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September 25, 2006 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 2006-09-25

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2A -The Michigan Daily - Monday, September 25, 2006


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-2 a.m.

Karwan Abdullah Tawfiq shows his Dutch passport
during the trial of Saddam Hussein and seven other
co-defendants in the fortified Green Zone in Bagh-
dad on Sept. 19.
defense team

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The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Mon
by studeats at ire Rniversity oftMichigat. Ore copy is
copies may bepicked op at the Daily's otice to $2.0St
U.S. mail are $110. Winter term (January through April
$195. University affiliates are subject to a reduced su
are $35. Subscriptions must be prepaid. The Michigan
Public schools to ha
the squeal from an automated warn-
ing radio brought news a severe storm
was approaching, school principal
William Tomic acted quickly. He
alerted teachers to bring children
indoors and to a secure interior hall-
way for shelter.
Minutes later, 70 mph winds ripped
the roof off the kindergarten wing of
the Charles F. Johnson Elementary
School in Endicott, N.Y.
No one was hurt, thanks to the
warning and the timely response to it.

615-0135 1
fnance@michigandaily D ~yott
76-346to boycott
iaSecond trial of former leader
stampfl@michigandaily.com scheduled to begin again today
liong, Anne VanderMey AMMAN, Jordan (AP) - Saddam Hussein's chief
beam@michigandaily.com lawyer said yesterday the defense team will boycott his
cy, Imran Syed zbrotek@michigandaily.com genocide trial "indefinitely" because of alleged viola-
tions by the Iraqi court trying him.
herman@michigandaily.com "The court committed several violations of the law
RSinge, Ke einWright,5tephani Writht and we will not just sit there gagged to give it legiti-
nRobinon aeS Sadl, AmbSisan
agingArts Editors artspage@michigandaily.com macy," said Khalil al-Dulaimi, who heads the nine-
ein member defense team for the deposed Iraqi leader..
a Softening his tone somewhat, he said he hopes "the
dziadoszmichigandaily.com court will listen to our requests and that's when we'll
abeII, David Tuaa hulsebus@michigandaily.com go back to the courtroom."
The ousted president and seven others are on trial
ditor, Design odonnell@michigandaily.com for the Operation Anfal crackdown on Kurdish rebels
in the late 1980s. The prosecution says about 180,000
dokas@michigandaily.com people, mostly civilians, were killed.
The trial, the former leader's second, resumes today
dowd@michigandaily.com in Baghdad.
Al-Dulaimi cited the abrupt replacement of the chief
judge in the trial last week as one reason the defense
team was boycotting.
In a sudden move Tuesday, Iraqi Prime Minis-
ter Nouri al-Maliki approved a request by the Iraqi
High Tribunal, the country's supreme court, to
sre remove Judge Abdullah al-Amiri after he angered
Kurds by declaring 10 days ago that Saddam was
"not a dictator."
He was replaced by Mohammed Oreibi al-Khalifa,
who presided over a turbulent session Wednesday in
which he threw the former Iraqi president out of court,
and his lawyers stormed out in protest.
AI-Dulaimi said replacing the judge was a "flagrant
day through Friday during the fall and winter terms violation of the law because it was dictated by the gov-
available ree of charge to all readers. Adrtiotal ernment and not the court."
susciptions tor tall term, starting it September, via enm
) is $115, yearlong (September through April) is "They claim that it's an independent court, but it's
bscription rate. On-campus subscriptions for fall term not," al-Dulaimi said.
Daily is a member oftThe Associated Press and The
He also criticized the competence otf al-Khalifa, the
new chief judge, saying he "lacks the experience and
've w arning radios the caliber needed in this trial."
Al-Khalifa said after the lawyers stormed out last
"It really did work very well, we week that he would appoint new lawyers if they refused
were so pleased with it," Tomic said to return - a move al-Dulaimi rejected as illegal
in a telephone interview. "The parents because at the start of the trial Saddam had insisted on
were as well." having his own attorneys, not court-appointed ones.
Many were concerned when they Al-Dulaimi said another violation is the Iraqi High
arrived to find the roof lying on the Tribunal's refusal to hear non-Iraqi lawyers in the
side of the building. But their children case, and the requirement that those foreigners apply
were safe and had not even seen the for permission just to enter the courtroom. Among
damage occur, Tomic said. Saddam's nine lawyers are a Jordanian, a Spaniard, a
Hoping for more such success Frenchman and two Americans, including former U.S.
stories, the government planned to attorney general Ramsey Clark.
announce on Monday that it will sup- "These are our counselors and it's their right to be
ply hazard warning radios to all 97,000 present in the courtroom without a prior permission
public schools in the United States. from the court," he added.

