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February 05, 2010 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 2010-02-05

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The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com

2 - Friday, February 5, 2010

In Other Ivory Towers Professor Profiles Before You Were Here Campus Clubs


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LEFT Patrick McNicholas, University alumni, sells popcorn at the Michigan Theatre on Sunday. At the theatre's showing of "Cyrus," there were 1,700 people in attendance, the largest
Sundance Film Festival audience in the history of the festival. (MIA MARINO/Daily) TOP RIGHT Four girls from the Paul Robeson Academy, located in Detroit, wait for their bus after
watching a performance by Ladysmith Black Mambazo at Hill Auditorium on Monday. (SAM WOLSON/Daily) BOTTOM MIDDLE Recent law school graduates Jenna Selsky and Gina
Rozman step outside to take a break after studying in the law library. (EMILY CHIU/Daily) BOTTOM RIGHT Governor Jennifer Granholm delivers her last State of the State address on
Wednesday in the Capitol Building in Lansing. (MARISSA MCCLAIN/Daily)

Drunk urinates Items taken from
on the stairs locker room
WHERE: Mary Markley Hall WHERE:Centrat Campus
WHEN:Thursdayataboutiam. Recreation Building
WHAT: A drunk student was WHEN: Wednesday at about
caught urinating in a stairwell, 4p.m.
University police reported. He WHAT: Between about 2 p.m.
was taken to the emergency and 4 p.m. four thefts occured
room and charged with an MIP in the Bell Pool's men's locker
and possession of marijuana. room, University police


Male student
exposes himself
WHERE: 1400 Block West
Medical Center
WHEN: Thursday at aboutl a.m.
WHAT: A University bus driv-
er reported that a male student
exposed himself to the driver
and passengers after leav-
ing the bus, University police
reported. The student was
taken into custody for MIP and
indecent exposure.

reported. Three of the laren-
cies involved the cutting of the
mesh part of the locker and
one victim left his items unat-
tended. Stolen items including
clothing, cash and wallets.
Laptop swiped
WHERE: Schembechler Hall
WHEN:Wednesday at 10a.m.
WHAT: A Mac laptop valued
at $3,100 was stolen from the
locker room between 2:30 p.m.
and 4 p.m., University police

Sex in the Past
WHAT: Prof. David Caron
invites students to come
discuss his essay, "Sex in
the Past: On Queer Films
in France, Taiwan and the
Philippines." The essay is
posted on the CTools site
Gender, Race, and History.
WHO: Spectrum Center
WHEN: Today from 1 p.m. to
3 p.m.
WHERE: 2239 Lane Hall
Speed dating
WHAT: Come find some-
one special just in time
for Valentine's Day.
WHO: Bi-Lateral
WHEN: Tomorrow from 5
p.m. to 6 p.m. for opposite
gender dating (male-iden-
tified students looking for
female-identified students)
and from 7 p.m. tol8 p.m. for
same-gender dating (one
group for male-identified stu-

dents looking for other male-
identified students and one
group of female-identified
students looking for other
female-identified students).
WHERE: Henderson
Room, Michigan League
. A correction in yester-
day's Michigan Daily incor-
rectly stated the position
of Hamdan Yousuf He
is a Rackham represen-
tative on the Michigan
Student Assembly.
. A campus event in yester_
day's Michigan Daily incor-
rectly stated the date of the
Entrepreneurship Lecture
Series sponsored by the
Center for Entrepreneur-
ship and MPowered. The
event is tomorrow at 3:30
p.m. at Stamps Auditorium.
. Please report any error
in the Daily to correc-

A poll on the MTV website
shows that viewers want
Detroit to be the next loca-
tion for the show Jersey Shore.
The same people from this
season's show will move to a
new location for next season.
Detroit has received 65 percent
of the vote. The Congo is in
second place with 25 percent.
The University received
an 'A' for its practices in
recycling and composting
from the Sustainable Endow-
ments Institute's 2010 College
Sustainability Report Card.
According to ABC News,
Heinz has redesigned
its ketchup packet to
allow users to either sqeeze
the ketchup out or dunk their
fries into the packet-which is
shaped like a shallow cup, mak-
ing enjoying ketchup on-the-go
much less messy.

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Airplane terrorist giving ~
U. S. info to find his mentor

House of Reps.
faces tough vote*
over $1.9 trillion
additional debt

Democrats say
Obama was right
to handle case as a
criminal matter
Nigerian suspect in a failed Christ-
mas Day airliner bombing turned
against the cleric who claims to
be his teacher and has helped the
U.S. hunt for the radical preacher,
a law enforcement official said
Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab,
the 23-year-old Nigerian who faces
terrorism charges in the Christmas
bombing, has been cooperating
with the FBI for days, providing
information about his contacts in
Yemen and the al-Qaida affiliate
that operates there.
His cooperation talking about
U.S.-born Yemeni radical Anwar
al-Awlaki is significant because
it could provide fresh clues for
authorities trying to capture or kill
him in the remote mountains of
Yemen. Al-Awlaki has emerged as
a prominent al-Qaida recruiter and
has been tied to the 9/11 hijackers,
Abdulmutallab and the suspect in

