2A - Thursday, November 18, 2010
The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com
In Other Ivory Towers Michigan Myths
Professor Profiles CampusCubs Photos of the Week
Asha for Education
Members of Asha for
Education - a campus
organization that raises
funds for developing Indi-
an educational programs
- make it a priority to
inspire and motivate those
less fortunate.
As one of more than 73
international Asha chap-
ters, Asha-Ann Arbor
selects a variety of educa-
tional initiatives in India
to support each year.
Members facilitate dona-
tions to both schools and
specialized educational
programs, such as after-
school tutoring.
Currently, the group is
involved with Prayas, an
institute for children liv-
ing with mental or physi-
cal disabilities or in poor
social conditions, and
Pudiyador, a non-profit
organization promoting
education for children
living below the poverty
Rackham student
Karthik Sathiyamoorthy,
Asha's project coordinator,
said the group strives to
identify the most promis-
ing initiatives to fund.
"We'll physically go and
look at a site," he said. "We
(then) vote to decide if the
project will be supported."
Ensuring that the orga-
nizations are using funds
wisely is also a priority,
according to Rackham stu-
dent Vishalakshi Krish-
nan, Ann Arbor chapter
coordinator for Asha.
"Once we pick a project,
we do an annual assess-
ment to see if the group
is using the money in the
way they said they would,"
she explained. "If a project
becomes self-sufficient...
we'll move on to another
project which would need
more help."
Group members seek
funding projects through
community events and
personal donations.
Eat to Educate, an
annual fundraiser running
today in the North Atrium
of East Hall from 7 p.m. to
9 p.m., is offering meals for
a small fee from local res-
taurants, like Suvai: Taste
of India and Temptations.
Other fundraisers include
a 5K walk/run in Detroit
and a station for henna -
a dye used decoratively
on the body - at the Ann
Arbor Art Fair.
Krishnan said in addi-
tion to spreading aware-
ness of Asha on campus,
the events also serve to
enlighten people about
Indian culture.
Krishnan, who said
she's been involved with
the club for three years,
added that she would like
to continue recruiting new
members while organizing
events in association with
other Asha chapters in the
metro Detroit area.
Sathiyamoorthy echoed
Krishnan's statements,
emphasizing the impor-
tance of having dedicated
"We'd like to have a
larger volunteer base and
continue to be financially
healthy," he said.
Art students Ian Matchett and Micaela McCabe per-
formed today, running while taking their clothes off as
music blasted and friends threw popcorn and cereal.
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Textbook taken Laundry bag
WHERE: Duderstadt Building
WHEN: Tuesday at about 8:30
WHAT: An unattended
backpack on the second floor
was stolen, University Police
reported. The bag was later
found in a men's bathroom,
but an engineering textbook
Gift cards swiped.
WHERE: University Hospital
Emergency Room
WHEN: Tuesday at about
12:45 p.m.
bandit bounces
WHERE: Laundry Building
WHEN: Tuesday at about 4:45
WHAT: Numerous plastic
laundry bags, valued at $27,
are missing, University Police
reported. There are currently
no suspects.
Wallet missing
WHERE: Mott Children's
Film screening
WHAT: "Dead Man Walk-
ing," an adaptation of the
book, analyzes the justifi-
catiohs of ending a human
life. The film examines
the death penalty from a
humanitarian perspective.
WHO: University of Michi-
gan Museum of Art
WHEN: Today at 7:30 p.m.
WHERE: Museum of Art,
Helmut Stern Auditorium
Action theatre
" An article in yester-
day's edition of The
Michigan Daily ("A proE's
protestingpast") incor-
rectly stated a survey
sent to students is part
of the ISR. It is not.
. An article in yes-
terday's newspaper
("Student governments
unite to try and increase
voter turnout') incor-
rectly stated a question
appearing on the LSA
ballot. One question
seeks to dissuade pro-
fessors from holding
exams on election day.
" An article in yester-
day's newspaper (" Vet-
erans talk transition to
college") inaccurately
identified Joe Schwarz,
a lecturer at the Ford
School of Public Policy.
. Please report any
error in the Daily to
KFC announced plans
yesterday to give one high
school student $20,000
towards their college edu-
cation for the best tweet it
receives, according to a USA-
TODAY.com article. The only
requirement is the tweet must
contain the hash tag KFC.
"Gibson Fleck" is the first
original musical writ-
ten by undergraduates to
be performed by the School of
Music, Theatre & Dance this
A jawbone found on the
island of Aruba is being
tested to see if it is con-
nected to missing American
teenager Natalie Holloway, a
MSNBC.com article reported.
Holloway disappeared in 2005.
