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February 13, 2006 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 2006-02-13

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Monday, February 13, 2006
News 2A Cheney accidentally
peppers fellow hunter
with shotgun pellets

Opinion 4A

Mara Gay supports
a colorful V-Day

One-hundredfifteen years ofeditorrd freedom

Arts 8A Final Destination 3
offers no pay-off



Ann Arbor, Michigan

Vol. CXVI, No. 74

62006 The Michigan Daily


GRE changes
pushed back
another year

Left: A police officer pulls over a car on South State
Street yesterday at 7:30 p.m. Top: Officer Gary
Veld of the Department of Public Safety writes up
a speeder during a night patrol shift In September

Common Ann Arbor speed traps



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Students breathe sigh
of relief because more
difficult GRE won't be
launched until 2007
By Kelly Fraser
Daily Staff Reporter
Changes that would make the Grad-
uate Record Exam more difficult have
been pushed back until October 2007,
a year later than originally planned,
the Educational Testing Service
announced last week.
The GRE serves as a standard evalu-
ation for most graduate school appli-
cants, except those bound for law,
medical and MBA programs.
The announcement comes as a relief
to anxious juniors and seniors dread-
ing the exam's new format.
The new is an hour and a half longer.
It will go from about two and a half
hours to nearly four hours.
The new test will also focus more
on analytical questions, and limit the
window when students can take the
exam to about 30 national dates.
The transition proved logistically
difficult for the testing service, said
Matt Fidler, GRE program manger for
Kaplan Test Prep and Admissions.
About 400,000 people take the GRE
in the United States every year.
"The changes were of a large magni-
tude," Fidler said. "Logistically, they
were unable to nail down the testing
LSA senior Al Duncan, who received
a perfect score on all three portions of
the test, said he would have performed
more poorly on the test's new format,
judging from a set of sample ques-
For example, he said multiple-
choice questions with several correct
answers - all of which the student
has to identify to get the question
right - would make it more diffi-
Coordinating the peak volumes of
test-takers that would come with the
decreased number of sites and dates
was the primary challenge for the
testing service, Fidler said.
Under the current system, most
students take the test as walk-ins, an

(A) Column A is greater
(B) Column B is greater
(C) The columns are
(D) More information is
needed to determine the
A sample question from the new test:

A sample question from the old version
of the GRE:

Column A

Column B

-___-- _ _



L A clearing on the right shoulder of South Main Street.
2, Behind the Crisler Arens sign on West Stadium

:3. The Parking iot of the First Presbyterian hurch on

4. ear the University HospiW, at several ocations
on Fuller Road. GAHC 5IYDNC

Website helps motorists steer
clear of local speed traps

Quantity A Quantity B
(A) Quantity A is greater
(B) Quantity B is greater
(C) The two quantities are
(D) The relationship
cannot be determined
from the information given
option that is slated for elimination
in 2007.
Because questions will no longer
be recycled from test to test to avoid
cheating, each exam will also take
much longer to prepare, Fidler added.
Fidler recommends that students
take the test before the changes.
He said the delay is positive for both
students and companies like Kaplan
that work to prepare students for the
"(It is) an extra year to get the kinks
out and provide a smooth transition,"
he said.

Site documents spots
notorious for police
radar surveillance
By Drew Philp
Daily StaffReporter
A website could help you avoid
spending that last $130 in your bank
account on a speeding ticket.
Speedtrap.org, which is dedicated
to notifying drivers where speed traps

are located, warns motorists about 15
speed traps in Ann Arbor.
The website allows users to post
the locations of speed traps, the level
and time of enforcement as well as a
detailed analysis of each trap.
The mission of the National Motorist
Association, which maintains the web-
site, is to "protect the interests of North
American motorists."
One of the speed traps listed is on
Main Street near Pioneer High School
- exactly where LSA junior Mike Hil-

ton got a speeding ticket last week.
"He wrote me a ticket for 10 over,"
said Hilton. His ticket will cost him $130.
Hilton said the website might have
helped him avoid the ticket.
Sgt. Andrew Zazula of the Ann
Arbor Police department said the term
"speed trap" gives the wrong connota-
tion. He said that the city has well-post-
ed speed limits.
"If they're not paying attention to
what they're doing, that's their prob-
lem," he said.

Zazula said the traps are usually cre-
ated in response to an influx of
excessive speed and a high acci-
dent rate in an area.
The traps posted on the web-
site are not the only places people
speed in Ann Arbor, he said.
"I guess I should go on (the web-
site) and say that I've seen people
running radar in every street in the
city," he said.
The site also gives advice on how
See TRAPS, page 7A

Fourth party joins
crowded MSA race

Student Conservative
Party aims to revamp
assembly, reallocate
unnecessary spending
By Sandy Liberman
For the Daily
A fourth challenger has entered the
ring in next month's Michigan Student
Assembly elections.
The Student Conservative Party offi-
cially formed two weeks ago as another
choice for student voters disenfranchised
with the dominant Students 4 Michigan,
the Michigan Progressive Party and the

Defend Affirmative Action Party.
SCP hopes to decrease student apa-
thy by making MSA less partisan,
making more responsible spending
decisions and giving students another
option on the ballot.
"The more people running, the
more variety of opinions," said Ryan
Fantuzzi, SCP's presidential candi-
date. "When there's competition, the
student's voice is heard."
LSA junior Tommi Turner will run
for vice president. He said he had the
option to run for Studens 4 Michi-
gan but knew the assembly needed
Turner cited resolutions like the one
See SCP, page 7A

MSA wants
profs to disclose
book lists sooner
0 New resolution urges administration
to require professors to reveal book lists
at least one month before classes begin
By Joule Dodge
Daily StaffReporter
The Michigan Student Assembly has passed a resolution urg-
ing the administration to require professors to disclose book list-
ings at least one month before classes begin, giving students ample
time to search for cheaper books by the time school starts.
For many students who find out what books they need on the
first day of class, the usual options are to purchase books at full
price or wait weeks for online orders and risk falling behind in
The MSA commission that sponsored the resolution is encour-
aging professors to post textbook listings on C-Tools, the online
course guide or on a separate website created for book listings.
The Government Accounting Office estimates the average
student spends $900 a year on textbooks, a cost that rises at 45
times the rate of inflation.
"This is no joke," said Mohammad Khalil, chair of the Aca-
demic Affairs Commission. "Nine hundred dollars is a lot of
Robert Megginson, associate dean for undergraduate educa-
tion in LSA, said there is currently no overarching rule for text-
book list submissions in LSA, but many professors submit book
lists a month before classes start..

From left, vice presidential candidate Tommi Turner, presidential candidate Ryan Fan-
tuzzi and party chair Clark Ruper represent the Student Convservative Party.

South Asians put on "Monologues"

Actors perform skits
about taboos in South
Asian community
By C.C. Song
Dailv StaffRponnter

cally to represent female empowerment.
"Yoni Ki Baat" began as a project of the
South Asian Sisters, a national group that
aims to resist oppression faced by South
Asian women and explore the taboos and
stigmas that surround their lives.
It varnered attention at the Universitv when

"When we were putting this on, I though
this was not going to go through," Shah said.
"I'm happy we had a lot of supporters."
In a performance about the smell of a
Desi, or South Asian, vagina, LSA sopho-
mores Juhi A izarwal and Trisha Barua


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