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March 13, 2009 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 2009-03-13

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- Friday, March 13, 2009

The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com

Mhe Mihlogan aIy
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LEFT Elementary school students practice their Karate at the K-Grams Kids Fair in Crisler Arena last Friday. Every year around O
900 elementary children from Ann Arbor, Ypsilanti and Detroit participate in the fair. (SAID ALSALAH/DAILY) RIGHT The Burton MORE ONLINE
Memorial Tower, which contains 55 bells, including North America's third heaviest bell, has 11 floors. (SAM WOLSON/Daily) For more photos ofvtheweek, go to michigandaily.com.

Taken from car, Chemicals in
GPS goes missing lab combust

Award-winning Lecture on pop
musical art and realism

":T m ~ :...ELr.:3

WHERE: Lot NW-51, 2108 WHERE: Chemistry Building WHAB: "onsson the Spider
Stone WHEN: Wednesday at about Woman," a Tony Award-wi
WHEN: Wednesday at about 2:45 p.m. ning musical, presents a tal
10:45 a.m. WHAT: A small amount of two cell mates in a Latin
WHAT: A Garmin GPS navi- of sodium hydride ignited American prison.
gation system, valued at $150, a small fire in a chemical WHO: University Activitie
was stolen from a female stu- waste bucket, University Center
dent's Saturn Vue, University Police reported. Staff quickly WHEN: Tonight from 8 p.m
Police reported. A Toyota extinguished the fire. No one to 10:30 p.m.
Sienna, belonging to a male was injured. WHERE: Power Center for
student, was also damaged at the Performing Arts
the scene. There are no sus-
Bag nabbed from Palestine Film
Truck struck at Angell Hall Festival

es s

WHAT: Alex Potts, Max
Loehr Collegiate Professor of
the History of Art, will lec-
ture on pop art and postwar
experiments in New Realism.
WHO: History of Art
WHEN: Today from 3:30
WHERE: Room 180, Tappan
. A news article in yesterday
edition of the Daily (Stonum
receives sentencefor Sept.
alcohol-related charge), incor-
rectly reported that Stonum
had received his sentence
yesterday. The reporter
incorrectly inferred that the
sentence had been decided
after Stonum's lawyer said
that he would not discuss the
details of the sentence. The
decision on a sentence was
postponed until next month.
" Please report any error
in the Daily to correc-

The crew oftheInternation-
al Space Station was forced
to take shelter in the Rus-
sian Soyuz capsule due to the
threat of' floating space debris,
BBC News reported. The debris.
measured about 0.3 inches in
size. The crew returned to the
ISS after about nine minutes.
German auto manu-
facturer Opel, which is
owned by General Motors,
offers cars with better gas mile-
age than GM's domestic line.
Germany's GEZ broad-
cast fee collection office
sent a bill to the last home
address of Adam Ries, a Ger-
man mathematician who died
in 1559. The current owners of
the home explained to the GEZ
that Ries had died 450 years
ago. Nonetheless, a reminder
was sent a few weeks later.

Courtney Ratkowiak Managing Editor ratkowiak@michigandaily.com
Jacob Smilovitz Managing News Editor smilovitz@michigandaily.com
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ASSISTANT EDITORIAL PAGE EDITORS: Emad Ansari, Emma Jeszke, Matthew Shuter
Andy Reid Managing Sports Editor reid@michigandaily.com
SEN IOR SPORTS EDITORS: N icole Auerbach, Mike Eisenstein, Dan Feldman, Chris
ASSISNSPOCTSEDITO RS:RyanKartje,Ian Kay,Jason Kohler,ChrisMeszaros,
David Watnick ManagingArts Editor watnick@michigandaily.com
SENIOR ARTS EDITORS: Jamie Block, Brandon Conradis, Whitney Pow
ASSISTANT ARTS EDITORS: Joshua Bayer,Andrew Lapin, Dave Reap, Ben VanWagoner
Zachary Meisner and photo@michigandaity.com
Clif Reeder ManagingPhoto Editors
SENIOR PHOTO EDITORS:Said Alsalah, Chanelon Habsburg-Lothringen
ASSISTANT PHOTO EDITORS:Max Collins, Chris Dzombak, Rob Migrin,SamWolson
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Maureen Stych Managing Design Editors
Jessica Vosgerchian Magazine Editor . vosgerchian@michigandaily.com
David Merian Multimedia Editor merian@michigandaily.com
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Newman, Christie Phillips
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Classified Sales Assistant Manager: Alison Thomas
Marissa Gerber onlineSales Manager
Ben English Production Design Manager
Meryl Hulteng Layout Manager
Vivian Lee and Emily Loveless Finance Managers
The Michigan Daiy (ISSN0745-967)is published Mondaythrough Fridayduringthefalland winter
terms by students at the University of Michigan.Onecopy is available free of charge to alreaders.
(se bertroughAprl siSae$2.Yearr oundsubscrins(FainterSprngand
Summer issues are $225. Subscriptions must be prepaid. The Michigan Daily is a member of The
Associated Press and The Associated Collegiate Press.

