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October 05, 2007 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 2007-10-05

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2A - Friday, October 5, 2007

The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com

2A - Friday, October 5, 2007 The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom

In Other Ivory Towers

Arbor Anecdotes


Before You Were HerE

A pricey stogie

Smoking che La Gloria
Cobana Serie R Limitada cigar
is by no means a small under-
First, there's the price.
Listed at $34.99 - $37.05 after
tax - this is Nickel's Arcade
tobbaconist Maison Edward's
most expensive cigar. This is
not a vanilla Dotch Masters
from the local corner store.
Then there's the time com-
mitment. It takes shoot two
hours to smoke this massive
cigar, and chat's if you're puff-
ing foil speed without getting
tired at the end.
But you will get tired.
To add to a bit of the cigar's
pageantry, it comes sheathed
in cedar casing, and preparing
to smoke feels a bit like unveil-
ing Excalibur - the sword, not
the cigar.
Despite its name, the

La Gloria Cubans Serie R
Limnitada is not from Cuba.
Thanks to the United States's
decades-old embargo of the
country, that would be ille-
gal. It's from the Dominican
The cigar has been aged
for two years. That allows the
three parts of the cigar -" the
binder, wrapper and filler - to
slowly melt together for opti-
mum flavor.
In terms of flavor and
body, the Serie R Limitada
is not among the most robust
cigars available, but it rests
in a very pleasant place just
One hit won't make you
cough up a lung, but you'll
definitely know you're puffing
s lot more than air.
Putting it down for "a
moment will allow you to

fully experience this cigar's
wonderful aftertaste. Lick-
ing your lips brings you to a
special world where your own
mouth tastes like the stron-
gest espresso and the darkest
chocolate you've ever had,
all with the slightest hint of
But price and quality don't
always go together.
Maison Edwards owner
Chuck Ghawi said the Serie R
isn't the shop's best cigar.
Tobacco quality does play
a part in price, but rarity and
size are also large factors,
Ghawi said.
In fact, Ghawi and Maison
Edwards employee Julian
Lizzio both said their best
cigar is actually the Fuente
Fuente Opus X cigar, which
costs $29.99.

The La Gloria Cabana Saei Limilada cigar costs 534.99
In patient's GPS device
things, a pot-like stolen from
substance parked car

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Th MignDay (ISSN0745-967)ispubisherdosna trogFidy duing the fll and iter
Additional opiesmaybe pickedupit theilsfc or $2SuSb siptonsforallterm, tarting i
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TherAssoied PessandThesocitedCollegiatePss.



WHAT: A symposium cel-
ebrating the 20th anniver-
sary of the Institute for the
Humanities. The symposium
will trace changes in thought

WHEN: Today from noon to
1:30 pi.
WHERE: Annenberg Audi-
torium, Weill Hall
How to handle~
tough interview


WHERE: University Hospital
WHMEN: Thursday at about 1
WHAT: A nurse was taking
inventory of a female patient's
belongings and found what
appeared lo be nmarijuana, the
Departmenot of Public Safety

WHERE: Lot NW-3D, 2300
WHEN: Wednesday at about
2:50 p.m.
WHAT: Someone smashed the
driver's side window of a Uni-
versity staff member's car and
stole a Global Positioning Sys-
tem unit, DPS reported. Police
have no suspects.

Visitor's vehicle ThrPP mactbc

WHERE: Parking Lot NC-63 at
2903 Hubbard Road
WHEN: Wednesday at about
5:45 p.m.
WHAT: Someone visiting Ann
Arbor said that his car had been
hit and damaged while parked,
DPS reported. Police classified
the incident as a hit and run.
Police have no suspects.

warned for
WHERE: 100 block of Zims
Pitcher Place
WHEN: Wednesday at about
1:45 p.m.
WHAT: Police warned three
males unaffiliated with the
University for skateboarding.

over the last 30470ars. WHAT: A seminar on inter-
WHO: Institute for the viewing for jobs
Humanities WHO: Career Center
WHEN: Today from 9 am. WHEN: Today from IEto 2 p.m.
to 5 p.m. WHERE: Room 3200, Stu-
WHERE: Porumo Hall, Palm- dent Activities Building.
er Commons
! Because of an editing
error, an-article inyetr
Info onsfund daysB-side (,A rush of blood
totehead) referred incor-
fo esac rectly to screenings put
br reearc~ o) by the group M-Plicks.
The films "Apoicalypton" and
abroad 'The Reaping" were each
screened by another campus
WHAT: Apanel discussion' grtoup.
about ways to get funding for Please report any error in
research and internships abroad the Daily to corrections@
WHO: Career Center michigandailycorn.

1Poet Maya Angelou is lec-
turing at Hill Auditorium at
1:30 p.m. on Oct. t2. Ange-
lou is a poet, author and activ-
ist. The talk is sponsored by the
Ross School of Business. Tick-
ets for the lecture can be pur-
chased at the Michigan Union
Ticket office in the basement of
the Michigan Union.
2The Michigan Women's
Justice and Clemency
Project will hold its annu-
al rally in Lansing. The group
pushes for the rights of women
in Michigan prisons.
3 Tomorrow's football
game against Eastern
Michigan University
might be taking place right
next door to your house. But
if you're a Comcast subscriber
and don't have a ticket, you
won't be able to see the game.
It's only on the Big Ten Net-
work, which Comcast doesn't



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