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October 10, 2006 - Image 9

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The Michigan Daily, 2006-10-10

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Tuesday, October 10, 2006 - The Michigan Daily - 9

American Phelps
wins 2006 Nobel
Prize in econ


American economist who devel-
oped theories about unemploy-
ment that better capture how
workers and companies actually
make decisions about jobs has
been named winner of the 2006
Nobel Memorial Prize in Eco-
nomic Sciences.
Edmund S. Phelps, 73, a pro-
fessor at Columbia University in
New' York, was cited yesterday
for research into the relationship
between inflation and unemploy-
ment, giving governments bet-
ter tools to formulate economic
The Royal Swedish Academy
of Sciences, which announced
Phelps' selection in Stockholm,
s Sweden, said in its citation that
"Phelps' work has fundamental-
ly altered our views on how the
macroeconomy operates."
Americans have swept all
the Nobels announced so far
this year, with Phelps being the
sixth named for one of the pres-
tigious awards. The economics
prize carries an award of $1.4
Two other Nobel prizes have
yet to be announced - the win-
ner of the prize for literature will
be announced Thursday, fol-
lowed by the Nobel Peace Prize
on Friday.
Phelps told reporters in his
New York apartment that he
learned of the prize in a phone
call from Sweden that woke him
early in the morning.

He said he had waited for the
award for a long time, but wasn't
expecting it this year.
"I thought for a time I would
get it in my 60s, then I thought I
would get it in my 70s and, more
recently, I've been thinking that I
would get it in my 80s," he said.
He planned to teach his yes-
terday class at Columbia - and
share some champagne with his
Phelps was born in Chicago
and earned his bachelor's degree
at Amherst College in Amherst,
Mass., in 1955 and his Ph.D. at
Yale University in 1959. He has
been the McVickar professor of
political economy at Columbia
since 1982.
The Swedish academy cited
research by Phelps which chal-
lenged the prevailing view in
the 1960s that there was a pre-
dictable tradeoff between infla-
tion and unemployment. That
view held that any government
wanting to reduce joblessness by
stimulating the economy would
have to tolerate rising prices as
a result.
Phelps argued that this view
didn't take workers' or com-
panies' decision-making into
account, and his research showed
that their expectations about
both unemployment and infla-
tion affected their actions.
Phelps told reporters yester-
day that his goal was to make
economic theory better reflect
the real world.

LSA senior Cynthia Biro, treasurer of the Native American Student Association, talks about what the federal gove
Columbus Day, but others call Indigenous Peoples Day, with a group of passersby gathered on the Diag. "While it
get the facts and truth about Columbus and into the pubiic, our primary aim was not so much a protest, but to en
she said. "We took a positive stance in order to raise awareness about Indigenous contributions toward the creat
ern world."

Continued from page 1
thing there is to know.... So, at
some point I will."
Carr refused to acknowledge
that Manningham was hurt, but
did not deny it either.
"I just don't have anything to
tell you. I really don't have any-
thing to say," the coach said.
Manningham left Saturday's
31-13 game midway through the

third quarter. There was no play
where he lay on the field and
appeared to be injured, and it is
uncertain whether the apparent
injury was caused by contact.
Manningham was seen on the
sideline icing his knee in the
fourth quarter. He didn't talk to
media following the game.
Carr seemed optimistic when
asked if freshman Greg Mathews
would be ready to step up and
join starters Steve Breaston and
Adrian Arrington if needed this

"I think Greg Mathews has
really done a great job up to this
part of the season, and we feel
confident in his ability from the
first game," Carr said. "That's
why we played him early. I think
we anticipated at some point that
his role would increase."
Fifth-year senior Carl Tabb, who
has been nursing an injury most of
the season, along with sophomore
Doug Dutch, redshirt freshman
LaTerryal Savoy and converted

running back Alijah Bradley, could
also be in the mix for playing time
if Manningham can't play.
Along with leading the nation
in touchdown catches (nine),
Manningham also tops the Big
Ten in receiving yards (527) and
receiving yards per game (87.8).
Eight of his nine touchdowns
have come in the past four games,
including a three-touchdown
performance in Michigan's 47-
21 win against then-No. 2 Notre

Lower standards
help Army meet
recruiting goal

U.S. Army recruited more than
2,600 soldiers under new lower
aptitude standards this year, help-
ing the service beat its goal of
80;000-recruits in the throes of an
unpopular war and mounting casu-
The recruiting mark comes a
year after the Army missed its
recruitment target by the wid-
est margin since 1979, which had
triggered a boost in the number of
recruiters, increased bonuses, and
changes in standards.
The Army recruited 80,635 sol-
diers, roughly 7,000 more than last
year. Of those, about 70,000 were
first-time recruits who had never
served before.
According to statistics obtained
by The Associated Press, 3.8 per-
cent of the first-time recruits scored
vious years, the Army had allowed
only 2 percent of its recruits to have
low aptitude scores. That limit was
increased last year to 4 percent, the
maximum allowed by the Defense
The Army said all the recruits
with low scores had received high
school diplomas. In a written state-
ment, the Army said good test
scores do not necessarily equate to
quality soldiers. Test-taking abil-
ity, the Army said, does not mea-
sure loyalty, duty, honor, integrity
or courage.
Daniel Goure, vice president of
the Lexington Institute, a private
research group, said there is a "fine
balance between the need for a

