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September 25, 2006 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 2006-09-25

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Monday, September 25, 2006 - The Michigan Daily - 3A

1 Schmooze with
companies at muddles giving
engin career fair durig Ramadan
The Society of Women Engineers


and Tau Beta Pi will present their
annual career fair from 10 a.m. to 4
p.m. today and tomorrow at Pierpont
Commons on North Campus. More
than 200 companies are expected to
attend the fair.

Symposium to
explore rights
of print media
The Michigan Daily is cosponso
ing a symposium examining Fir
Amendment rights and responsibil:
ties of the print media pertaining t
representations of minority group
The conference, featuring sever
journalists and academics, will tak
place in the Michigan League fror
12 to 6 p.m., opening with a keynot
luncheon. The Daily's Editor in Chie:
Donn M. Fresard, will be speaking
4 p.m. Registration is required.
Reporter to tall
about new bool
New York Times economic
reporter Lou Uchitelle will delive
a lecture on his book "The Dispos
able American: Layoffs and thei
Consequences" at 4 p.m. today
the Pendleton Room of the Michi
gan Union.
Group refuses to
leave University
Golf Course
A group of people refuse
to leave the University Gol
Course after the football gam
on Saturday. When asked t
leave, a man in the group threv
an object and hit a person in th
head, the Department of Publi
Safety reported. Officers arrest
ed the thrower.
t Two men throw
1 objects at game
Two men in section 30 of Michi
gan Stadium were warned fo
throwing objects during the foot
ball game on Saturday, DPS report
ed. Officers verbally warned th
subject, but no report was filed.
Man attempts
to sneak into
jazz performance
At about 8 p.m. Saturday, a mai
without a ticket tried to slip by at
usher to hear the Alice Coltran<
quartet performance at Hill Audi
torium, DPS reported. Officer:
escorted the suspect out of the audi
torium and filed a report.
r In 'U' History
Graduate library
to be expanded

Investigation of
charity prompts fear
of scrutiny
DETROIT (AP) - Before last
week, AbuSayed Mahfuz didn't
hesitate to donate to Life for Relief
and Development, an international
Muslim humanitarian organization
that is active in Iraq and Afghani-
stan and has partnered with the
U.S. government.
But an FBI search of the orga-
nization's Southfield headquar-
ters is making the Hamtramck
resident think twice about future
Just as the holy month Rama-
dan, which began Saturday, is
prompting many Muslims to
think about their religious obliga-
tion to give alms, the investigation
of a prominent Islamic aid group
has prompted fears that giving
to charity could prompt scrutiny
from the government.
FBI agents assigned to a terror-
ism task force last Monday searched
Life's offices, taking computer serv-
ers, donor records and other finan-
cial documents. They have also
searched the homes of the charity's
chief executive, an ex-employee and
two board members.

"After hearing this, I don't feel
secure at all;' said Mahfuz, a com-
puter consultant and editor of a Ban-
gladeshi community newspaper. He
said he would still consider support-
ing the organization, but the investi-
gation would force him to weigh that
decision carefully.
No charges have been brought
in the case, and Life has sought to
reassure the community that it is
perfectly legal to donate money to
the organization, which was found-
ed in 1992 by Iraqi immigrants.
It is not the first time a Muslim
charity has come under investi-
gation. In the months after the
Sept. 11 attacks, the government
froze the assets of the Texas-
based Holy Land Foundation
and Illinois-based Global Relief
Foundation and Benevolence
International, effectively shut-
ting them down. The govern-
ment has accused those groups
of funding terrorists.
The search at Life's offices five
days before the startof Ramadanthe
month when Life gets about half of
its donations, prompted anger among
Muslim activists in the Detroit area.
They questioned the timing and the
involvement of the terrorism task
force, which they said led media to
draw unfair conclusions.

