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November 22, 2010 - Image 2

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2A - Monday, November 22, 2010

The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com

In Other vyTowers Michigan Myths

Professor Profiles

Campus Clubs Photos of the Week

Bill Nye faints during USC talk

Famed scientist and tele-
vision personality Bill Nye
fainted while giving a lecture
on climate and global changes
at the University of Southern
California last week, accord-
ing to a Nov. 16 article in the
Daily Trojan.
Nye regained consciousness
shortly after the incident. .
The article reported that
Nye made a joke out of it,
exclaiming, "Wow, that was
crazy. I feel like Lady Gaga or
Despite this incident, Nye
proceeded to give the lecture,
which was warmly received by
USC students and faculty.
Daniel Shana, a student
at Lynn University in Boca

Raton, Fla., was charged
with threats to kill or inflict
bodily harm after he posted
a threat on Facebook to insti-
gate "Columbine take 2" and
boasted that he registered for
his firearms license, accord-
ing to a Nov. 19 article in The
Huffington Post.
Shana was arrested after
students informed authori-
ties about the disturbing
posts, but has since been
released on bond, the article
reported. He is waiting to
stand trial.
Shana is now suspended
from Lynn University and
will not be allowed on cam-
Comedic group On Har-

vard Time apologized for a
video, which was deemed
offensive by students at Har-
vard University and Yale Uni-
versity, according to a Nov. 19
article in The Harvard Crim-
The video was a parody of
a Yale admissions video. In
the clip, a prospective stu-
dent asks, "What about the
girl that got stuffed into the
wall?" referring to Yale grad-
uated student Annie Le who
was murdered at Yale in Sep-
tember 2009.
The article reported that
the students in the group
issued an apology and clari-
fied that the humor was
intended to mock the signifi-
cance of the event and not the
event itself.

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The new pedestrian-controlled HAWK light system that was installed at the
corner of East Huronand Third streets last week.


Fire extinguisher Pot smoker yells Reproductive Depression The Michigan Legislature
used incorrectly at students genetics talk workshop passed a law this month
that allows liquor to be sold
WHERE: School of Education WHERE: Michigan Union WHAT: Sujatha Jesudason WHAT: An educational starting at 7 a.m., instead of
WHEN: Friday at about 12:10 WHEN: Friday at about 6:35 of the non-profit organiza- session about how to deal noon, on Sundays, ABC News
a.m. p.m. tion Generations Ahead with depression. reported. As of now, 36 states
WHAT: A window toa media WHAT: A male subject will discuss how race, WHO: Counseling and allow Sunday sales of alcohol,
room was broken with a fire was arrested for harassing gender equality and abor- Psychological Services and some allow sales to begin
extinguisher to gain entry to people entering and exiting tion politics relate to new WHEN: Today from 4:15 as early as 6 a.m.
the room, University Police the Union, University Police reproductive technologies. p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
reported. Investigators are reported. The man was smok- WHO: Science, Technology, WHERE: Michigan Union, Sophomore point guard
determing if anvthingewas ing marijuana while making and Public Policy Program Room 3100

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The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday through Fridayiduring the fall and
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startinginSeptember, viaU.S.mallare$110.Winter termJanuarythroughApril)is$115yearlong
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n campus subscriptonsforfatermra e$35Sbsrptons must beprepaid.The MichiganDaily
is amer oTe Ar~seocated Prss andlThessociatediColegitres

stolen from the room. There
are no suspects.

rude comments to people on
the Union steps.

WHEN: Today from
4 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
WEE tilHall

Stop sign doesn't Fan tries to enter Room 1110 n
stop driver with fake ticket Israeli moi
WHERE: Fletcher Street WHERE: Michigan Stadium screening
WHEN: Friday at about 2:20 WHEN: Saturday at about
p.m. 12:55 p.m. WHAT: A showint
WHAT: A vehicle leaving a WHAT: A football fan tried "Yossi and Jagger"
parking structure hit a stop to enter with a stolen ticket, about two lovers in
sign, University Police report- University Police reported. A Israeli army - foll:
ed. The vehicle fled the scene ticket scanner at the gate indi- a discussion about
after the accident. cated the fraudulent ticket . ried in the movie

g of
- a film
owed by

Free jazz show
WHAT: A free jazz perfor-
mance by students in the
Department of Jazz and Con-
temporary Improvisation.
WHO: School of Music,
Theatre & Dance
WHEN: Tonight at 8 p.m.
WHERE: E.V. Moore Build-
ing, McIntosh Theatre
. Please report any
error in the Daily to

