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February 01, 2006 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 2006-02-01

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The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, February 1, 2006 - 3

Prof to give lecture
on job insecurity
and health
Sociology Prof. Sarah Burgard
will lecture today at 3 p.m. on the
apparent link between job insecu-
rity and poor health in the United
States. The lecture is sponsored by
the University's Department of Epi-
demiology and will take place in
Auditorium 1 of the School of Pub-
lic Health.
Philosophy club
to hold discussion
on capitalism
The Undergraduate Philosophy
Club will host a discussion about
capitalism today in room 2271 of
Angell Hall from 9 to 10:30 p.m.
Director to speak
on Merck's
HIV/AIDS program
Thomas Bombelles, director of
government relations for Merck &
Co., will speak today from 4 to 5
p.m. on the company's HIV/AIDS
program in Botswana. Bombelles
will be speaking as part of the Wil-
liam Davidson Institute's speaker
series. The lecture will take place
in room W0750 at Wyly Hall in the
Stephen M. Ross School of Busi-
remarks written
on posting board
A staff member at Bursley Resi-
dence Hall found several inappro-
priate statements scribbled on a
dry-erase board Monday morning,
the Department of Public Safety
Pole falls and
damages car
A vehicle was damaged Monday
afternoon when a pole fell on it, DPS
reported. The accident occurred near
the Palmer Drive parking structure
when another vehicle struck the pole,
causing it to fall.
Student passes
out in UGLi
A student passed out in the Shapiro
Undergraduate Library early Monday
morning, DPS reported. An ambu-
lance was requested, but the subject
refused treatment.

In Daily History

State's prisoner
reaches 49,400

Number of inmates
jumps by 820 in first
annual increase since 2002
LANSING (AP) - Michigan's
prison population rose in 2005 but
isn't expected to reach capacity until
March 2008, the first time in years
the state doesn't have immediate
worries about overcrowding.
The number of inmates jumped by
820 to nearly 49,400, about 600 short of
capacity, state corrections officials told
a state Senate committee yesterday.
It was the first annual increase
since 2002, but the pace of growth
was slower than historical trends.
"We're in the best shape we've
been in a long time," said Dennis
Schrantz, deputy director of policy
and planning for the state Depart-
ment of Corrections.
Schrantz said the population
projection is encouraging because
unlike in the past, the capacity date
is two budget years down the road -
not one. That should give the state
more flexibility in trying to control
the population, he said.
One troubling area is the 400-
prisoner increase in the number con-
victed of new crimes, following two
years of decline.

Officials said a problem with
keeping prison growth flat is that
with fewer people entering prison
in recent years, there have been
fewer cases available for parole. The
approval rate for parolees increased
in 2005, but 2,000 fewer parole deci-
sions were made.
The corrections department esti-
mated that the prison population
will grow by about 45 inmates per
month in 2006, 64 a month in 2007
and 103 a month in the future.
One key to controlling the popu-
lation could be the state's prisoner
re-entry initiative, which aims to
prepare inmates for parole so they
won't violate the conditions of their
release or commit new crimes.
Nearly one in two parolees from the
general prison population return to pris-
on within two years, Schrantz said.
So far under the re-entry initia-
tive, about 700 people have gone
through two re-entry programs.
Inmates were moved to a prison near
where they would live upon release,
and plans were drawn up to address
their housing, employment and any
drug or alcohol problems.
Less than 3 percent of them have
returned to prison, and 14 percent
are being reviewed for a possible