WHAT: During the past WHEN: Tuesday at about 3:34 WHAT: Classical actingis
month about $345 of gift cards p.m. combined with martial arts,
were stolen from the social WHAT: A patient's wallet fencing, arts and dance, to
worker assistance program, containing a credit card, debit form a uniquely different
University Police reported. card, and some cash was sto- performance. Theatrical
This is not the first incident, len, University Police reported. combat training is offered
but police currently have no There are currently no sus- in a wide range of weap-
suspects. pects. ons and combat styles.
WHO: The Ring of Steel
MORE ONLINE WHEN: Today at 7 p.m.
LvemNsGetm ore online at mic iai om/blogs/TheWi red JWHERE: Student The-
atre Arts Complex
Israeli PM races to bolster
dsupport for a peace deal
In this Dec. 2,1998 photo, former Iraqi foreign minister Tariq Aziz stands at attention as the Iraqi national anthem is played at a
conference in Baghdad, Iraq. Iraq's president said yesterday he won't sign off on a death penalty sentence for Aziz.
Iraq pres. opposes death
sentence Tariq Aziz
Talabani says he
supports Aziz, an
'Iraqi Christian'
BAGHDAD (AP) - Iraq's presi-
dent declared yesterday that he
will not sign off on the hanging of
Tariq Aziz, joining the Vatican and
others in objecting to the death
sentence for a man who for years
was the -international face of Sad-
dam Hussein's regime.
President Jalal Talabani's state-
ment sets up a showdown between
those seeking maximum punish-
ment for key figures of the ousted
regime and groups calling for rec-
onciliation after years of fierce
sectarian conflict unleashed by the
2003 U.S.-led invasion.
"I feel compassion for Tariq Aziz
because he is a Christian, an Iraqi
Christian," Talabani, a Kurd, told
France's 24 TV. "In addition, he is
an elderly man - aged over 70 -
and this is why I will never sign
this order."
However, Talabani's opposition
does not necessarily mean Aziz,
74, will escape the noose. Aziz was
sentenced in October for his alleged
role in a campaign of persecuting,
killing and torturing members of
Shiite opposition and religious par-
ties that now dominate Iraq.
The Iraqi constitution says death
sentences must be ratified by the
president before they can be car-
ried out. But there are mechanisms
to bypass the president - such as
an act of parliament or the approval
of one of Talabani's deputies.
Justice Ministry spokesman
Abdul-Sattar Bayrkdar told The
Associated Press that death penal-
ties can be carried out regardless
of the president's refusal to sign an
execution order.
"If the president refuses to sign
an execution that is not a veto on a
verdict," Bayrkdar said.
Although Talabani says the
death penalty violates his socialist
principles, many convicted crimi-
nals and members of the former
regime - including Saddam him-
self - have been executed during
his presidency.
Talabani has tried to block only
one proposed execution - that of
Saddam's defense minister, Sultan
Hashim al-Taie, a popular figure
among the country's Sunni minor-
ity. Al-Taie, who was sentenced to
death three years ago, is still alive.
It is unclear whether Tala-
bani will follow up his comments
Wednesday with a vigorous cam-
paign to save Aziz's life.
The decision to prosecute and
execute members of Saddam's
Sunni-dominated Baathist regime
was popular among majority Shi-
ites, who now control the govern-
ment. The regime sent hundreds
of thousands of opponents to death
or exile. Many Shiites want ven-
"I support Aziz's execution as
any other criminal's whose hands .
are stained with the Iraqi people's
blood," said Zaid Ghalib, a shop
owner in Baghdad's Shiite slum of
Sadr City.
But although Aziz is Christian
and not Sunni, many Sunnis view
his conviction and those of other
former regime members as proof
they'll forever be held responsible
for actions carried out years ago.
"The ignorant people running
this government came (to power)
for revenge only," said Hussam
Ahmed, a resident of Baghdad's
predominantly Sunni district of
Aziz's family has argued that he
was not responsible for the crimes
for which he's accused but is being
persecuted simply because he was
a member of Saddam's regime.
"I want to reassert that my
father's execution sentence was a
political decision.
Therefore, it's null and void,"
said Aziz's son, Ziad, speaking from
neighboring Jordan. "As a fam-
ily, we thank the president and we
appreciate his decision."
Officials say vote on
Palestine-Israel deal
could happen today
JERUSALEM (AP) - Israeli
Prime Minister Benjamin Netan-
yahu said yesterday he was close
to reaching an understanding with
the U.S. that would allow him to
present a proposal for restarting
stalled peace talks to his Cabi-
net, capping weeks of painstaking
American efforts to get negotia-
tions back on track.