certain number of recruits and the
standards you set."
"Tests don't tell you the answer
to the most critical question for the
Army, how will you do in com-
bat?" Goure said. But, he added,
accepting too many recruits with
low test scores could increase
training costs and leave technical
jobs unfilled.
"The absolute key for the Army
is a high-school diploma," Goure
About 17 percent of the first-
time recruits, or about 13,600,
were accepted under waivers for
various medical, moral or criminal
problems, including misdemeanor
arrests or drunk driving. That is a
slight increase from last year, the
Army said.
Of those accepted under waiv-
ers, more than half were for
"moral" reasons, mostly mis-
demeanor arrests. Thirty-eight
percent were for medical reasons
and 7 percent were drug and alco-
hol problems, including those
who may have failed a drug test
or acknowledged they had used
The Army said the waiver
process recognizes that people
can overcome past mistakes and
become law abiding citizens.
Army Brig. Gen. Anthony A.
Cucolo said that adding more
recruiters enabled the Army to
identify more recruits. "We got the
right people in the field in the right
places in the right numbers," said
Cucolo, the chief spokesman for
the Army.

Continued from page 1.
tance from local law enforcement
as well as her daughter's doctor,
but she said nobody would get
involved because of her husband's
military involvement and position
in the community.
Finally, she told a friend. Days
later, Hamilton's husband was
shot. Hamilton now serves life
in prison for a crime she says she
did not commit.
It's cases like this that led art
Prof. Carol Jacobson to establish
the clemency movement in 1991.
Although Gov. Jennifer Gran-
holm rejected all 20 petitions for
clemency in May, the group con-
tinues to press her to pardon the
"Many of these women never
had fair trials," Jacobson said.
In some situations, evidence of
spousal abuse was not permitted
in the trial, she said.
Granholm had kept the peti-
tions for two and a half years
before announcing she would not
grant any pardons last spring.
Many members of the clemency
group said they found it strange
that a female governor would
show so little compassion for
the wrongful imprisonment of
abused women. Several group
members said they built up false

hopes because the governor kept
the petitions for so long.
Some members also question
if Granholm's inaction may be
motivated by her gubernatorial
reelection campaign against Dick
DeVos. Jacobson said Granholm
might be trying to maintain a
"hard-on-crime image."
Jacobson said though that
DeVos would not be any more
likely to grant clemency to the
imprisoned women. She said a
large part of the problem is due
to the legal system being "male-
constructed and interpreted" and
that Granholm is "the last hope
to redress injustices based on
Jacobson also condemned the
treatment some women receive
in Michigan prisons such as Scott
Prison in Genessee County. Dur-
ing research trips to this prison,
Jacobson has found that many
women in this facility are sub-
jected to rape by prison guards,
fall ill due to medical neglect and
are "tortured because of mental
One woman was even impreg-
nated by a guard and gave birth
to his child in prison, Jacobson
The Women's Clemency Proj-
ect dedicates its campaigns to
Connie Haynes, who committed
suicide after serving 25 years in
prison for a crime many say she

did not commit. She experienced
medical neglect for her rheuma-
toid arthritis in the years leading
up to her death.
"Abu Ghraib has nothing on
Michigan prisons," Jacobson
At the rally, Diane Engleman, a
survivor of domestic abuse recent-
ly released from prison through
the efforts of Jacobson's petition-
ing, illustrated what she called
the gender biases in the Michigan
legal system by recounting the
story of Carol Irons.
Irons, one of the first female
judges in the state of Michigan,
was murdered in her courtroom
in October 1988. The murderer
was not a vengeful convict, but
her own husband. After making
his way through the police station
below Irons' office with a gun,
he bypassed security (which had
been warned that he might try to
harm Irons) and shot his wife in
the face and throat, killing her.
He also wounded a police officer
in a struggle before he surren-
He received 16 years in prison
and was released.
Eighteen out of the 20 women
who murdered their husbands to
save their own lives received life
Engleman drew attention to
the inconsistency in punishment,
wondering, "if someone as high

up in society as a judge can't get
justice, then what chance do other
women have?"
One of the speakers at the rally
pointed out that it costs much
more to incarcerate a criminal
that to educate a child in Ameri-
can society. Aside from ethical
issues, that should be motivation
to thoroughly consider clemency
requests, he said.
Emily Peden, who led the rally,
remains hopeful that the governor
will be more generous after the
election is over. The group plans
to submit the petitions to the gov-
ernor after the election, no matter
who is in office.
"I hope she does something,
but it's hard to believe she will,"
Peden said.
Should DeVos be elected, the
group expects him to treat the
petitions in the same way as
former Gov. John Engler, who
ignored them.
"He wouldn't even look at the
petitions," Peden said.
The Michigan Legislature
recently amended and passed a
law that allows the use of deadly
force without a duty to retreat
if imminent death, great bodily
harm or sexual assault is antici-
pated. But this law does not apply
to domestic violence cases and
some say many women are in
prison for using precisely this
kind of self-defense.

