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February 05, 2010 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2010-02-05

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You can be a part of the "hookup
culture" and not necessarily
have self-respect issues.
>)PAGE 4

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Ann Arbor, Michigan

Friday, February 5, 2010



In Obama's
budget, help
for students,

Budget proposal
would increase Pell
Grant amounts,
research funding
Daily StaffReporters
University officials say they're
optimistic about the benefits the
University could see from Presi-
dent Barack Obama's recently
proposed budget, which includes
plans to increase funding for Pell
Grants and loan assistance, and
could mean more money for Uni-
versity researchers.
The $3.8 trillion budget for the
upcoming year, which Obama
released on Monday, calls to
increase Pell Grants to a maximum
level of $5,710 up from $5,550 this
year. In addition, the budget allots
$66 billion for research not related
to defense and development proj-
ects, a 5.9-percent increase from
the 2010 budget.
Pamela Fowler, executive finan-
cial aid director at the University,
said students would directly ben-
efit from the proposed increase in
Pell Grant funding.
"Any increase in Pell Grant

funding will positively affect UM
students," Fowler wrote in an
e-mail interview.
She added that though there
are over 4,000 University students
currently taking advantage of Pell
Grants, it's too early to determine
how many would be affected by
the proposed changes.
Cindy Bank, assistant director of
the University's Washington, D.C.
Office, said the increase in money
for Pell Grants, which provide
funding for low-income students
to attend college, will further aid
students already reaping the ben-
efits of the program.
"It will help all the students
who have Pell Grants," Bank said.
"Throughout all three of our cam-
puses, it' will greatly help those
students who have the most need."
Bank added that she was pleased
to see the president continue his
support for making higher educa-
tion affordable.
"It's great that there is this
commitment to increase the Pell
Grants," she said.
In addition to increasing fund-
ing for Pell Grants, Obama's pro-
posed budget would provide other
benefitsforstudents includingloan
assistance, United States Secretary
of Education Arne Duncan said
in a conference call with college
See BUDGET, Page 7

School of Education junior John Truesdell catches a pass from LSA sophomore Zach Lemis during a warm up for the Michigan Ultimate Frisbee Team magnUM's practice
in the Oosterbaan Fieldhouse from 1 to 2:30 a.m. this morning.
Housing considering closing
Betsy Barbour's dining hi

Students say closure
could hurt hall's
sense of community
Daily StaffReporter
To the chagrin of many stu-
dents living in Betsy Barbour, the
residence hall's dining hall may be
closed come next year.
According to University Hous-

ing spokesman Peter Logan, the
possible closure would reduce
Housing's operating costs by a
significant amount.
Every year Housing officials
revisethe budget and look for ways
to reduce operating costs before
presenting a room and board rate
proposal to the Board of Regents
for consideration, Logan said.
Though Housing officials typi-
cally make a final decision on the
Housing budget in March, Logan
said officials in the Division of

Student Affairs could decide the
fate of the Betsy Barbour dining
hall today, due to protests from
the residents.
' Logan said officials are con-
sidering closing the dining hall
because of the opening of North
Quad in the fall, which will be
located at the intersection of
Washington and State streets.
Betsy Barbour is a few blocks
away at 420 State Street.
University Housing officials
held ameetingwith Betsy Barbour

residents Wednesday night to dis-
cuss the dining hall's potential
closure. Residents in attendance
were opposed to the possible shut
down of the dining hall and said
it would hinder the sense of com-
munity that it brings to the resi-
dence hall.
At yesterday's fireside chat - a
monthly meeting where invited
students can pose questions about
campus issues to University Presi-
dent Mary Sue Coleman - stu-

Diagnosis trends offer look
at racial attitudes, prof.says

Metzl: Black men
first over-diagnosed
with schitzophrenia
in Civil Rights era
Daily StaffReporter
Current debates on the nation's
health care system have been
focused on the future. But for one
University researcher, it is the
examination of the past that is key
to finding solutions.

Jonathan Metzl, director of the
University's Program in culture,
Health, and Medicine, recently
wrote a book using historical con-
text to provide reasons for the
over-diagnosis of schizophrenia
in black men - a problem that he
says persists to this day.
Accordingto Metzl the trend of
over-diagnosis began during the
1960s and 1970s as a way to quell
civil rights era protest activity.
Metzl, an associate profes-
sor of Psychiatry and Women's
Studies, said the idea behind his
book, "The Protests Psychosis:
How Schizophrenia Became a

Black Disease," arose as he exam-
ined historical records from
the Ionia State Hospital for the
Criminally Insane. He said these
records show that black men were
increasingly over-diagnosed with
schizophrenia during the 1960s
and 1970s.
Metzl said he took this infor-
mation and examined how "the
diagnosis itself in this hospital
and in certain aspects of society
became racialized."
"I found that there was a pretty
dramatic transformation in the
demographics in not only who

Doug Strong, CEO of the University's Hospitals and Health Centers, talks about the business of health care at a panel discussion
yesterday. Strong said the University's health operations are promoting business in the area and the state.
Hospital CEO, other officials
talk the business of health care

City still waiting on Argo Dam decision

Doug Strong says
hospital wants to be
a leader in 'creating
the future'
Daily StaffReporter
Doug Strong, chief executive
officer of the University's Hospi-
tals and Health Centers, spoke to
a group of about 100 people on the

vital role the University's health
care system plays in bringing both
state and nationwide economic
growth, at a panel discussion yes-
In addition to Strong, panelists
discussed the importance of sus-
taining and innovating the health
care system at the talk held in the
Michigan Ballroom of the Four
Points by Sheraton Hotel in Ann
Strong said the University holds
a very strong position in the Ann
Arbor community and the medi-

cal world, stemming from the fact
that the University's medical cen-
ters employ 17,000 practicing staff
members. Because of this, Strong
said the institution has an imme-
diate responsibility to advance the
leaders in creating the future," he
said. "And for us the future can be
a long time, but it also extends to
the very next second."
Strong said University health
centers need to focus on creating

City Council sent
report to state office
lauding dam's safety
Daily StaffReporter
Though the issue of the Argo
Dam has been much-discussed
by the Ann Arbor City Council for
more than six months, the future
of the dam is still in limbo.
In response to concerns about

the safety of the dam brought
by the Michigan Department of
EnvironmentalQuality inAugust,
city council hired a consulting
firm to gather information about
the security of the dam. Though
MDEQ concluded that the dam
either needed to be removed or
repaired, the firm's report found
that the dam was safe and did not
need repairs.
On Tuesday, the council sent
this report to the Michigan
Department of Natural Resources
to receive approval to keep the

dam as it is.
Argo Dam was built in 1920 to
provide hydroelectricity to Ann
Arbor residents. Since then, it has
come to benefit residents in other
ways, mainly through the use of
Argo Pond, the body of water pro-
duced bythe dam's blockage.
Several local boating groups,
including the Michigan Men's
Club Rowing Team, use the
pond, both for competition and
for leisure. But, these groups are
in danger of losing their venue
See ARGO DAM, Page 7

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