2 - Friday, A pril 13, 2007
The Michigan Daily - michigandaily.com 4
The Extremist
Arbor Anecdotes
Before You Were Here,
Campus Characterse
Cracking the books behind bars
After Mary Glover and Joyce According to University policy,
Dickinson finished their school- when an applicant marks "yes" for
work for the University classes they the question on the application that
weretakinginthe1980s,theyclosed asks whether they have ever been
their books and went to bed like any convicted of a felony, the admis-
other student would - except they sions office requires the applicant
slept behind bars. to provide a detailed explanation of
They were serving life sentences his or her conviction.
at the Florence Crain women's pris- In instances where the nature
on in Coldwater, Mich. of the applicant's crime raises con-
Dickinson earned a bachelor's cerns for campus safety, the case
degree in general studies and a is referred to the Applicant Con-
master's in social work through the duct Advisory Committee, which
University. Glover won a Hopwood decides whether the applicant is
Award in 1988. dangerous.
They did it without ever leav- If the committee decides there is
ing prison, English Prof. William no threat, the application is treated
Alexander said. A student took the like any other applicant's.
women the materials they needed If the committee determines
to complete class assignments and that an applicant poses a danger
take exams, he said. to campus because of his or her
The University has no rule criminal history, the committee
against admitting students with must make a recommendation to
criminal records - even if they're Senior Vice Provost Lester Monts,
still in jail. who is the only person who can
deny admission to an applicant for
committing misconduct or crimi-
nal activity - unless an applicant
is guilty of academic misconduct
like cheating, forgery or plagia-
An admissions officer can reject
an applicant on the spot for aca-
demic wrongdoing.
But the University doesn't have
a program to deliver coursework
to students who can't physically
attend classes, University spokes-
woman Kelly Cunningham said.
People accepted to the University
while incarcerated in a penitentiary
can still take courses at the Univer-
sity as long as they can convince
professors to waive attendance
requirements and have someone
deliver their blue books and home-
work to professors.
- Scott Roffman contributed to
this report.
Architecture senior Charles Ng blows bubbles on the Diag
during Goodness Day yesterday. In spite of overcast skies and
rain, dozens of students set up tables on the Diag yesterday to
hand out free food and promote their organizations.
C, 4e ffiiian 0AM
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The Michigan Dailyl(ISSN 0745-967)is published Monday through Friday during the
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Vandals paint
obscene words
WHERE: Church Street park-
ing structure
WHEN: Wednesday at 8:05
WHAT: Swear words and sex-
ual phrases were spray-painted
on walls on the fourth and fifth
floors, resulting in $500 in prop-
erty damage, the Department of
Public Safety reported. Parking
maintenance will clean up the
graffiti, police said.
valuables lifted
WHERE: Central Campus
Recreation Building
WHEN: Wednesday at about
6 p.m.
WHAT: Two gym bags left
outside a racquetball court
were stolen while the owners
were playing, DPS reported.
The bags were said to contain
wallets and a $1,200 computer.
No suspects were named.
Man passes out
in meeting
WHERE: Auxiliary Services
Building, 1919 Green Road
WHEN: Wednesday at about
8:19 a.m.
WHAT: An ambulance was
requested for a 50-year-old man
who passed out during a meet-
ing, DPS reported. The man
refused transport. His family
members took him home.
Dorm window
WHERE: Helen Newberry
residence hall
WHEN: Wednesday at about
11:35 a.m.
WHAT: An unknown subject
damaged a window and screen
on the corner of the building,
causing $250 in damage, DPS
reported. Police said they sus-
pect a rock was thrown at the
Carl Levin to
speak at Union
WHAT: A speech by Sen. Carl
Levin (D-Mich.) about his
experiences as s U.S. senator
WHO: College Democrats
WHEN: Sunday from 12:30 to
1:30 p.m.
WHERE: Michigan Union
Rally against
sexual violence
WHAT: The Take Back the
Night Rally and March, pro-
moting a campus free of the
fear of sexual assault
WHO: University Women
Against Rape
WHEN: Today from 7 to9
WHERE: The Diag
Lecture on
Lebanese crisis
WHAT: Lecture by Prof.
Juan Cole about the role of
Shiite Muslims in Lebanon
WHO: Center for Middle
Eastern and North African
WHEN: Today from 11 a.m.
to 12 p.m.
WHERE: Modern Languages
" Due to an editing error,
a letter to the editor in
yesterday's Daily (Anti-Israel
activists live in afalse reality)
said that Benjamin Netan-
yahu was the prime minister
of Israel during the Camp
David peace
summit. Ehud Barak was
prime minister at that time.
* Due to an editing error, a
story in the April 4 issue of the
Statement (Changingyour life
101) said LSA senior Caitlin
Graziano grew discouraged
with the Prison Creative Arts
Program and quit. Although
several of Graziano's friends
quit, Graziano did not.
Please report any error in
the Daily to corrections@
Aweekafter callingmembers
of the Rutgers women's bas-
ketball team "nappy-headed
hos" on his radio show, Don
Imus was fired yesterday by CBS,
and his show was canceled, The
Associated Press reported.
The legislature of Nova
Scotia, a province of Can-
ada, passed a resolution
Wednesday criticizingthe NHL
for scheduling a playoff hockey
game between the Pittsburgh
Penguins and the Ottawa Sena-
tors during the afternoon, the
Canadian Broadcasting Corpo-
ration reported.
3 recent study conducted
in Brazil by researchers
from Northwestern Uni-
versity showed that 14 of 15
Type 1 diabetics could survive
for months without insulin
injections after undergoing a
stem cell transplantation pro-
cedure, The Associated Press
Pick up your commencement tickets at the Alumni Center and enjoy the Class of 2007
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Where is the Alumni Center? Our address is 200 Fletcher St.
We're located at the corner of Washington and
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