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September 28, 2006 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2006-09-28

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Thursday, September 28, 2006 A TRIP TR II A
News 2A Gunman takes
hostages at school
Opinion 4A Chris Zbrozek:
Why Amway e ~ a i a i
is a cult
S Arts 5A Gymasts battle y'
through injuries
One-hundred-sixteen years ofeditorialfreedom
www.mich/iandaily.com Ann Arbor, Michigan Vol. CXVII, No. 18 2006 The Michigan Daily

Jobs fund
helps 'U'
help state
P Granholm's fies owned by University fac-
ulty collected $16.4 million and
program to create project teams featuring Univer-
jobs in state gives 'U' sity researchers were given $8.4
million. Two projects involving
$38.4 million multiple universities received
$7.75 million.
By Jessica Vosgerchian Medical School Prof. James
For the Daily Baker and Engineering Prof.
Erdogan Gulari were each
University researchers are awarded funding for two of their
being called on to help rescue projects. The funding for one of
Michigan's stagnant job market Baker's projects will finance the
by establishing high-tech indus- first clinical trial in humans of
tries in the state. non-invasive methods of treat-
Programs with University ing toenail fungus and an inves-
connections have received more tigation of how to manufacture
than a third of the $100 million the remedy in Michigan.
distributed by Gov. Jennifer Gulari is heading a project
Granholm's 21st Century Jobs concerning the development of
Fund. methods to inexpensively test
"These awards affirm our water for several dangerous
belief that University of Michi- pathogens.
gan research is a powerful In most cases, fund money is
economic engine for creating not given in the form of a grant,
new ideas but is more
and new Each of the fund's similar to a
economic loan, with
opportuni- projects has a the state
ties in thb being repaid
state Mar- Specific product by the recip-
vin Parnes, - ients or in
the Univer- or commercial its form
sity's asso- a l t i d of sharing
ciate vice application in mind. ownershipin
president the project.
for research, said in a written The projects underwent a
statement. selection process in which a
The fund - expected to field of 505 original proposals
bring more than 1,000 jobs to was narrowed down to 179 final-
Michigan - is an initiative to ists and then to 61 recipients.
diversify the state's job market Most recipients are contrac-
by establishing roots for emerg- tually required by the state to
ing technological fields like life start a company at some point,
sciences, alternative energy and Gulari said.
homeland security. This differs from most
The fund is a cornerstone of research conducted at the Uni-
Gov. Jennifer Granholm's "Jobs versity, which has never been
Today, Jobs Tomorrow" eco- as geared toward commercial
nomic plan, which will allocate ventures.
$2 billion to statewide research As opposed to research con-
projects over 10 years. ducted to gain further knowl-
Five projects at the Ann Arbor edge in a field, each of the
campus and one project at the fund's projects has a specific
Dearborn campus received a product or commercial applica-
total of $5.8 million. Compa- See JOBS FUND, page 9A

LSA sophomore Karen Wrenbeck poses in front of University Towers, where she lives, on Monday. The 19-story apartment complex does not have a way
for Its residents to recycle, so Wrenbeck takes her recylables to the LSA Building.
(just not t University Towers)

Residents of
popular student
housing complex find
recycling difficult
By Katie Woods
Daily Staff Reporter
For decades, Ann Arbor has
been at the forefront of the recy-
cling movement, encouraging its
residents to cut down on waste.
But some off-campus student
housing sites, like University
Towers, never got the message.
Located on South Forest Ave-
nue, University Towers has 19
stories, but offers its residents no
recycling options.
"I don't know why they don't
offer recycling," said LSA sopho-

more Elizabeth Horvat, a Uni-
versity Towers resident. "Just last
week I asked where I could dis-
pose my recycling, and they told
me that I would have to take it
somewhere else."
In an interview with The Mich-
igan Daily this week, Dena Isley,
the building's property manager,
said a waste management com-
pany, Allied Waste Services of
Detroit, sorted the items placed
in the building's trash compactor,
designating and processing recy-
clable materials and disposing of
Isley later recanted this state-
ment after she found out the
building had switched waste
management companies.
"We actually do not recycle
- I didn't realize that the com-
pany we use now doesn't do that,"

