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February 01, 2006 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 2006-02-01

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2 - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, February 1, 2006


as next
Fed chair
Former Fed governor
to succeed current chair
Alan Greenspan
WASHINGTON (AP) - The Senate
yesterday approved the nomination of
Ben Bernanke to be the next chairman of
the Federal Reserve, the most influential
economic policy job in the world.
Bernanke, 52, was cleared on a voice
vote after a short debate in the chamber
amid strong bipartisan support.
"Ben is a man of impeccable cre-
dentials, sound policy judgment and
strong character, and he will make
an outstanding chairman," Presi-
dent Bush said in a statement. "Ben
has provided wise counsel and good
advice as a member of my economic
team, and he will serve our nation
with great distinction at the Federal
He succeeds Alan Greenspan, 79,
who retired yesterday after 18 1/2
years, making him the second-longest
serving chairman at the central bank.
"We believe that Dr. Bernanke will
serve this country well at the helm of
the Federal Reserve," said Sen. Rich-
ard Shelby, R-Ala., in remarks on the
Senate floor before the vote.
Sen. Paul Sarbanes, (D-Md.)observed:
"There's no question about Dr. Bernanke's
qualifications for the position.... He com-
mands great respect from his peers in the
profession and I think great respect from
all who have come in contact with him."
Sen. Jim Bunning (R-Ky.) was
the only senator requesting to be
recorded as voting against the nomi-
nation. Bunning cited concerns that
Bernanke would be too much in
Greenspan's mold.
"Sadly, I have not seen very much
evidence of him being independent,"
Bunning said.
A former Fed governor and Princ-
eton economic professor, Bernan-
ke, chairman of the White House's
Council of Economic Advisers, was
tapped by Bush in October for the
Fed post.
Bernanke must be sworn in before
he takes over as the chairman of the
A private swearing-in ceremony
will take place this morning at the
Federal Reserve, the central bank
said in a statement.
The Fed determines interest rate
policies that affect any person or
business borrowing money.
Its decisions - along with utter-
ances from the Fed chief - can
influence financial markets around
the globe.
Bernanke will lead the Fed at a
time when the U.S. economy faces
challenges, including bloated bud-
get and trade deficits, the question
of whether the high-flying housing
market will make a safe landing and
the toll that high energy prices will
have on business activity, household
budgets and inflation.

The family of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. walk in the funeral procession of the slain civil rights leader in
Atlanta on April 9, 1968.
Martin LuhrKing
wife passes away at 7