Darius Morris regis-
tered men's basket-
ball's first double-double of
the season yesterday after-
noon against Gardner-Webb.
A new study suggests that
college students who rou-
tinely consume caffein-
ated energy drinks are more
likely to become alcohol depen-
dent, AZeentral.com reported.
Researchers found that people
who drink energy drinks often
are less able to control con-
sumption despite experiencing
negative physical effects.

Love Crime Notes? Getmore online at michigandaily.com/blogs/The Wire

WHO: Spectrum Center
WHEN: Tonight at7 p.m.
WHERE: Hillel, Mandell
L. Berman Center

Pike unites with OSU's
chapter for charity run

In annual event,
brothers run with
football from Ann
Arbor to Columbus
Daily StaffReporter
While many students were get-
ting hyped about the last Michigan
football home game of the season
over the weekend, Pi Kappa Alpha
fraternity brothers were already
prepping for Saturday's matchup
against Ohio State.
Seventy-two Pi Kappa Alpha
fraternity brothers ran roughly 90
miles with a football from Thurs-
day evening to Friday afternoon
as part of the fraternity's annual
Rivalry Run. Pike holds the event
each year in which runners carry a
football from Ann Arbor to Colum-
bus - or vice-versa depending on
where the game is - on a 187-mile
relay divided between two groups
of runners.
Normally the event takes place
the week before the Saturday foot-
ball game, but because the game
takes place during Thanksgiv-
ing break this year, the event was
pushed back one week.
Business junior Mike Adelman,
co-director of this year's event,
said in past years the run was split
between Pike and Phi Gamma
Delta fraternity - also known as
FIJI. But this year, due to differ-
ing opinions of where the proceeds
should go, FIJI decided to take
part in another fundraising event.
As a result, the University's Pike
chapter joined with Ohio State's
chapter in order to continue the
annual run.
LSA junior Jared Jaffe, current
president of Pike, said having the
chance to work closely with Pike's
OSU chapter was a great experi-
ence and allowed members to not

only raise money for cancer in a
"unique way" but also to "grow as
a fraternity."
Jaffe said representatives from
Pike nationals loved the idea of two
of their chapters joining together
for one cause. Jaffe said the event
was even more powerful because
the collaboration was between two
groups that are rivals.
"A lot of friendships were fos-
tered," he said.
The proceeds raised by this
year's run will go to the Univer-
sity of Michigan Comprehensive
Cancer Center and the Coach Carr
Cancer Fund, Adelman said and
new Pike members were required
to raise $10,000 collectively.
Though the run ended last week,
the brothers are still raising money
for the cause. A recently created
website - which will run through
the end of the semester - allows
the members to track donations
and for friends and family to make
online donations. As of 6 p.m. last
night the brothers raised $17,759
towards their $40,000 goal.
In the last three years, the Pike
Rivalry Run raised more than
$150,000 for the American Cancer
Society and UM Coach Carr Can-
cer Fund.
"The fight to support cancer
never stops," Adelman said. "We're
not going to stop when the run is
over. We want to raise as much as
possible and keep the door open as
long as we can."
Throughout the event, partici-
pating brothers could run as many
miles as they felt comfortable.
Most averaged two to three miles
before they switched with a broth-
er and rode in vans following the
runners, Adelman said.
However, he added some broth-
ers ran more than 10 miles each as
a challenge to both themselves and
Jaffe said the brothers col-
lectively "run every single foot

