" The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com
0 Senator upset with ma
shutterbug DemS
Republican state Sen. Tom eXp
George, a mild-mannered doc-
tor who often gives upbeat talks Buil
on the Senate floor about healthy
lifestyles or Michigan history, was
uncharacteristically angry when
he stood up to talk this week.
The target of his ire was the By
fact that a Democratic staff mem-
ber, during a politically sensitive
vote giving immediate effect to an Police
expanded salestaxonserviceshad who has
taken photos of the voting board bating in
even though it wasn't a recorded in the las
vote. The D
"It was a serious violation that ty issue
can only be interpreted one way warning
- as an attempt to collect infor- dent.
mation which, when taken out of Two f
context, could be used in a politi- yesterda
cal attack on any member of this the man
chamber," the Portage lawmaker the Intra
said Wednesday.
The Senate's Democratic
leader, Mark Schauer of Battle
Creek, denied the photo-taking he I'*
ordered had anything to do with
partisan politics.
"We have no right as senators to
castvotes in secret," he said. 1a-
Sen. Craig says he'W Husp
J1 ouse pm
complete term worlg
zones su
Idaho Sen. Larry Craig defi- U.S. cou
antly vowed to serve out his term response
in office yesterday despite losing a shooting
court attempt to rescind his guilty Blackwa
plea in a men's room sex sting. Demo
"I have seen that it is possible for vote an i
me to work here effectively," Craig which le
said in a written statement certain Senate I
to disappoint fellow Republicans they pla
who have long urged him to step similar I
down. to Presid
Craig had earlier announced he sible.
would resign his seat by Sept. 30, "Ther
but had wavered when he went to the de f
court in hopes of withdrawing his tens oft
plea. working
Thethird-termlawmakerissued the Units
his statement not long after Idaho Jackson-I
Gov. CL. "Butch" Otter relayed The F
word he has selected a replace-
ment for Craig in the event of a res-
"He is ready to act should we
receive a letter of resignation,"
said Jon Hanian, Otter's spokes-
man in Boise, in what seemed like
a calculated signal that home-state
Republicans want Craig to sur-
render the seat he has held for 17
Potential sanctions
influence talks
Hoping to deflect outrage over
images of soldiers gunning down
protesters, Myanmar's hard-line
leader announced yesterday he
is willing to talk with detained
democracy activist Aung San
Suu Kyi - but only if she stops
calling for international sanc-
Senior Gen. Than Shwe also
insists Suu Kyi give up urging
her countrymen to confront the
military regime, state television
and radio said in reporting on the
conditions set by the junta leader
during a meeting this week with a
special U.N. envoy.
The surprise move is aimed
at staving off the possibility of
economic sanctions and keep-
ing Myanmar's bountiful natu-
ral resources on world markets,
while also pleasing giant neighbor
China, which worries the unrest
could cause problems for the 2008
Beijing Olympics.
Plane crashes in
* Congo's capital
In a thunderous blast, a cargo
plane slammed into an impover-
ished residential neighborhood
in Congo's capital seconds after
takeoff yesterday, leaving at least
25 people dead in a smoky wreck-
age of concrete blocks and twisted
The fiery crash underscored
the dangers of flying in Congo,
which has experienced more
fatal air crashes than any other
African country since 1945,
according to the Aviation Safety
The Russian Foreign Ministry
said three Russians were among
the dead: the pilot, the co-pilot and
a flight engineer.
Cargo planes in Congo are fre-
quently flown by pilots from for-
mer Soviet states.
- Compiled from
Daily wire reports
Friday, October 5, 2007 - 3A
An twice4
;uspect seen
osing self at IM
ling, Elbel Field,
police say
Daily News Editor
are searching for a man
twice been seen mastur-
public on South Campus
st week.
epartment of Public Safe-
d a crime alert yesterday
students about the inci-
emale students called DPS
y and told police they saw
masturbating in front of
mural Sports Building on
1 would e
do Iraqc
assed a bill yesterday that
ake all private contractors
in Iraq and other combat
ibject to prosecution by
rts. It was the first major
by Congress to a deadly
in Baghdad involving
ter USA security guards.
crats called the 389-30
ndictment of the incident,
ft at least 13 Iraqis dead.
Democratic leaders said
nned to follow suit with
egislation and send a bill
ent Bush as soon as pos-
e is simply no excuse for
acto legal immunity for
thousands of individuals
in countries" on behalf of
ed States, said Rep. Sheila
Lee (D-Texas).