WHERE: University Hospital
WHEN: Wednesday at about
2:15 p.m.
WHAT: An AATA bus struck
a delivery truck, University
Police reported. No one was
injured in the accident and no
delivery contents were lost.

WHERE: Angell Hall
WHEN: Wednesday at about
11:30 p.m.
WHAT: A female student is
missing her purse after it was
stolen from her unattended
backpack. Her red Coach
purse was valued at $120 and
her black Coach wallet cost
$40. There are no suspects.

WHAT: The Ann Arbor
Palestine Film Festival will
present films made about and
by Palestinians. This is one
of the few Palestinian film
festivals to take place in the
WHO: Arts At Michigan
WHEN: Tonight at 8 p.m.
WHERE: Michigan Theater



The following students will be among those recognized during the Honors
Convocation program on Sunday, March 15, 2009. These individuals have
demonstrated the highest level of undergraduate academic success by achieving
seven or more consecutive terms of all A's and earning the designation of Angell
Scholar. The University of Michigan congratulates these students on their superior
scholastic achievement and wishes them continued success. Check the Honors
Convocation website at: www.honors.umich.edu for more information on the
Honors Convocation program.
Nine Term Angell Scholars
Christine Nicole Beamer School of Music, Theatre & Dance
Maia Christina Dedrick School of Music, Theatre & Dance
Eight Term Angell Scholars
Amir A. Al-Dabagh* College of Arts and Sciences--UM Flint
Stephanie Ann Berry* College of Engineering
Irene Marie Brockman* College of Engineering
Daniel Thomas Cook College of Literature, Science, and the Arts
Charlotte Claire Franklin* College of Literature, Science, and the Arts
Aaron William Johnson* College of Engineering
Yuan-Nung Tony Lin* College of Arts, Sciences, and Letters-UM Dearborn
Timothy James McQuade* College of Literature, Science, and the Arts
Adam David Nicholl* College of Engineering
Mariam A. Qureshi* College of Arts and Sciences--UM Flint
Claire Sylvester Smith* College of Literature, Science, and the Arts
Mark Swiderski* College of Engineering
Ashley Lauren Thurston* College of Literature, Science, and the Arts
Brian D. Wice* College of Arts and Sciences--UM Flint
David Michael Williams* College of Engineering
Rui Zhang* College of Literature, Science, and the Arts




Seven Term Angell Scholars
Adam Munther Ajlouni
Erin Elizabeth Bachynski
Adam Shane Barnett*
Michael Edward Breen*
Kohei Fujimoto
Andrea Marie Godfrey*
Calista Marie Harbaugh
Thomas Stewart Hooker
Paul Ming-Bo Hou
Elizabeth Helen Klemperer
Gregory Mark Kwiatkowski
Madeleine Jacobson Levin
Craig Louis Lytle
Amanda Kathleen MacDonald
Sohini Mahapatra
Katherine Iman Martin
Rishi Marwaha
Lisa Brittany Matlen
Alan Elijah Mishler
Madeleine Joanne Morley*
Leyton Preston Nelson
Bradley Thomas Pickard
Hannah Rose Sheehy
Catherine Elaine Shubert
Megan Maureen Wright*
Melissa Kaitlyn Wylie*
Eszter Zavodszky

College of Literature, Science, and the Arts
College of Engineering
College of Engineering
College of Literature, Science, and the Arts
College of Engineering
School of Nursing
College of Engineering
College of Literature, Science, and the Arts
College of Engineering
School of Music, Theatre & Dance
College of Pharmacy
College of Literature, Science, and the Arts
College of Engineering and Computer Science-UM Dearborn
School of Nursing
College of Literature, Science, and the Arts
College of Literature, Science, and the Arts
Stephen M. Ross School of Business
College of Literature, Science, and the Arts
College of Literature, Science, and the Arts
College of Literature, Science, and the Arts
College of Literature, Science, and the Arts
School of Music, Theatre & Dance
College of Literature, Science, and the Arts
College of Literature, Science, and the Arts
College of Literature, Science, and the Arts
College of Literature, Science, and the Arts
College of Literature, Science, and the Arts



*Denotes graduates

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