Honda shows cleaner
diesel, fuel cell car

Slick, streamlined
fuel cell vehicle may
hit U.S. market in 2008
HAGA, Japan (AP) - Diesel
engines deliver great mileage but
emit polluting gases. Fuel cell
vehicles are zero-emission but
look bulky. Honda's latest inno-
vations counter the stereotypes.
The latest fuel cell vehicle
from the Japanese automaker,
planned for limited marketing in
Japan and the U.S. in 2008, has a
slick, streamlined, close-to-the-
ground look. Honda Motor Co.'s
next-generation diesel engine
delivers as clean a drive as a
low-emission gas engine of com-
parable size.
Honda's showcased its latest
developments in clean driving to
reporters recently at its research
facility north of Tokyo.
In a test drive, the FCX Con-
cept fuel cell vehicle zipped qui-
etly and effortlessly on a course
at about 100 miles per hour.
Honda declined to give a price
for the vehicle.

Like other fuel cell vehicles,
the new model runs on the power
produced when oxygen in the air
combines with hydrogen that's
stored in the fuel tank - produc-
ing only harmless water vapor.
Old-style fuel cell stacks,
the main part of the fuel cell
vehicle, are usually placed
under the floor of a car, mak-
ing for thick floors and a box-
like look.
Honda's new fuel cell stack is
20 percent smaller thanihe one it
developed in 2003, and can sit in
between the driver and passen-
ger's seats in the front, where the
stick shift lies in a regular car.
It weighs 67 kilograms (148
pounds), or about two-thirds of
the 96-kilogram (213-pound)
2003 version, and far lighter
than the one released in 1999,
which weighed 202 kilograms
(445 pounds). But it produces
more power.
Another innovation in the
works at Honda is the next-gen-
eration diesel car - planned
for the U.S. market within three

Alum Beth Christensen reaches for a piece of cheese in Zingerman's Deli yesterday.
Zingerman's Deli is on Detroit Street, near the Farmer's Market. The deli sells more
than 30 types of cheeses.
Baker CollegeCN offers dorm
discounts for goodgrades
Free housing for Baker College is Michigan's Flint campus live in residence halls.
largest private college. The "I was very psyched that I
students maintaing a school charges $2,550 a year to wouldn't have to take a big loan
3.5 or higher GPA live in the dorms. Classes for for housing," Trenese Brooks, 20,
this term begin today. of Detroit, who has a 2.8 GPA,
FLINT (AP) - A private col- "We are hopeful that this new told The, Flint Journal for a story
lege is offering'scholarships for program will be an extra incen- earlier this month. She has lived
students with good grades in the tive for students to complete in the residence halls for three
form of free or discounted rent at their higher education," Baker years at Baker.
its dorms as part of an effort to College of Flint President Juli- Calvin Sterdivant, a 21-year-
boost its graduation rate. anne T. Princinsky said in a old junior from Detroit, told the
The Baker College program statement. Detroit Free Press that he was
awards free housing to residence The Flint campus has 6,065 thrilled to learn that his graeds
hall students at the Flint campus students and a graduation rate of will save him half of what he was
who maintain a 3.5 grade point 13 percent. In all, the 12-campus paying for the residence hall.
average or above; a 50 percent Baker College system has about "I've been taking out loans
discount for students maintain- 30,000 students, with a com- of $2,400 per year to stay in the
ing a 3.0 to 3.49 GPA; and a 25 bined graduation rate on all of its dorms, and this scholarship cuts
percent discount for students campuses under 20 percent. that loan in half," said Sterdivant,
maintaining a 2.7 to 2.99 GPA. About 300 students at Baker's who is studying human services.

university unions-
almost as good as
uS uufamEin


[we know our calculus.]




Sept. 25, 1979 - The Harlan W w
Hatcher Graduate Library will be To play: Compl
renovated to include an expanded
study area and a new student lounge. and every
The study area will be on the second
floor, where the periodicals collec- There is
tion is currently situated. just use IO
The new student lounge will be on
the first floor. Vending machines will
be included in the new lounge along Difficult
with 200 new places to sit and study.
According to Robert Starring, the 8 3
University's associate director for
public library services, the major
reasons for the $100,000 transfor-
mation were a demand for more 6
study space and a general desire to
upgrade the available services.
"The particular problem period
used to be from midterms it
finals, but in the past couple of
years, students have been using the
library more heavily even early in
the term," he said.
Starring added that the renova-
tions will also allow for a more effi-
cient and flexible periodical system.
The changes will begin in the
next week and will occur in phas-
es. The entire renovation is slated
to be finished by the beginning of
winter term.


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