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*Ann Arbor, Michigan
Friday, January 29, 2010
At town ball,
'U' officials
talk campus
Engineering senior Jerome Singleton prepares to run in the indoor track and field building on Tuesday. Singleton was born with fibular hemimelia, a serious bone disorder.
One-le sprinter Si eon
always keeps his ye o tepri ze
Students, faculty
and administrators
gather to discuss
new initiative
Daily StaffReporter
University leaders and admin-
istrators held a town hall meeting
yesterday to discuss environmental
sustainability on campus.
The meeting - hosted by the
University's Graham Environmen-
tal Sustainability Institute and the
newly formed Office of Campus
Sustainability - aimed to intro-
duce and invite discussion on a new
initiative on campus, which Uni-
versity administrators have dubbed
an "integrated assessment" by the
two organizations.
Members involved in the project
are examining ways to increase the
University's commitment to the
environment through initiatives
in research, academics and opera-
A group of panelists took the
stage at the meeting and discussed.
the project's goals from both opera-
tional and academic perspectives.
Faculty leaders from each com-
mittee spoke of possible objectives
for the initiative and University
administrators discussed the orga-
nizational components of the proj-
Addressing a crowd composed
of about 200 students, faculty and
staff members and Ann Arbor resi-
dents,.Timothy Slottow, executive
vice president and chief financial
officer, said it's necessary for the
University to take a multifaceted
approach to increasing the Univer-
sity's commitment to the environ-
ment because there are so many
important parts of the issue.
"In a complex system with mul-
tiple components you rarely will
achieve best results by looking at
one component in isolation," he
said at the meeting.
Slottow said integrated assess-
ment is a new concept that rep-
resents an opportunity for the
University to act as a global agent
for change in the national environ-
mental sustainability movement.
"It is a unique time for the Uni-
versity of Michigan to really seek
out a position of leadership nation-
ally, in higher education and hope-
fully beyond," he said.
Don Scavia, the director of the
University's Graham Environmen-
tal Sustainability Institute, said he
Engineering senior exists.
He isn't a football player. He
is a world class isn't one of the many past Olym-
pians who attended school here,
Paralympic athlete back to relive his college days. He
doesn't even don a varsity jacket.
By BEN ESTES No, this athlete hasn't been -
For the Daily nor will he ever be - on a Wolver-
ine varsity team. Officially, he's
Every day, a world-class, medal- just one of many bright students in
winning athlete walks across this the College of Engineering.
campus amongst a sea of 40,000 of But he also managed to win two
his peers. But you have no idea he medals in Beijing in the summer of
Oh, and he happens to have just
one leg.
The first thing that strikes you
about Jerome Singleton when he
walks (yes, walks) over to meet
you is how normal he appears.
Sporting a pair of glasses, with a
mild demeanor, he looks like any
other undergraduate. But Single-
ton is anything but normal. He
is the world's top sprinter in his
class, having outperformed just
about every feasible competitor.
Singleton was born in Green-
wood, S.C. with fibular hemimelia,
a serious bone disorder. His fibula
bone never grew in, essentially
leaving him without an ankle. As
a result, his right leg had to be
amputated below the knee when
he was one and a half years old. He
now uses a prosthetic leg.
So at an early age, Singleton
learned that the best way to han-
'U' officials advise students
to avoid traveling to Haiti
Only experienced
aid workers should
go to country,
e-mail says
Daily StaffReporter
In the aftermath of the cata-
strophic earthquake that devas-
tated Haiti on Jan. 12, many in the
University community are look-
ing to participate in relief efforts.
But with the country still in ruins,
many students and faculty may
have to waitchefore they can travel
to the country to help.
Before the earthquake hit,
members of Ann Arbor's New Life
Church had been planning to trav-
el to Haiti for an alternative spring
break trip.
University alum Karl Jansen
was to co-lead the group of 16, in
conjunction with Rain Catchers -
a non-profit organization based in
Howell, Mich. that builds gutters
on Haitian homes in order to col-
lect rainwater.
The group was planning to
go to the village of Seguin in the
mountains of southeastern Haiti,
according to Jansen.
Butnowthatthe earthquake has
left the nation in chaos with many
devastating problems, Jansen said
the trip must be postponed.
"After the earthquake, we were
hoping to go down there and do
earthquake relief, but there is just
too many logistical challenges and
safety challenges right now," he
said. "They just need emergency
responders and professionals to
get things under control before
volunteers like our group would be
able to go down there and help."
Sara Gibbs, director of the Gins-
berg Center's SERVE program - a
University group that organizes
various community .service proj-
ects including alternative spring
break trips - said it hopes to plan
See HAITI, Page 7
Wolverine State Brewing Co. brewmaster Oliver Roberts, left, and co-owner E.T. Crowe, right, work on plans for their new tap room.
With new space, brewery to add
local lagers to area's beer scene
Wireless Washtenaw faces money woes
Program to bring be in jeopardy if necessary federal
funding doesn't come through.
wireless Internet to Initiated in 2004, Wireless
Washtenaw has begun the process
rural areas of providing broadband coverage
to areas that traditionally haven't
By MICHELE NAROV had access to wireless Internet
Daily StaffReporter services. But without federal fund-
ing, the undertaking may soon col-
Wireless Washtenaw, a project lapse.
that aims to bring wireless Inter- In addition to providing free
net access to sparsely populated web access within Washtenaw
areas of Washtenaw County, could County, the project offers high-
speed private access to residents
for a monthly fee in order to cover
the costs absorbed by 20/20 Com-
munications - an Ann Arbor-
based Internet provider that
helped to privately fund the proj-
Project Manager James McFar-
lane said much of Washtenaw
County currently lacks a reliable
option for residential high-speed
Internet access.
See WIRELESS, Page 7
Wolverine State
Brewing will open
a new tap room
south of campus
Though Ann Arbor is already
known for its many ale breweries,
a new business is planning to make
its mark in townwith its homemade
lagers. Wolverine State Brewing
Company, which will be the city's
first tap room and specialize in
premium American lagers, is set to
open this spring.
Ann Arbor residents and Univer-
sity graduates Matt Roy and Trev-
or Thrall began Wolverine State
Brewing Company three years ago
in Ann Arbor. Since entering the
beer business, the company has
been contracting its production
with Michigan Brewing Company
- a brewery in Webberville near
East Lansing.
But it is through the upcoming
bar that the two entrepreneurs
plan to market their production on
a different and larger scale.
"We want to be a household
name around the state of Michigan
so that people know who we are
and what we are,"Roysaid. "We are
distinguishing ourselves from all
the other microbreweries because
they are all primarily making ales,
and we are a lager company."
This distinction could be signifi-
cant in Ann Arbor because the city
See BREWERY, Page 7
Call 734-763-2459 or e-mail
newsComichigandailv.com and let us know.
U.S. Rep.John Dingell is now @johndingell.
INDEX NEWS... . . . 2 ARTS .................................S..5
Vol. CXX, No.83 SUDO KU......... ..............3 CLASSIFIEDS........................6
i The MihiganDaily POPINION ...............................4 SPO RTS.............. ............. 8