Iran threatens to end U.N. negotiations
Iran struck back yesterday at the Big Five powers' decision to put Iran's nuclear
file before the U.N. Security Council, saying the move would mean the end of diplo-
macy over its atomic program.
Still, in what appeared to be an attempt to show it was cooperating with the West,
Iran handed over documents last week to the U.N. nuclear watchdog agency on cast-
ing uranium into the shape of a warhead, diplomats in Vienna, Austria, said.
At a London meeting that lasted into the early hours of yesterday, envoys of Britain,
China, France, Russia and the United States decided they would recommend tomor-
row that the International Atomic Energy Agency should report Iran to the Security
Council. They also decided the Security Council should wait until the IAEA issues
a report on Iran in March before tackling the issue.
Under IAEA rules, a nation can be reported to the Security Council or the U.N.
body can be notified of a case. Notification is less serious but the Europeans have not
made clear which step they intend to take.
Iran's top nuclear negotiator, Ali Larijani, said that in either case, his country's
response would be the same: a resumption of suspended nuclear activities and a halt
to surprise U.N. inspections of facilities.
GOLETA, Calif.
Five killed in post-office shooting rampage
A former postal worker who had been put on medical leave for psychological prob-
lems shot five people to death at a huge mail-processing center and then killed herself
in what was believed to be the nation's deadliest workplace shooting ever carried
out by a woman.
The attack Monday night was also the biggest bloodbath at a U.S. postal instal-
lation since a massacre 20 years ago helped give rise to the term "going postal."
Investigators would not release the killer's name or discuss a motive for
the attack.
The rampage - the nation's first deadly postal shooting in nearly eight years
- sent employees running from the sprawling Southern California complex and
prompted authorities to warn nearby residents to stay indoors as they searched
for the killer.
Heart disease may go undetected in women
Conventional tests won't uncover heart disease in as many as 3 million U.S.
women - because instead of the usual bulky clogs in main arteries, these
women have a hard-to-spot buildup in smaller blood vessels, researchers said
These are the women who come to the doctor complaining of chest pain or
shortness of breath but sometimes are sent away undiagnosed, not knowing
they're actually at high risk for a heart attack in the next few years.
"The No. 1 message for women is, 'Pay attention to your symptoms,"' said
George Sopko, a heart specialist at the National Institutes of Health, which
sponsored the research. "If you don't have visible blockages, that doesn't mean
you're not at risk."
Heart disease is the nation's leading killer, of both men and women. In fact,
slightly more women than men die from cardiovascular diseases each year -
more than 480,000 of them, according to the American Heart Association.
Cindy Sheehan arrested at the State of Union
Cindy Sheehan, the mother of a fallen soldier in Iraq who reinvigorated the anti-
war movement, was arrested and removed from the House gallery last night. The
arrest occurred just before President Bush's State of the Union address, a police
spokeswoman said.
Sheehan, who was invited to attend the speech by Rep. Lynn Woolsey (D-Calif.)
was charged with demonstrating in the Capitol building, said Capitol Police Sgt.
Kimberly Schneider. The charge was later changed to unlawful conduct, Schneider
said. Both charges are misdemeanors.
- Compiled from Daily wire reports
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Coretta Scott King
became a civil rights leader
after her husband's death
ATLANTA (AP) - Coretta Scott
King, who worked to keep her husband's
dream alive with a chin-held-high grace
and serenity that made her a powerful
symbol of the Rev. Martin Luther King
Jr.'s creed of brotherhood and nonvio-
lence, died yesterday. She was 78.
The "first lady of the civil rights
movement" died in her sleep during the
night at an alternative medicine clinic in
Mexico, her family said. Arrangements
were being made to fly the body back to
She had been recovering from a seri-
ous stroke and heart attack suffered last
August. Just two weeks ago, she made
her first public appearance in a year on
the eve of her late husband's birthday.
Doctors at the clinic said King was
battling advanced ovarian cancer when
she arrived there last Thursday. The doc-
tors said the cause of death was respira-
tory failure.
News of her death led to tributes to
King across Atlanta, including a moment
of silence in the Georgia Capitol and
piles of flowers placed at the tomb of her
slain husband. Flags at the King Center
- the institute devoted to the civil rights
leader's legacy - were lowered to half-
"She wore her grief with grace. She
exerted her leadership with dignity "the
Rev. Joseph Lowery, who helped found
the Southern Christian Leadership Con-
ference with King's husband in 1957.
Former Atlanta Mayor Andrew
Young, one of Martin Luther King's
top aides, said Coretta Scott King's for-
titude rivaled that of her husband. "She
was strong if not stronger than he was,"
Young said.
Coretta Scott King was a supportive

lieutenant to her husband during the
most dangerous and tumultuous days
of the civil rights movement, and after
his assassination in Memphis, Tenn., on
April 4, 1968, she carried on his work
while also raising their four children.
"I'm more determined than ever that
my husband's dream will become a real-
ity," the young widow said soon after his
She pushed and goaded politicians for
more than a decade to have her husband's
birthday observed as a national holiday,
achieving success in 1986. In 1969 she
founded the Martin Luther King Jr.
Center for Nonviolent Social Change in
Atlanta and used it to confront hunger,
unemployment, voting rights and rac-
"The center enables us to go out and
struggle against the evils in our society,"
she often said.
She also accused movie and TV
companies, video arcades, gun manu-
facturers and toy makers of promoting
King became a symbol in her own
right of her husband's struggle for peace
and brotherhood, presiding with an
almost regal bearing over seminars and
The Rev. Jesse Jackson, who was with
her husband when he was assassinated,
said yesterday that she understood that
every time her husband left home, there
was the chance he might not come back.
Jackson pronounced her a "freedom
"Like all great champions she learned
to function with pain and keep serving,"
he said, adding: "She kept marching.
She did not flinch."
In Washington, President Bush hailed
her as "a remarkable and courageous
woman and a great civil rights leader."
After her stroke, King missed the
annual King celebration in Atlanta two
weeks ago but appeared with her chil-