Dems use report to attack Iraq strategy
Democrats yesterday seized on an intelligence assessment that said the Iraq war has
increased the terrorist threat, saying it was further evidence that Americans should
choose new leadership in the November elections.
The Democrats hoped the report would undermine the GOP's image as the party
more capable of handing terrorism as the campaign enters its final six-week stretch.
Theircriticisms came in a collection of statements sent to reporters Sunday amid the
disclosure of a National Intelligence Estimate that concluded the war has helped create
a new generation of Islamic radicalism and that the overall terrorist threat has grwn
since the Sept. 11 attacks.
The report was completed in April and represented a consensus view of the 16 dis-
parate spy services inside government, according to an intelligence official. The offi-
cial, confirming accounts first published in Sunday's New York Times and Washington
Post, spoke on condition of anonymity on Sunday because the report is classified.
"Unfortunately this report is just confirmation that the Bush administration's
stay-the-course approach to the Iraq war has not just made the war more difficult
and more deadly for our troops, but has also made the war on terror more danger-
ous for every American," said Rep. Rahm Emanuel, head of the Democratic effort
to take control of the House.
Children found dead in washer, dryer
Authorities yesterday were trying to pinpoint the cause of death for three chil-
dren an investigator says were found decomposing inside the washer and dryer
of their apartment, hours after a woman was accused of killing their pregnant
mother and her fetus.
Saturday night's discovery inside apartment 28J at the John DeShields public
housing complex came two days after the mother of the children - ages 7,2 and
1 - was found in a weedy lot, her abdomen torn open and the fetus missing.
Investigators carried out a furious two-day search, including scouring an
1,100-acre state park, for the children they said were last seen Monday with 24-
year-old Tiffany Hall, a family friend prosecutors charged Saturday afternoon
with killing Jimella Tunstall and her fetus.
Hours later, Hall pointed authorities to Tunstall's apartment that investigators had
briefly visited earlier in search of photographs of the children for media outlets to publi-
cize as the search pressed on, said Ace Hart, a deputy St. Clair County coroner.
Hall "fessed up where the kids were. She didn't say she killed them;' Hart
said Sunday, saying he understood why investigators may have overlooked the
children during their previous trip to the apartment. "Who would be looking in
the washer and dryer?"
BEIRUT, Lebanon
Christian leader disputes Hezbollah claims
An anti-Syrian Christian leader dismissed Hezbollah's claims of victory in its war
with Israel as tens of thousands of his supporters rallied Sunday in a show of strength
that highlighted Lebanon's sharp divisions.
The rally north of Beirut came just two days after a massive gathering by the rival
Shiite Muslim Hezbollah that attracted hundreds of thousands. The two sides have
been at sharp odds over the future of the Lebanese government since this summer's
Israeli-Hezbollah war.
Samir Geagea, a notorious former leader of a Christian militia, scoffed at Hezbollah
leader Sheik Hassan Nasrallah's declaration that his guerrillas achieved "a victory"
against Israel.
"I don't feel victory because the majority of the Lebanese people do not feel victory.
Rather, they feel that a major catastrophe had befallen them and made their present and
future uncertain," he said.
Hezbollah's fight with Israel sent its support soaring among Shiites. Buta large sector
- particularly among Christians and Sunni Muslims - opposes Hezbollah and resents
it for provoking the monthlong fight by capturing two Israeli soldiers on July 12.
BANGKOK Thailand
Thai military expected to name civilian leader
Thailand's new military rulers banned all political gatherings and activi-
ties at the local level yesterday, further cementing their powers and pre-empt-
ing any opposition following last week's bloodless coup.
The ruling military council, under pressure from critics at home and
abroad, also said an interim civilian government may be announced in the
next week.
The military had said it would hand over power to civilians within two
weeks of Tuesday's coup that ousted Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra,
and that a new election would be held by October of next year.
Western governments and human rights groups have decried the takeover,
particularly after the military leaders began restricting freedom of assembly
and speech.
- Compiledfrom Daily wire reporto
Please report any error in the Daily to corrections@michigandaily.com.
Texas residents still
cleaning after Rita





