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February 09, 2006 - Image 12

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 2006-02-09

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From The Editors


3B The Daily Dish
Ken Fischer confronts
diversity in the University
Musical Society.
3B The List
A guide to the happenings,
concerts and events around
town this weekend.
The East Quad Music Cow
op hosts local artists
in the Halfass.
5B In My Own Words
Jolene Bricker describes the
complicated life of being
disabled on campus.
6B Auto Symposium
A discussion of the problerns
and history of mistakes facing
Detroit's automotive industry.

10B Media Column
Krstin MacDonald hails
R. Kelly and Chuck Nor-
ris for their putrid work.
11B Campus Life Column
Mark Giannotto is not
ha with Fa go,"upr-
ibs and hyper-activisrn.
12B Random Student Interview
The Random lies, likes "The
Land Before Tunim and
is too nice to friends.
12B Point/Counterpoint
The G. . Joes and Ninja Turtles
are at it again, arguing about
where to party on weekends.
Magazine Editor: James V. Dowd
Associate Magazine Editor: Chris Gaerig
Cover Art: Forest Casey and Shubra Ohri
Photo Editor: Shubra Ohri
Designer: William Couch

This week's magazine
centers on one of the
most important issues
facing the state of
Michigan - the future
of its automotive indus-
try. Two local experts,
Industrial Engineering
Prof. Jeffrey Liker and
industry consultant
Kurian Pothen discuss
their views on what is
wrong with the local
industry and suggest
solutions for fixing it
in the future.

Random wants to melt
By Chris Gaerig

The Michigan Daily: Hi, is Amanda
Random: This is.
TMD: This is Chris from the Michi-
gan Daily and I have great news. You've
been selected to do the Random Student
Interview. Do you have a few minutes?
R: Yeah, sure.
TMD: Did you watch the Super
R: I watched some of it. I was actually
studying for my Pharmacology exam.
TMD: That sounds horrible and bor-
ing. Well that's terrible. Did you see the
halftime show?
R: No, I didn't watch that either.
TMD: Do you know who was play-
R: The Rolling Stones.
TMD: What do you think about
us having the Rolling Stones play the
halftime show of a primarily American
R: I don't know. I like the Rolling
Stones, so I thought it was pretty cool.
TMD: But they don't have anything to
do with the Super Bowl. Why would they
even care about it?
R: Does the halftime show ever have
anything to do with the Super Bowl? It's

good to see different people.
TMD: Do you remember any of the
commercials? And if so, what was your
R: The beer commercials were pretty
funny but I didn't watch a lot of them.
They weren't really that good this year.
TMD: I saw this FedEx commercial
where a caveman kicked a little dinosaur.
It was funny because it was like he was
kicking a puppy.
R: Um, OK.
TMD: Global warming: good or bad
idea and why?
R: Bad because it's destroying the
TMD: So what? It's going to be
warmer a lot longer.
R: Yeah, warm enough to kill you.
TMD: But everyone dies.
R: I guess, but I don't want to die from
being burned to death.
TMD: It's not like we'd melt or any-
thing. And speaking of melting, we could
melt down the icecaps and solve the fresh-
water problem. Ship that straight to Cali-
fornia. Wouldn't that be a great idea?
R: Yeah, if we could do that.
TMD: We can with global warming.
So how is it such a bad idea?

R: I don't know.
TMD: Yeah, I really don't think you
do. Have you seen the Daily's Top 10
albums/movies of 2005? Do you agree
with them?
R: I thought they were pretty good
TMD: What would be your number
one movie of the year?
R: Um, I liked "Brokeback Mountain"
and "Pride and Prejudice."
TMD: Those sound boring. I haven't
seen either because I don't see boring
movies. What would be your number one
album of the year?
R: Um, I would have to say Jason
TMD: Do you think Kanye West
actually is Jesus?
R: No, I actually don't like Kanye
West at all.
TMD: But he took a picture of a crown
of thorns. That's kind of Jesus-esque.
R: Um, no.
TMD: No, that's not Jesus-like. I
thought he did that but maybe I'm wrong.
TMD: Do you ever read the Point/
Counterpoint in the Statement?
R: No.
TMD: Well some members of the

campus think that we should end it. Wha
do you think about that?
R: Could you repeat that? My room.
mate had the TV on.
TMD: Your roommate sounds like ar
ass. We're on the phone. People on cam
pus want to stop the Point/Counterpoint
What do you think about that?
R: I guess it's freedom of speech sc
no. Keep writing.
TMD: Do you know how many "Land
Before Time" movies there have been?
R: Like six?
TMD: There have been 10. If the:
were to come out with an eleventh wha
do you think it would be called? "Petri
Becomes a Man?"
R: That'd be pretty cool.
TMD: Would that be too sexual fo
R: A lot of those movies have adul
themes to them anyway so it wouldn't be
much different.
TMD: "The Land Before Time" i
pretty sexual anyway, you're right. Base(
on my voice, what would you rate me or
a one to 10 scale?
R: A 10 of course.
TMD: That's pretty generous but als(
correct. How tall do you think I am?

We also have a story about the East Quad
Music Co-op, a campus group that provides
many talented student and local bands with a
chance to showcase their talent.
Another interesting piece is Jolene Bricker's
"In My Own Words," as she describes her bat-
tle against special treatment that people try to
give her because of her disability.
Thanks for reading.
James V. Dowd, Managing Magazine Editor
Chris Gaerig, Associate Magazine Editor

- " FAIJM m 3

Editor in Chief: Donn M. Fresard
Managing Editor: Ashley Dinges

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