Continued from page 1
According to a study of recent
University graduates conducted by
the University's Office of Budget
and Planning, though, that notion
isn't as well-supported as some
University researchers Elaine
Fielding and Albert Anderson
tracked down current residential
information for about 95 percent
of the alumni who earned a bach-

elor's degree between 2001 and
They found that more than half
of recent University graduates and
more than three-quarters of recent-
ly graduated in-state students still
live in Michigan. In net migration
of all college graduates between
1995 and 2000, the state ranked
But the 2000 U.S. Census ranked
Michigan 45th in the country at
retaining recent college graduates.
Between 1995 and 2000, the state
lost 7,000 more recent graduates

than it gained.
Many of the in-state students
in Fielding and Anderson's study
who chose to leave stuck around
for a couple years after gradua-
Eighty-five percent of 2005
University in-state graduates
live in Michigan, but only 70
percent of 2001 graduates still
live in the state. The numbers
seem to indicate that most in-
state students find their first
post-graduation job in Michi-
gan, then trickle out as they get

job offers elsewhere.
Fielding and Anderson also
found that the rate of students
remaining in Michigan depends
greatly on which profession they
In-state students who graduate
from the School of Nursing and
the School of Education, which
prepare students for licenses in
the state, are more likely to stay
than the average graduate, while
barely over half of in-state Ross
School of Business graduates
live and work in Michigan.

Danish websites remove
video mocking Prophet

- Videos showing anti-immigrant
party members mocking the Proph-
et Muhammad were pulled from
Web sites yesterday as two youths
seen in the clips were reported in
hiding and the Foreign Ministry
warned Danes against traveling to
much of the Middle East.
Muslim clerics from Egypt and
Indonesia condemned the video
broadcast in Denmark last week
showing members of the Danish
People's Party youth wing with car-
toons of a camel wearing the head
of Muhammad and beer cans for
humps. A second drawing placed
a turbaned, bearded man next to a
plus sign and a bomb, all equaling
a mushroom cloud.
In a move aimed at defusing
tension, the Danish Foreign Min-
istry met ambassadors from Mus-
lim countries to discuss the video
Monday. It was unclear how many

diplomats took part in the meeting
hosted by Foreign Ministry direc-
tor Ulrik Federspiel or which coun-
tries they represented.
Foreign Ministry officials
explained to the ambassadors that
the government had denounced the
drawings and that the footage had
been removed from the two Web
sites that had posted it, the minis-
try said.
Prime Minister Anders Fogh
Rasmussen condemned the youth
in the video Sunday, saying "their
tasteless behavior does in no way
represent the way the Danish peo-
ple or young Danish people view
Muslims or Islam"
Citing critical media reports
from many Muslim regions,
the Foreign Ministry cautioned
against travel to Gaza, the West
Bank, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon,
Jordan, Egypt, Iraq, Iran, Syria
and Turkey.

Continued from page 1
affected. Borders employees used to be a part of
a union, which raised wages.
Other student employees will start to find
more money in their pockets because of the
new law.
The People's Food Cooperative, a natural
foods store and cafe at 216 N. 4th Ave., already
pays above the new required wage but plans
to increase its wages by the beginning of next
"We always stay a dollar above minimum
wage at least," said Julie Sverid, human resource
director for the co-op.
Sverid said the co-op won't be able to pay
$7.95 but will definitely pay no less than $7.50.
The co-op currently pays $7.40 per hour to
entry-level employees, typically, students in
their twenties with previous job experience.

Sverid said the company does not plan to cut
labor to cover the wage hike.
"We do not lay people off," Sverid said. "I
don't think we ever have."
Good Time Charley's owner Rick Buhr
said he employs mostly University students.
Although the new law does not require him to
increase wages for his wait staff, he said work-
ers still in training are paid minimum wage, and
the $1.80 increase was "pretty massive" for the
bar and restaurant.
"This puts a lot more pressure on people
to perform immediately - we cannot take as
much time (training) them as in the past," he
Students working at Ben and Jerry's ice
cream shop at 304 State Street earn $6.50 an
hour for scoopers and $7.50 for shift leaders.
Matt Arthur, who owns the ice cream store as
well as Surf City Squeeze in Briarwood Mall,
said he will raise pay accordingly. He does not
plan to cut labor.
"I have to take care of customers, and I will

be keeping labor to give the best customer ser-
vice possible," Arthur said.
Dave Reid,the University's director of human
resources communications, said the impact of
the increase on University employees will be
Slightly more than 500 temporary and stu-
dent employees working at the University's Ann
Arbor, Flint and Dearborn campuses will get a
raise to match the new minimum wage.
"As far as I know no labor was cut, but indi-
vidual departments make decisions themselves
for staffing needs," he said.
Rebecca Blank, dean of the Ford School
of Public Policy, said the main reason for this
increase is not to benefit young workers.
"Many university students have been
working at jobs well above minimum wage
already," she said. "The main reason for
this increase is to support low-wage workers
and provide full-time workers, particularly
adults trying to raise a family, with econom-
ic stability."


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