Facing rising opposition to the
deal within his governing coali-
tion, Netanyahu vowed to push
hard for approval from his govern-
ment. Officials said a vote could
take place as soon as today,
The U.S. has proposed a 90-day
slowdown on West Bank settle-
ment construction to help bring
the Palestinians back to the nego-
tiating table and in exchange
offered a package of incentives to
Netanyahu has signaled he
is ready to comply, but is seek-
ing written assurances from the
Americans that he will not have to
extend the settlement freeze after
the three months are up.
U.S. Secretary of State Hillary
Rodham Clinton declined to com-
ment yesterday on the demand for
a written guarantee, saying only
that efforts to revive the peace
talks were continuing.
"We are working intensively
to create the conditions for the
resumption of negotiations that
can lead to a two-state solution
and a comprehensive peace," she
said during a jointnews conference
with British Foreign Secretary
William Hague in Washington.
Netanyahu's office issued a
statement late yesterday saying he
"hopes to conclude contacts with
the U.S. soon" in order to bring
present the deal to his 15-mem-
ber Security Cabinet - a group of
senior government ministers split
between pragmatists and hard-
"The prime minister will, with
great determination, bring it
before the Cabinet for a positive
decision" the statement said.
Officials close to Netanyahu
said he would convene his cabinet
in the next 24 hours to approve the
deal. The officials spoke on condi-
tion of anonymity because of the
sensitivity of the issue.
In a potential boostfor Netanya-
hu, representatives from the ultra-
Orthodox religious party Shas said
yesterday they would abstain in a
Cabinet vote - but only if it explic-
itly excluded Jerusalem. Absten-
tions from the party's two Cabinet
would allow it to succeed; oppos-
ing it would mean defeat.
A growing number of pro-settler
lawmakers in the hard-line gov-
ernment oppose the deal. Fourteen
members of Netanyahu's Likud
Party, more than half of the party's
parliamentary delegation, sent a
letter to the prime minister yester-
day urging him not to approve the
U.S.-backed peace talks between
Israel and the Palestinians broke
down in late September, just weeks
after they were launched, follow-
ing the expiration of a 10-month
Israeli slowdown on settlement
The Palestinians say they can-
not negotiate while Israel contin-
ues to build homes for Jews in the
West Bank and east Jerusalem -
captured lands that the Palestin-
ians claim for a future independent
Seeking to break the impasse,
the U.S. has proposed that Israel
reinstate the building restrictions,
while promising key military and
diplomatic support. Israeli officials
say the deal would include deliv-
ery of 20 next-generation stealth
fighter planes and U.S. pledges to
veto anti-Israel resolutions at the
United Nations.
During the 90-day freeze peri-
od, Israel and the Palestinians
would try to work out a deal on
their future borders. With a bor-
der determined, Israel could then
resume building on any territories
it expects to keep under a future
peace deal.
Netanyahu worked out the con-
tours of the deal during a marathon
meeting last week in New York
with Clinton. But since announc-
ing its details over the weekend,
he has faced mounting opposition
inside his hard-line government.
Israeli officials said Netanya-
hu is seeking written assurances
from the Americans that he will
not have to extend the freeze after
the 90-day period ends. They said
Israel also wants it to be clear that
east Jerusalem - claimed by both
sides - be enempt from the build-
ing restrictions.
A U.S. envoy, David Hale,
briefed Palestinian officials in the
West Bank Wednesday. Palestin-
ian officials have expressed con-
cern about the generous terms to
the Israelis - and the possibility of
east Jerusalem being exempt from
the building restrictions.
Palestinian negotiator Saeb
Erekat said Hale had told them
there was still no agreementcon the
U.S. proposal. "We said we will not
give any reaction before we see it
officially," Erekat said.
The Palestinians are divided
between two rival governments,
the Western-backed Palestinian
Authority that is pursuing a peace
agreement with Israel, and the
Islamic militant Hamas regime
that rules the Gaza Strip. The
Palestinians claim both areas,
located on opposite sides of Israel,
for a future state and will need to
resolve their split to establish their
An Israeli airstrike ripped
through a car in Gaza City on
Wednesday, killing two militants
accused of helping kidnap a British
Broadcasting Corp. journalist in
March 2007, officials said.
The men, Islam and Moham-
med Yasin, are related and
belonged to the Army of Islam,
said a Gaza official who declined
to be named because of the sensi-
tivity of the matter. The shadowy
extremist Muslim group draws
inspiration from al-Qaida, though
it is not believed to have opera-
tional links.
Israel has killed dozens of want-
ed Palestinian militants - and a
number of bystanders - in air-
strikes over the years. But Israel
has greatly scaled back its opera-
tions since a fierce military offen-
sive in early 2009.
BBC reporter Alan Johnston
was released about four months
after his abduction in Gaza.