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December 14, 2009 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 2009-12-14

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8A - Monday, December 14, 2009

The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com

From Page 1A
many said they expect to see a
slight drop in revenue at first, they
predict that after a while business
will return as usual.
Carmen Fernando, general man-
ager at Ashley's Bar and Grill, said
she thinks the smoking ban could
actually have a positive impact on
her establishment.
"I don't think that the fact that
there's not going to be any smok-
ing in bars and restaurants is going
to keep people from going out,"
Fernando said. "In fact, there have
been some people who may not have
come here before who may now be
going out more to bars and restau-
rants in the area because there is no
Anna Kurtz, night manager at
Caf6 Habana, a Cuban-themed res-
taurant on East Washington Street,
also said she feels the ban won't do
much to hurt the restaurant.
"I don't think it will be too det-
rimental. I think when most people
come out to eat they don't really
want smoke floating around any-
way," Kurtz said.
Conor O'Neills Irish Pub Night
Manager Eric Bodley said he is
looking forward to the ban. He said
not having smoke in the restaurant
will improve the quality of health
for himself and his coworkers.
"I can't wait for it. Ever since I've
heard they've been putting the bill
through I've been excited about it,"
Bodley said. "The day after I work
in the morning I feel like I smoked a
pack of cigarettes myself and I don't
even smoke."
Despite the positive responses
from various legislators and some
From Page 1A
institutions are not currently hiring
new faculty. She added that this fact
is probably temporary, though.
"And the reason is we have a very
leaders in their field," Sullivan said.
"They do great research. They also
are good with students. So they're
very attractive to other universities.
"So it's almost inevitable - as
other universities get back on their
feet, they're going to start looking
at us again as a place to hire away
from," she said. '
As a result of diminished com-
petition for faculty, the University
this year shrunk its retention fund

Ann Arbor businesses, other state
legislators have opposed the ban,
arguing the ban gives the govern-
ment too much control over busi-
Matt Marsden, press secretary
to Senate Majority Leader Mike
Bishop (R-Rochester), said Bishop
opposed the ban because he doesn't
feel that "it's the government's job
to regulate business."
Rep. DaveAgema(R-Grandville)
said, quite simply, that the bill goes
against American capitalism.
"It's a legal substance and yet
we're going to tell people they can't
use it and where they can and can't
use it," Agema said. "Ifthey want to
really make it illegal, then fine, do
that. But banning something that's
legal and telling business owners
what they can and can't do with
their own businesses and their own
clients? I don't think that's the capi-
talist way."
LSA senior TylertLeVasseur, who
smokes, said he's opposed to the
ban. He said that designating cer-
tain restaurants or bars as smoke-
free is sufficient.
"I think that if you have certain
areas that you can smoke and keep
it separate, it wouldbe fine," LeVas-
seur said. "And plus, if you're going
to a bar you should expect there
should be smoking. It's not like
you're goingto the library and hav-
ing people smoke in the stacks, it's
a bar."
LeVasseur said that he and his
friends have stopped going to bars
that have gone smoke-free, and
with the impending legislation,
he doesn't know what he's going
to do.
"Yeah, it's going to pretty much
suck if you can't smoke in a bar, that
seems ridiculous," he said. "I don't
- a pool of money used to lure back
faculty who are given offers from
other institutions.
"We cut back a bit on it, but it's
because we think that we'll have
fewer cases that we'll actually have
to deal with," Sullivan said.
Sullivan said she believes that
when the economy starts to pick
up, other universities will once
again to try to persuade faculty
away from the University - which
means the University will have to
up its retention efforts.
Despite the positive hiring picture
Sullivan described, she did say that
one deterrent for potential faculty
members has been the prospect of
their spouse being able to find a job.
"(It can be difficult for) dual
career couples where one member

know what I'm going to do. Hope-
fully there will be some places that
let it slide."
While smoking a cigarette
outside on State Street Saturday
night, Ann Arbor resident Steph-
anie Joy said that she thinks the
ban will be harmful to the city's
"I think Michigan's economy
is already in serious trouble and
I think that the smoking ban is
really going to mess up the bars
around town because people like
to smoke while they drink," Joy
LSA junior Jack Coffey said
there are some benefits to the ban,
including its potential to help some
of his friends quite smoking.
"It will probably be better
because a lot of my friends like to
only smoke when they're drunk,"
Coffey said. "And now they won't
be able to."
Other students, however, said
the ban wouldn't change the way
they go out at night, including Art
& Design sophomore Jennifer For-
"I don't like to go to places that
allow smoke, so in that sense, if
places no longer have smoking I
would be inclined to go there more
than before. But I don't think (going
out) will change much for me," For-
rest said.
Bauer said that despite delay in
passing the bill, she is very happy
that it will finally be put into place.
"It's a bit of an embarrassment
that we're (the) 38th (state to pass
a smoking ban), and I wish we had
been much more progressive and
done this sooner," Bauer said. "But
I'm very happy that we took the
action we did ... and we're moving
forward now."
of the couple will be here at the
University and the other member of
the couple looks around southeast
Michigan and says, 'Where will I
find a job?' Sullivan said. "It's not
so much hiring the faculty member
- its collateral issues for the faculty
Despite the poor economy, fac-
ulty members with young children
want to come to the University
because of Ann Arbor's highly
ranked public school system, Sul-
livan added.
"The public schools are a hiring
advantage for us," she said. "A lot of
the schools we compete with are in
areas where the public schools are
so bad that part of their recruiting
offer includes private school tuition
for the kids."


