme semester. A nun from
New Orleans, Prejean has worked
with prisoners on death row for
three decades.
Prejean described an "awak-
ening" to the issues of social

injustice, saying a revealingexpe-
rience on a church retreat trans-
formed her from a sheltered nun
who believed that "poor people
only need God" to an active vol-
unteer, aware of the importance
of participating in service to meet
community needs.
"Witnessing the suffering that
comes from injustice changed
me and it made me," she said.
"It changed the way I read the
newspaper, it changed the books
I read, and a desire welled up in
my heart of what I want to with
my life."
After a volunteering session at
See PREJEAN, Page 2

Silvio Medoro, owner of Silvio's Organic Pizza, shows off some of the locally grown greens the eatery uses yesterday. Silvio's on
North University Avenue is one of many restaurants in the area that use locally grown ingredients.
eateries buy local to
boost freshness, business

With substance-free housing,
an alternative Greek lifestyle

Fraternity leaders
say policy changes
focus, cuts down on
insurance costs
Daily StaffReporter
The "substance-free" label
doesn't usually come to mind
when talking about fraternities,

but three campus houses are try-
ing to buck that stereotype.
Sigma Chi, Phi Delta Theta and
Beta Theta Pi fraternities have
substance-free houses, according
to Mike Friedman, president of
the Interfraternity Council. And
while such a policy may deter
some, officials from these frater-
nities said being substance-free
has many advantages.
Substance-free fraternities
tend to attract men interested in
"focusing more on the profession-

al relations and less on the social,"
Friedman said.
"Internally, it communicates
the shift in focus in the organiza-
tion," Friedman said. "Externally,
it gives a certain image and repu-
tation, and from a risk manage-
ment perspective, it sheds a lot of
the liability that a lot of fraterni-
ties willingly take on."
Though the substance-free
fraternities aren't allowed to
host parties with alcohol at their

Restaurant owners
say they want to help
local economy
Daily StaffReporter
Many Ann Arbor eatery own-
ers, longtime "eat local" pro-
ponents and newcomers to the
bandwagon alike, have found
that buying local ingredients
results in more than just fresh-
ness - the choice itself to sup-
port area farmers and businesses

appeals to customers.
Seva Restaurant, a vegetarian
establishment on East Liberty
Street, has been incorporating
local items into its menu since
its opening in 1973. Seva's owner,
Maren Jackson, said she noticed
a recent trend of other restau-
rants embracing local food, too.
Seva is a member of the
Washtenaw County Think Local
First, a network of local business
owners that aims to educate the
community about the advan-
tages of supporting local busi-
nesses, Jackson said. Though it
is often more ex- usive to pur-

chase organic and local foods,
she added thataSeva continues
to do so because of the quality of
the products and the restaurant's
willingness to help the Michigan
"(Purchasing local produce)
supports our local economy,"
Jackson said. "We're trying to
do as much as we can to help the
Ann Arbor and Michigan econo-
my grow."
Nicole Young, a chef and
kitchen manager for Arbor
Brewing Company on East
Washington Street, said her res-
See LOCAL, Page 6

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Around campus: Bukeyes or Taliban?

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