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February 09, 2006 - Image 11

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The Michigan Daily, 2006-02-09

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Continued from page 4B car
mental pop group Slumber Party. yo
Linn, who heard about EQMC while set
he was in high school, described ing
Slumber Party as "one of my favor- cor
ite bands period. They're all-girl be
indie-pop, and mostly vocal with a
drum machine. It's pretty rare to see EQ
an all-girl band these days. Detroit fol
has got a pretty good scene right sh
now, and this is one branch from that net
scene." alri
Joining them will be the indie- sai
rock group Showdown at the Equa-
..r tor. Showdown, who hail from Ann du
Arbor, have been influenced by the ar
likes of Steely Dan, Stereolab, and do:
Stevie Wonder. And not to mention 1
b 1 the pop/folk/indie group Marie and t-s
Francis. Ar
"This week's show will be all ers
indie pop," said Linn, "and what that pec
means is it will be more accessible be,
PETER SCHOTTENFELS/Daily than some music. Easy to listen to, fin
the wall of records displayed in the Halfass. but still experimental." sh
Party time
With the G.al Joes and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

At EQMC shows, two things
n happen: There's the satisfy-
g enthrallment of seeing a band
u're familiar with in an intimate
ting. There's the intrigue of hear-
g something completely different,
rmpletely new - a band that may
come your new favorite.
And that's basically the goal of
AMC. "Bands now have bigger
lowings because of their EQMC
ow. We're hooking up bands that
ed more exposure with bands that
ready have a following," Shalom
Linn agreed: "We want to intro-
ce people to lots of cool bands
ound this area that lots of students
n't know about."
Music aficionados donning band
hirts and pins, permanent Ann
bor-ites, . curious concertgo-
itching for something new, and
ople exploring something off the
:ten path of campus life can all
d something exciting at an EQMC

Kathryn Chalmers stands in front of

By: The Real Americar
When Wednesday finally rolls around and
the weekend starts, there's nothing we love more
than to hang out with our Greek brothers and hit
up the frat circuit. Crammed into sweaty, dirty,
unsanitary rooms with vomit-covered floors and
drunken guys stumbling everywhere is what we
do regularly. So now it's time to have fun.
House parties are dangerous nowadays too -
not that we don't love danger ... it's just ... what-
ever. Poisoned kegs? What is that? That's some


By: Heroes

In A Half Shell

terrorist. And we know terrorism - weapons of
mass destruction are the Ugg boots in the Middle
East, errybody's got them.
Plus, the chicks are way hotter at frats. Short
skirts galore. And when we bring most of our
squad - 200 men or so - the girls have to be
hot to make up for the massive amount of guys.
And those girls aren't as picky as they are at
house parties. When they can't respond, we take
that as a definitive "Yes." COLLEGE!

We went to a frat one time. We weren't on
the "guest list" - who do those college kids
think they are anyway - and were chastised
for dressing in an assortment of colors. All we
remember is a bunch of idiots yelling "Queer
Eye for the Straight Guy."
But that said, house parties are just inherent-
ly a better idea. For those of us who don't like
wallowing in human bile all day - although
the sewers are getting a little nasty and Splinter

coughs up some disgusting shit - house par-
ties are the way to go.
Less girls, you say? At least we don't have
to deal with a bunch of sorority chicks telling
each other how much they love one another.
Ever tried getting on a beer pong table at a frat?
Besides, there's way more leftover pizza and
stuff to steal at house parties. Need a new ban-
dana to cover your eyes? Bedroom, upstairs.

12B - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, February 9, 2006

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