Officials say security forces in Detroit are ready

Nearly 100 agencies are
participating in the Super
Bowl security force
DETROIT (AP) - The people in charge of
keeping Super Bowl fans safe this weekend have
the gargantuan task of protecting dozens of ven-
ues including the site of the game, the 65,000-
seat Ford Field.
But officials from state, federal and local
agencies say they're ready, due in part to what
they learned while policing last July's Major
League Baseball All-Star Game, a practice run
of sorts for the larger Super Bowl.
The All-Star game was played at Comerica
Park, right next door to Ford Field.
"We got an opportunity to work with a lot of
these partners in advance of this mega event,"
said Detroit Second Deputy Police Chief
James Tate.
About 100 agencies from the local sheriff to
the North American Aerospace Defense Com-
mand to the Coast Guard are involved in the
Super Bowl XL security effort.
Authorities say they'll continue to be on guard
in light of Monday's videotaped threat of a new
attack against the U.S. by al-Qaida's No. 2 lead-
er, Ayman al-Zawahri.
Tate said yesterday there have been no specific

threats against Detroit or any Super Bowl venue.
"We don't plan for just street-level crime or
just small incidents. We plan for the worst-case
scenario," he said.
July's baseball classic, attended by more than
40,000 people, was nearly flawless from a secu-
rity standpoint.
Authorities said they got to know each other
better and were able to practice deploying offi-
cers from multiple agencies.
They also learned that in the event of a major
problem, they would have trouble communicat-
ing with each other. During the July All-Star
Game, for instance, Detroit Police had few radio
links with Michigan State Police.
That was solved when Detroit's police, fire
and emergency medical units joined the state's
new radio network.
"We have to do better with communication,"
said State Police First Lt. Monica Yesh.
Like they did for the All-Star Game, state
police have brought in a team that can set up
instant electronic communication between com-
mand centers.
There are several command posts in place,
including a bomb management center to han-
dle calls dealing with explosives and unat-
tended packages.
Security measures already are being tight-
ened. Detroit police have set up a no parking

zone in much of the downtown area for traffic
and security reasons. Undercover officers are
out looking for street crime and counterfeit
Super Bowl goods.
The Coast Guard has docked the 225-foot-
long cutter Hollyhock in the Detroit River down-
town and has brought in a 30-person team from
Georgia to keep boats out of a mile-long zone
that extends 300 feet from shore.
Yesterday, two small boats armed with
machine guns guarded the zone, which was
marked by yellow buoys.
Other Coast Guard boats and a helicopter
zipped above the river.
NORAD, which is coordinating air defense,
has set up training missions over downtown
involving F-16 fighter jets, helicopters, refuel-
ing tankers and an E-3 Airborne Early Warn-
ing aircraft from the Air National Guard and
Canadian agencies.
On Game Day, the Federal Aviation Admin-
istration has restricted nearly all flights lower
than 18,000 feet within 10 nautical miles of Ford
Field, and it will limit flights within a 30-mile
radius of the game.
Authorities say aircraft will patrol the skies
on Sunday, although they won't say how many.
"We can say that we will be making sure that
the skies are protected," said Air Force Master
Sgt. Laura Bosco, spokeswoman for NORAD's

Continental United States Region.
Inside the Renaissance Center, which
houses the General Motors Corp. world head-
quarters and many Super Bowl activities,
including the media center, noticeable num-
ber of security guards, police and bomb dogs
make their way with the crowds beneath red-
and-blue XL banners.
Dogs will be on duty continually wherever
there are large gatherings, authorities said.
On Monday, officials began checking all,
trucks entering Ford Field with a U.S.
Customs and Border Protection gamma ray
machine. The machine, normally stationed at
the Detroit-Windsor border, produces pictures
similar to X-rays.
Tate said Detroit police have had a great deal
of experience guarding high-profile events from
the recent North American International Auto
Show to championship parades for the NBA's
Detroit Pistons and the NHL's Red Wings.
The Detroit-area agencies have held tabletop
war games and practice drills to mimic possible
terrorist attacks.
Before the All-Star Game, Tate said, the agen-
cies held a drill to judge their security and pre-
paredness for a big event, judged by the Federal
Emergency Management Agency.
"They gave us one of the highest grades pos-
sible," said Tate. "We got an A-plus."