BI arrived in Baghdad
spotted For Great
ng in public Lakes muck,
Hoover Street at about 7 a.m., DPS no sim ple
spokeswoman Diane Brown said.
The first incident occurred Sat- sOlUtion
urday afternoon at Elbel Field,
when a different set of female stu- TRAVERSE CITY (AP) -
dents saw the man, Brown said. When runaway algae killed fish
Brown said police are taking the and fouled beaches in the Great
matter seriously. Lakes region decades ago, gov-
"There's the potential that this ernments ordered cutbacks of
will become a pattern," she said. phosphorus - a key algae nutri-
"It could escalate to an attack on ent - from laundry detergents
another person, and there's the and sewage treatment plants. It
possibility that something could worked, for a while.
happen." But scientists acknowledge
As of now, though, Brown said there are no simple solutions for
the man isn't known to have had a recent algae outbreak that is
any contact or any discussion with littering shorelines with stinky
any of the victims. muck, and it may be responsible
The crime alert describes the for die-offs of loons and other
man as Hispanic, 30 to 40 years water birds.
old, between 5 feet 3 inches and 5 "We've done all the easy
feet 5 inches tall, wearing a base- stuff," Harvey Bootsma, a Uni-
ball hat, a button-down shirt and versity of Wisconsin at Mil-
dark pants. waukee scientist, said during a
conference this week on Lake
Michigan environmental prob-
, .. TT SN Another crackdown on phos-
xtendU U 3 phorus from sources such as
livestock farms and urban lawn
fertilizer would help, he said.
~om ntr actors But there's a catch. While areas
C, 1_ "near shore have too much phos-
phsorus, some deeper waters
Thursday to investigate the Sept. dont have esougs to support
16 shooting. Bush administration plankton, a crucial link in the
officials acknowledge they are food chain. So fish are going
unsure whether U.S. courts would hungry.
have jurisdiction in the case or oth- "We have almost two eco-
ers like it. systems in the lake," Bootsma
In a separate incident, a drunken said. "And we don't have one
Blackwater employee left a Christ- nice, handy management strat-
mas Eve party in Baghdad and fatal- egy that will work in both
ly shot the guard of one of Iraq's cases."
vice presidents. That contractor An even bigger complica-
was fired, fined and returned home tion is the presence of zebra
to the United States; no charges mussels and their cousins,
have been filed. quagga mussels - invasive
The current law, called the species that reached the Great
Military Extraterritorial Juris- Lakes in the late 1980s. They
diction Act, covers personnel sup- promote algae growth by fil-
porting the mission of Defense tering water and making it
Department operations overseas. clearer, allowing sunlight to
But because Blackwater's primary penetrate deeper.
mission is to protect State Depart- Shoreline algae, known as
ment officials, defense lawyers cladophora, fastens itself to
probably would argue the last mussel shells and feeds on their
does not apply. waste.
LSA senior Rohit Narayan talks with Geneva Edwards, a job recruiter for Huron Con-
suting Group. Hundreds of students flooded Michigan Union to talk with employers
yesterday to take part in the second day of the Career Fair
DPS warns drivers
about car break-ins
Daily NewsEditor
Seven car break-ins have been
reported to the Department of Pub-
lic Safety in the past week, campus
police said.
Three of the incidents took place
on Wednesday, three on Saturday
and one on Sunday.
Thieves took numerous items,
including an iPod and two Global
PositionSystems, fromfour ofthe cars
after breaking the cars' windows.
DPS spokeswoman Diane Brown
said that the doors were locked on
the cars that were burglarized.
Brown said that in each theft,
the victim had left a valuable with-
in sight.
"All the stuff had been laying
right there for someone to see,"
Brown said.
Brown said keeping valuable
items hidden is the best way to pre-
vent theft.
"The best thing would be to lock
it in the trunk," she said.
The adventures of Huckleberry Finn come
alive in this Tony Award-winning musical
Music and lyrics by Roger Miller
Book by William Hauptman
Directed by Mark Madama
Musical Direction by Catherine Walker Adams
Department of Musical Theatre
Oct. 11 at 7:30 PM * Oct. 12 & 13 at 8 PM
Oct. 14 at 2 PM *Mendelssohn Theatre
Tickets $24 and $18 " Students $9 with ID
League Ticket Office 734-764-2538
Music eatre&Daiice
-Karen Durbin, ELLE MAGAZINE
Number of American service
members who have died in the
War in Iraq, according to The
Associated Press.
The Department of Defense
reported no additional deaths yes-