November's deadly shooting ram-
page at Fort Hood, Texas.
The law enforcement official
would not say what information
Abdulmutallab provided, but al-
Awlaki himself said in a recent
interview that he and Abdulmutal-
lab had kept in contact. A senior
U.S. intelligence official said al-
Awlaki represented the biggest
name on the list of people Abdul-
mutallab might have information
against. Both spoke on condition of
anonymity to discuss the sensitive
ongoing investigation.
Abdulmutallab's cooperation
with U.S. authorities is at the cen-
ter of a political dispute in Wash-
ington. Democrats say it proves the
Obama administration was correct
to handle the case as a criminal
matter. Republicans accuse the
administration of leaking details
for political purposes.
Abdulmutallab agreed to coop-
erate after FBI agents flew to Nige-
ria and returned to the U.S. with
Abdulmutallab's family members.
In a federal prison outside Detroit,
Abdulmutallab's father and uncle
persuaded him to cooperate with
the FBI, according to a U.S. official
briefed on the talks who also spoke
on condition of anonymity to dis-

cuss the ongoing case.
A month before the attack,
Abdulmutallab's father warned the
U.S. Embassy in Nigeria that his
son might be dangerous, a warn-
ing that officials failed to connect
to other evidence that intelligence
officials had gathered. President
Barack Obama has said the U.S. had
enough information to prevent the
Al-Awlaki, who once preached in
mosques in California and northern
Virginia and posted fiery English-
language Internet sermons urging
Muslims to fight in jihad, said in an
interview released Thursday that
he taught the Christmas bomber
and supported his efforts but did
not call for the attack.
"Brother mujahed Umar Farouk
- may God relieve him - is one of
my students, yes," al-Awlaki said
in the interview, which Al-Jazeera
reported on its Web site Tuesday.
"We had kept in contact, but I
didn't issue a fatwa to Umar Farouk
for this operation," al-Awlaki was
quoted as saying.
Understanding Al-Awlaki's con-
nection to Abdulmutallab and to
al-Qaida in the Arab Peninsula is
a key to the U.S. investigation of
the attack and its effort to disrupt

other plots.
On Nov. 11, British intelligence
officials sent the U.S. a cable reveal-
ing that aman named Umar Farouk
had spoken to al-Awlaki, pledging
to support jihad, or holy war. The
cable did not contain Abdulmutal-
lab's last name, an omission that
made it harder for analysts to con-
nect it to the warning his father
would make one week later.
The contents of the cable were
described by intelligence officials
who spoke on condition of anonym-
ity because they were not autho-
rized to discuss the matter.
There were other early warn-
ings, too. A U.S. wiretap referred to
a Nigerian being trained for a spe-
cial mission. And another intercept
mentioned "some type of operation
on December 25th," Sen. Byron
Dorgan, D-N.D., said.
Awlaki's family and many mem-
bers of his powerful Awalik tribe
deny the 38-year-old is a member of
al-Qaida. They depict him as a vic-
tim of Yemeni and U.S. persecution.
The Yemen government, which is
increasingly working closely with
U.S. intelligence, is negotiating
with tribal leaders, trying to per-
suade them to hand over al-Awlaki,
tribal members have said.

Democrats passed
the bill through the
Senate last week
a politically excruciating vote,
House Democratic leaders are
counting on new budget deficit
curbs to help smooth the way for
a bill allowing the government to
go $1.9 trillion deeper into debt
over the next year - or about
$6,000 more for 'every U.S. resi-
The debt measure set for a
House vote yesterday would raise
the cap on federal borrowing to
$14.3 trillion. That's enough to
keep Congress from having to
vote again before the November
elections on an issue that is feed-
ing a sense among voters that
the government is spending too
much and putting future genera-
tions under a mountain of debt to
do it.
Already, the accumulated debt
amounts to $40,000 per person.
And the debt is increasingly held
by foreign nations such as China.
Passage of the bill would send
it to President Barack Obama,
who will sign it to avoid a first-
ever, market-rattling default on
U.S. obligations. Democrats bare-
ly passed it through the Senate
last week over a unanimous "no"
vote from GOP members present.
To ease its passage, Demo-
crats attached tougher budget
rules designed to curb a spiraling
upward annual deficit - project-
ed by Obama to hit a record $1.56
trillion for the budget year end-
ing Sept. 30. The new rules would
require future spending increas-
es or tax cuts to be paid for with
either cuts to other programs or
equivalent tax increases.
If the rules are broken, the
White House budget office would
force automatic cuts to programs
like Medicare, farm subsidies
and veterans' pensions. Current

rules lack such teeth and have
commonly been waived over the
past few years at a cost of almost
$1 trillion.
Skeptics say lawmakers also
will find ways around the new
rules fairly easily. Congress,
for example, can declare some
spending an "emergency" - a
likely scenario for votes later
this month to extend jobless
benefits for the long-term unem-
And, indeed, there already are
exceptions to the new rules, such
as for extending former President
George W. Bush's middle-class
tax cuts past their expiration a
year from now. That would add
$1.4 trillion to the federal debt
over the next decade.
In agreement with Obama's
budget earlier this week, there is
no exception for taxpayers in the
two highest tax brackets whose
marginal rates are due to rise by
3 percent or 4.6 percent to a pre-
Bush maximum 39.6 percent next
But some new White House
initiatives, such as doubling the
child care tax credit for families
earning less than $85,000, also
would have to live within the
rules, as would continuing sub-
sidies for laid-off workers to buy
health insurance - unless law-
makers make another exception.
The so-called pay-as-you-go
rules have been a mantra with
conservative "Blue Dog" Demo-
crats in the House, who insisted
they wouldn't vote to raise the
debt ceiling without them.
"We don't have a choice," said
Rep. John Tanner, D-Tenn. "We
are on an unsustainable march
toward a fiscal Armageddon."
Obama's budget projects the
government's debt doubling to
$26 trillion over the next decade.
It offers few solutions for seri-
ously closing the gap other than
promising to appoint a bipartisan
commission to come up with a
plan to address the problem.

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