dren at an awards dinner a few days ear-
lier, smiling from her wheelchair but not
speaking. The crowd gave her a standing
Despite her repeated calls for
unity among civil rights groups, her
own children have been divided over
whether to sell the King Center to the
National Park Service and let the fam-
ily focus less on grounds maintenance
and more on King's message. Two of
the four children were strongly against
such a move.
Gov. Sonny Perdue ordered flags at
all state buildings to be flown at half-
staff and offered to allow King's body
to lie in repose at the Georgia Capitol.
There was no immediate response to the
offer, the governor's office said.
King died at Santa Monica Health
Institute in Rosarito Beach, Mexico,
south of San Diego, said her sister,
Edythe Scott Bagley of Cheyney, Pa.
She had gone to California to rest and be
with family, according to Young.
Coretta Scott was studying voice
at the New England Conservatory of
Music and planning on a singing career
when a friend introduced her to King, a
young Baptist minister studying at Bos-
ton University.
"She said she wanted me to meet a
very promising young minister from
Atlanta," King once said, adding with a
laugh: "I wasn't interested in meeting a
young minister at that time."
She recalled that on their first date he
told her: "You know, you have everything
I ever wanted in a woman. We ought to
get married someday." Eighteen months
later, in 1953, they did.
The couple moved to Montgomery,
Ala., where he became pastor of the
Dexter Avenue Baptist Church and
helped lead the 1955 Montgomery bus
boycott that Rosa Parks set in motion
when she refused to give up her seat
on a segregated bus.

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Iran may have blueprints for bomb

U.N. agency reports
that Iran has instructions
to make nuclear bomb
VIENNA, Austria (AP) - A document
obtained by Iran on the nuclear black mar-
ket serves no other purpose than to make
an atomic bomb, the International Atomic
Energy Agency said yesterday.
The finding was made in a report pre-
pared for presentation to the 35-nation
IAEA board when it meets, starting
tomorrow, on whether to refer Iran to
the U.N. Security Council, which has the
power to impose economic and political
sanctions on Iran.

The report was made available in full to
The Associated Press.
First mention of the documents
was made late last year in a longer
IAEA report. At that time, the agen-
cy said only that the papers showed
how to cast "enriched, natural and
depleted uranium metal into hemi-
spherical forms."
The agency refused to make a judg-
ment on what possible uses such casts
would have. But diplomats familiar
with the probe into Iran's nuclear pro-
gram said then that the papers appar-
ently were instructions on how to mold
highly enriched grade uranium into the
core of warheads.

In the brief report obtained yester-
day, though, the agency said bluntly
that the 15-page document showing
how to cast fissile uranium into metal
was "related to the fabrication of nucle-
ar weapon components."
Asked about the finding, a senior diplo-
mat close to the IAEA declined to elabo-
rate but emphasized that the documents
had no other use.
The report said the document was under
agency seal, meaning IAEA experts were
able in theory to re-examine it, but "Iran
has declined a request to provide the agen-
cy with a copy."
Diplomats familiar with the IAEA
investigation of Iran said earlier yester-

day that part of the document recently
was given to the agency in an effort to
deflect building international momentum
to report Iran to the Security Council. But
the report did not mention Tehran handing
over any papers.
The document was given to Iran by
members of the nuclear black market net-
work, the IAEA said. Iran has claimed it
did not ask for the document but was given
it anyway as part of other black market
The same network provided Libya with
drawings of a crude nuclear bomb which
that country handed over to the IAEA as
part of its 2003 decision to scrap its atomic
weapons program.

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