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January 20, 2010 - Image 11

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The Michigan Daily, 2010-01-20

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Wednesday, 3B

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Five of the most talked-about stories of the week, ranked in ascending order of actual importance
Tess Chapin, a high school stu- Mikey Hicks, an 8-year-old cub Republican Scott Brown beat Google announced that it will stop On Tue
dent from Queens, NY, started a scout from N.J., has been on TSA's Democrat Martha Coakley in Mas- censoring its Chinese search engine, pledged
Facebook petition to convince her "selectee" list since birth. He shares sachusetts' election for the Senate google.cn, and may completely diers frc
parents to shorten the five-week a name with someone deemed sus- seat formerly held by Ted Kennedy. withdraw its presence in China in the in hope
grounding they gave her after she picious by the Dept. of Homeland Brown's victory denies Democrats near future. The move would deprive forts tal
missed her 11:30 p.m. curfew. Ado- Security, leading to intense security the 60-seat Senate majority needed about 300 million users from having week's*
lescent rebellion for the 21st century. screenings when he travels. to override potential filibusters. access to the site. the dev
- -- - -

sday, the United Nations
dto send more police and sol-
om around the world to Haiti
s of speeding up the relief ef-
king place in the wake of last
7.0 magnitude earthquake
astated the island nation.

is considering bringing free pizza to all sporting events

next year.

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L~i1 2 3 4 5 i 6i 7 8 19101
quotes of the week on the cheap
"Basically this is the first time in the economy of the United How to get around on the cheap
States that a male has actually stood up and said,'I want to
do this for a living.'
'MARCUS,'the first legal male prostitute in the United States, on how his decision
to become a 'gigolo' is actually about his desire to change social norms rather than
just sell his body.
"They got together and swore a pact to the devil."
Televangelist PAT ROBERTSON on a demonic pact he believes was made between
the Haitians and the Devil to gain independence, which ultimately caused the earth-
"Sarah, I want to read to you what I wrote last night in my
journal, because it's about you."
GLENN BECK, conservative political television show host, to Sarah Palin upon
meeting her for the first time during an interview for The Glenn Beck Program. ILLUSTRATION-BY KATIE EBERTS
Getting from point A to point B should be the least of our worries. But as college students
with limited financial funds, $8 is a hefty sum for a cab ride from the Hill to Studio on
Thursday night. So why not learn to get around on the cheap?
the r ulelsWhile they're neither practical at night nor comfortable in the cold, bikes are cheap, environ-
mentally friendly and body-conscious modes of transportation. Just remember to wear a helmet!
Though it's probably true that no one actually enjoys the University buses, they're free and
No. 242: No. 243: No. 244: relatively convenient when you're on campus. Just don't expect one to pick you up at the bar
S Foods that are either It's still winter.Yeah, it's annoying when your roommate who doesn't have a car asks you to drive him some-
Stormingthcourt Fwhere, but just turn it back on him and hint that he owes you a ride. Even though it's your car he'll
after the basketball crunchy, smelly or Please wear a jacket. be driving, you still get a relatively free ride out of the "pay-it-forward" mentality.
game on Sunday was both do not belong in And closed-toe Um, walk.
Have advice for life on the cheap? Let us know. E-mail onthecheup@umich.edu
a perfectly appropriate the Reference Room shoes when you re
response. of the Grad. Ever. outside. - ALLIE WHITE
The current estimated body count inflated price of a small water bottle in Tons of food the UN's World Food Pro-
in Haiti the main market in downtown Port-au- gram planned to distribute on Monday
Prince to the affected areas of Haiti


3 days

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William Martin bought a 48-foot catamaran on Facebook
4 days ago - Comment - Like " See Wall-to-Wall
Denard Robinsen looks like I'm pretty good at this whole track and
field thing...
4 ays ago .Comment'- Lile

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