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December 14, 2009 - Image 9

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 2009-12-14

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The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com

Monday, December 14, 2009 - 9A

The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom Monday, December 14, 2009 - 9A

Looking for something more added. "Professore Vacanti would've
authentic than local favorite Pizza been proud of me. Or maybe I
Barn, the group had decided to should say would've been feiro di
AD RTISING venture out and try a new place. me."
A local college adv
taking on the law.
entire law firm! The
spending their se
help the lawyers g
"We just dk
Brian Fats. "Wt
creative help aroun
we really look forwa
their ideas and work
them with legal spe
making themechange
don't matter and basic %
water it down until
funny, not creativ
ay way."
After sub ig
round of ide clas
drowned in d chan
lie ti
libel. C 3 U
G--A$0NT X
HEI iyuS---~ M
STU I Y - - It was Thursday
I swear it was the scariest before the big exan
ORDE PIZZA moment of my life," Ka1lWinsey, Jay Limbaugh's offi
fiend of Danny's, recalled. "It was As were Professor R
AT RESTAU- like we time-warped into Italy or Dr. Denise Carrol's. Where was
something. The waiter came over everyone during the last-minute
RANT fand started talking in Italian! Um... question frenzy? Apparently, tailgat-
what? I had no idea what to do." in

"Did we eat too many
Doritoes? Maybe. Throw a little
Frisbee around? Sure. But teachers
deserve to have a little fun too. And
t's not like it hurt anyone," said the
6 year-old Fineman. "In fact, I
ink the students should be thank-
at... I was so hungover the next day
at I just gave everyone A's
pnyway. I think it worked in their
ile students are demanding
a s, 'ere's no word yet on how
IS it

thinking of hiding in a closet for the
rest of its life hoping to be forgotten
and never found.'

just about every option out there,'
said National Greek Board
President, Henry Boggins. "There
were only about 18,000 possible
letter combinations to begin with, se
you had to know it was coming."
The news certainly left the
Greek System in a state of turmoil,
as rumors began to fly immediately
Some suggested a move to a 4-lettei
system, while others questioned why
it always had to be Greek."I think
English is a pretty good language,"
said Debra Boomgarden. "I mean,
- "United States, not a
stic country."

M A S CO T i s A


Police rep,
became agitated
Book on who wi
altercation ensu4
several blows to

frth more

ich led
ars and
"Once I
4tbooks, I
find a
Y negoti-
ng ren or food,
tion, back massa d toiletries.
f I could rent all , I'm pretty
rtain I wouldn" need a real
b." And if he ao I'll probably
it a guy to dotl- orme too."
sior Mick m'cConnelly has
cided that he will no longer buy
ything. Instead, he says with
sfidence, "I'm gonna rent."
Mick tells the story of renting
s apartment, which is "waaaaay
eaper than buying one", which led
renting movies, renting cars and
,e 5;tn, hqtxtnk

What began as a typical dining-o
experience quickly turned into
scary situation yesterday whe
sophomore Danny Rivers and N
friends realized that the Italia
restaurant that they had chosen ft
lunch... was completely Italian.

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