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- Sam Henry swept dead pigs off
Highway 87 two days after Hurri-
cane Rita tossed them there. Then
his job turned really unpleasant.
He pulled double shifts for the
Texas Department of Transporta-
tion, hauling trash and patching
roads cleaved by uprooted trees.
The long days worsened Henry's
ailing knees but hastened the repair
of vital infrastructure.
In some parts along the Texas-
Louisiana border, it seems as if
there never was a Category 3 hurri-
cane that pummeled the region one
year ago Sunday.
The story on Henry's street is dif-
In his neighborhood, a cluster of
families working jobs like construc-
tion and maintenance, rebuilding
the rural swath of southeast Texas
has come at the expense of their
own homes. Many are among the
few still living in FEMA trailers
that flank their tarp-covered houses,
which remain neglected following
long workdays.
"You can't work seven days a
week forever," said home renova-
tor Sheila LeLeaux, who lives near
Henry and has a monthlong backlog
of clients waiting for her to gut their
houses. "Some days I want to come
home and kick a dog."
Rita landed in Sabine Pass on
Sept. 24, 2005, packing 120 mph
winds that flattened the coastal
hamlet before splaying into East
Texas and lashing western parts of
Louisiana. At least nine were killed
after the storm roared ashore, and
thousands of homes in the mostly
poor and densely wooded path of
the storm were destroyed.
But the destruction was a mere
speck compared to that wrought a

month earlierby Hurricane Katrina.
Even one year later, Rita is best
remembered for the chaotic evacua-
tion of Houston, which was farmore
deadly,killing more than 100people
in accidents and exposure deaths.
The Southeast Texas Regional
Planning Commission estimates
Rita residentaldamages at $2billion
dfar less than the tens of billions in
damages borne by Katrina, but still
a hefty price tag to area officials.
Already this year, LeLeaux and
her husband have six times the
number of home renovation jobs the
couple contracts in a normal year.
"And it's only September;" she
LeLeaux, 41, hangs drywall and
rips out floors for about 10 hours,
seven days a week. Her toenails are
freshly painted bright pink but she's
embarrassed that she has no time to
touch up the gray roots in her hair.
Nor does she have a spare hour to
clean her house or wash the pile of
laundry on her kitchen floor - she
now pays her mother $50 to do that.
The placard pressed into her front
yard plugs "LeLeaux's Drywall and
Painting;" but her house serves as no
advertisement. Half the roof on her
garage is peeled off, and the other
half is held up by slats precariously
wedged between the floor and the
remaining beams. The neighbor-
ing lot, which she also owns, holds
a concrete slab with two standing
walls and a pile of rubble where the
living room would have been.
Neighbor Lonnie Prejean,49,still
hasn't touched his flattened garage
that buried a truck and a boat.
"You try cutting trees all day and
then come home to work on that,
said Prejean, who spends 12 hours a
day clearing acres of hurricane-top-
pled trees for Rogers Lumber Co.






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