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October 05, 2007 - Image 10

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The Michigan Daily, 2007-10-05

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2B Saturday, October 6, 2007
The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com

Saturday, October 6, 2007
The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com


2007 Michigan Schedule

2007 Michigan roster


3 Daniel Bromwich writes an ode to Mike Hart. Luckily, you won't see
the drool on the paper.
Mike Hart's-good, but where does he rank among Michigan's all-
time best? The Daily ranks the top five running backs in Wolverine
Not sure what to expect in this weekend's game? The Daily
breaks down the matchup with Eastern Michigan.
Don't recognize someone on the field? Check out the Michi-
gan depth chart and roster.
Sure you love Ann Arbor's Main Street restaurants and South
University bars. But how does it compare to the city across
the river?

Appalachian St. (Sept. 1), L 32-34: Imagine opening the door to your
dorm room and someone punching you in the face. That's what happened
at the Big House. So much for a National Championship.
Oregon (Sept. 8), L 7-39: Then the person that punched you in the face added
insult to injury by stepping on your crotch and spitting in your ear. Then he walks
out your front door with your girlfriend and steal your laptop. And your pillow.
Notre Dame (Sept. 15), W 38-0: The defeat of the Fighting Irish did two things for Michigan.
First, it gave the Wolverines confidence heading into the Big Ten season. Second, the national
press switched gears from Michigan's 0-2 start to harping on how bad Notre Dame is.
Penn State (Sept. 22), W14-9: For the second week in a row, the Wolverine
defense held its opponent with a touchdown as Michigan beat the Nittany
Lions for the ninth straight time. Michigan safety Artis Chambers had nothing
to do with that, but his play still might cost the Wolverines the game.
at Northwestern (Sept. 29), W 28-16: Chad Henne returned from injury to
lead Michigan to a second-half comeback win. Special thanks to the alarm
clock that woke up the Wolverine defense for the fourth quarter.
Eastern Michigan (Oct. 6): Although it's not a bye week, Michigan will likely get
some much-needed rest when it faces its Huron River rivals. The Wolverines are
7-0 against the Eagles all-time, including a 55-0 steamroller in 2005.
Purdue (Oct.13): Purdue coach Joe Tiller sat on the hot seat after his team
failed twice to capitalize on a Michigan-/Ohio State-less schedule. But his
team returned nine defensive starters and right now, its undefeated.
at Illinois (Oct. 20): Michigan has not lost a game at Memorial Stadium since 1983. But
this year the game starts late, and you never know what can happen under the lights.
Minnesota (Oct. 27): Two years ago, the Gophers captured the Little Brown Jug for the
first time since 1986 thanks to - surprise - a late-game, long run. First-year head coach
Tim Brewster seemed excited about this game at Big Ten Media Day, but we'll see how he
feels after Michigan extends Minnesota a not-so-kind welcome back to the Big House.
at Michigan State (Nov.3): No longer will the Big Ten have John L. Smith to kick around.
The oft-criticized coach was fired after a disappointing 4-8 season. New coach Mark
Dantonio is known as a defensive guru, and other than Wisconsin, he's proved it
at Wisconsin (Nov.10): If the Wolverines had a choice of what time to play Wisconsin at Camp
Randall, they probably wouldn't want a night game. Michigan got its wish because contrary to early
beliefs, this game will not be under the lights. Just less time for the Wisconsin students to get drunk.
Ohio State (Nov.17): Even with the loss of Troy Smith and many of his merry men, Ohio
State is still ranked No. 4 in country. That could be bad news for Chad Henne, Mike Hart
and the rest of the seniors, who don't want to be remembered for one record: 0-4.

No. Name Pos. Ht. Wt. Year
2 Shawn Crable OLB 6-5 243 5th
3 Stevie Brown S 6-0 205 So.
4 Brandon Minor RB 6-0 212 So.
5 Charles Stewart S 6-1 203 Sr.
6 Donovan Warren DB 6-0 173 Fr.
7 Chad Henne QB 6-2 226 Sr.
8 Jonas Mouton LB 6-2 235 So.
8 Nick Sheridan QB 6-1 201 So.
9 Anton Campbell S 5-11194 5th
10 Steven Threet QB 6-5 228 Fr.
12 David Cone QB 6-6 214 So.
13 Greg Mathews WR 6-3 231 So.
14 Matt Hornaday S 5-10 200 Jr.
14 Morgan Trent CB 6-1 184 Sr.
15 Ryan Mallett QB 6-7 252 Fr.
16 Adrian Arrington WR 6-3 195 Sr.
17 Toney Clemons WR 6-2 205 Fr.
17 Lee Mondol QB 6-2 205 So.
18 Antonio Bass WR 6-0 204 Jr.
18 Ben Wright WR 5-9 203 Sr..
20 Mike Hart RB 5-9 202 Sr.
21 Junior Hemingway WR 6-3 202 Fr.
22 Jamar Adams 5 6-2 214 Sr.
22 Doug Rogan S 6-1 175 Fr.
23 Caros Brown RB 6-0 209 So.
24 Kevin Grady RB 5-9 224 Jr.