Granholm, DeVos report
fundraising earnings

studies ape
Feb. 1, 1979 - Anthropology
Department Prof. Hugh Gilmore,
recently returned from a 16-month
stay in Gilgil, Kenya, researched
communication among olive
baboons in an effort to bridge the
gap between man and ape.
Gilmore is interested in explor-
ing the evolution of communication
patterns in baboons and their func-
tion in baboon society.
During his time in Africa, Gilm-
ore spent his days waking up at 8
every morning to greet his primate.
pals with the rising sun.
He used a tape recorder to take
notes regarding births, deaths, cop-
ulations and fights. Gilmore devot-
ed his afternoons to transcribing
the vocalizations into written word
after a long morning of watching
the baboons.
Gilmore now teaching at the Uni-
versity for his second term, clarified
the purpose of this routine. "From
observing social communication,

Granholm's campaign raised
$4.96 million in 2005 while DeVos's
campaign raised $1.84 million
LANSING (AP) - Campaigns for both Democratic
Gov. Jennifer Granholm and Republican gubernatorial
hopeful Dick DeVos say they are off to good fundraising
starts as the 2006 election approaches.
The Granholm campaign raised $4.96 million in
2005, her campaign said yesterday, and started this year
with nearly $5.13 million in cash on hand.
DeVos raised $1.84 million, most of it in the past few
months. The Kent County businessman has contributed
about $776,000 of his own money to the campaign, and
other family members have donated as well. The DeVos
campaign started 2006 with $369,276 of cash on hand.
DeVos also reported in-kind contributions of $83,352
last year, which would push the total amount credited to
his campaign to $1.92 million.
Campaign finance reports were due yesterday. As of 8
p.m., the Granholm campaign had not been able to elec-
tronically transmit its filing to the secretary of state, a
delay that upset Republicans. A campaign spokesman
provided a summary of what Granholm would file.
DeVos officially announced last June he would run
for governor, although his campaign committee had
formed a few months earlier.
DeVos will not accept money from political action commit-
tees or public matching funds, spokesman John Truscott said.

"There is a lot of grass-roots support from across
Michigan," said Truscott, noting that 5,845 individuals
made contributions. "Dick DeVos will not be paying the
entire way for this campaign."
The Granholm campaign received donations from
more than 10,700 contributors, spokesman Chris DeWitt
said. He said that while he expects the DeVos campaign
to eventually outspend the Granholm campaign by
using the family's wealth, the Granholm campaign will
remain competitive.
The campaign eventually could rival the most expen-
sive in Michigan's history for a governor's race, said
Rich Robinson, executive director of the independent
Michigan Campaign Finance Network.
"This probably will be a record-setter, as far as the
fundraising," Robinson said. "I think we'll see a satura-
tion point on television ads."
Robinson said it is possible the candidates' campaign
spending will be limited more by the amount of TV and
radio time available as the election approaches, not by
the amount of money available.
Granholm will have the fundraising advantage of
incumbency. She also traditionally does well with labor
unions and other Democratic-leaning organizations
when it comes time to raise campaign cash.
DeVos is the former president of Amway Corp. and
its parent company, Alticor Inc. He comes from one of
Michigan's wealthiest families.
His wife, Betsy DeVos, is a former chairwoman of the
Michigan Republican Party.

for more information call 734/998-6251
The University of Michigan College of Literature, Science,
and the Arts presents a public lecture and reception

Women and the Transformation of
Public Life in 19th-Century America

Historic local bridge up for sale

Bridge is supported by
Bailey trusses used during
World War II

toric Places. Officials said it needs to be
replaced because it poses a safety hazard.
Made of steel and wood, it would be
suitable for use as a walkway or bike
path at a park or golf course, Brian

cated bridge with trusses named after their
British designer, Donald Coleman Bailey.
It is similar to the bridges built by
the U.S. military during World War II
for temporary use to move troops and

v~t Mary Kelley
Ruth Bordin Collegiate
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