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November 14, 2008 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2008-11-14

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Ann Arbor, Michigan

Friday, November 14, 2008



Red tape
holds back
State granted Ann Arbor
807 new licenses earlier
this year, but red tape has
made them hard to obtain
For the Daily
Six months ago, the state issued the city of Ann
Arbor 807 new liquor licenses in an effort to stimu-
late downtown development, but so far these licens-
es have gone unused due tored tape surrounding the
city's previous policies.
The hundreds of new developmental licenses are
part a state-wide initiative intended to stimulate
economic growth in struggling downtowns.
In May, City Councilman Leigh Greden (D-Ward
3) told The Michigan Daily that although the new
licenses would help the city, Ann Arbor already has
vibrant downtown and may not have been one the
cities the state had in mind when drafting the initia-
Ann Arbor City Councilman Stephen Rapundalo
(D-Ward2),who chairs the city's Liquor License Com-
mittee, said in an interview yesterday that the reason
no newlicenses have been awarded isbecause the city
must first award its remaining Class C licenses, which
are more costly and difficult for business owners to
"The factor in all of that is none can be handed out
if the Class C quota hasn't been met," he said.
In Michigan, ifa business can't get a new license
from the city, they must purchase an existing license
in the open market from another business.
A Class C license typically costs about $75,000 on
See LIQUOR, Page 7A

The Michigan Marching Band practices presenting a large American flag at Elbel Field yesterday. The band will bring the flag onto the field during halftime of Saturday's game against North-
western. For more coverage of the game, see Football Saturday, Page 1B.
Sales strong despite tough times

Switch to Adidas gear
r has offset losses from
football woes, economy
Daily StaffReporter
With the Michigan football team
in the middle of its worst season since
1962 and with consumers across the
state reigning in their spending, sales
of Michigan apparel have fared surpris-
ingly well.

Jason Winters, the Athletic Depart-
ment's chief financial officer, said the
University's switch from Nike to Adi-
das retail licensing contracts could
more than offset a loss of sales from
Steve and Barry's, a retailer that sold
Michigan gear at its stores in malls
around the country. The store, which
has a location on State Street, filed for
bankruptcy this summer.
"Adidas has gotten off to a great start,
and we've had some success with the
Victoria's Secret Pink store," Winters
said, adding that licensing royalties are
"seasonal and volatile." He said sales are

most affected by merchandising trends,
the economy, and, to a lesser degree, the
team's performance.
Winters said the University's royal-
ties from this fiscal year's first quar-
ter, which ran from October through
December, was $1.49 million, making
it the second-highest first quarter ever.
The figure was about 10 percent less
than during the same period last year,
which Winters said was primarily due
to the loss in sales that came with the
bankruptcy of Steve and Barry's.
Figures from the year's second quar-
ter, which ends in December, won't be

released until January. But Winters
predicted that there would be about a
$200,000 loss, based on that fact that
of the $1.96 million in royalties from the
last fiscal year's second quarter, Steve
and Barry's accounted for $193,000.
Representatives from Moe Sports
Shops on North University Avenue and
the M-Den on Main Street, two Michi-
gan merchandise mainstays, said they
haven't seen a drop in sales. Both loca-
tions said there's been a boost in sales
thanks to Adidas's popularity.
"The new Adidas merchandise has
See APPAREL, Page 7A

Kampfer filed restraining
order after assault last month

Hockey player's skull
was fractured in
late-night incident
Daily StaffReporter
LSA junior Steve Kampfer, a
Michigan hockey player involved in
afracturedskull, filedforapersonal
protection order last month against
LSA senior Mike Milano, The Ann
Arbor News reported.
Milano, a walk-on running back

for the Michigan football team at
the time of the incident, is the main
suspect in the assault. He was sus-
pended indefinitely by the football
team last month, but coaches have
declined to explain the suspension.
Police said after the incident
that Kampfer sustained neck and
head injuries when he was "body-
slammed" into the ground on a
Church Street sidewalk near East
Quad. He incurred a fractured
skull, Michigan hockey coach Red
Berenson said that week.
Kampfer confirmed last night
that he filed for the restraining
order. He said his attorneys deemed

it necessary with the possibility of
charges being filed for the incident.
In the restraining order, Kamp-
fer requested that Milano be pro-
hibited from contacting him or
coming near him, The Ann Arbor
News reported. A judge rejected
the request, saying repeated or
continued harassment is neces-
sary for restraining order. Kamp-
fer only alleged one incident.
University Police have turned
their investigation over to the
Washtenaw County prosecutors
office, which is reviewing the
case, University Police spokes-
woman Diane Brown said.

'U'to celebrate donors today
Goal already reached
in $2.5 billion effort,
the largest campaign
in University history
Daily StaffReporter
After settingaUniversityrecord
by surpassing the Michigan Dif-
ference campaign's 2004 goal
of raising $2.5 billion, Univer-
sity President Mary Sue Coleman
and administrators are planning
to spend today celebrating the
achievement with donors and
University officials will host
a Campaign Finale Convocation
at Hill Auditorium between 2:30
and 4 p.m. today to mark the cam-
paign's close. It is free and open to
the public.
At the event, campaign chair-
man Richard Rogel, one of about
1,400 fundraising volunteers, will
announce the total amount raised
in the effort. Coleman and several
donors will also speak at the event.
Harry Smith of the CBS Early
Show and Andrea Joyce, an NBC
sports anchor and Smith's wife,
will emcee the event.
Following the celebration, a
reception will be held for the cam-
paign's donors at Crisler Arena. cLIF REEDER/Daily
Though the exact fundraising The Museum of Art rennoatin was funded in part h y$41.9 million in donations,
ttlhsntytbeen released, all part of the $2.5 hillion Michigan Difference fundraising campaign. The campaign
total has not yet bhas likely already raised more than $3 billion and ends in December. Its success is
See FUNDRAISING, Page 7A being celebrated today during a convocation event at Hill Auditorium.

Study: Masks, sanitizer may prevent flu

Research for study
conducted in dorms
over two years
For the Daily
For six straight weeks last fall,
LSA sophomore Rachel Lebovic
wore a face mask for six hours
each day. She wasn't trying to start

a new fashion trend - Lebovic was
one of more than 1,000 students
participating in the University's
M-FLU study.
M-FLU, a two-year study that
began in January 2006 and ended
in April 2008, analyzed whether
certain flu-prevention techniques
like the use of hand sanitizer or
face masks would decrease influ-
enza breakouts in University resi-
dence halls.
With the peak of flu season

approaching in late November,
students might be encouraged
to know that those techniques
appeared effective, according to
Allison Aiello, assistant professor
of Epidemiology and an M-FLU
principal investigator.
"The first-year results indicate
that mask use and use of alcohol-
based hand sanitizer help reduce
influenza-like illness rates, rang-
ing from 10 to 50 percent over
See M-FLU, Page 7A


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Women's hoops coach Borseth signs six recruits

INDEX NEW.................2A CLASSIFLEDS...........A....6A
Vol. CXIX,No.52 OPINION..... 4A ARTS..........................8A
(02008TheMichigan Daily SPORTS.............................5A FOOTBALL SATURDAY........ lB

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