26 Zion Babb WR 6-1 180 Fr.
27 Shakir Edwards DB 6-0 206 Sr.
27 Brandon Harrison CB/S 5-8193 - Jr.
28 Jordan Reilly LS/S 5-9 178 Fr.
29 Jon Conover WR 6-2 198 So.
29 Troy Woolfolk DB 6-0 174 Fr.
30 James Rogers II DB 6-1 169 Fr.
31 Brandent Englemon S 5-11 206 5th
32 Vince Helmuth FB 6-1 248 Fr.
33 Marell Evans LB 6-3 224 Fr.
34 Jason Gingell K 5-9 190 Sr.
34 Avery Horn RB 5-10 175 Fr.
35 Doug Dutch Jr. CB 5-11 199 Sr.
35 Jim Potempa RB 5-6 171 Fr.
37 Chris Graham LB 5-11 225 Sr.
38 Artis Chambers S 6-1 185 Fr.
38 Mike Milano RB 5-7 187 Jr.
39 Will Heininger DE 6-5 223 Fr.
39 Ankit Kachhal P 6-1 192 5th
40 Michael Williams Jr. DB 5-11 178 Fr.
41 Zoltan Mesko P 6-4 242 Jr.
42 Chris McLaurin TE 6-3 232 Jr.
43 Bryan Wright K 6-1 218 So.
44 Mark Moundros FB 6-1 231 So.
45 Obi Ezeh LB 6-2 243 So.
46 Brandon Logan LB 6-0 220 Jr.
49 John Thompson ILB 6-1 237 Sr.

50 David Molk OL 6-2 280 Fr.
50 Ohene Opong-Owusu LB 6-1 235 Jr.
51 Max Pollock . LB 6-1 218 5th
52 Stephen Schilling OL 6-5 298 So.
53 Ryan Van Bergen DE 6-5 260 Fr.
54 Austin Panter ILB 6-2 232 Jr.
55 Brandon Graham DE 6-2 270 So
57 Zac Ciullo OL 6-0 270 Fr.
57 Adam Kraus OL 6-6 295 5th
58 Brandon Herron LB 6-2 199 Fr.
59 Sean Griffin LS 6-2 238 Sr.
59 Lawrence Perry DL 6-1 280 Fr,
60 David Moosman OL 6-4 290 Jr.
61 Patrick Lyall OL 6-0 277 Sr.
62 Tim McAvoy OL 6-5 290 Jr.
62 Jon Saigh DT 6-4 294 Sr.
63 Brendan Lopez LS 6-0 244 Fr.
64 Grant DeBenedictis OL 6-5 304 Sr.
65 Justin Boren OL 6-3 310 So.
66 William Bostic LB 5-9 211 So.
67 Terrance Taylor DT 6-0 308 Jr.
68 Bryant Nowicki OL 6-8 305 So.
69 Michael Ramirez OL 6-2 277 So.
70 Jeremy Ciulla OL 6-4 295 Sr.
71 Mark Ortmann OL 6-6 297 Jr.
72 Mark Huyge OL 6-6 286 Fr.
73 Alex-Mitchell OL 6-5 324 Sr.

74 Brett Gallimore DT 6-4 280 Sr.
75 Cory Zirbel OL 6-5 295 Jr.
77 Jake Long OL 6-7 315 5th
79 Perry Dorrestein OL 6-7 299 So.
80 Martell Webb TE 6-4 227 Fr.
81 Steve Watson TE 6-4 239 Fr.
82 LaTerryal Savoy WR 6-2 205 Jr.
83 Mike Massey TE 6-4 231 Sr.
84 K.C. Lopata K 6-2 226 Sr.
84 David Middleton WR 6-2 202 So.
85 Carson Butler TE 6-4 247 Jr.
86 MarioManningham WR 6-0 178 Jr.
88 Andre Criswell TE 6-1 257 Jr.
89 Tim North DE 6-1 261 Jr.
90 Tim Jamison DE 6-3 266 Sr.
91 Tom Pomarico OL 6-3 246 Fr.
91 Marques Slocum DT 6-6 306 So.
92 Greg Banks DE 6-4 262 So.
92 Jason Olesnavage K 6-4 207 Jr.
93 Jason Kates DT 6-3 324 So.
94 John Ferrara DT 6-4 279 So.
95 Renaldo Sagesse DL 6-4 303 Fr.
96 Mike Therman TE 6-3 238 So.
97 Will Johnson DT 6-5 290 Sr.
99 Sam Buckman K 6-4 204 So.
99 Adam Patterson DE 6-2 256 So.

2007 Depth Chart

B. Englemon
S. Brown

C. Graham
B. Logan
T. Jamison
A. Patterson

S. Crable
M. Pollock

J. Thompson
0. Ezeh

J. Adams
C. Stewart
D. Warren
D. Dutch

M. Trent
B. Harrison

T. Taylor
B. Gallimore

W. Johnson
J. Ferrara

B. Graham
G. Banks

G. Mathews
J. Hemingway

A. Kraus
LT J. Ciulla
J. Long
P. Dorrestein

J. Boren
T. McAvoy

T. McAvoy
C. Zirbel

A. Arrington
L. Savoy

S. Schilling C. Butler
M. Ortmann C. McLaurin

C. Henne
R. Mallett

M. Moundros
V. Helmuth


B. Minor G. Mathews
B. Harrison D. Warren

M. Hart
B. Minor

K. Lopata
J. Gingell

Z. Mesko

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