A dog performs during the "Fly Ball" halftime show at the Michigan men's basketball game at Crisler Arena on Sunday.

From Page 1A
important paradigm," he said.
Martinez said the study is not
seeking to replicate COPD stud-
ies conducted in the early 1980s,
which found that people who have
low oxygen levels at rest should get
more oxygenvia prescription.
The new study - The Long-term
Oxygen Treatment Trial (LOTT)
- is testing whether oxygen is a
positive or negative treatment for
COPD patients whose oxygen levels
are adequate when resting but drop
when exercising.
The study will look at the effect
of a 24-hour oxygen therapy on
COPD patients.
The University is just one of more
than 21 sites nationwide being used
for testing, four of them in Michi-
From Page IA
through (from undergraduate
school) and believe they won't be
able to get jobs," Zearfoss said.
The University's Law School,
ranked No. 9Sin U.S. News and World
Report's Best Law Schools, currently
gets about 6 percent ofall applications
to law schools nationwide, a number
that has increased both as the nation-
al pool of applicants has gotten bigger
and as the University attracts more
law students, Zearfoss said.
Though the increase in applicants
this year is currently at about 20 per-
cent, Zearfoss said she expects that
number to go down to 10 percent by
the Feb.15 application deadline.
With the increase in applicants,
admission to the Law School will be
even more selective this year, Zear-
foss said, though the admissions
office will not change its overall
approach to reviewing applications.
"We'll be applying the same gen-
eral criteria and be choosier about
who we admit," Zearfoss said.
The Law School's acceptance rate
is about 20 percent, but it is expect-
ed to go down for this year, as the
admissions staff aims to maintain
the class size, Zearfoss said.
Though the University Law
School's jump in applications mir-
rors a national trend, it is to a much
higher degree than at other colleges
across the country.
According to preliminary end-
of-year data from the Law School
Admission Council, the number of
applicants tonAmerican Bar Associa-
tion law schools is up5 percent over
last year. The data also show that
total applications are up 6.5 percent,
indicating that applicants are, on
average, applyingto more schools.
A rising interest in law school
applicants is also evident in the num-
ber of people taking the LSAT exam,
thetestrequired for admissionto law
school. During the 2001-2009 aca-
demic year, there was a 6.4 percent
increase in the number of test takers,
according to the LSAC website.
I The University of Illinois Col-
lege of Law has experienced an
even larger increase in applicants




gan: William Beaumont Hospital in
Royal Oak, the Veterans Adminis-
tration Medical Center, the Henry
Ford Hospital and the University of
Michigan Health System.
Martinez said the project first
officially began a year and a half
ago, but just recently began patient
treatment. The study is expected to
be completed in 2013.
According to Martinez, the new
study is an example of President
Barack Obama's new health care
plan, which seeks to optimize ther-
apy with evidence.
"This is an ideal way to do it -
what you have is an insurance com-
pany working with an investigational
agency to look into a very big prob-
lem," Martinez said. "The investi-
gation agency is running the study
while the insurance company, Medi-
care in this case, is paying for it."
As ofthe beginning ofthis month,
than Michigan, with a 44-percent
increase from this time last year,
according to Paul Pless, assistant
dean for admissions and financial
aid at the University of Illinois.
Pless said he thinks this increase
will be sustained throughout the
entire admissions cycle and by
the application deadline in March
there could be a 30- to 40-percent
increase from last year. Pess called
this increase an "all-time high,"
adding that the school would most
likely have to admit a smaller per-
centage of applicants this year.
"Coming out of undergrad, that
certainly is more difficult for even
the very talented students to find a
jobso goinigtolaw school can make
sense," Pess said.
For comparison, the University
of Chicago Law School and Boston
University School of Law have seen
increases of 12 percent and 10 per-
cent, respectively.
Officials in the office of admis-
sions at both schools said the com-
petition is increasing with the rise
in applicants, as they are not going
to increase the class size.
But Yale Law School and Stan-
ford Law School, both ranked in the
top three by U.S. News and World
Report, have not experienced large
fluctuations in their application
numbers for this year.
Applications to Yale Law School
are currentlyup2 percentrbutspokes-
woman Jan Conroy was careful to
characterize the number as prelimi-
nary, saying "it's too early in the cycle
tonotice anythingdramatically."
Conroy said Yale's application
numbers have not been affected by
changes in the economic climate.
"They fluctuate during the cycle
and we're not seeing any meaning-
ful rise or fall that you could attri-
bute to the economy at this time,"
Conroy said.
Judith Romero, spokeswoman
for Stanford Law School, also down-
played the economy's effect on
-applicants. She said Stanford Law
School has consistently had about
4,000 applicants every year with an
admittance rate of about 4 percent.
But officials at several schools
said admissions for other profes-
sional school programs, like medi-
cal school and business school, are
not as affected by changes in the
economic climate.
Robert Ruiz, director of admis-
sions at the University of Michigan
Medical School, said most students
plan for it throughout their college
career. d
The medical school had a 2-per-

