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October 05, 2007 - Image 9

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The Michigan Daily, 2007-10-05

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8BI Saturday, October 6, 2007
The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com

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Population*: 114,024
Nickname: "AA"
Famous Alumni: Tom Brady (NFL quarterback),
James:Earl Jones (actor), Gerald R. Ford (former
U.S. president)
Attractions: Ann Arbor is home to the University
of Michigan and draws hundreds of thousands
to Michigan Stadium for Wolverine home foot-
ball games. Besides the draw of the University's
campus, Ann Arbor provides a vibrant downtown
scene with original bars like Ashley's, restaurants
like the West End Grill and unique experiences
like Zingerman's Market and The State Theater.
The Lowdown: Ann Arbor will never be confused
with a thriving metropolis, but somehow it fuses
an energetic college campus into its quintessen-
tial laid-back atmosphere. The city offers plenty
of off-campus places for students to explore and
provides citizens enough separation from the
busy college scene to live a quiet life.

Population*: 22,362
Nickname: "Ypsi"
Famous Alumni: Charlie Batch (NFL quarterback), Earl
Boykins (NBA player), John Hieftje (Ann Arbor mayor)
Attractions: Ypsilanti is home to the second largest
historic district in Michigan. Such landmarks as Stark-
weather Hall, built in 1896, and the Ypsilanti Water
Tower, erected in 1890, grace the city's landscape. East-
ern Michigan University has become an integral part of
the city's image with a renovated campus. Quaint local
bars and shops splash the downtown scene with a re-
turn to a much simpler time.
The Lowdown: Ypsilanti is the birthplace for Domino's
Pizza, so they hold bragging rights in the cheap-deliv-
ery-pizza category. Otherwise, Ann Arbor's little broth-
er tends to get left out of the conversation - except
when Michigan students take the Ann Arbor public bus
to patron a certain adult establishment.

* based on 2000 U.S. Census

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