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February 23, 2006 - Image 9

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The Michigan Daily, 2006-02-23

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Random doesn't care about best costume
By Evan McGarvey / Associate Arts Editor

he Michigan Daily:
Hi, you've been
selected for the ran-
dom. First thing's
first. What's your
name and where are
you from?
Random: Emily, from Birming-
TMD: This week, it's an Oscar
themed issue of The Statement. So,
of all the movies nominated for best
picture, which ones have you seen?
R: I don't even know what movies
have been nominated.
TMD: "Crash"
R: Seen that.
TMD: "Good Night and Good
R: No, didn't see that.
TMD: "Capote."
R: Nope.
TMD: "Brokeback Mountain"
R: Saw that.
TMD: "Munich."
R: Nope.
TMD: Okay, so you've seen more
than most. I guess, of the ones you
saw, which one did you enjoy the
. most?
R: "Crash," definitely.
TMD: What did you like about
R: I liked that it had a lot to do
with real life, personal interactions.
How things kind of happen. How
situations change based on our own
TMD: Wow, I think that's prob-

ably the most articulate description
I've heard of a movie in a while.
Where there any performances that
stuck out for you?
R: I liked everyone's performance, I
guess. The guy who played the cop
... Matt Dillon, he was great.
TMD: Would you say it was sort
of a step up from "Wild Things" for
R: Ha, totally.
TMD: Well, that's a fine movie.
What did you think about "Broke-
back Mountain"?
R: Oh, I liked it. I thought it was a
little too long. There were definitely
some parts that they could've cut
out. I liked the scenery.
TMD: Back to "Crash," have you
ever found yourself in any interac-
tions where you were caught off
R: Um, I can't think of a specific
TMD: OK, so let's switch gears
completely. Best Costumes: Does
anyone really care?
R: No.
TMD: OK, what is the difference
between an adapted screenplay and
an original?
R: Uh, one is new?
TMD: OK, I think the judges
are going to require a little more
description than that.
R: The other has been taken from
something else?
TMD: Yeah, there we go. The
judges are giving me the thumbs up.

We can accept that. Is there a phe-
nomenon where beautiful actress
are rewarded for playing ugly? Like
Charlize Theron in "Monster" and
Halle Berry in "Monster's Ball?"
Nicole Kidman in "The Hours?"
R: No, I think that's a theory that
people want to say about people who
are actually really good actresses.
But they won awards because they're
not just beautiful, they're good
TMD: Yeah, I think a lot of peo-
ple would agree with you. Would
you ever play ugly for a role of your
own? If someone wanted to cast you
but they had to cover you in a huge,
fake, nose.
R: Sure, why not.
TMD: Have you don't any acting
in your life?
R: Yeah, I did forensics in middle
TMD: That's cool. Can you tell
me any of the songs nominated for
best song?
R: No.
TMD: Would it surprise you that
Three 6 Mafia has a song nominat-
R: That's sad.
TMD: You don't know who Three
6 Mafia is?
R: No, I said that's sad. It's "Stay
Fly" right?
TMD: Unfortunately not, but
your reference of "Stay Fly," one
of my personal favorite songs gets
you about 20 points in the interview.

You've certainly won me over with
your taste.
TMD: What do you think the
difference between best supporting
actor and best actor is like?
R: Well, best supporting actor has
to do all of the stuff behind the scenes.
I think it's harder to win best support-
ing actor.
TMD: If you could cut 20 minutes
from the Oscars, where would you
shorten it?
R: Uh, editing, costumes all those
categories. They can just tell us who
won another time.
TMD: Like ESPN's stat tracker?
R: Yeah!
TMD: Would it also be fair to lump
all those categories into the "weird the-
ater Goth kid" selection of awards?
R: Totally.
TMD: What's a weird movie that
you've seen, that no one else has
R: "Spun."
TMD: What's it about?
R: Drugs.
TMD: Any specific kind? Or just
the entire arena of drugs?
R: Meth, mostly.
TMD: Sweet! You know if you want
another good movie about meth I'd try
"Salton Sea." The fat kid from "Full
Metal Jacket," Vincent D'Onofrio,
cuts off his own nose.
R: Awesome, I'll check that out.
TMD: Give me your top five
films. Not necessarily of all time,
just right now.

R: Ha, I can give you my top five
of all time. "Fight Club," "Eternal
Sunshine of The Spotless Mind,"
"City of God," "Crash," and "Mou-
lin Rogue."
TMD: Wow, you sound like aver-
age American college student. If you
could soundtrack your life, who'd be
on it?
R: Jack Johnson, Fall Out Boy and
the Black Eyed Peas.
TMD: Your life sounds remarkably
like an episode of "The O.C." As you
may know, most award shows are now
famous for their gift bags to present-
ers and performers. Usually the baskets
have ridiculously expensive gifts. What
would you like to take from a gift basket
and what is one thing that you'd add that
celebrities don't already have.
R: Hmm, I don't know, I'd probably
take a diamond bracelet. Oh, and I'd put
in some random independent film that
none of the big stars are ever seen in.
TMD: The Oscars are known for
the often-random pairings of stars to
present awards. If you could com-
bine two Hollywood stars, which
two would you pick?
R: Two really gorgeous people.
TMD: Like?
R: I don't know!
TMD: You don't know?
R: Scarlett Johansson and Jude
Law. Two hot blondes.
TMD: And isn't that what the
Oscars are all about? Anyway,
thanks for your time. Look for this


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