cent increase in applicants this
year, according to Ruiz.
TheYale School of Medicine also
saw an increase in applications - a
record high - though the admis-
sions office is not sure whether this
increase is connected to the econo-
my, said Richard Silverman, direc-
tor of the admissions office.
But while there has been an
increase in the number of appli-
cants, Silverman said he "wouldn't
call it a surge," and that medical
school admissions are not typically
as affected byeconomic downturns
as other professional schools, like
law and business schools.
"(There is a) more immedi-
ate effect for law and business

close to 150 people have been
screened nationwide, while only 47
people have passed the screening,
meaning they have the target oxy-
gen level researchers are lookingfor
in the study's participants.
Here at the University, 25 people
have been screened and only four
people have passed.
"It's hard to find people with the
specific oxygen number, an oxygen
saturation level between 89 and 93
percent, that also have Medicare,"
Clinic Coordinator Catherine
Medrum said.
Other screening factors include
being at least 40 years old, having
smoked at least 10 pack-years - or
73,000 cigarettes in a lifetime -
being willing not to smoke while
being a part of the study and having
either Medicare A and B or aninsur-
ance plan that will cover the cost of
the oxygen and breathing tests.
schools and not as much for medi-
cal schools," Silverman said. "Aper-
son can't decide to apply to medical
school tomorrow."
While law school. applications
at the beginning of the admissions
cycle are up this year, admissions
officials at business schools like the
Ross School of Business and Stan-
ford Graduate School of Business
said itis too early in the admissions
cycle to know what the application
numbers will look like for the year.
The acceptance rate to the Ross
School of Business MBA program
is expected to remain the same this
year at 23 percent, said Soojin Koh,
director of admissions at the Busi-
ness School.
While the Stanford Graduahe
School of Business has experienced
an increase in applicants over the
past several years, Lisa Giannangeli 9
marketing director of MBA admis-
sions, also hesitated to attribute the
trend to the economy.
Giannangeli cited the school's
application numbers in 1998, 2001
and 2009 as examples of their appli-
cation numbers not directly corre-
lating with the state of the economy.
In 1998, when the economy "was
very strong," the school received
over 7,000 applicants - about the
same number of people who applied
for spots in the class of 2009 - but
in 2001 applications were at "mid-
level," she said.
"Ifyoulook at our historic data and
the natural ups aid downs, it hasn't
been tied to what's been going on in
the economy," Giannangeli said.
The Stanford Graduate School of
Business also does not release their
application numbers before the
application cycle is complete, Gian-
nangeli said.
While the economy is having
less of an effect on applicants to
medical school and business school,
many University students currently
applying to law school said they can
tell that admissions to law schools
across the country are becoming
increasingly competitive.
LSA senior Brian Rosen applied
to 10 law schools this fall, a num- 4
ber that he said is becoming typi-
cal, as more soon-to-be-graduates
want to secure their spot in a law
school amid the increased com-
"It's just an unknown kind of
market...you don't know because
so many people are applying this
year, so you have to make sure,"
he said.

But LSA senior Eric Berlin, who
applied to 13 law schools this fall,
said he applied to a relatively high
number of schools, not because
of the increasingly competitive
nature of law school admissions,
but because he wanted to keep
his options open and not restrict
himself to a few specific schools.
Roth, who applied to eight law
schools, said she applied to some
schools she doesn't want to attend,
because she needs "safety schools"
in the competitive environment of
law school admissions.
Roth also said she is glad she will
be continuing her education next
year instead of going directly'into
the workforce.
"I'm happy I'm going for more
schooling because of the economy
and the job market," she said.

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