gan4,3at IV
Ann ArboNm a
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Monday, November 24, 2008
'U' student
wins Rhodes
for first time
since 2004
Ohio State defensive lineman Nathan Williams celebrates after tackling Michigan running back Michael Shaw (20) during Saturday's game in Columbus. Ohio State upend-
ed Michigan 42-7, capping the Wolverines' worst season in 129 years at 3-9. Shaw narrowly avoided a safety on the play.
O pri e e in G/tC Bce BS
Recent graduate,
to study public
health at Oxford
Daily News Editor
At the University's springcom-
mencement in April 2007, then-
LSA senior Abdul El-Sayed stood
at a podium in Michigan Stadium
and said that, besides the fact that
BTB Burrito is open until 4 a.m.,
what truly sets the University of
Michigan apart is its students.
"St's thewrare we've shown,
the people we've helped and the
passion that we have that define
us," said El-Sayed, who was the
student speaker at the ceremony.
"Moreover, it's the fact that we're
about to go out into a world that
absolutely needs us."
If El-Sayed's definition of the
Michigan Difference is right, then
he could be its poster boy.
El-Sayed, who is now pursu-
ing a joint doctorate in medicine
and public health at the Univer-
sity, was named Sunday one of 32
American recipients of the Rhodes
Scholarship, one ofthe world's old-
est and most prestigious academic
scholarships. It covers tuition and
expenses for two to three years of
study at the University of Oxford
in England and is valued at about
$50,000 per year.
The last time a University stu-
dent won the scholarship was in
A Bloomfield Hills native,
El-Sayed was vice president of
the Muslim Students' Associa-
tion, a member of the Phi Beta
Kappa honor society and a start-
ing defenseman on the Michigan
men's lacrosse team. He married
his girlfriend, LSA senior Sarah-
Jukaku, after his junior year of
Now in medical school and the
School of Public Health at the Uni-
versity, El-Sayed's research focus
is within epidemiology. He said
his ideal career would involve con-
ducting academic research 80 per-
cent of the time and working with
patients 20 percent of the time.
When he enters Oxford in Octo-
ber, he will work toward a Master of
Science in global health sciences.
Though his focus on epidemi-
ology wasn't piqued until after
finishing his undergraduate stud-
See SCHOLAR, Page 3A
COLUMBUS - Entering Satur-
day's game, the only thing left to
lose was the last bit of pride.
And somehow, the Michigan
football team managed to fumble
that away, too.
Before going to Ohio Stadium,
it hadn't been completely clear
P when the 3-9 Wolverines would
hit rock bottom. It felt like it after
the Illinois blowout. Maybe it was
after the Toledo embarrassment,
or when Michigan lost to Notre
Dame, Michigan State or Purdue.
But it (
became obvi-
ous at the end
of Saturday's
.misery. As
the Buckeyes
stomped on the
Wolverines' COURTNEY
pride one last RATKOWIAK
time and the _
Ohio State
students rushed the field, junior
running back Brandon Minor
slowly walked off the field with his
helmet in his hand.
In the lowest point of the worst
season in Michigan history, was he
really trying to soak it all in?
"Yeah, basically," Minor said,
slowly and sadly, right before he
was grabbed by the shoulder and
pulled away by a member of the
Michigan staff.
But now that the season is over,
there are a few positives looking
forward - well, the main one is
probably just that this year is over.
Like nearly all the other games
this season, big plays doomed Blue.
Two young quarterbacks
struggled early, but had completely
differentfinishes. Page4B
Cheap eats: students set
$1 food budget for charity
LSA seniors live off FROM ALISSA'S BLOG:
rice, Ramen to draw
attention to poverty
Daily StaffReporter
With Thanksgiving approach-
ing, most students are counting
r down the days to turkey, stuff-
ing and their holiday favorites.
For LSA seniors Alissa Renz and
Clare Porter, though, Thanks-
giving will be a scaled-down
The students committed to
spending just $1 a day on food each
for the month of November to draw
attention and raise funds for the
fight against global poverty.
Renz said she thought of the
idea in October when trying
to imagine what Thanksgiving
would be like without money
to buy food. She said she began
researching ways she could bring
attention to the issue and found
others around the country who'd
completed similar experiments.
After telling Porter, a fellow
member of the sorority Theta Nu
Xi, the students got to work plan-
ning the details.
Porter and Renz are document-
ing their progress through a blog
They are also raising money to
donate to Millennium Promise, a
non-profit organization that works
to eradicate global poverty in the
next few decades through a PayPal
account on their blog.
Thursdays are always Hell
for me, for several reasons.
One, I have to get up at
8:00 am in order to be at
work by 8:45. 1 work a rela-
tively long shift (5.5 hours),
working through all of the
rushes that typically come
through the UGLi, which
isn't always fun. I have a
weak will, too. I spent .75
of my dollar today on milk
and half of a plain, not
even appetizing donut. At
the time, it made sense: I
was hungry, and I wasn't
going to be off work for
hours and hours. However,
with that same amount of
money, I could have bought
3 days worth of Ramen.
Too impulsive.
The students decided not to
buy in bulk at the beginning of
the month in order to better sim-
ulate actual conditions, Porter
said. Their food staples have been
oatmeal, rice, lentils and "a lot of
ramen" plus bananas as a 16-cent
"treat," she said.
They both said it has been
especially challenging because
See FOOD, Page 7A
Student was accused of communism in Cold War
By DARRYN FITZGERALD Milo Radulovich was persecuted in the Red
Daily Staff Reporter
Scare. Now, almost 60 years later, he'll be
In the 1950s, Sen. Joseph McCarthy of Wis-
consin led a campaign to rid the country of what awarded the degree he didn't receive.
he considered the threat of communism. During
the Red Scare, he and others blacklisted everyday
Americans, forcing them to quit their jobs or drop
out of school. ,
The search for communist sympathizers took its
toll on one University student who ended up leav-
ing the school.
Fifty-eight years later, the University Board of
Regents has awarded a posthumous degree to Milo
Radulovich, who likely would have graduated had
it not been for the Red Scare.
University spokeswoman Kelly Cunningham
said the College of Literature, Science and the Arts
was the first to recommend the honor, a Bachelor
of Science degree with a physics concentration.
The decision then went to University Provost
Teresa Sullivan and was unanimously approved
by the Board of Regents at its monthly meeting
"To the best of my knowledge, theUniversity has
not done this before," Cunningham said. "He was a
student in good standing. If it wasn't the McCarthy
era, he would have finished his degree."
Radulovich was a student at the University from
1952 to 1954 and stood up against McCarthyismr
after being removed from his position as lieutenant
in the U.S. Air Force.
In 1953, Radulovich received a letter from the
Air Force Reserve informing him he had been dis-
missed. Radulovich had served in the Air Force for
eight years prior to attendingthe University.
Although the letter didn't cite what prompted"
the decision, Radulovich later learned he was
considered a national security threat because
of his relationship to family members who were
being investigated for communist ties. His sister PHOTO COURTESY OF NEWsWEEK
was a civil rights activist and his father was a Ser- Milo Radulovich, pictured here with his family, was accused of being a communist in 1953. The
See DEGREE, Page 7A accusation forced him to leave the University just months before he would have graduated.
Call 734-763-2459 or e-mail and let us know.
Thanksgiving Potluck
INDEX NEWS..........
Vol. CXIX,No. 58 SUDOKU.....
Q0v08The Michigan Daily OPINION-.....
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.... .......3A CLASSIFIEDSh...................... 6A
-..............4A SPORTSM ONDAY................1B