Isley said. "I am not sure why we
switched companies, but I hope
to start recycling soon."
University Towers might have
to start recycling sooner than
Isley thinks.
A city ordinance requires
owners of rental units to supply
renters with outdoor recycling
containers. The ordinance also
requires any landlord operating
a multi-family housing complex
with more than three units to file
a recycling plan detailing how
they will meet these and other
Isley said management at Uni-
versity Towers was unaware of
the ordinance.
Tom McMurtrie, a systems
analyst for the City of Ann Arbor
who coordinates the city's recy-
cling efforts, said that in gen-

How to fight
for the right
to recycle
Talk to your landlord. Tell
him or her that they are
required to provide you with
recycling options under a
city ordinance.
E If you want to set up recy-
cling yourself, call Recycle
Ann Arbor at 734-662-6288
to get a bin for free.
eral, the city's ordinance is not
For now, McMurtrie said the
city is focusing on trying to get
businesses in Ann Arbor to recy-
cle and has no plans to work on
See RECYCLE, page 9A

Former NSA adviser talks on
changing international climate

Warfare not the
same as during Cold
War, Scowcroft says
By Alese Bagdol
For the Daily
After delivering a detailed anal-
ysis on the current state of world
politics, former National Security
Agency Adviser Brent Scowcroft
left the audience in the Ford Presi-
dential Library with these words:
The next president is going to have
a hell of a time.
The focus of Scowcroft's speech
was the dramatic change in the

international climate since the Cold
"The Cold War represented an
intense period of rival nations over-
hung by a threat of nuclear war"
Scowcroft said. "While today's
problems are much less overwhelm-
ing, the enemy is harder to identify
and a different approach to war is
He discussed the growing resent-
ment the rest of the world harbors
for the United States's supremacy.
"We have a sense cf our power
and what we are after, and we think
others ought to agree with us,"
Scowcroft said.
The library staff embraced the

opportunity to have Scowcroft
"General Scowcroft's appear-
ance will help the Ford Library
have a more visible presence with
the University and the Ann Arbor
community," supervisory archivist
Dave Horrocks said. "He is very
deeply respectedby people of many
different views."
Horrocks said the speech came
at an ideal time: 10 days after the
opening of a permanent exhibit
at the library titled "Art of Diplo-
"General Scowcroft spoke
very knowledgeably," history
See SCOWCROFT, page 9A

LEFT: Samar Elabed, a member of the Palestinian Student Association, participates in Solidarity Day on the Diag.
RIGHT: Almee Smith, a Green Party candidate for Congress, stands on the Diag with Henry Herskovitz.
Groups vie for attention on
Diag crowded with protest


Gay rights, 'Catch
an Illegal Immigrant
Day' among topics
By Andrew Grossman
Daily Staff Reporter
Students passing through the Diag
yesterday could listen to speakers
reel off statistics about immigra-
tion or Iraq, buy yellow "Michigan
Immigrant" T-shirts, take a pledge to
"actively respect all persons'" debate
religion with a radical anti-gay
preacher, meet a Green Party candi-

date for University regent or register
to vote.
Many left the Diag looking a
bit more confused than when they
As if in anticipation of the
approaching winter that will soon
drive them all inside, a wide range of
activists crowded the plaza in front of
the Hatcher Graduate Library hoping
to have their voices heard.
A coalition of Middle Eastern
student groups had originally sched-
uled a rally on the steps of the Grad
to draw attention to the suffering of
Palestinian and Lebanese people.

But when the University's chapter
of Young Americans for Freedom
announced plans - since-post-
poned - to play "Catch an Illegal
Immigrant;' other groups, like La
Voz Latina, decided to protest. They
ended up sharing the stage with the
Middle Eastern groups.
YAF had originally scheduled
their event, in which participants
would try to catch a volunteer posing
as an illegal immigrant, for yesterday
Rally organizers tried hard to
connect the range of issues they were
See DIAG, page 9A

Bhargav Avasarala, president of the University's Table Tennis Club, returns a volley Tuesday night at the
Coliseum on South Campus.

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