between (Michigan) Stadium and
Ohio State's stadium."
The most rewarding part of the
experience was hearing the feed-
back from the Michigan Compre-
hensive Cancer Center, Adelman
According to Adelman, the
money is being used for patient
care, patient family care and
research. Before the event, Adel-
man went every week to turn in
the money raised that week. He
said all the positive feedback was
"amazing", particularly since one
fraternity organized the fundrais-
er and the money went toward a
local cause.
"This year was really special
because we're supporting a truly
local effort," he said.
Jaffe said that while their mem-
bers were running, some thought
about the cause but others were
more focused on the moment.
"For me, personally, I was hav-
ing a blast with it," he said. "We'd
pretend to do football plays and
have a fun experience. For some
people it's also more sentimental."
LSA sophomore Gene Taras, co-
director of the run, said he was fas-
cinated by the idea of the run when
he first joined the fraternity fresh-
man year and was inspired to take
on a larger role in the event.
"I've been a Michigan football
fan my whole life," Taras said.
"I thought it'd be cool to run the
actual game day football and give
back to the community at the same
Taras ran a total of 11 miles and
said he was motivated by his per-
sonal family connections to cancer.
"I have a bunch of family mem-
bers that died or had cancer," he
said. "(The event) meant a lot to
me. Every extra mile I ran was for
Adelman said Pike plans to con-
tinue to hold the annual event and
hopes to raise more money each


U.S. Senator Debbie Stabenow (D-Mich.) on campus in April Stabenow was named chair of the Agriculture committee Friday.
Stabenow named chair of
Senate Agriculture Cmte.

New position means
Michigan Democrat
will oversee drafting
of five-year farm bill
DETROIT (AP) - Sen. Debbie
Stabenow will become the new
chair of the U.S. Senate Com-
mittee on Agriculture, Nutrition
and Forestry starting next year,
it was announced Friday, mean-
ing the Michigan Democrat will
oversee drafting of the next five-
year farm bill.
The two-term senator from
Lansing has served on the Agri-
culture Committee since 2001
and also was a member of simi-
lar committees in the U.S. House
and the state legislature.
She told The Associated Press
her appointment is "really impor-
tant for Michigan," where agri-
culture employs a quarter of the
work force. But although Michi-
gan is among the nation's leaders
in the production of milk, corn,
beet sugar, black beans, red tart
cherries, apples - and blueber-
ries, it has been less involved in
growing commodities, which
historically have been the focus
of federal farm bills.

But Jim Byrum, president
of the Michigan Agri-Business
Association, predicted the
upcoming farm bill - which is
expected by 2012 - is going to
"have a lot less farm and whole
lot of other things," such as nutri-
tion, specialty crops and conser-
vation, and Byrum said Stabenow
is a leader in such areas.
"She has a great understand-
ing of these kinds of things, so
it's going to be a real winner," he
The ag chair job is the second
leadership post the 60-year-
old lawmaker has picked up in
recent days. Stabenow also is
the new vice chairwoman of the
Democratic message and rapid
response operation, serving
under Sen. Charles Schumer of
New York.
The higher-profile jobs come
at a good time for Stabenow, who
is up for re-election in 2012 and
will be running in a state that
gave big victories to Republicans
earlier this month.
"I am planning on running for
re-election," she said. "I think
that, right now, given the incred-
ibly challenging times we have on
the economy, that I'm in a critical
spot to focus the federal govern-
ment on jobs."

Stabenow said she's not con-
cerned about running two years
removed from an election cycle
dominated by the GOP.
"No. We in Michigan are a
very independent lot, and I'm
very independent as well,"
she said. "I think it's critically
important that we get things
done, and I always work across
the aisle to do that. I'll work
with anybody who wants to cre-
ate jobs and make things better
for Michigan families and Mich-
igan businesses."
Stabenow will replace current
Agriculture Committee Chair-
woman Blanche Lincoln. The
Arkansas Democrat was defeated
in the Nov. 2 general election.
Stabenow is the fifth-ranking
Democrat on the committee, but
the senators who outrank her
are all chairmen of other com-
mittees. North Dakota Sen. Kent
Conrad had said he was consid-
ering the Agriculture post but
announced Friday he will keep
his position of chairman of the
Senate Budget Committee.
Stabenow is the first Michigan
senator to even sit on the agricul-
ture committee since Philip Hart
in the 1960s and is the first chair
since Thomas Palmer in the late
1880s, her office said.


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